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Solo and taking vacation pictures


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Last time I went on a cruise I took lots of pictures, but was in none of them (even though I went with other people). For the most part, I was doing my own thing on the ship and in port. Many family and friends asked why I was in none of them. So, this time, I want to be in pictures. But I'm going solo. I considered a selfie-stick, but I'm not a fan of them. I don't feel comfortable asking strangers to take a picture of me. It makes me feel self-absorbed asking someone to take a picture of me, though I don't think that way about others who ask me to do the same for them. I'm weird, I know.

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Last time I went on a cruise I took lots of pictures, but was in none of them (even though I went with other people). For the most part, I was doing my own thing on the ship and in port. Many family and friends asked why I was in none of them. So, this time, I want to be in pictures. But I'm going solo. I considered a selfie-stick, but I'm not a fan of them. I don't feel comfortable asking strangers to take a picture of me. It makes me feel self-absorbed asking someone to take a picture of me, though I don't think that way about others who ask me to do the same for them. I'm weird, I know.


I often offer to take photos for people.


But self timer or remote is your solution.

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I suggest two options:


1) Ask people to take pictures of you. You will be surprised how many will be willing to do it, especially if you first offer to take their pictures first.


On cruises and in ports I must have taken pictures of dozens of people each stop. If really applies to couples or group of friends, they almost always want a shot with all of them in it.


2) Check your camera manual, most digital cameras have a timer built in so you can place you camera on a wall or something flat and high enough and then step into field of view to have your picture taken without a selfie stick. My camera even has the option to take three shots in a row after 5 or 10 seconds and I know some camera will take more. Also you can set your camera to shot video and then edit the video later.

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Having cruised solo several times... Get over your fear of asking people to take your picture!!! :) As everyone has said, people are happy to do it (and nobody will think you are self-absorbed!). I always offer to take others' pictures first as well, and that helps!


My only issue with that is that if I don't like how the picture turned out, I feel bad asking them to re-take it (something I'd be comfortable asking family or friends for.... But not strangers!). I guess it's a bit of a hit and miss thing, but even if 50% turn out, at least I have SOME that are usable and that I can share with family and friends later! :)

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You should really try out a selfie stick even though your're not a fan. I wasnt a fan either(people looks silly using them), but now Ive invested in one for my phone and my gopro. They serve their purpose extremely well. Theres a reason why millions of people are now using them now.

Edited by mrneil001
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I caved on the selfie stick as well, the one I got from Amazon is quite short and really is just to extend my reach a wee bit. There are times when I just want a quick pic of myself. For me the real issue of the selfie stick is when it isn't a quick pic and move on, especially around major tourist attractions.

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Last time I went on a cruise I took lots of pictures, but was in none of them (even though I went with other people). For the most part, I was doing my own thing on the ship and in port. Many family and friends asked why I was in none of them. So, this time, I want to be in pictures. But I'm going solo. I considered a selfie-stick, but I'm not a fan of them. I don't feel comfortable asking strangers to take a picture of me. It makes me feel self-absorbed asking someone to take a picture of me, though I don't think that way about others who ask me to do the same for them. I'm weird, I know.


If you're not comfortable asking others to take a photo of you, a selfie is your only option -- either with your phone or (if you have a separate camera) with a delay timer. I recommend you choose to ask others to take a photo of you -- it's very common, and most people are glad to help. I've done all three options on my solo travels, depending on where I was and whether there were other folk around.

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If you're not comfortable asking others to take a photo of you, a selfie is your only option -- either with your phone or (if you have a separate camera) with a delay timer. I recommend you choose to ask others to take a photo of you -- it's very common, and most people are glad to help. I've done all three options on my solo travels, depending on where I was and whether there were other folk around.


I agree. But I have to ask the OP, do you ever offer to take a stranger's picture? I travel solo most of the time and, admittedly, I don't have a desire to take many pictures. But, I do offer to take pictures for strangers.


Keep in mind that this isn't just a problem for solo travelers. I often see a couple taking turns taking a picture of each other. So, I'll offer to take a picture of the two of them together. It's a an easy simple thing to do and they always enjoy the offer. I always take several pictures so they can choose one they like. Often, the stranger will then ask if I'd like them to take my picture. I usually turn then down but in your case, this should work well.


