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SOLO Review of the Norwegian Escape July 30th 2016


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***It was July 31st, don't know how to edit the title LMAO***


Hey everyone! So my "LIVE" review was total dud due to UBP and not understanding the internet until it did not seem worth it to have the unlimited plan anymore.


Side not I was getting texts to my iPhone all week even though it was on airplane mode, I could even text others easily. Not sure if this was some weird hiccup because of temporarily having internet or not. However, I had never even registered for the internet.


To introduce myself I am going to use what I had posted in my "LIVE" thread so if you read that you can probably skip down a bit. I left some of the stuff in there that is obviously what I wrote pre trip so you can get a sense of what I was hoping this trip would be like.


The time has FINALLY come! In just a few short hours I will be on my way to SFO for a direct red eye flight in Miami! Although I have always flown in days before cruises I decided this time, since I was by myself, I would just fly in the morning of. It's a direct flight that will get me in around 6am. I am confident that if something wonky happens with my travel plans I will have more than enough time to get it sorted because the Escape leaves.


So a little about myself, you can call me Vic (please don't quote this post because I might want to edit out some identifying information later depending on how this report goes [emoji6]). I just graduated from law school and a master of social work program this past May. A few days ago I took the grueling California bar. This trip is a present to myself for the hard work I have put in over the last 3 years.


I started cruising 6 years ago when my Nana decided that life is short and so why not spend her $$$ on her family. She took 19 of us on a 12 Princess Grand Mediterranean cruise. It was wonderful. My last cruise with my Nana was on a 12 day British Isles shortly before I started law school. That trip was incredible, our family had gotten the hang of cruising and we were THAT family on the boat.


Unfortunately, almost two years ago my Nana was diagnosed with cancer. Despite going on African safaris and hiking Machu Picchu she was apparently very sick. Through it all she had the most incredible attitude, always referring to it as just another adventure.


A little over a year ago I was chatting with her about trips we might take to celebrate my graduation when I was finished taking the bar. This time however she told me that she didn't want to plan anything that far out because she wasn't sure she would make it. I somehow held my tears in while in the car, but as soon as I got my bags and headed into the airport I started hysterically. I knew I probably didn't have much more time with her.


My intuition was correct and a few weeks later I received word that she only had a few hours to live. I was in Iowa for school and frantically tried to get back to California. Luckily for me my Nana was still a fighter and was upbeat as ever when I got there the next morning. I was lucky to be able to spend an entire week with her before having to go back to Iowa to finish law school like she wanted me to. A few weeks later she passed comfortably and on her own terms, the best way I could imagine something that always felt unimaginable to me.


My Nana was my closest friend, and my biggest supporter. She was loud, silly and loved to travel. I wouldn't be where I am without all that she did for me. So while I am "solo" on this trip I know that she is with me. It's with some of the generous gift that she gave me when she passed that I am even able to take this trip. My Nana was one to never give a hoot about what people thought.



This was us on our British Isles cruise in August 2013.


Alight, enough sappy stuff because Nana was never one for tears! So like I said this is my celebration cruise. I tried to plan things with friends but no one ever wanted to commit to a trip. I finally got tired of all of that so I decided just to book something myself. This is my first time on NCL and I basically chose it because of the Studios. However, the more I have learned over the last 8 months the more and more excited I have become!


I plan to spend most of my time on board, I have nothing planned in the ports and there could be a chance I don't even get off at some of them. I do plan to use my UBP to the fullest. The few things for this trip that I have planned are as follows:

1. Get a Vibe pass

2. Win the beer drinking contest in The District aka "home"

3. Relax


That is really about it. I am an extreme extrovert so I don't think meeting people will be much of a problem. I just hope I can stay out of trouble [emoji51]. After the cruise I have four nights in Miami. On August 8th, my birthday the SF Giants will be in town so I am going to at least two games before I fly out. I have a fancy seat right behind home for my birthday where I will get unlimited beer and wine delivered to my seat. More excitingly I will be able to get into the stadium two hours before the game so I can hopefully get autographs and pictures. I'm obsessed with Bruce Bochy:



Also this is how I described myself on my roll call and a friend on the cruise said later that it was very accurate "I am sure you will figure out who I am pretty quickly. Very loud and probably wearing clothing that will make some guests uncomfortable . I promise though I am a sweetheart and pretty smart to boot!"




