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Have Cancer? Dont go near Canyon Ranch!

Reba 954

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I answered that earlier. I did not have any of the issues above, just swollen legs.

Why do people like you have to argue all the time, with everyone? So sanctimonious, I think you would fit working in Canyon Ranch perfectly!

I didn't SAY you had those issues, I just said those are some of the reasons they refuse to do treatments. It's not just C/R. Most have guidelines that they follow. Some staff over step their bounds. So don't get your knickers in such a bind.

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Let's say you owned a business: A customer feels they were wronged(justifiably or not)they then call for a "boycott" of your business. People respond & you're put out of business. Is that fair? Always seems to be, unless it's your business.Think about it! I have been wronged before. I simply choose not to do business with them again, but I don't push for boycotts.


Welcome to capitalism and free enterprise. I absolutely endorse it.

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What a rude man you are.


Some people feel that the threads are some how theirs and just need to take over and share their opinions, thus really taking away from the OP's experience. Sharing is good, especially if it is constructive, but too much is just not necessary IMHO. Me doth love to see my words in print no matter what...

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I'm in my late 40s and living with stage 4 cancer. My husband and I just took a Silhouette cruise to the Caribbean (practically on doctor's orders!). Nobody onboard had a clue that I'm doing chemo and that I have a rather, ahem, shortened life expectancy. While I'm not a boycott person myself, I understand what the OP is saying. When one is diagnosed with cancer (especially the late stage kind), most people don't know what to say or do. It can boomerang back on the patient and the result can be soul crushing. I think the spa person was reacting out of fear and handled the request poorly. An easy solution to this is proper staff training (we can't do this, but we can do that), and corresponding training to handle uniquely personal health care situations. I didn't like the spa vibe when I was browsing (most of the body massages would not have worked for me, but maybe a facial?), and decided against purchasing any services for many of the reasons described above. When I filled out the boarding questionnaire, I answered every question truthfully, but didn't volunteer additional information as my husband and I knew that we'd be responsible for any problems I might have encountered on board. Let's just say I had medical travel insurance and I was constantly washing my hands and consuming probiotics - it worked! I understand what the OP is going through and I wish for them a most successful treatment result for her spouse and I send hugs to the caregiver. Sometimes, that can be the harder job. Peace and strength to you both!

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Thank you for explaining a possibility of how Cancer "could" be spread. The lymph glands could help spread cancer cells around the body if stimulated. A good massage does stimulate. I feel it is true that the staff could have done a more through explanation as to why they could not perform the service. Still none of us were there to see what happened.


It's still pretty pseudo-sciencey, though. I was not able to find any studies one way or the other, although I can understand why spas choose to limit liability.


(If anyone has any studies--published peer-reviewed studies, not blog posts or massage-industry articles-- I'd like to see them, these gray areas are interesting.)

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perditax, although this is not a peer-review study, the references do provide some direction:



and from another university:



A link for info on therapeutic massage for cancer, also with a couple of references:


Edited by cruisefam38
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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't understand asking for a boycott of a company, because one person had a bad experience. What I do understand is, If the OP would have said that she just wanted to let folks know of her husband's bad service without asking folks to boycott a company, I guess I would have a little sympathy, but to ask for a boycott of a company, just because I might be treated the same way...not feeling that at all.



Your lack of empathy is appalling.. If your not interested in Boycotting then that is your prerogative. The OP has a legitimate reason to be upset with the company.

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Your lack of empathy is appalling.. If your not interested in Boycotting then that is your prerogative. The OP has a legitimate reason to be upset with the company.
Where did I say they didn't have a reason to be upset with the company...oh, I never did. OP asking for a boycott because I might experience the same as the OP did is silly IMHO. If I have a bad experience at the grocery store today, should I ask everyone to boycott because they might be treated the same....like I said, silly. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I have a deep tissue massage every two weeks which helps with musculo-skeletal pain.


It always makes me smile when I turn up at the spa aboard ship and get all the spiel about how the massage I'm about to get will help with the activation of my bodily essence and boost my energy levels, plus all the other new-age homeo-voodoo nonsense they spout. It would be rude to express an opinion, or even to say that all I want is the lumps knocking out so I just smile, nod approvingly and get spread out on the table.


With this in mind I'm not the least bit surprised about the OP's experience in the face of deep seated mumbo jumbo, although the follow up and response by so-called management was not only unprofessional, it was downright incompetent.


At least there was no need to sit through the inevitable upsell for extra treatments or for some over-priced jollop in a fancy bottle that would make him look 20 years younger, deliver a wam feeling of immense self confidence and put an end to world poverty.


p.s. I used to be the trustee of a cancer support charity that actually offered massage as an aid to relaxation, good mental health and dealing with the illness and the treatment. Most of the other board members were doctors and medics, who I'll wager know a little more about this stuff than the average massueuse.



