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Live from navigator February 10-17,2016 Miami to Miami with RachelG


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So sorry TB has been sick, nothing is worse.

I do remember when we were in cabin 600 on Navg I took Bonine which usually does the trick but, I had to go to bed early a couple nights. It can rock & roll up front.

I know this is keeping her "little pink drink" count down :(

So glad you get to see Olga. Have you run into Kerti, she was a server in C Rose , what a delight!!

Many thanks to ALL the posters, we live vicariously through all of your posts!!



Big hug to the boss!! Xoxo

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Wish I could fed ex everyone a margarita, but they don't travel well.


I need zqueeze to give me a tutorial in posting pics from my iPhone. I tried earlier with no luck.



Sorry Pam was sick. Jon was too, but is now fine. Will post more later. Dinner in P7 tonight.

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Although I use a product from the U.K., Bonine works very well. I am susceptible to seasickness but always take 1/4 of a pill when the seas begin to roll - even a little bit (or if the Captain advises the passengers that the seas may be rough). Taking the pill before getting seasick has worked and I don't get so tired that I have to go to bed. If the seas continue, I take another 1/4 but rarely do I need more than that.


Rachel, looking forward to hearing what you had to eat in P7. Hoping it is not rutabagas:-)

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March 12,2016--Cozumel Mexico


As zqueeze noted, the seas were pretty motile during the night. It actually started right after the show. Jon said he was feeling a little weird, so we turned in. About an hour later, it was getting very rough, and he was seasick as well. Fortunately, as soon as his stomach got empty and he was able to lay down again, he felt better and went to sleep. I felt fine the whole time, but was sorry for his misery.


This am, something happened that has never happened to me in all my years of cruising. The clock on my phone, which is what I use as an alarm clock, reset itself in the wrong time zone. The alarm went off at 7 as planned, and I got up for a leisurely morning as our tour was not to leave until 9. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the overhead announcement that it was now 8:54 am. Quickly threw on clothes and woke Jon up. We grabbed our stuff and headed to the theater to exchange our tour tickets. I think the same thing happened to a lot of people as there were a lot of stragglers. As a result, our tour started a bit late.


We had signed up for the snorkeling and jeep tour. The guide divided us all up into groups of four. We drove in convoy around the island and got to see quite a lot of it. Jon was our driver since he was the only one who felt confident driving a stick shift Jeep. We took the top off so had a nice breeze. Also in our car were two gentlemen from London, one a neurologist and the other a psychology professor. We had a very fun time on the drive. In fact the driving part was the best part of the tour.


First stop was to snorkel. Due to an ongoing middle ear problem and strict instruction from my ENT to keep my ear out of ocean water, I did not go in. Jon said there were a lot of fish, but the coral is all dead. The beach was really rocky, and the water was pretty rough. The snorkels were also of poor quality, so pretty much everyone got a lot of salt water in their snorkel.


Then we went to a tequila museum where they gave an overview of how tequila is produced. It was informative, and we got to taste several types at the end. Very low key, no real pressure to buy.


We stopped at a couple of scenic overlooks, one with really big waves and a blowhole, then ended up at a "beach" for lunch, except there was no real beach. There was a very small strip of sand with a lot of seaweed piled up. Disappointing. Lunch was pretty good though, particularly the guacamole which cost extra $5 but which was totally worth it. There was a pool with some loungers and hammocks, but not much else to do.


We came back to the ship and showered all the salt accumulation off.


This was an included tour. I would not have been happy if I had paid extra for it.


Not enough time to get cleaned up before trivia, so we had to miss. Jon went and worked out, while I did my laps outside. All aboard was at 5:30, and at 5:45 they were calling for Lars .... In suite 808 to call the operator. They did this multiple times. Apparently Lars has gone missing, as we eventually set sail, and I saw no one running to catch the ship. I would not want to be Lars.


Our butler brought a perfect cheese plate, so we had pre dinner drinks in the suite while dressing for dinner.


Prime 7 dinner tonight. We were seated next to zqueeze and TB on one side, and the multi- generational family with kids on the other. The kids were very well behaved, thanks to smart parents.


There was so much good food. Where to begin? Crab cakes, clam chowder, steak, lobster. I was stuffed, ready to go into a food coma. Everything was perfectly prepared. No complaints at all.


The seas are again really picking up. The Beatles show, which I have seen many times, is tonight, and we had planned to attend. But Jon, wanting to avoid a repeat of last night, begged out, so we are watching a movie in the room.

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Jacke, no rutabagas for dinner, just really good mashed potatoes and asparagus as the veggies.


I do bring bonine just in case, and even offered some to Jon, but he tried to tough it out too long.

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Jacke, no rutabagas for dinner, just really good mashed potatoes and asparagus as the veggies.


I do bring bonine just in case, and even offered some to Jon, but he tried to tough it out too long.

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As we mentions above, yesterday we walked into town and enjoyed our time together. After our shopping for beautiful hand blown glasses, we spent the rest of the day by the pool. Pam walked for an hour while I watched her with a margarita or proseco in hand. Dinner was excellent and we enjoyed lobster and split a porterhouse steak.