I just got home from Paris yesterday where I took pictures of strangers a few times. One morning as I was finishing my coffee a man was taking a picture of his wife and I offered to take one of them together. Once they understood what I was offering, (language barrier) they posed and after taking several shots, he kissed her but I knew the photo would be blurry so I had him kiss her again. I got a beautiful picture for them and I have a nice sweet memory. I had finished my coffee but we chatted for a few minutes - they were Italian but she knew a little English.


Phew...sorry for such a long post. Bottom line: offer to take pictures of others and you'll receive offers from them to take pictures of you. -- You'll also meet some nice people along the way.

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I offer to take pictures for others and they will usually turn right around and ask me if I want one. They are usually kind enough to take 2 as well LOL I will be getting a selfie stick for my upcoming trip though, just to help with some of the picture taking.


Also, if I'm on a tour, I will usually chat up the tour guide and have no problems asking them to take pictures for me. Since they know I'm traveling solo, they have no problem accommodating me.

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I also travel solo, so understand the OPs reluctance (what would I do if the person I asked ended up stealing my phone or camera!) But, I may never return to some of these places again, and have asked people to take my photo. It's easier when I take a tour - feel more comfortable asking the guide or, at least for those few hours, I "know" people.


I also started to take selfies - but I never smile in them!!

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I also travel solo, so understand the OPs reluctance (what would I do if the person I asked ended up stealing my phone or camera!) But, I may never return to some of these places again, and have asked people to take my photo. It's easier when I take a tour - feel more comfortable asking the guide or, at least for those few hours, I "know" people.


I also started to take selfies - but I never smile in them!!


The stealing of the device is actually one of my main concerns for my upcoming trip to Europe, so I'll be doing a tour in each city and only asking people within the tour group.


You have to smile in a selfie, it's so easy!! :D

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My first solo cruise (2nd total cruise) is coming up in May 2016 and the picture issue is one of my top two concerns about cruising alone. I'm not very shy so I have no problem asking other people to snap a pic of me, but my big concern is that I will seem self-absorbed!! I know its silly, really, but usually the more dressed up or better I look the more I'm concerned about what others think. Crazy, I know! My first cruise I was with two family members but was off on my own most of the time. So if I wanted to be in a picture while off on an excursion I had to ask someone to take the pic for me. I'm pretty sure no one judged me for either looking nice or not. In fact, one guy on the ship took a lot of pics of me in various places on the ship (in front of Christmas trees, etc, as this was in Dec.) As a bonus he e-mailed me a copy of all the pics he had taken of just the ship itself, which I was really grateful for since it was my first cruise.

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By all means ask a friendly looking fellow cruiser/tourist to snap a photo for you.


Most are very happy to do so.


I've been asked in the past and never am bothered by that.




And don't cave on the stupid stick-- it makes those people look self-absorbed.

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Do what the Millennials do: use a selfie stick. :D


Or you can do what I do (even though I'm at the older end of the Millennial generation): ask service personnel to take a picture of you. On the ship, ask any crew member; I never had anyone refuse. In port, ask waiters, bartenders, store clerks, security guards, etc. I never had any of them say no, either.


If I ask a stranger, I approach someone who's unlikely to run off with my camera. That is, an elderly person or a family with kids, rather than someone my age by themselves.

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Completely agree with asking a crew member! There are usually many around and they're always happy to take a picture! Or the previous suggestion of asking people if they'd like you to take their picture, then turning the tables and asking them to take yours! :)

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Another hint ...ask someone with a really nice camera to help you out. Chances are good they know what they are doing and you will get a good picture rather than just a quick snap shot.

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Like the title of my post says.... you gotta embrace the selfie!


I am quite short and refuse to buy a stupid selfie stick but practise makes perfect and I have mastered the angle I need to produce a decent pic on myself on holiday.


Incidentally I use the one-handed off to one side approach - I get the subject matter in the background and me to the side - works perfectly.... And don't forget to smile..... don't care what people think and take as many as you like/need to get a good pic.