Edited by Chunky2219
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Personally I far prefer Canyon to Steiner. My spouse had allergic reactions to the skin treatments used by them. Not real serious, but still annoying. Also though all spas "push" their products, Steiner pushes them a lot harder.


The issues I experienced recently with booking and pricing of CR Spa services have mostly occurred with former Steiner employees who are now working for Canyon Ranch..Different corp culture has been spilling over.,.


Hope OP & spouse were able to enjoy the cruise otherwise....indivs and families who have experienced cancer know how difficult things can be without added stress...


This should've been resolved better but maybe an inquiry ahead of time by the customer and/ or the spa would have been helpful...the questionaire and review is given just before service begins...

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I have had cancer and due to issues with my Lymphatic system now, I have been advised not to have neck/ shoulder/back massages, or use Saunas or Steam Rooms. Its not something I think that applies to all types of cancer and all patients. I agree based in the information in the OP it could have been handled better.

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Where did I say they didn't have a reason to be upset with the company...oh, I never did. OP asking for a boycott because I might experience the same as the OP did is silly IMHO. If I have a bad experience at the grocery store today, should I ask everyone to boycott because they might be treated the same....like I said, silly.


You obviously don't understand the concept behind boycotting.

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I worry that his feelings of being untouchable after this encounter masks deeper seated fears over the illness and it's impact on everything to come. Maybe you need to have a chat with hubby about it all. Rationally I can totally understand them saying no even though they probably weren't quite sensitive about it but emotionally it must have hit like a tonne of bricks coming so soon after the diagnosis especially being on holiday where you're meant to be able to switch off from real life but as we all know cancer is something you can't unswitch from unfortunately. I saw you described yourself as the hotheaded one and can see your passionately fighting hubbys corner which is admirable as it must be hard seeing someone who is usually calm and level headed not coping to their usual standard. Maybe you can contact your local cancer team or even a holistic therapist to find someone with the skills to offer massage to cancer patients to show hubby he's not untouchable. It might help with the way he's feeling about it all. I wish you both all the best.

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You obviously don't understand the concept behind boycotting.


Mostly it's an ineffective strategy that makes the participants feel better about themselves but is essentially irrelevant.


Sue everybody!

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I've only had a few experiences with Canyon Ranch (last being on the Reflection) and do find them better than the last company. The massage therapist I had had was excellent, although like everything on a cruise ship the pricing is 3X normal at home pricing.

I can only speak for myself, but I've had cancer twice and noted it on my forms and never been refused service because of it. I'm sure its a tricky subject though as I'm sure in some types of cancer a massage would be a no no, but in others it would probably help, but because of privacy rules, I would guess they are limited into the depth of what they can ask.

It does sound though whatever the policy is, in the OP case, it was a badly handled case of customer service, and do hope your family succeeds in beating the evil beast that cancer is.

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[quote name=johhnnyt;52923626

It does sound though whatever the policy is' date=' in the OP case, it was a badly handled case of customer service, and do hope your family succeeds in beating the evil beast that cancer is.[/quote]


Thank you(and everyone else) for your well wishes, and I just wanted to say, you are exactly right. It wasn't that they wouldnt do the massage, it was the WAY it was handled.



I do want to add, that we were contacted by a director from Canyon Ranch in Tucson, a few days ago. He was extremely apologetic and thoroughly agreed, it was handled in an awful way. His empathy and thoughtfulness was so appreciated. That's all we ever wanted. An acknowledgement that they dropped the ball. He told us they do offer other types of massages and services that should have been offered. I am not sure how he got our info,to contact us...most likely from the Celebrity review I sent. In any event, it was certainly a different experience than talking with the manager on board. He made us feel like it will be addressed, so that no one else goes thru this again. Maybe it was all talk, maybe not, but he certainly seemed genuine, and I will give him the benefit of the doubt. At this point, I'm done with it. I doubt we will be using Canyon Ranch again, but everyone can make their own minds up about them. I'm sure my statement on cruise critic is not going to impact them at all;). Like it or not, we are a very small percentage of their business.

Thanks again to everyone that offered support, thoughts, and well wishes! Your kindness is appreciated.

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Reba 954:

Thank you for the update. It is good to know that there has been an official follow-up to you and your husband, with the result of a more satisfactory outcome.

We want to extend best wishes to your husband and you as you navigate the challenges of living with a life-threatening chronic illness. Coping with cancer requires so much energy as you deal with the worries, confusion, and pain caused by the disease and the treatments, that I hope you will be able to access the necessary resources to ease your way as much as possible. While there are a seemingly endless array of hurdles and obstacles to care, may you also find the caring and professional people that are also at the ready to treat, guide, and support your husband and you. Everyone's journey is different in the particulars, and yet we also have similar issues. As someone already mentioned (Chunky and alicat) there are communities of support if you choose to utilize them, while you also have family and friends. Of course you two are the most important resources to have in this difficult circumstance, with a pool of experience and coping skills. Again, we wish you well, and send hope for successful treatment and a sure recovery.