Again no rest for the weary. Insomnia trumped a sleeping pill I took and spent most of the night watching movies.

We again cancelled our tour today and will try to relax. Planning on no drinks and relaxation.


Captain Ubaldo Armellino

Gen Mgr Nickie Sheils

Ch Eng Giovanni Galuzzo

Staff Captain Aristeidis Mertzanis

CD John Barron












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March 12,2016--Cozumel Mexico


This am, something happened that has never happened to me in all my years of cruising. The clock on my phone, which is what I use as an alarm clock, reset itself in the wrong time zone. The alarm went off at 7 as planned, and I got up for a leisurely morning as our tour was not to leave until 9.

That happened to us in Hawaii on a cruise a few years ago, only our phones' clocks all went back two hours. We had an early shore excursion, and I had set my alarm for 5:30. So I actually got up at 3:30. I went up on deck to get some coffee, but there wasn't any, and so came back and jumped in the shower.


By the time I figured out what had happened it was too late to go back to bed. That was a long day.

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We met and had dinner with Nickie Sheils last year. She is a capable G.M. as well as a lovely person! IMO, she is the best Regent hires of 2015 (and I predict that the return of John Barron will be the best return of a C.D. - ever)!


In terms of rough seas, it has been our experience that the seas are quite choppy going into and out of Miami - for a day or two. Hopefully those of you that had a bit of seasickness will take meds. before you need them. While Rachel is our resident physician, I still recommend taking 1/4 tab before the seas get rough and another quarter as the waves increase.


Looking forward to further reports.

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Caps lock on, I would have to get up 2 hours early! But at least you were on time for the excursion.


Agree with travelcat re bonine (meclizine) dosing. I rarely get seasick, but if you are prone to it, it is wise to be proactive. Unfortunately both my boys are very stubborn about not taking any drugs.



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The lovely and very capable Olga:



Navigator from Cozumel:



Nice dinner tonight at CR. We both had the cod which was flaky and delicious.


Only had three wines today. The Boss walked around the decks for two hours while I tried to nap.


Tomorrow is Roatan and our first excursion that we haven't cancelled this far.


Little Pink Drink Count: four. :(


Z and TB




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Belize--March 13, 2016



The seas were again very mobile during the night. Fortunately, Jon had been able to lie down early and watch a movie, so he did not get sick. Unfortunately for me, the movie was "The Revenator" and while I did not get sick, it gave me nightmares of being attacked by a bear, chased, etc, etc.


We awoke to a very nice day. After a good breakfast in La Veranda (with caviar and champagne available for those who wanted it), we took the LONG tender to Belize City. Due to the shallow draft in the harbor, the ship has to anchor way far out. So the tender ride is 20-25 minutes.


The port area is quite nice, with several shops. Outside port used to be a little scary. This is my second visit, and I can say it is hugely improved. Not scary at all.


We had a shore excursion reserved, New River Cruise and Lamanai ruins. I had done this excursion before with George on a previous cruise, and it is that good that I wanted to do it again. I would place it in my top 5 ever shore excursions.


First you go by bus for an hour to the New River, where you board a motor powered boat which takes you another hour to the ruins. On the way, there is lots to see, crocodiles, monkeys,blots of birds, local fishermen eager to show off their catch. Also there is a large Amish and Mennonite community here. It cracked me up to see the Amish kids taking photos of us with their I phones.


The ruins themselves are impressive. They are Mayan and only 3 of the large pyramids are excavated, but they are really well preserved. You can climb to the top of a couple. The jungle surrounding them is equally impressive, very dense and lush.


After a motor boat ride back to the start, we were served a traditional belizian lunch. Beans and rice, chicken, Cole slaw, salsa and chips. It was quite good, but I knew ahead what to expect. It is not high cuisine, but is good solid food. The ladies preparing it were proud of it, and enjoyed our appreciation.


Back to the ship, we enjoyed a good workout followed by a much needed shower to get all of the day's sweat and grime off.


We had dinner in Sette Mare. It was delicious, but just too hard to pick which foods to eat so as not to overeat. We are stuffed.


The show tonight was cirque navigator. I have seen this show several times now, and I enjoy that it is never exactly the same. They give the performers leeway to mix it up. Tonight had a great Irish dancing portion, and the silks artists from France were outstanding. The show can only be done when the seas are relatively calm, so tonight was perfect.

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Rachel, is the champagne and caviar for breakfast a special Sunday event or possible every morning?!?!


I'm obviously not Rachel but do know that the champagne and caviar breakfast is a special for Sunday. It is offered in La Veranda (help yourself) or can be served to you in Compass Rose.

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Since the installation of stabilizers, Navigator actually is much less like a top than she originally was in high seas (her hull was that of a Russian spy ship). But you still feel movement more than on any other Regent ship.


When we are on Navigator, I start taking Bonine three days before the cruise. My wife never gets seasick and won't take anything, but the last time from Charleston to Bermuda she was bilious for two days (subsisting on green apples) while I was one of the few passengers enjoying the meals...


Check with your doctor. The patch is another option...

