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Project Runway?


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Sasha should have gone home, no doubt. Her outfit had no redeeming features.


The lavender outfit wasn't all that terrible, but I think Heidi was miffed it wasn't changed after her feedback.


Once again Roberi made an awesome outfit, though I have no problem with the winner -- also awesome.


However, the third top look? Little House on the Prairie Goes to the Beach. ha ha ha. Just stick a bonnet on her.


I wondered about the fabric those prints were produced on. I have a feeling they weren't knits. Even if they were, the printing would have "changed" them. I know designers have complained about the quality/flexibility/whatever of the custom printed fabrics before. It was really a rotten deal to match the custom prints with the swimsuits.

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I wondered about the fabric those prints were produced on. I have a feeling they weren't knits. Even if they were, the printing would have "changed" them. I know designers have complained about the quality/flexibility/whatever of the custom printed fabrics before. It was really a rotten deal to match the custom prints with the swimsuits.


I thought the same thing about the custom fabric combined with the swimsuit challenge. Does a disservice to both!


As a fabric design "hobbyist", I've made knit shirts for my hubby using my own designs on textiles printed on Spoonflower. The stretch didn't seem to be that affected by the printing. But I agree, it almost looked like the fabric wasn't the best kind for swimwear.

I found Spoonflower years ago on Project Runway, I think the first year they had a fabric design challenge! (I'm here: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/mammajamma, if you're interested in checking out my designs)

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I thought the same thing about the custom fabric combined with the swimsuit challenge. Does a disservice to both!


As a fabric design "hobbyist", I've made knit shirts for my hubby using my own designs on textiles printed on Spoonflower. The stretch didn't seem to be that affected by the printing. But I agree, it almost looked like the fabric wasn't the best kind for swimwear.

I found Spoonflower years ago on Project Runway, I think the first year they had a fabric design challenge! (I'm here: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/mammajamma, if you're interested in checking out my designs)


Beautiful designs !

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Quite honestly, I don't get why they have guest judges that are only marginally fashion design people.

I mean, yeah, as a model Lucky's in the industry, and I suppose he might get some viewers of a certain demographic (but do they even advertise in advance who the guest judge is??)

He said stuff, but it was a women's swimsuit competition. About the only qualifications he has regarding women's swimwear is that he's got sisters and lives in California.

I think they missed the mark on this challenge is a couple of respects:

Wrong guest judge; I'd rather hear what someone who actually might wear a woman's bathing suit thinks.

Coupling the textile design challenge with the swimwear challenge.

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Yes-- dear me! -- a very enterprising agent for ole Lucky Blue must have gotten him that gig -- no doubt he has a strikingly pretty face -- but behind the face the skull seemed pretty empty... especially lined up with the other judges, who even though they are in fashion, and often make some horrendously stupid fashion choices -- HEIDI in the leprechaun hooker outfit!!!! -- they are none of them dumb. Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy, did that boy seem -- and act like he felt -- out of place! In over his head -- up the creek without a paddle -- off the deep end -- oh, so many unflattering water images come to mind!


I really hate the swimsuit challenges and the underwear challenges. They are always so unsuccessful. The winners of these challenges over the seasons have been merely the least of many unflattering, impractical, and often embarrassingly immodest evils, IMO. (I always feel sorry for the models in these challenges.)


No different this time. Yes, the black and white suit was OK -- pretty conventional, though, really -- it was wearable! :eek: sellable!! :eek::eek: What is Project Runway coming to??? :p

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Yes, I think the right team won. There were some aspects of the losing team I liked but then there some things that were terrible. I agree with Nina that the collection did not represent empowering working women.


I do hate when they are make the designers choose who should go home.

Edited by iheartbda
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I disliked the yellow coat and the bland colored short dress. My favorite look was the yellow skirt with the leather jacket. I was OK with the winner.


I was impressed by the number of people on the loosing team that offered themselves to go home. Usually it is gang up on one designer and throw him/her under the bus. Not sure I agree with who was sent home.


Are they trying to appeal to a younger demographic by having these baby-faced teenagers for guest judges?


On the Facebook segment they mentioned that the designers were able to choose the fabric that their designs were printed on last week. I don't think they mentioned that during the show.

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I disliked the yellow coat and the bland colored short dress. My favorite look was the yellow skirt with the leather jacket. I was OK with the winner.


I was impressed by the number of people on the loosing team that offered themselves to go home. Usually it is gang up on one designer and throw him/her under the bus. Not sure I agree with who was sent home.


Are they trying to appeal to a younger demographic by having these baby-faced teenagers for guest judges?


