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[quote name='Azure Moon'][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]I agree with you. The pants look like they'd be [B]very[/B] uncomfortable.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]I thought there was a comment made by the judges about the fit in this area...I just can't remember if the comment was made about this pair of pants or the pair made by Stella :confused: .[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]

The comment was made about Stella's pants.

For me, I don't like how high wasted Terri's pants are this week.
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[quote name='KLLund'][IMG]http://www.bravotv.com/widgets/bin/gallery/cache/e315f74664a59d9aa13914bdb3ce8138/watermark/rate_terri_508.jpg[/IMG]

[B][COLOR=seagreen][I]This is a bit confusing for me .. so I am just gonna ask .. while I agree that Sleathah's pants were ill fitted .. Do these really look like they fit well to you ... that v in the leg creases just turns me completely off these ..[/I][/COLOR][/B]

[B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]However .. gutsy to design pants for DVF anyway .. I love the look of those that she designs[/COLOR][/I][/B][/quote]

Yep, in that pic, the model looks like she's packing too....!

Re: Korto's dress......no wonder I thought it looked so like DVF! Duh!!
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I really did not like Blayne's pants at all. In the stills you can see the loose threads hanging down, too. The whole ensemble looked out of balance. I would have put him in the bottom three.

I thought I was going to love Joe's look. The top looked so cute on the dummy. But why that sash? And they were right about the unevenness. I thought the keyhole back was spot on for Deitrich and the era. Too bad it didn't work out.

This looks like a girl season to me. LeeAnn and Korta I see going all the way. I like retro girl, too (I can never remember her name -- but you know who I mean:p ).
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Hastah La Vistah, Sleathah.........:D

I do have to admire her for keeping it together on camera though. The last few have been crying as they left. I know I would be a mess if I wanted something that bad and didn't get it. So I really have to give her credit for being so composed at the end.
I don't think she was very good, but she did stick to what she thought she did well. Stella did it her way, and never really listened to what Tim suggested. She stuck to her guns, which can be a good thing in some instances, but in this case it got her aufed.

Leanne is really coming in to her own!! She has really impressed me the last few times. I would love to see her in the final three.

Kenley's dress was very cute!! I would totally wear it on a cruise......or other special events coming up.......;)
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[B][I][COLOR=seagreen]Oh . ... Leannes contribution .. that dress is nice .. very like the black one in the DVF collection .. but dang I want that jacket .. I thought that was totally awesome ... [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Ok I am sure not given the restraints of the show she would have used a different fabric .. and I don't really like the two fabrics together .. but the compositon of that jacket .. and say put with some of those amazing DVF trousers .. NOW we are talking !!![/COLOR][/I][/B]
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I appreciate CJW's pictorial review even more this week, since I am in the Hurricane Gustav disaster zone and haven't had power all week until last night...I am very disappointed to have messed the show this week--sounds like it was a good one--but maybe I can catch a re-airing before next week's show

it certainly looks like Leanne's was a deserved win...the purple silk dress is lovely...the jacket is nice, too, but I do not like the two together...of course, it obviously fit the challenge well...and I did not get to see the DVF line that was the theme

I am glad Joe did not get voted off this week, although his outfit did look hideous...I think Suede's was just as bad...and Blayne's was not much better...either one of those could have been voted off instead of Sleatha Stella...it was only a matter of time for her, though--just like I think it is only a matter of time for Blayne and Suede, too...Joe I am not too sure about, since--like Curtis Jerome mentioned--he is inconsistent

any idea what the next challenge is?
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[quote name='wrp96']Is everybody ready for tonight's episode?