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So a little more information before I get right into the review. The cruise was not exactly what I thought it would be but the vacation was exactly what I needed. I will try and go day by day but to be honest some days there wasn't much more than drinking and hanging out in Vibe. Yes, as suspected in my LIVE thread there were shenanigans that will be omitted.


My pictures will mostly contain selfies unless my friends send me pictures soon. I took lots of pictures of my outfits and you definitely see a progression on how much I cared about my outfits.


I didn't see any actual shows, I only ate once in Manhattan, once in Taste/Savor (the one on the right), and once at Food Republic (because not doing so is blasphemy in CC world). I only got off the boat once, it was in Honduras and we took a taxi around the island for a few hours.


BUT I use these boards a lot so I am hoping I can give back. I know as a young and solo cruiser I was excited for any information from someone in my demographic.


Final note, a lot will be posted with my phone because it is easier to upload pictures so there might be a bunch of typos and the picture sizing might be wonky. I will try to answer questions but I might not have a lot of answers. Feel free to jump in if you are another poster who has the answer. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

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As most know this was my graduation gift to myself/post bar trip that is sort of a tradition for US law students.


Someone had given me advice on here about taking time to decompress after the bar because I would be wiped. I had first heeded the advice and booked for August 6th. I then realized I would be missing a chance to see the Giants when they were in town so I cancelled a rebooked for the 31st. I took he CA bar so that 18 hours of testing over three days ended July 28th.


I had known there was a group of solos traveling on the cruise with me (who were also on the cruise previous to this one). I didn't want to impose myself on them so I didn't say much pre cruise. Apparently they stalked me out a little while they waited on what I heard was a very frustrating turnaround process between cruises (if they want they can jump in and share more).


So again against CC general knowledge and my better judgment I booked a red eye flight arriving before 7am the day of the cruise. This was a mistake.


Bar exhaustion and a red eye flight lead to a rough few days on the boat. Never again!


I am horrible at packing and I always way overpack. This was no exception and for a ten day cruise I had over half a suitcase left. Here is a picture of my luggage:




I also had a friend drive me out to SF to catch my flight.




I hadn't been nervous about the trip at all until I was headed to the airport. This is pretty common with my personality. I always feel or act a lot more brave than I actually am. I'm not sure where but early on I must have learned "fake it till you make it"


My flight had a slight delay but I wasn't worried about missing the boat since it was a direct flight. I had a beer and FaceTimed with my best friend and her family to calm myself down.




The flight was uneventful. Someone farted a bunch. I didn't get much rest. I started reading the first book of Game of Thrones.





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Really not sure how to make the pictures big on this. It might be because some of those were taken with snapchat? Anyways I need to commute an hour to work to get a parking spot. If I get there real early I will try to add more. I am currently LOVING my post bar job, hopefully if/when I pass the bar I can get hired on there full time!

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DAY 1:

So once I got off the plain I waited for my luggage for what felt like an unnecessarily long time. I flew into MIA I believe on American Airlines?


Once I got my stuff I decided to change outfits and re do my make up before getting a cab to the port (note: Uber would have been a lot cheaper). I also wanted to shove more stuff from my carry on into my large suitcase so I didn't have to lug it around while waiting for my room to be ready.


I was doing my make up in the bathroom and somehow got foundation all over my skirt I was really bummed because I did not have an alternative outfit in my head and was too groggy. I cleaned my skirt as best as I could and changed into high waisted shorts but I looked pretty darn country with the cow girl boots so I switched back into my skirt while riding in the cab.


I didn't take a picture of my outfit that day but here is my wearing the same out (but with cowgirl boots) from a different day:




I got new Ray Bans for the trip and snapped this pic while waiting to board.




