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Cabin Service Decrease


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Carnival has for the third time issued a survey asking whether passengers want morning cabin service, evening cabin service, or both . On both of the previous surveys the vast majority of people responded that they wanted both . Furthermore there have been repeated complaints that carnival stewards are not allowing people to choose both but carnival does not seem to believe these reports . They seem to view these complaints as isolated events however when I gave the suggestions I have listed below carnival responded that most passengers are happy with this new program . Carnival is ignoring the fact that this is totally untrue. So this is a letter to Carnival and to their passengers:


Dear Carnival cruise line,

Are you guys just gluttons for punishment or are you trying to force people to change their opinions. You have for the third time issued a survey asking whether people want morning Cabin service, evening cabin service or both. The fact that almost 100% of the people responding say they want both and the fact that you continue to get complaints from people about this system should tell you that if you are insistent on forcing passengers to verbalize their choice carnival must do the following-- put all three choices on the card that you offer the passenger and all the other service options you are offering and let the passenger fill it out not the steward. Also have the passenger sign the card indicating that they are the ones who filled it out. That would end once and for all any question of whether the passenger is being offered the services that they have come to expect. Until that happens and you have signature evidence that the passenger chose the reduced service level I would recommend that you assume that every passenger who does not receive both morning and evening service was not given the option. I would further recommend that passengers who are informed by their room stewards that they must choose either morning or evening service should video that interaction and present the video to Carnival. In the case of stockholders like myself that video should be accompanied by an immediate sell order of all your Carnival stock to your stock broker. When all is said and done money talks!

Edited by Jana60
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If they give passengers a choice and the passenger chooses twice a day there is no reason not to provide that service. The tips are for twice a day service and if I don't get that then I would reduce the amount of the tips.

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Unfortunately passengers are not given the choice of both they're given a choice of one or the other but Carnival claims that they can choose both. They are not believing the passengers when they tell them that they were told to choose one or the other. If we give carnival the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they are unaware that their stewards are forcing customers to choose one or the other that still doesn't explain why with multiple complaints they do not change the card to list all three choices.

Edited by Jana60
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So anyone who has sailed with this new program have you specifically been offered service twice daily to your cabin or were you told you can have morning or evening service and only given service twice daily if you specifically asked for it without knowing whether it was even possible.

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Unfortunately passengers are not given the choice of both they're given a choice of one or the other but Carnival claims that they can choose both. They are not believing the passengers when they tell them that they were told to choose one or the other. If we give carnival the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they are unaware that their stewards are forcing customers to choose one or the other that still doesn't explain why with multiple complaints they do not change the card to list all three choices.


I would inform my steward that the daily tip amount is based on twice a day service and if I don't receive twice a day service the tips will be reduced accordingly. I am not going to pay for service that I am not receiving.

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I would inform my steward that the daily tip amount is based on twice a day service and if I don't receive twice a day service the tips will be reduced accordingly. I am not going to pay for service that I am not receiving.


Yes if a person is aware that twice daily service is even a possibility they would know to tell the steward that they wanted twice daily service. But if you are new to cruising and are told by the room steward that you must choose morning or evening service then you were effectively cheated out of the level of service given to passengers in the past without the cruise line actually admitting that they're cutting back on service. If this was not their desire then why not list that third check box that says both. And why refuse to add this third check box even when suggested by passengers. It seems like a pretty simple way to solve the problem if the problem is inadvertent on the part of Carnival.

Edited by Jana60
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I think I'm having Deja vu. Haven't I seen this topic quite a bit lately including today or is it just me?


Exactly my desire and should be yours also. If we keep this topic and information dispersed to all Carnival passengers, even the new ones, then we effectively prevent carnival from trying to, in an underhanded manner, decrease service further. If I am wrong about this Carnival only has to add that third check box and make sure passengers get the option to check it to prove me wrong!

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And why refuse to add this third check box even when suggested by passengers.

Has JH reneged on his assurance he made that the forms would be changed to include a tick box for "both" services? He keeps asking if people want both am and pm service and the latest survey indicates that the vast majority of his fans do want twice daily servicing of the cabins. It's as though Carnival keeps asking John to re-post the survey hoping to get a different result. People are not backing down from this one on his page. It's become a sore thumb issue much like the shrimp cocktail fiasco. The shrimp are back, let's hope twice daily servicing of the cabins becomes the standard for Carnival again very soon.