Oh, and did anyone else see where Jennifer Lopez is supposed to judge the finale.:rolleyes:[/quote]

Thanks for the heads up.
Sort of forget about things with 10 days to go and trying to pare down my packing...shoes, shoes, oh glorious SHOES all begging for a spot in the suitcase!;)
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[quote name='iheartbda-']Thanks for the heads up.
Sort of forget about things with 10 days to go and trying to pare down my packing...shoes, shoes, oh glorious SHOES all begging for a spot in the suitcase!;)[/quote]

Oh believe me, I understand about the shoes!:p
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So some random comments from tonight's episode:

some people don't know what avantgarde means

Terri doesn't know how to play nice with others

Blayne looked like he was strung out or something at the beginning of the runway show

The "pooing fabric" comment did show up but unlike the editing in the commercials it was not followed by Heidi's "ooh, that's bad" remark.
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Okay my thoughts as I saw the runway show:

Blayne - pooing fabric - I knew this was an auf weidersehen as soon as I saw it

Kenley - ugly, mickey mouse, big sleeves does not make avantgarde

Terri - cheap and ugly looking although I was glad she got rid of the dead dog on it for the runway show, the red fabric looked like it was plastic or cellophane

Korto - pretty, I liked the colors, the top had some interesting details, the back looked more avantgarde than the front, from the front I was thinking what a pretty and interesting dress

Joe - flame dress, I liked how the colors progressed up the dress, I liked the use of different fabrics in the skirt

Jerell's - I waffle on this one. My first impression was so-so but when I look back it I really like the detail on the jacket and the layering effects. He's not my favorite designer though.

Leanne - my personal favorite outfit, the black sculptural elements over the red dress are fantastic IMO

Suede - just so-so, I don't like the sheer fabric over the bright blue, and the cape coming out from the back just wasn't my favorite, especially the rosettes holding it onto the back

I agreed with how they divided up the bottom and the top and with who was sent packing
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My thoughts on the top designers: Leanne's was another excellent outfit. She is really coming on strong (in a good way)! Korto's was meh for me. I've liked most of her other designs better. Joe really surprised me, I think he stepped it up a notch from the last couple of weeks. Jerrell was Jerrell, what can I say. He can "work" some schoolmarm coat fabric, ya?

And now for the not-so-good: Suede was safe (in so many ways....:rolleyes:). Kenley was lucky to not be auf'd, IMHO. I was happy to see Terry go, I was over her attitude a couple of weeks ago. And Blayne, your star has faded, just like your tan. Did anyone else besides me think "Cirque du Soleil" when they saw his design???
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Avante garde is costumey to me. It's certainly not meant to be worn! That being said...

I really preferred both Joe's and Leeann's outfit to Jerrell's. I don't think he would have won if the usual panel was doing the voting.

Blayne was so obviously going. What a disaster!

I didn't think Terri's dress was that bad (on my TV), but it didn't go over the top either. I would like to have seen her stay and Blayne go. Overall, her work has been better.

Kenley's outfit looked more avante garde than pretty much everyone but Leeann in my book. Doesn't mean I liked it.:D Her biggest mistake was not using more of the sign beyond it's personality characteristics. They showed her so much, I thought for sure she was out. She's a feisty one, isn't she? Heidi had it in for her, and now Nina, too. She's in deep trouble unless she knocks it out.

As of this week, I'm seeing Leeann, Korta and either Joe or Kenley in the finals.
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[B][I][COLOR=seagreen]Dh watched this with me tonite .. and at the final runway he said "you would wear that, wouldn't you" he was referring to Leann's dress .. and after I looked at it several times .. the man knows me ... [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]What was Blaine thinking ??????? and How did Kenley survive this one. Ok I didn't like Terry's attitude and that may have been the biggest factor tonite because I didn't think it was that bad.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Joe was a surprise .. and I still Like Korto. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
[B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Very interesting challenge. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
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Hi, did Blayne EVER win any challenge?:confused: ...trying to remember?