I got to the port around 8:15 I think? Idk I was the first person at terminal 2. They let me and the 8 or so people hanging out in to sit before filling up the que. then when security opened they let us who were there go through first. I was the first person in the boarding area and I was in group 1. I positioned myself closest to the gate to walk in.






In the area they had coffee and orange juice. Also a soda machine that was Coke brand so maybe if you are a Coke person you can grab a few bottles before you board.


So apparently despite feeling cute, I looked like crud in my cruise ID photo. I had wondered why some people had paused at it from time to time but got a bit of an ear full from someone at guest services when I went to get a new key (I think I had 5 total in 6 days... Whoops). Anyways the guy kept staring at me and was asking if I was sure I was giving the right room number. I was sure and he then says "this doesn't look like you" I looked at the picture and it was definitely me. Not THAT hideous when I was like yes that's me. He said "oh you just look different in person, better though"


I thought maybe this guy was just a bit odd but then a few nights later I had a bartender who refused to serve me at first because he said my picture wasn't me. I pulled out my ugliest selfies on my phone to ID myself [emoji23]. I hate having my picture taken for photos like that because I always look so weird. This just proves it. No one else said anything during the week but I got a few double or triple takes.



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Hi Vic! It's B2B Mike from Vibe. I'm looking forward to your review!


Hi Mike it's Seamus here. This could b an interesting review 😱.

"So a little more information before I get right into the review. The cruise was not exactly what I thought it would be but the vacation was exactly what I needed. I will try and go day by day but to be honest some days there wasn't much more than drinking and hanging out in Vibe. Yes, as suspected in my LIVE thread there were shenanigans that will be omitted. "


I wonder what Shenanigans will be omitted and what will be included.

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Hi Mike it's Seamus here. This could b an interesting review 😱.

"So a little more information before I get right into the review. The cruise was not exactly what I thought it would be but the vacation was exactly what I needed. I will try and go day by day but to be honest some days there wasn't much more than drinking and hanging out in Vibe. Yes, as suspected in my LIVE thread there were shenanigans that will be omitted. "


I wonder what Shenanigans will be omitted and what will be included.


Only time will tell. LOL

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Alright so I guess it's too late to edit the pictures I've already posted but hopefully I can make them bigger from here on out!


So once I boarded the ship I beelined straight to Headliners to get my Vibe pass. No clue if any had even been sold yet to the new comers on the ship. There was no other cruisers in there the entire time except for when I was exiting.


I debated between going up to Vibe or The District by since the Daylie didn't say anything about Vibes hours that day I just decided to go to the District.


I was the first and only person there for a while. I immediately signed up for the competition where you try the most beers as possible and whoever tries the most wins a pint glass and growler.


If you're paying attention you've already noticed that the beginning of my demise has already started. No sleep, no food, and competitive beer drinking.


I quickly make friends with the staff there who were amazing. I'm still bummed about going so hard early in the cruise that I could barely look at a beer without gagging.






Less than an hour after being there I made my first friend, A. A had been on the ship the week before and hadn't won the competition so he was determined to win this week. Per usual I started talked tons of trash. This is also where my inner monologue started to develop it's British accent thanks to A.


A was with a larger group of solos who had met each other on various cruises through the years. He informed me that his friends also had Vibe and that they were great people. He also word me of their crass and slightly inappropriate sense of humor.


I knew I had met my people.





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I'm hoping I can remember things somewhat accurately. I know I went to my room at some point to drop off my carry on. I was pretty toasted by then. I know I changed into my Game of Thrones tank top but since I don't have a picture I am not really sure when that happened.


I decided to take a wander at some point and then to my excitement me two other people who had just taken the bar. What was even more awesome was how many times I bumped into them throughout the cruise!




I kept wandering and then all of a sudden I was at the buffet. I felt this was a sign telling me that I should eat something before the muster drill. I got some chicken fingers and Mac and cheese and sat in the back of the boat. I was already starting to miss my family quite a bit.