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Posted as recently as two weeks ago by JH


"Today on the Carnival Victory we will start the now very successful system where guests are asked if they would like their cabin attendance ended to and made up morning, evening or indeed both


Yes, the cabin stewards will make sure that they offer both morning and evening turndown service and make sure that this offer is made clearly. "



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Exactly my desire and should be yours also. If we keep this topic and information dispersed to all Carnival passengers, even the new ones, then we effectively prevent carnival from trying to, in an underhanded manner, decrease service further. If I am wrong about this Carnival only has to add that third check box and make sure passengers get the option to check it to prove me wrong!


Just making sure I wasn't going crazy. I have been quite sleep deprived lately ;)


I won't actually start panicking until my room steward tries to tell me to choose one or the other. But I do agree that a 3rd check box that says "Both" should be added to alleviate any confusion - intentional or not.


It is also my fear that they won't give the stewards' the extra time off should they have guests that actually only want one or the other.

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I won't actually start panicking until my room steward tries to tell me to choose one or the other.


This has happened.



But I do agree that a 3rd check box that says "Both" should be added to alleviate any confusion - intentional or not.



John Heald agreed with that too and said so 3 or 4 months back, that the forms would have "both" on them. Surprise, surprise, they do not have both on them.


It is also my fear that they won't give the stewards' the extra time off should they have guests that actually only want one or the other.


They will reduce the number of stewards and give them more rooms to handle if they have too many people with too much time off...

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So anyone who has sailed with this new program have you specifically been offered service twice daily to your cabin or were you told you can have morning or evening service and only given service twice daily if you specifically asked for it without knowing whether it was even possible.


How many posts are you going to make about the same whiney complaint?


As I have said before, I have sailed since the change and was personally and directly told by my steward I could choose morning, evening or both. I don't know how clearer I can make it.


It apparently matters not as you will continue to spout off about how unhappy you are about it. Have at it if it somehow is cathartic for you.


Whether the cabin is serviced once, twice or thrice if you need something, housekeeping is a phone call away. That fact seems to be lost on those so concerned they won't get ice or fresh towels.


When the final changes comes and cabins are serviced once a day constituting the amenity offered, those who try adjusting the DSC for some perceived shortcoming in service will appear just as petty as they do now.


If this does in fact come to pass as a "cutback" to control costs and keep cruise fares affordable to sustain capacity, I personally would be fine with it and not blink an eye.


Those that make it such an issue are free to continue boo-hooing but will likely have to chose just how vital this is to their patronage to Carnival.

Edited by StolidCruiser
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Unfortunately passengers are not given the choice of both they're given a choice of one or the other but Carnival claims that they can choose both. They are not believing the passengers when they tell them that they were told to choose one or the other. If we give carnival the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they are unaware that their stewards are forcing customers to choose one or the other that still doesn't explain why with multiple complaints they do not change the card to list all three choices.

Have you sailed on a ship with the new trial?

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It is also my fear that they won't give the stewards' the extra time off should they have guests that actually only want one or the other.


Your fear is legitimate! You know that Carnival is not trying to decrease the workload of their stewards to actually decrease their workload! They either wish to hire fewer stewards or put them to work in other areas adding to their current job description.

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StolidCruiser- if you read the many comments posted yesterday to JH's survey on the matter you'll read numerous comments from current and recent cruisers who attest that the stewards are not offering both times of day as a service option. Either the stewards are playing possum or Carnival management isn't communicating effectively with their housekeeping staff. This issue has gone on for many months now and it's still balled up.

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Until they Add the Actual "Both" Option to be checked simply CHECK AM AND PM



Easy n not that confusing ✔️✔️


Also we're stock holders and certainly wouldn't sell our stock over such a trivial matter that will be fixed very soon.....

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I'm with you.


This has happened.