I will be on a cruise next Wednesday:D...I leave Saturday
morning:) so I will miss the next episode.
There will be plenty of repeats...;) and no I don't have TIVO.
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[B]Like I said a couple of weeks ago. There is something about Kenley that drives me clear up the wall and last nite proved it. She truly thinks that she is beyond any criticism and she was truly obnoxious last nite. Blaine needed to go.:eek: :eek: Teri did have an attitude so she goes.[/B]

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[quote name='mii'][B]Like I said a couple of weeks ago. There is something about Kenley that drives me clear up the wall and last nite proved it. She truly thinks that she is beyond any criticism and she was truly obnoxious last nite. Blaine needed to go.:eek: :eek: Teri did have an attitude so she goes.[/B]


I feel the same way about her. I don't think her arguing with the judges is going to sit well with them. Her dress??? If the challenge had been to design something based on a famous character, she would have won hands down for [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]"Echoes of Mickey Mouse"[/B][/FONT] with those huge plaid ears.:p
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I was fine with the winner, though I think I would've picked Leanne or Joe if I had my choice. Blayne was a definite auf from the beginning. I'm not sure I agree with Terri going over Suede. She's been much more consistent in her design throughout the show and, though not really avant garde, I thought Terri's outfit was better than Suede's. I think her attitude and unwillingness to work with Keith was her ultimate undoing.

And Kenley is plain old getting on my nerves. Yes, sometimes I like her stuff. As an Aquarius myself, I was completely thrown by her design. I knew what sign Korto's was immediately. Where was the water child in Kenley's design? And why would anyone want to look like an animated Disney character (which is exactly who she designed for)?

I definitely see Leanne and Korto in the final. I'm not sure of the third. The other remaining designers have lacked consistency. Looking forward to finding out though.
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[COLOR=Navy]And one of my "insiders" gave me a scoop (at a business meeting on Tuesday) that there was going to be big drama on this show, and apparently they didn't even show most of it...

Fireworks and stress were flying behind the scenes, enough drama for three episodes...
This is why it seemed like Kenley and Terri were at "the end of their ropes" emotionally on the runway.;)

So, the episode...
First they bring back the eliminated 8 designers.
They go to the workroom, and Tim pulls the name buttons out of the bag, in order to pair them up randomly.

Some are harmonious pairings, and others not so much!

The challenge is to design an "Avante Garde look, inspired by one of the team member's Astrological signs".

[I]I'm going to give you the definition of Avante Garde here - for future reference:
the advance group in any field, esp. in the visual, literary, or musical arts, whose works are characterized chiefly by unorthodox and experimental methods.
of or pertaining to the experimental treatment of artistic, musical, or literary material.
[B]unorthodox or daring; radical[/B][/I]

So they have to work, and then they are going to a surprise cocktail party the first night with their models and designs.
At the Natural History Museum in Manhattan!
Yeah! My favorite museum to hang out in when you have one or two hours to kill in NYC. (Lots of cool benches, and seats, and movies, and dinosaurs, and generally chill out spots).

The surprise guests are previous Project Runway contestants (whoever happened to be in, or living in New York at the time).;)

They must mix and mingle with their models, and the previous contestants will secretly vote on the winner at the end of the evening.

Here is an upfront explanation of the winner...
The previous contestants are voting on the winner at a cocktail party, not on the runway. A major portion of this then, is going to involve personality, interaction, schmooze, and "selling" from the designers.
So personalities that do this well would get higher scores, and quieter personalities won't (on the runway - the dresses must speak for themselves essentially).

Again, please hold comments until after the pictures are posted...
Here we go!

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[COLOR=Navy]And Jerell wins! (Sagittarius) partner is Jennifer.
And from the show, I can see why.
He really worked and schmoozed those previous contestants at the party.
He was pointing out every "unorthodox or radical" thing about his design.
He really did radical fabric and trim pairings, that were a huge risk. They probably would have been a complete horror show in someone else's hands (if someone else got those materials to work with for a challenge).

The group of items together is a radical unorthodox ensemble...
Yet, separately they are cool as well.

I would have been fine with two other winner's as well though...

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