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I have Liver Cancer, and had an attempted transplant in Nov 16. Cancer is such a scary word to both the patient and every member of their family. My wife was told I had 12 HOURS to live, and I can only imagine the fear and heartache that she went through. Well 5 months later not only have I survived, but I am medically fit enough to go on holiday. To that end we have booked to go on a Baltic Cruise from Southampton. I owe a debt of gratitude to the OP, as I really enjoy a massage. Her story and the appalling treatment they received prompted me to contact CR directly, and I have been assured that as long as I am in receipt of a letter from my cancer/liver specialist that everything would be available. I was also told the CR now have a list of services that are offered to Cancer sufferers. The cherry on my particular cake is that the Celebrity Cruises Spa Director will be on board and has committed to deal with anything I want personally.

So it looks like not only has the OP received the acknowledgement she desired, but it looks like just by sharing her story, action has been taken to ensure it never happens again.

I truly wish you and your husband conquer this battle and he remains fit and healthy for a long time to come.

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You obviously don't understand the concept behind boycotting.

Kind of sounds like those morons who advocate boycotting Disney/Starbucks because they believe in treating gays with equal respect, which these narrow minded troglodytes can't seem to fathom. This is the reason I don't succumb to the call for boycotts. If I don't like the treatment I get from a business, I just go somewhere else.

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I have Liver Cancer, and had an attempted transplant in Nov 16. Cancer is such a scary word to both the patient and every member of their family. My wife was told I had 12 HOURS to live, and I can only imagine the fear and heartache that she went through. Well 5 months later not only have I survived, but I am medically fit enough to go on holiday. To that end we have booked to go on a Baltic Cruise from Southampton. I owe a debt of gratitude to the OP, as I really enjoy a massage. Her story and the appalling treatment they received prompted me to contact CR directly, and I have been assured that as long as I am in receipt of a letter from my cancer/liver specialist that everything would be available. I was also told the CR now have a list of services that are offered to Cancer sufferers. The cherry on my particular cake is that the Celebrity Cruises Spa Director will be on board and has committed to deal with anything I want personally.


So it looks like not only has the OP received the acknowledgement she desired, but it looks like just by sharing her story, action has been taken to ensure it never happens again.


I truly wish you and your husband conquer this battle and he remains fit and healthy for a long time to come.



Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Enjoy EVERY MINUTE of your cruise!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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perditax, although this is not a peer-review study, the references do provide some direction:


A link for info on therapeutic massage for cancer, also with a couple of references:



Quoting from this last article:

Some people worry that massage can spread cancer cells throughout the body via the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, organs and nodes through which lymphatic fluid (lymph) flows. It is part of the body’s immune system. Lymphatic circulation occurs naturally as we move.

Cancer may spread (metastasise) into the lymphatic system via the lymph nodes, or it may start in the lymphatic system itself. However, the circulation of lymph – from massage or other movement – does not cause cancer to spread. Researchers have shown that cancer develops and spreads because of changes to a cell’s DNA (genetic mutations) and other processes in the body.

I'm living with active non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (SLL), as well as CLL, a form of indolent but incurable leukemia. I get massages every three weeks from a massage therapist I've been working with for nearly 6 years, and my oncologist and the rest of my considerable medical team all tell me that not only is it not dangerous having massage, but keeping the lymph circulating rather than pooling in my neck, upper arms, and lower extremities is one of the best things I can do. And actually, it was something my massage therapist noticed during a massage in summer 2011 that got me to start seeing doctors, undergoing countless tests and numerous biopsies, and getting this diagnosis in late December, 2011.

Cruisefam, thanks for the article.:)

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I would like to recognize autumn lass as a survivor, and wahoolilly who is also coping with Stage 4 cancer. Wahoo makes me think of Virginia Tech?


You are welcome, ThursdaysChild. I'm glad you found one of the links interesting and potentially helpful. My experience has been that each type of cancer is different one from another and that an individual's cancer can be different from the person sitting next to them, therefore treatment options vary. Which can make things very confusing when trying to make difficult decision about treatment. You seem to have a good treatment team providing your care, including alternative/holistic approaches.


Lesstax, I hope you enjoy your Baltic cruise as you navigate the waters of life with cancer, and hopefully disease free.

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I would like to recognize autumn lass as a survivor, and wahoolilly who is also coping with Stage 4 cancer. Wahoo makes me think of Virginia Tech?


You are welcome, ThursdaysChild. I'm glad you found one of the links interesting and potentially helpful. My experience has been that each type of cancer is different one from another and that an individual's cancer can be different from the person sitting next to them, therefore treatment options vary. Which can make things very confusing when trying to make difficult decision about treatment. You seem to have a good treatment team providing your care, including alternative/holistic approaches.


Lesstax, I hope you enjoy your Baltic cruise as you navigate the waters of life with cancer, and hopefully disease free.


No no no no no no no ...Wahoos are the Cavaliers of University of Virginia!!

Virginia Tech = Hokies

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