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Project Runway?


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Thanks so much for your excellent review Curt. As always, you did an awesome job and I really appreciate how much work you put into these recaps. I have gotten into the show SO much more because I can come back and revisit everything and appreciate it all on a deeper level. It is also way easier to comment on everything now.


This challenge really cracked me up. Very different and funny. The irony of Joe winning just added to the fun.


The point of the challenge (which I applaud) was to stretch the designers to design as big and theatrical as possible, but at the same time satisfy the needs and personality of their client.

Actually a very good challenge concept. Also kind of like the avant garde challenge last season, where the point was to be as big and theatrical as possible.


I totally agree with this, Curt. It wasn't about whether a designer would actually make that in real life, but it was to see what was possible. The avant garde challenge last season was my favorite challenge of that season. It just goes to show that if you step outside your comfort zone you just might surprise yourself! Joe did that and it paid off big for him. I liked his Olympic outfit, so I was glad to see him finally win a challenge, especially since because of the irony factor.


I actually kind of liked Blayne's outfit. I wish he had been able to make the wing things work a little better, but the outfit itself made me laugh. Blayne, on the other hand, gag me!! But I don't think he's going to be around much longer. As much as the 'licious stuff drives me up the wall, I'd rather hear that than the "holla atcha." For some reason, I can tune out the 'licious, but the "holla atcha" is like nails on a chalkboard. But that is just me.:D


For the whole Halloween costume thing (BTW - what a great question Curt), I think I would wear Leanne's costume. (I really liked it and I do think she should have been in the top three instead of Terri.)

What would I do with it? I would make it into sort of a Futuristic Teacher to the Martians thing. It would definately be out of my comfort zone for what I wear when I'm teaching, but hey - it worked for Joe. And who knows - maybe it is appropriate for teachers on Mars!!:D

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as usual, I agree almost entirely with CJW's comments...Joe's definitely was the right winning choice...I also thought Korto was the right choice for second...not sure about Terri's being #3 instead of mid-pack...I tend to go with CJW in thinking Leanne's should have been top 3 instead


as for the bottom three, I agree--I also think that Daniel was the right one to be voted off--for many reasons--that particular design, the fact that he hasn't really followed the rules of the challenges and particularly for his bad attitude and unwillingness to graciously accept criticism


for a Halloween costume, I think I would go with the winning design by Joe...I might go for a different color but stay with the same neon-y effect--maybe an aqua blue or lime green :)

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Okay here's my thoughts:


I LURVED Korto's coat dress AND Leanne's dress. I was fascinated by Korto's dress as she was making it wondering if she was going to get make it less boxy. It turned out perfect IMO. We didn't see a lot of Leanne's dress in the workroom, but when her model stepped out on the runway my eyes went straight to that fabulous neckline. I would've been happy to see either of these outfits win so was happy when Leanne won.


Jerell's outfit was nice. I liked the idea of the suede top and he styled his model great. I actually preferred Joe's dress and Terri's outfit more though. I thought the fit on Joe's dress was better, and Terri's looked fabulous - the pants were amazing.


Suede's outfit was just okay to me. The silver of the fringe was a little too stark for me with the black but I liked the proportions of it and how it fell. It still looked like car parts though.


Kenley's, I was so hopeful when she started her outfit as to how it work out. The skirt ended up too boxy for me (and maybe that was the fact she had to redesign it for the new model). I would've like to see an inch or two off the length of the skirt. Again I was still seeing car parts not outfit.


Blayne - if the top of his outfit had actually fit his model, I might like this outfit better. I actually liked the fringe on his dress. AND I don't remember hearing a -licious tonight.


Stella - I was so disappointed. I feel like she could've rocked this challenge without falling back into the same old thing. It just didn't seem like a complete outfit for me, boring dull, and while I liked the top, the skirt did not go with it.


Keith - auf weidersehen!! Blame everybody but yourself why don't you? The outfit was not good. Even if the model had not sat down and torn the skirt, it still wouldn't have been a good outfit. Dull, poorly made. And funnily enough you've done fringe in almost every single challenge except this one - and at least 2 designers did fringe better this time than Keith did. Definitely time for him to go.

