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All Things EARTH... part 2


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I'm hoping and praying everyone stays safe. I hadn't heard Irma was being compared to Hugo.


I was a young mother that didn't stay up-to-date on current events during Hugo, or maybe, weather wasn't as national news worthy back then. Whatever the reason, when we made arrangements to vacation the following summer of 1990 in Charleston, I didn't have a clue what was in store for us. I had made hotel reservations using a "buy one night and stay for the second night free" coupon. When we came across a marshy area bridge near the shoreline, Alan looked around and said, "that's probably where we're staying" (he's positive like that) and pointed to a 4-5 story building with 1st and 2nd story windows boarded with plywood. My heart sank! It wasn't our hotel, but I'll never forget the devastation we saw that week--nine months after Hugo.

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Well, the Hugo comparisons are coming into play here in the Carolinas because Hugo made landfall in SC and then progressed inland from there. It all centers around the continuing uncertainty regarding where Irma will make landfall, which remains questionable regardless of the fact that proximity alone to Florida will wreck havoc.


I hit up the Super Walmart today to stock up on my emergency supplies, namely water...and some other food stuffs. Every projection I'm seeing is saying that we will be affected in some way by the storm...the sheer size of it is just insane. It seems likely that tree damage, etc., in my locale will be the greatest concern with some likelihood of loss of power, etc. I'm not super concerned as far inland as I am, but figure it doesn't hurt to be ready. Others were obviously likeminded as the shelves were extremely picked over of gallons of water at the store with very few left. It's still early for being prepared here...Monday night and Tuesday morning are when we are expecting Irma in some way.


What's with the I-storms? Almost exactly 9 years ago, I was watching Ike barrel down on me. He hit overnight between 9/12-13 and here we go with Irma expected overnight-ish between 9/11-12. Seriously?


The only thing I wish right now was that I had a gas stove. This apt is all electric. I'm not sure if we have a small gas cylinder still...if it made it through the move...but we do have camping equipment that would enable us to cook some easy food so I'll be verifying with DH the status of the propane when he gets back into town tonight. And we'll be sure to have some of that before the weekend's out and consider ourselves prepared enough. I'll be cooking with leftovers in mind and making sure we have some easy food in the house.


For those interested, I looked up Laurie...I've been concerned over her. She was supposed to have a sea day today on her way to St. Kitts, but Adventure is currently docked in Kralendijk, Bonaire. No clue as to what plans the ship has but that's where she is with the weather being mostly sunny and 94 degrees. I'm very much looking forward to hearing her account of how RCI has handled this storm and the communication with the passengers.


Debbie...the effects of these storms is so long lasting. We were in DFW for Katrina and could see the cloud cover...it was sci-fy film worthy the way the clouds were on the horizon...and we did several drives down I-10 from Houston to WDW and were amazed at the continued presence of the damage of Katrina years later. Same went for Ike...


In other news...Mom and Dad seem to be safely arrived in Vancouver, I think...and enjoying nice weather there. Last I heard they were heading out to enjoy Mother Nature, who seems to be a bit kinder over there right now.

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Hi! I'm checking in while I have a signal. Anita, you are correct. Today was supposed to be a sea day and toMorrow St. Lifts. Instead we are in Bonaire today and have a sea day.tomorrow. captain Tomas has given us announcements and has also given extensive info on the RCI tv channel. We have had very calm seas, sunny skies and more heat than anyone can imagine. But they are doing a great job of keeping us safe.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Forums mobile app

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Laurie, it's good to hear you are out of harm's way. I don't know what airport you are scheduled for, but FLL will close for the weekend as of 8pm Friday. So, you may end up with a couple of extra sea days. OMG you may have to re-wear a dress! :D


Sally, I don't know why I have it in my head that you are on SK. I now recall you mentioned your location in an earlier post. Duh. I am glad you are up on stilts. My sister lives inland and she now has two ponies visiting her barn until the storm passes. My little nephew is ecstatic. My cousin in Delray Beach is sheltering in place and I think he's nuts. He's only two blocks from the intercoastal.