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Which failed miserably. I can't get a good enough wifi connection



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Now you are seeing why I have asked Roberto to post pictures for me while I am on board. He and "computerworks" have been great - taking time away from their lives to post photos for CC readers. I may have to pick their brains when all three of us are on the Explorer together (hoping to have an excellent internet connection). BTW Rachel, wish that you and George were on one of our Explorer cruises (we cancelled our February cruise in order to sail with a group that will be on the March 2017 crossing!)


Looking forward to hear about your day and what you had for dinner:-)

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Rachel: No! No! Say it ain't true!! It never occurred to me that "blots of birds" was a typo. I thought it was a TERRIFIC description. I thought it was either one of the best original figurative expressions I could remember hearing, or it was some commonly known expression/image that I'd simply never (to my embarrassment) heard of. I even googled the expression, so that I could educate myself if need be. Lo and behold, information actually came up on Google! :-)

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Rachel, so glad you got to share the wonders of Lamanai with Jon, and to see the ruins again yourself. I think I'd rate Lamanai Mayan Ruins and New River Cruise one of my Top Five Regent excursions as well. The favorite moment for me was after we docked and proceeded to walk about a kilometer through the jungle, my anticipation building to the very moment we reached a clearing and beheld the High Temple:


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Thanks for posting the pic that I tried to put up, Rich.


Poss, you have me laughing.


Jackie, so sorry you and Dennis won't be in the Singapore to Hong Kong cruise. I don't think I could get George to switch to a trans Atlantic. He hates sea days.March 14. 2016


The seas were smooth as glass all night, so smooth you would think you are on land.


We awoke early to a bright sunny day with high temp to be 85. We were just coming to port in Roatan, and it was really looking beautiful with a turquoise sea and verdant green on the island.


After a quick breakfast, we were off to our excursion which was a beach day at Big French Key. We got a mini tour of the island on the way. I did not realize that English is this the dominant language here though I heard Spanish as well.


As disappointing as the snorkeling tour in Cozumel was, this was the total opposite. The beach at big French key is not huge, but it is very pleasant. Nice soft sand and lots of loungers. The water is very clean. Jon went snorkeling and thought it was really good.


After 4 hours, we headed back to the ship. It was hot so we decided to eat lunch indoors in La Veranda. I had noticed walking through that every food item on the pool deck was covered. When we got in La veranda, I figured out why. It was an invasion of the flies. They were coming in in droves every time the door opened. So we spent lunch swatting them. Hope they get them thinned out by tonight.


We came in third at trivia which was good since our team was just Jon and me.


The seven seas society reception was tonight. Amazingly there were only two titanium members, no platinum, then something like 20 gold (don't remember the exact number). All I know is that it appears I had the 3rd most night of those onboard, and Jon and I were the only two who had been on all five ships (Diamond, Paul Gauguin , Navigator, voyager, and mariner).


Dinner in CR was excellent as usual. We both started off with crab cakes, followed by mulligatawny soup (one of my favorites). My main was a veggie biryani which I spiced up with pepper flakes. Jon had the beef chateaubriand which was perfectly cooked rare. Service was again outstanding.


The show this evening was "Broadway Tonight". I have seen several versions of this over the years, and I think tonight's was one of the best. The male lead singer's channeling of Frankie Valli was amazing.

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The seven seas society reception was tonight. Amazingly there were only two titanium members, no platinum, then something like 20 gold (don't remember the exact number). All I know is that it appears I had the 3rd most night of those onboard, and Jon and I were the only two who had been on all five ships (Diamond, Paul Gauguin , Navigator, voyager, and mariner).



Has Song of Flower been stricken from the history of Regent? :confused:


I will put in one more vote for the New River Cruise and Lamanai Ruins n Belize; won't say one of top five but it was a fantastic excursion.



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Good Morning:

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day with temp and humidity besting our south Florida weather. We changed our plans at the last minute and headed out to Mahogany Bay (MB) based on several crew members' recommendation. This beach is within easy walking distance from the ship, but you must walk through the various duty free sales hawkers. Another option for getting to MB is to ride the chair lift for $14US per person. We opted for walking through the beautiful landscaped grounds and were at the beach in 20 min. There were no more than 25 guests present during our three hour stay although it became more crowded after we left. The water was very clear and calm, but pretty chilly.


We spent the rest of the day poolside until we looked closer to lobster than human. Had a great conversation with John Barron (CD) who sends out a big hello to Jackie and Dennis.


Dinner was very good at Sette Mare with an incredible veal chop and carbonara. The Boss loved the cod wrapped in prosciutto and risotto. However, it was crowded and very loud which made talking difficult. The waiters gave us conflicting info on buffet line procedures: we can make our salad but could not get our own appetizers. Then the assistant waiter wanted to make our salads for us. Twenty minutes after our pasta the waiter told us we had another 15 more minutes to wait since they thought we were going to the buffet. Very bizarre disconnects compounded by expectations and the difficulties of sorting through the various accents through the venue's noise level.


After promising to see the shows tonight, we again opted for an early bed time.


Little Pink Drink count: six.


View of MB from our lounges.




The Nav from the footpath to MB




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