I often find that people notice me taking my selfie and offer assistance. I also offer to take others pictures too and they always reciprocate. I also find, as a solo traveller, that people tend to ask you to take pictures for them a lot. I guess they see me taking my selfie and ask - I obviously don't look like a crazy camera stealer! :p I guess solo female travellers look trustworthy! ;)


I have been on 3 solo cruises in the Med and never had a problem with photography assistance. One time in Corsica I ended up walking in the same general directon of a lovely older couple so every now and then we'd swap cameras and take each others picture - didn't even know their names! Another time at Pisa a family asked me to take their picture so they could all be in it and then took mine for me, then a lovely young Chinese girl embracing her inner selfie goddess asked me if I wanted her to take a picture - so we did a camera swap. I also find tour guides are more than happy to help out and you fellow tour takers too.


I find you stand out more as alone if you look uncomfortable and self-concious - confidence is key.... remember no-one cares if your taking a picture of yourself! We are in the age of the selfie - nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to see here! :D

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Like the title of my post says.... you gotta embrace the selfie!


I am quite short and refuse to buy a stupid selfie stick but practise makes perfect and I have mastered the angle I need to produce a decent pic on myself on holiday.


Incidentally I use the one-handed off to one side approach - I get the subject matter in the background and me to the side - works perfectly.... And don't forget to smile..... don't care what people think and take as many as you like/need to get a good pic.


I often find that people notice me taking my selfie and offer assistance. I also offer to take others pictures too and they always reciprocate. I also find, as a solo traveller, that people tend to ask you to take pictures for them a lot. I guess they see me taking my selfie and ask - I obviously don't look like a crazy camera stealer! :p I guess solo female travellers look trustworthy! ;)


I have been on 3 solo cruises in the Med and never had a problem with photography assistance. One time in Corsica I ended up walking in the same general directon of a lovely older couple so every now and then we'd swap cameras and take each others picture - didn't even know their names! Another time at Pisa a family asked me to take their picture so they could all be in it and then took mine for me, then a lovely young Chinese girl embracing her inner selfie goddess asked me if I wanted her to take a picture - so we did a camera swap. I also find tour guides are more than happy to help out and you fellow tour takers too.


I find you stand out more as alone if you look uncomfortable and self-concious - confidence is key.... remember no-one cares if your taking a picture of yourself! We are in the age of the selfie - nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to see here! :D


Love this post! I'll be in Europe for the first time in Sept and am looking forward to the several selfies I'll be taking!


During my Sept cruise, I went to an amazing resort in Curacao and I went selfie crazy! I counted 89 in total :)

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I always travel alone and have also mastered the art of taking it myself by holding the camera out with one arm, me in one corner, desired background in the other. BUT... sometime you want a pic with more of you in it, more background. Offering to take one for someone else will 99.9% of the time result in them offering to do the same in return. If they don't offer though I always ask someone who I think I could out run. Yep, check out your fellow tourists and think "who could I beat in a foot race". Then if god forbid they do steal your camera you are in with a chance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went on a tour of Italy with a group tour where I didn't know anyone in advance. I used my phone for all my pictures and had not embraced the idea of a selfie yet. Came home with only 2 pictures of myself on the trip. Learned and important lesson about asking others for help and taking selfies.

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I like photographic evidence I actually went on vacation. I don't have to be in every shot, but at least a small percentage. I am far more comfortable agreeing to take someone's else photo, than ask a stranger to take mine. Sometimes, nice people will volunteer when they see me taking a selfie. Other times I am bold enough to ask for assistance, because honestly, you can't incorporate very much of the background/surrounding based on the length of your arm or even a selfie stick (but it does help some).


Need to remember to pack my selfie stick for the cruise to Norway in May.

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I've no issue at all asking anyone to take a photo of me, but if that bothers you I'd suggest using the timer and remote features on your camera. If you're using a camera phone you can still use the timer feature. Buy a small tripod to make it easier.


I doubt anyone is thinking you're self absorbed for asking someone to take your photo. I've never thought that of anyone I've taken a photo of and I'm always happy to take a few so that they can choose from more than one.


If you carry a nice camera and you're concerned about someone stealing your camera, ask someone that's carrying a nice SLR or DSLR, they already have something of value and won't be interested absconding with yours.

Edited by xenagurl
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