Anita, if you live in a building with the water tank on the roof, be sure to fill your tub(s) and lots of jugs with water. City dwellers know that if the power goes out, the pump for the tank won't work, and once everyone in the building uses the water up filling THEIR tubs, there won't be any more water pumped to the roof. So, don't put it off too long. We've had to use a bucket filled from the tub to flush the toilets during blackouts, and jugs for cooking, hand washing, etc. It's a bit funny to wash hands from the crystal pitcher we use with our china! Fortunately we have a gas stove so I can still cook. Also when the water comes back on, it may have sediment from the bottom of the tank in it (depending on how often your landlord cleans it) so it won't be good to drink right away.


Well, we just spent two days in our "new" apartment! It is so much easier to unpack than to pack, and I am so glad I got rid of so much. DH spent the day getting our home office up and running while I emptied some boxes. Things are slowly getting organized and I am enjoying the emptiness of the new living room, getting a feel for it and how I want it to look. It feels bigger with the dark floor, so I think the challenge will be not to overfill it and try to keep the sense of airiness that it currently has.

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It appears that San Juan airport does have some flights coming in and out from places other than Florida and those places already damaged by the hurricane, so the airport must not have been damaged, although yesterday it was reported that the ports were closed and the airport was closed to commercial flights. The local paper reported that there was mostly flooding and downed trees, and the biggest issue was the destruction of their electrical power infrastructure. I'm wondering if Laurie will end up disembarking elsewhere for a flight home.


I'm not in clothes buying mode at present, but if I were I'd consider these in Loden:




Also this swing top:




Especially love this, which looks like a lovely warm red in the catalog:




I'm strongly considering this to replace my current mild winter coat, it seems too good to pass up. The color Tucson Teal is delicious:




I'm also really tempted by this but I think the lace sleeves might drive me batty:



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I'm so glad to hear you're ok, Laurie.


Margaret, I guess I never think about city dwellers filling their tubs. I grew up with a well and electric pump. When Alan and I first married, I ran water at the first sign of a storm and he asked me why. I thought I was so smart and organized. He told me were on "city water" and didn't have an electric pump so there was no need. That was 39 years ago and I still sometimes think about needing to fill the tub. LOL


Anita, I guess our Charleston Hugo experience was as close as I've ever been to seeing Hurricane devastation up close and that was 10 months after the fact. I feel so sad for anyone in the path of any kind of disaster. We bought a generator during our January 2009 Ice Storm, kept it in good working order and used it occasionally when the electricity goes out here. We have several full 5-gallon gas cans for generator use and won't lose anything from our freezers or frig if we lose power. In '09, our grandbaby was 6 months old, so daughter brought her and stayed with us until power was restored. Her lineman husband worked with minimal sleep for 9-10 days. It was bad. We have friends that didn't have power restored for 13 days.


I heard news this morning that two cruise lines were bringing in 40,000 people today on cruise ships that would need to find transportation out of harms way. Did I hear that right!?! 40,000!?!!!!

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Just a quick response to Debbie...the story is that more than 40,000 cruise vacationers have been/are having their vacation plans affected by Irma.


Carnival has really done a disservice to their passengers in taking them back to Miami EARLY, as in yesterday, for two different cruises to let them "get ahead" of Irma. OMG. There are people struggling to get out of Miami now... Seems like a big idiot move to me... I mean, I guess I understand it to a certain extent because I'm sure that there are some passengers that have vehicles, etc. in Miami but it would seem to me that they just added thousands of people to the masses that are trying to get out of Miami, when they could have helped instead.


I think of RCI, where they are using the Enchantment, I think, to get all their cruise employees/families out of Miami. What a great deal. I understand that this is all a nightmare for the cruise industry, but wow...I can't help but think that there could have been some great humanitarian efforts here on the part of these ships to help Miami evacuate.

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Margaret, thanks for the insight on the whole water issue and how losing power could affect water! We received an email from our apt mgmt company and they had mentioned filling the tub with water, but I wasn't putting that together with the idea of a water pump... it feels a bit like a "duh" moment, but I'm very happy to have it and feel more in the know.