On the Facebook segment they mentioned that the designers were able to choose the fabric that their designs were printed on last week. I don't think they mentioned that during the show.


I agree with the team that won. I didn't particularly care for the coat, either, but it did go well with the overall collection, and I could see it being worn with the other outfits. I really don't know who should have been sent home; they all worked well together and no one was blatantly bad. I don't think the pieces in the "losing" team were bad at all but they just didn't suit what their goal was. It seems like that's what it came down to for the judges, as well. If they had mixed up the pieces a bit, put a jacket on the strapless (day to evening look), left the "unfortunate" top and pants without a jacket, who knows? I didn't mind the pants in that outfit, didn't really get to see the top all that well. I sort of liked the monochromatic losing collection, and didn't mind the print/color they did use. Probably should have incorporated more of that in the overall collection.


What IS it with the teenybopper guest judges? Guess what, Project Runway: youngsters who are into fashion will watch regardless of who the guest judge is. In fact THEY would probably prefer "real" fashion judges, as well. (my almost-14 yo granddaughter has been watching for years. Seriously, years.)

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This episode was very heart-warming for me because of how the contestants related to each other and how much selflessness was shown. It was a very refreshing change from the typical me-me-me, back-stabbing tone of treachery that usually comes out in team challenges. I can't say that I think the noble behavior displayed is the tack to take if one wants to come out on top in the fashion industry, but I am enough of a Pollyanna to believe that if one wants to succeed in life, that's the way to go. :rolleyes:


I did not care for either collection, though I did not hate either. The yellow fabric was simply not to my taste, nor was the "mauve" (which read beige to me); and IMO the combination was hideous. I thought the tacked-on embellishments were not as elegant and novel as Heidi at least seemed to suggest. But based on Heidi's preference for the blue and white bathing suit and tiered bathrobe swim cover-up last week, plus the preschool-girl-esque floral tiered number she wore in this episode, I am getting the feeling that Heidi has become nostalgic for her Germanic roots. The garments she leans toward these days are reminiscent of dirndls and Octoberfest beer-wench costumes in style, color and decoration. The embellishments to the "Bouton" garments seemed to touch on that esthetic, though the clothes themselves were sleeker.


And I have to say, I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard Heidi say the mauve dress was too short, even for her!! When has any dress on PR ever been too short for Heidi????


As for the losing collection, I agree with the general reactions of the three judges and the babe-in-arms (did she actually have any opinions, or was she too busy trying to keep from sucking her thumb?) that it was all-over-the-place stylewise and did not at all correspond to the sales pitch (though I understand why the designers changed course after the comments made by the "investors."). I was surprised none of the judges described the collection as I saw it -- yes, cocktail wear (silver dress, silver peplum top), but combined with jogging clothes (patterned jacket and patterned pants), and rainwear (mid-length jacket).


Did anyone else notice that there was no examining of the construction quality of the garments in this episode? From what was aired, in the last ten minutes before the runway show Team Button Bag was pinning sleeves onto garments and pinning garments onto models. I wonder if the quality of the garments would have played into the judges' decisions if they had taken a peek (though perhaps they did, but it was not shown to us...)


Apparently I was inspired enough by this episode's nobility to actually dream about (yes, dream -- like in bed, asleep) being on PR. :eek: Of course I was not a successful contestant, but I was very surprised to have had the show affect me that much. I guess I found it encouraging not to see blood all over the runway from the typical back-stabbing at the end of a team challenge!

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Usually we see them back-stabbing and bad-mouthing each other in team challenges. Lots of "I don't work with others" and eye-rolling is the norm. When this group was asked if they liked working as a team, most enthusiastically said yes. Even Mah-Jing who seemed the most unhappy at the start, seemed to be "one of the gang" by the end. I really thought that Tim Gunn was going to use his "save".

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Hi all,


I enjoyed tonight's show & the teams' camaraderie.

I too expected Tim to use his save. Maybe he did & we'll see it at the beginning of the next show like we did another time.




So did I! Especially when he became all choked up. Although he really was the one on that team that decided the pitch which is really where the judges felt they went wrong.


I was so pleased with how both teams worked together and the selflessness of the losing team.

Edited by boopsahoy
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My DVR cut off at 1:32 and they were still talking. I thought I'd missed the last second save!! I'd like to see Alex saved because of the loyalty he showed to his team by accepting the blame. However, it seems too early to use the save when there are still so many more talented designers.


I wasn't a fan of either teams' designs, but agree that the yellow team was more wearable. I didn't care for the dark pewter metallic fabric. It all looked so heavy and dull.