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I totally agreed with the judges tonight. I'm glad Leanne won. That dress was a show stopper and the little details that she made from the seat belt to edge the dress looked like feathers. Great fit, and clever to pad the models underwear so it wouldn't collapse on the runway. She thought of every detail and it showed. Great plan great execution.


And I'm thrilled that Keith is auf'ed. I never liked him. He's an angry person, he's a sexist, always finds fault with others, and isn't all that talented.


WRP96, hate to say this, but it was Tim-lishious tonight from Blayne's mouth when Tim did his mid day pep talk. :cool:

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it'll be interesting to see what curtis jerome has to say about tonight's show...I have a feeling that he, like us, will pretty much agree with the judges' choices


I also liked Korto's and Leanne's a lot and thought either could have been #1--I was happy to see Leanne finally get some recognition, though, so I was happy she was the winner


I was also happy and satisfied that Keith was sent home...he was definitely overly conceited and didn't accept criticism well...he was also rude to the judges and fellow contestants...to top it off, his outfit was terrible...I thought it was ironic that--after he lost--his 'tude totally switched around as he became a cry baby, poor me, I didn't deserve to lose whiner

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. . .


WRP96, hate to say this, but it was Tim-lishious tonight from Blayne's mouth when Tim did his mid day pep talk. :cool:


Yes, I noticed the one "lishious" also. But, did you also notice how much more toned-down Blayne was, even to the point of being serious and thoughtful?


Can you imagine how hot and heavy those "seat belt dresses" must have been?!


Also, in our local paper here in Austin, there's an article today about Daniel's model Elena, who was one of the two models eliminated last night when Joe stayed with his original model. She is 19 and graduated high school from one of the schools in my sons' school district (Pflugerville, just outside Austin). She sounds incredibly level-headed. She had moved to New York to try modeling, didn't like it because the pressure to be thin was too much -- she is a SIZE FOUR and people were telling her to lose weight. :eek: She said she just wasn't going to do that because she liked her Tex-Mex and barbeque too much to starve herself. I say, good for her.

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I say good for Elena, too!


What was Stella thinking? Here's her one chance to go all out in her genre and she goes all wimpy. The time to show the judges you can do something other than punk-style leather is when you really need to do something other than punk-style leather. Not when it's the perfect opportunity to do punk style leather! I bet there was a lot of head scratching going on among producers/judges/et al.


Stella was handed this challenge on a silver hubcap and just threw it all away. She's next auf.

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I agreed with the winners and losers also, so not much to say there......


Is anyone other than me beginning to get vaguely annoyed with all the product tie-ins on the show now? I mean, we've already had one challenge with non-traditional materials (food) and to have another one -- with the hyping of Saturn -- was a bit much, even though the challenge results were very interesting and much better than the first time around. Between that and the "Blue-Fly" accessory wall.....

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I suppose they have to pay for the show somehow :)


I would love to actually see the show edited to hear some of the contestants, even just one of them, be excited about the challenge. Sometimes I just fast forward through their little mini-interviews because I don't want to hear the complaints. I want to hear positive, "Wow!, how fun is this!" "Let's see what I can create from this collection of materials!"


Would enthusiasm hurt the ratings :confused:


They must have had challenges put to them in design school in the past, this is not a new thing for them. My sister has taken quite a few clothing construction and design classes, I've gone to their little fashion shows and have seen much of what we saw last night, fashion made from the most unexpected materials.


It's almost too bad they can only get rid of one contestant a week :)

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Okay Kenyon needs to stop whining about her model quitting. It's not like she's the first designer this has happened to - and at least she has time to refit her outfit.


I usually do not post on this thread but I do read what everyone's opinons are. Am I the only one that thinks that Kenley think that she is too good from everyone else?? She has such an attitude with her little smirks, laughs etc. and this last nite the constant whining. She designs o.k. but she is rarely in the top 3 or for that matter in the bottom 3. Just so-so.



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Yes, I noticed the one "lishious" also. But, did you also notice how much more toned-down Blayne was, even to the point of being serious and thoughtful?


Can you imagine how hot and heavy those "seat belt dresses" must have been?!