I already bought drinking water. We have buckets because buckets are handy and they were useful in the move, so I'm thinking that's a one up on most typical apartment dwellers. We were already planning on filling those up for help in flushing but the whole tub idea was another ah ha moment. The thing is though...the updates on Irma don't seem to be including us as much, but time will tell and as they keep saying...nothing is sure with this until it is happening. All this talk of the big swing north...I get how they can analyze the conditions and know that Irma will essentially hit a wall and have to turn...but it all still seems so "up in the air" to me... man that's terrible.


Anyway...Sally, I hope you are safe. My SIL/BIL made it to ATL to my other SIL...they had to wait in a long line at midnight yesterday to get gas to go and they said it took them 13 hours (normally it's about 8) but they made it. It's slightly ironic that they evacuated to a point that is just potentially further along Irma's path...but further is better in this instance. Also...today, their area called for a monitory evacuation.


Margaret...so glad you are enjoying your new living space! I do hope you can keep the feeling in the room. We're in opposite world in that all our boxes etc are just crowded everywhere and we are doing our best to get stuff put away and try to achieve a more livable space to enjoy. There are areas that are mostly done and then areas that are just a mess...I expect this will continue for a while. Some things are a struggle...like how they didn't install the closet shelf/rod to the manufacturer specs and so it doesn't support the weight it should and yet...we have 4' of space above the shelf that we should be able to use for storage but currently can't... things like that can be overcome but it just takes time to do...so slowly we are making this loft our home.


Meanwhile...I went to the greatest yoga class today. So amazing. There is a literary fair happening this weekend...there will be about 45 different authors here giving talks and participating in special events...and one was a yoga class this morning. Taught by the author of "Yoga for Every Body." What a great class. I would say that my big take away from the class was the idea that yoga is a practice to help a person get more in touch with themselves and how they are doing. The author said that it was a way to have a conversation with your body. And the point of that being that the practice of yoga was something that could and should be manipulated to suit yourself and what your body needs/wants rather then to think of yoga as a form that is something you should try to make your body conform into. And in the process...you should just love on yourself and stop being so judgment and critical of yourself. Good words for me to hear this morning.

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Ah, the comedy of it all.


You ready?


The airport got us the last two seats. Yay! So we checked I. The bags on the spot. Got right through TSA, and we sat down. A big sigh of relief!


And then my phone buzzes. Our flight has been cancelled. After rebooking with Jet Blue for FRIDAY we shopped other airlines but couldn't do any better.


So we booked a boutique hotel. We get here and they have no power or water. Everything around town looks normal but they has a lot if downed trees and branches.


So we are sittting in the lobby while they look for other accommodations for us. We have company, and everyone us in good spirits.


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Laurie, glad to hear you are safe and dry. I was thinking of you and your pretty nails when I read this:




Some very glitzy colors this season! Love that burnt orange.


Some even deeper colors for winter:





That first brown/maroon one is gorgeous!

Edited by MJC
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Had to sneak on (shhh). Sally, stay safe! This is a nasty one. Laurie, hope you make it home safely & soon.


I can have 10 minutes of computer time a day! This eye surgery was much easier than other eye. I should be back to normal end of next week. Melody



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Had to sneak on (shhh). Sally, stay safe! This is a nasty one. Laurie, hope you make it home safely & soon.


I can have 10 minutes of computer time a day! This eye surgery was much easier than other eye. I should be back to normal end of next week. Melody

Sent from my iPad using Forums


So happy to hear from you that things went so well!


I've been preoccupied with work and dealing with our FL caretaker on preparing my Mom's property for Irma (& now maybe Jose -- if it really does circle back and hit those poor Carribean islands and FL again around the 18th).


For any of you needing to fill your tubs, we came up with a more elegant solution. It's only $20-$25 on Amazon Prime and is called a "Water BoB" It holds 100 gallons of Emergency drinking water for up to 12 weeks. I get one for the FL house every year. https://www.amazon.com/WaterBOB-Emergency-Drinking-Storage-Gallons/dp/B001AXLUX2

  • Disposable! One time use only!
  • Holds 100 gallons of fresh drinking water
  • Keeps water fresh for up to 12 weeks
  • Attaches to faucet, fills in minutes and includes pump to dispense water
  • Made of FDA approved food grade materials and is BPA-Free

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