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Yes, I too think it was too early in the season for Tim to use his "save." To me, it also seemed very early in the season for there to be a team challenge with only two teams. (Maybe it's happened before? -- I don't remember!) And I think when a collection is being created by so many people, the teams should get two days for the challenge. It seemed a particular waste in this case for one team to have so much money to spend and so little time to create the garments.

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I liked the winning look, but preferred the black leather dress.


It seemed weird to me that so many had problems with a very straightforward challenge and a good budget. Time wasn't the problem (as one could tell by the incredible amount of work in the top looks), it was design sense/inspiration.


Peculiar for "make a luxurious cocktail dress."

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I wasn't thrilled with most of the runway show this week. Really, I don't know why so many designers had so much trouble with it. They were supposed to take inspiration from the venue, but there was so much "stuff" that it really could have been anything (where did the herringbone come from, though?)

But then again, the judges send out so many mixed messages:

too safe, not wearable, too much like what you've made before, I could tell it was yours (as a plus), lacking creativity, too much like a costume. I mean, sheesh, how are they supposed to find a path to progress?

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Did anyone else notice what struck me right away? At the cocktail lounge, where the "make a cocktail dress" challenge was presented, not a single person was actually wearing a cocktail dress! Both Nina and Heidi were wearing pants, and, with the exception of Erin, who looked cool in a skirt and bra top and bright pink jacket, and Jenni, who was in a basic knit sheath, the designers mostly looked like they had just been mucking out the barn or running errands.


Combining that observation with the lack of success most designers seemed to have with creating a cocktail dress made me wonder if cocktail dresses are actually a passé concept. I wonder what the designers would have come up with if they had been challenged to make a cocktail look rather than a dress, and I was actually surprised nobody did that anyway -- or at least asked whether the challenge had to be a dress.


This season's show has been more enjoyable for me that many other seasons, just because the designers seem reasonably fond of each other, or at least mostly seem to respect each other. It warmed my heart to see Mah-Jing's tears when Tasha left, as it seemed they had truly become friends. And after she won, Jenni deflected attention from herself and complimented Laurence, though I guess as the winner Jenni could afford to be magnanimous. :rolleyes:


And I can't say I did not feel just a little satisfaction when both Erin and Dexter, who seemed so full of themselves and confident that they would end up in Fashion Week together, got their comeuppance. I firmly believe that "pride goes before a fall." [And then there was the in-your-face political statement of showing (twice) Erin and Dexter using the same bathroom...]

I am concerned for Laurence, who I think is far and away the most talented designer this season, and more talented than most have been in any season I've watched. I am concerned that she is SO good that the judges are expecting more from her than they do from the others, so it will be harder for her to impress them. In the judges' own words, she created the "Bentley" of LBDs, and she still didn't win the challenge? It made me unhappy to hear Zac say - - and I think Heidi agreed -- that he was afraid Laurence would keep showing them the same sharp shoulder in future challenges -- he was judging her for stuff she had not even designed yet!! I think that was wrong.


And I thought the judges got way too excited about Jenni's dress, which IMO was not that flattering and not that creative, as it was basically a shorter version of a flapper dress -- though made with too stiff a fabric for the style -- and the embellishment was an Erin knock-off.


And did anyone else notice how Heidi's hair kept changing throughout the show? Messy, "beachy" waves one second, smooth, combed locks the next. What was up with that?


I only wish Tasha had gone home on her own original design (as I am sure she would have) rather than changing to suit Tim. I always feel the designers should be themselves - sink or swim -- and not sell themselves and their design esthetic out in trying for the win.

Edited by SeagoingMom
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And then there was the in-your-face political statement of showing (twice) Erin and Dexter using the same bathroom...]


??? Can't say I ever noticed any bathroom use at all, so it mustn't have been as "in your face" as all that. Perhaps there is only one bathroom.

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??? Can't say I ever noticed any bathroom use at all, so it mustn't have been as "in your face" as all that. Perhaps there is only one bathroom.


Yeah, I normally notice when they're trying to shove a pc trend down your throat, but this didn't strike me as anything more than viewing wallpaper in the powder room. I wonder if the men's room was flamingos too?

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Yeah, I normally notice when they're trying to shove a pc trend down your throat, but this didn't strike me as anything more than viewing wallpaper in the powder room. I wonder if the men's room was flamingos too?



Oh, yeah, they were looking at the bathroom, not "using" it. OMG, they were in the same room together, looking at wallpaper and decor! How political!:rolleyes:

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