Also, in our local paper here in Austin, there's an article today about Daniel's model Elena, who was one of the two models eliminated last night when Joe stayed with his original model. She is 19 and graduated high school from one of the schools in my sons' school district (Pflugerville, just outside Austin). She sounds incredibly level-headed. She had moved to New York to try modeling, didn't like it because the pressure to be thin was too much -- she is a SIZE FOUR and people were telling her to lose weight. :eek: She said she just wasn't going to do that because she liked her Tex-Mex and barbeque too much to starve herself. I say, good for her.


I think the tanning must affect Blayne's brain, so as the tan fades he gets less obnoxious. Hope he fades to pale white soon.


It's sad to me that there is not one funny person on this year, no Jay, Chris, or even Santino. There are couple who think they're funny (like Blayne and Suede), but they aren't, they're just creepy.

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I think the tanning must affect Blayne's brain, so as the tan fades he gets less obnoxious. Hope he fades to pale white soon.


It's sad to me that there is not one funny person on this year, no Jay, Chris, or even Santino. There are couple who think they're funny (like Blayne and Suede), but they aren't, they're just creepy.



I was thinking the same thing last night!


This season is almost frustrating to me, all other years it has been so much more entertaining :rolleyes:

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I was thinking the same thing last night!


This season is almost frustrating to me, all other years it has been so much more entertaining :rolleyes:



There's actually an article on MSNBC.com at the moment about how this season lacks something compared to previous seasons. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26336417/

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I like Korto's style a lot, but has anyone else noticed that she really favors either wide sleeved coat-like tops or wide legged pants? I think her things are beautiful, but a la Rami and his draping, I'm surprised the judges haven't pointed it out to her and called her a one (or two) trick pony.


Korto designs











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I like Korto's style a lot, but has anyone else noticed that she really favors either wide sleeved coat-like tops or wide legged pants? I think her things are beautiful, but a la Rami and his draping, I'm surprised the judges haven't pointed it out to her and called her a one (or two) trick pony.

I'm not surprised, as I noted this last week in one of my posts regarding their mention of Keith doing layers or strips.

They do this every season - some people are harshed upon for doing some similar style or element, while others are praised for having a "strong design vision".

They really just pick and choose on this.

It's just like on American Idol, when the judges decide that they are "done" with someone, or they want them off - they start calling them "pitchy".

When they are no "pitchier" than others, who are a favorite - so never ever get called on it.


So, I've realized that the "one note design" comments are really just a general critique, when they tire of someone and just want them off the show. Or, someone like Rami - (they did similar with Santino) that they just want to take down a peg or two.


Okay onto the review...

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So this week's challenge is to use "car parts" to create a design.

I think that the designs are some of the strongest ever this week, actually.

Other than the bottom three, I think that they are all really great!

So as far as a well rounded group of designers, these ones are probably at a higher group level (as previous seasons there were usually two or three that were just so far ahead of everyone else).


And oh no!

Just when I mentioned last week that I had a little TV crush on Kenley's model - she has to leave!



Other than that, I really liked Laura as a judge, and would like to see her get a little more comfortable there. The only thing that was missing for me, were a few of her typically witty or funny comments.

She also looked great in that tomato red dress with her red hair!:cool:


I won't even comment about Rachel Zoe, as in "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".;)


As usual, please hold your comments until I finish posting the pics.

Thanks in advance.:D


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Leanne wins!


So you all know that I was thrilled with this!

She deserved it, and it was about time. Besides that, this was brilliant, fun, chic, and you could see this showing in Paris. I could also see about 5 different female singers fighting over this dress.

(Uh oh! Lady fight backstage at the MTV Awards!:eek:;):D)

Even without the seat belt fringe at the top it was great, but then that took it up to beyond great.

Again, she is the one on the show that I'm really looking forward to her design future. I see real talent there.

Yay Leanne!

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Korto is second!


I thought that they might give her the win, just based on being able to "weave" those seatbelts into that hourglass shape (note that Blayne did not have enough understanding to work it for his).

I do see Korto as becoming a really great designer for more actual women (as opposed to art only for the runway).

I get a sense of lots of ladies wearing her clothes.

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Jerell is third!


Using dashboard parts, this is really awesome. Another strong design from him. I could have almost seen reasons for the judges giving him the win on this one - and I think that (as I said above) most of these designs were so strong this week.

The order could have shifted around a lot, and I could see justifiable reasons for all of them.

So I think we've seen some really strong potential and design perspectives from him.

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