That's what I hear. But again, until i happens to me I'm not sweating it. Now I just need to get back on a ship :)


John Heald agreed with that too and said so 3 or 4 months back, that the forms would have "both" on them. Surprise, surprise, they do not have both on them.


Maybe they printed up a whole bunch of them and need to use those up first. Remember when they announced the chocolates were going away? There were still plenty of people saying, "We got them last week on so and so ship." for quite a while. I would imagine they need to use those up first. But I agree that they should have the 3rd box there IF it is truly their intention. If they only want to offer once a day service then just come out and say so. People can react and respond accordingly.


They will reduce the number of stewards and give them more rooms to handle if they have too many people with too much time off...


That would be bad IMHO.

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How many posts are you going to make about the same whiney complaint?


As I have said before, I have sailed since the change and was personally and directly told by my steward I could choose morning, evening or both. I don't know how clearer I can make it.


Those that make it such an issue are free to continue boo-hooing but will likely have to chose just how vital this is to their patronage to Carnival.


Okie dokie! That's one person reporting that they were given the choice of both. I have read at least five other accounts reporting that they were specifically told they did not have a choice so I would still be interested to hear from more than just one or two of my fellow passengers at this site reporting your experience! Regardless of what a few others believe, I will continue to "whine" about this subject to keep the new cruisers aware that they do have a right if they desire it to twice daily cabin service, robes in their room, ice delivered twice daily, extra towels, blankets , pillows , or hangers if they need them! I won't be guilted into a crappy vacation! Indeed as a stockholder, I am an owner of Carnival, and as an owner I feel I do have a say in how they conduct the business! I am all for Carnival staying competitive but I believe these type of cutbacks instead will in the long run destroy their competitiveness!

Edited by Jana60
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StolidCruiser- if you read the many comments posted yesterday to JH's survey on the matter you'll read numerous comments from current and recent cruisers who attest that the stewards are not offering both times of day as a service option. Either the stewards are playing possum or Carnival management isn't communicating effectively with their housekeeping staff. This issue has gone on for many months now and it's still balled up.


Here's a third option: internet zealots are lying to try saving their beloved twice daily cabin service. I can't prove or disprove the experiences of others but I can repeat my own experiences (on two separate cruises) that one could choose both morning and evening service if they wanted.


It's much easier to believe those that say they weren't told they could choose both than those that say they were. I know what I believe because I experienced it first hand.

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Regardless of what a few others believe, I will continue to "whine" about this subject to keep the new cruisers aware that they do have a right if they desire it to twice daily cabin service, robes in their room, ice delivered twice daily, extra towels, blankets , pillows , or hangers if they need them! I won't be guilted into a crappy vacation! Indeed as a stockholder, I am an owner of Carnival, and as an owner I feel I do have a say in how they conduct the business! I am all for Carnival staying competitive but I believe these type of cutbacks instead will in the long run destroy their competitiveness!



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Okie dokie! That's one person reporting that they were given the choice of both. I have read at least five other accounts reporting that they were specifically told they did not have a choice so I would still be interested to hear from more than just one or two of my fellow passengers at this site reporting your experience! Regardless of what a few others believe, I will continue to "whine" about this subject to keep the new cruisers aware that they do have a right if they desire it to twice daily cabin service, robes in their room, ice delivered twice daily, extra towels, blankets , pillows , or hangers if they need them! I won't be guilted into a crappy vacation! Indeed as a stockholder, I am an owner of Carnival, and as an owner I feel I do have a say in how they conduct the business! I am all for Carnival staying competitive but I believe these type of cutbacks instead will in the long run destroy their competitiveness!


Might want to check your cruise contract on what you have a "right to". :rolleyes: The "survey" you mention also specifically says that you can choose both services. Relax, take a breath, enjoy.

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Here's a third option: internet zealots are lying to try saving their beloved twice daily cabin service. I can't prove or disprove the experiences of others but I can repeat my own experiences (on two separate cruises) that one could choose both morning and evening service if they wanted.


It's much easier to believe those that say they weren't told they could choose both than those that say they were. I know what I believe because I experienced it first hand.


It's not beloved twice daily cabin serive- it is paid for twice daily cabin service. If CCL wants to just service the cabin once a day then the tips should be calculated based on that.

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