This was sort of an interesting thing that happened throughout the week that I hadn't really anticipated. Despite meeting awesome people who were incredibly welcoming I missed having my crazy family with me. I'm a very independent person (I'll go on weekend trips by myself all the time), cruising without my family was weird. I think it stems more from the fact that cruising to me always was a thing I did with Nana, and usually some of the only quality time I had with my siblings and cousins all year.


I found myself sort of bummed that I could just show up to X or Y event at any given time and have someone I know there. I was drunk group messaging family members quite a bit while still in port. We actually will only be getting together for the first time since my Nana's death next month. That's a year after her passing and we will be getting together to take a chartered boat in the Bay to spread her ashes. I plan to lobby very hard for a family vacation soon. Nana would be so sad if we drifted apart.


Actually one of my favorite last memories of my Nana was a bunch of us in her hospital room laughing to tears about the memorial cruise we were going to have for her. Joking we would still book her a room and bring her urn since she has such high status on Princess. We about peed our pants thinking about the cruise card photo of an urn. Ha! Now that I think about it maybe that was her making my picture look all weird on my cruise account [emoji23].

(Nana was laughing along, the only rule she had in the hospital was no crying).


Alright this is getting sappy so I'll move it along a bit.


At some point I stumbled to my muster station. They people could tell I had been really using the UBP. I had to pee so bad after the muster drill I accidentally bumped into a guy who got a bit too frustrated with me. I decided to wait in the district (I mustered in the theater) until the crowds thinned.


Sometime after that I decided to go up to the Vibe for Sail away (I think?) that's when I met the rest of the solos and the wonderful Vibe staff (it could also have been earlier... The day is all around foggy). I do know that we all went down for the solo meet up in the lounge. I remember introducing myself and someone telling me to sign up for something. It all started to get a bit fuzzy...



*actual depiction of what I was seeing at the time*


Apparently we were all going to do dinner somewhere and I insisted I only needed 5 minutes to get ready. I took about 10 and then needed a friend to help with the back of my dress. A tried to help but may have *accidentally* almost disrobed me. At some point I don't remember exactly what I said I left the meet up to go back to my room.


My bed was apparently calling my name and the next thing I knew it was after midnight (not the show) and I was in my bed. I was SO disappointed but fear not, I rallied and was in Skyline in under 15 minutes.


I really wasn't ever much of a fan of skyline. The crowd never felt very cohesive. I couldn't believe how young some of the people looked and idk it was just sort of odd. I found A and we quickly decided that we would ditch that place for the casino.


To the delight of the pitboss I turned all of the people (mostly men) at my table in "Woooooooo" girls. Even though we were only winning about 5$ a hand everyone started getting into it. J (or is it S?) met up with A and I and started to play blackjack as well.


Eventually I realized that I needed food (I obviously got right back to the drinking). So I went over to Osheehans and had a chicken sandwich I believe. I ate at this venue the most yet never once sat at a table. I prefer to eat at a bar when I eat alone so I just always requested this.


When I came back my seat had be taken and no one seemed to be budging. I had met another friend whose name I can't remember so him and I decided to duck out to the waterfront with my Giant glass of wine and his beer. We talked about random crap and sung 90's songs until late.


The couches out there are seriously amazing. I am SHOCKED I didn't ever actually fall asleep on one.


90's dude was cool but was real awkward when we headed to our respective cabins that night and despite it being platonic ignored me for the rest of the cruise lol.


Also the reason for no pictures is that I was certain that I had lost my cell phone. Turns out it was just lost in my bed (this happens a few times a week normally for me.


I ended up passing out hoping that I would wake up at a reasonable time to enjoy my day at sea and possibly make it to my first Cruise Critic Meet and Greet!




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Haha loving this so far vic! Can't wait to hear all about shenanigans on board.....and as seamus said, I wonder if everything will be included!! Reading this is making me want to go back sooooo bad. I miss vibe!! Is it shot o'clock yet??? [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

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Awww! We miss all of you guys as well. What a fantastic trip!



I wanna book on the escape again in January but if I didn't get vibe i'd be sooooo disappointed! And it won't be the same without everyone else there! Decisions decisions....

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