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Carnival loses luggage and doesn't care!

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Okay. Let me start by saying thanks to the individuals that really seemed to show empathy to our plight and understand the frustration that was endured. Some of you have offered sound advice for future travels, thank you. To the others let me try to answer your questions.


4. They found your luggage, whats the problem? They found nothing. My luggage pops up the night before the trip is to end. Could it have been in another room? Possible. I'm more inclined to think that as the ship was preparing for debarkation and items are being shifted around in the hold my wife's bag shows up. As stated our room steward knew nothing, his co-workers knew nothing, their supervisor knew nothing and security knew nothing. Its rather hard to give them credit when no one knows or sees anything. If some jerk had it, would they really risk taking it out of their room and bringing to ours with the aspect of getting caught with it?



Again Thanks to those of you that offered concerns and genuine helpful advice. May all of your future trips be carefree and enjoyable. As far as me and mine we will look elsewhere to spend our money and time.




There is really no place your luggage could have gone missing down below. The area where the luggage is mustered is also used for many other things. A suitcase would have been noticed.

My vote is that a fellow pax didn’t read the tags until the last night. Our very first cruise (on Royal) our bag was misplaced. It was in the Cabin next door.

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Another option to wearing dirty underwear or going "commando" is to just wash the underwear you do have in the sink with the soap bar provided.


I guess you didn't take the time to read through the thread, I know it's a lot, but OP's wife did do that.



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I read something similar a while back (don't remember what cruise line). A suitcase was delivered to the wrong cabin and instead of contacting GS or steward the man just put it in the closet. He set it out the last night along with his luggage for debarkation. Gotta wonder what he was thinking!!!!:o:mad:

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I read something similar a while back (don't remember what cruise line). A suitcase was delivered to the wrong cabin and instead of contacting GS or steward the man just put it in the closet. He set it out the last night along with his luggage for debarkation. Gotta wonder what he was thinking!!!!:o:mad:


Some people are just complete morons. One can only hope karma repays them in kind seven-fold.

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Writing a letter to the CEO over lost luggage? Just relax.



Sailed on the Carnival Conquest March 31st 2018 Case# LFLI-SB-CQ-04012018-1


So I have held off a month on writing this review to give Carnival a fair chance in retaining a customer and actually making an attempt at customer service. First trip with Carnival and the crew loses my wife's luggage. My wife has the clothes on her back and that's it. We approached the customer service desk and advise of our situation. "We had waited six hours before we went down." The individuals at the desk gave us there best step-ford wife's smile and told us to be patient, they were still delivering luggage. Went back down at 10pm, advise of the same thing, no change. I ask the young man "Tulan" what was my wife to do being that our first stop is in the morning? Tulan stated they could open the ship store for us at 4:30 pm to obtain some additional clothing. I advise Tulan that the ship is supposed to leave port at 3:30pm how would that help? Thankfully an unknown kind stranger who was in the lobby heard what was going on and the sobbing of my wife and she gave her a swimsuit, yes a complete stranger helped my wife, not Carnival.


We finally were able to get someone in management who started to try to help. She offered us a credit to start buying clothes onshore. First stop private island, no stores. Second stop, all stores closed due to Easter. Third stop, which was our 5th day we made it to Curacao. So instead of enjoying the island my wife spent her time trying to find underwear and a bra being that she was now wearing the same underwear for 5 days? So the day was spent searching for ill fitting clothes to just finish the trip out. No fine dining for us. No going out to the clubs.


So on the final night of our trip as everyone is putting their luggage out to be picked up to go onshore what pops up at our door at 10pm. Yep, my wife's luggage. Our porter had no idea where it came from. Security stated they had no idea where it was and customer no help could tell us nothing either. So yes my wife's luggage was on the ship the entire time. So the ship offered us a 20% discount to come back, yep 20%. We told them that was insulting at best. We sent an email to customer service, we received no reply. We called them one week later and the young lady while nice said there was nothing else they could do. To quote her "Carnival moves a lot of people, and luggage gets lost, it's a part of doing business." Yes, she really said that. She then went on to say its too bad the luggage showed up on the last day because she could have done more for us. Insane.


So now we sent another letter to the Carnival CEO and that was over a week ago and still nothing. So this is our first and last trip with Carnival and now that they have decided they don't care about us, I'm now making it known what kind of business this is. Second honeymoon absolutely destroyed by an uncaring, thoughtless company with no sense of ownership. :mad:

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I agree, there are many potential answers, none of which we know.




Yep, many bags look alike, and many are unpacking after more than a few funship specials. There have been more than a few plausible scenarios put forth on this thread as to why the bag went missing for the whole cruise and the suddenly re-appeared.


Really won’t help matters at this point, but many of the newer ships have cameras in the hallways... If so could they have not been used to review what happened in that hall on embark and/or debark day?



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Writing a letter to the CEO over lost luggage? Just relax.



Why not write? Things are invented, new procedures, some better, some worst, because of problems and issues. Your little hinny wouldn't be cruising if someone, out of a problem to solve, haven't invented a way of stabilizing ships and building them to hold a lot of people.



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I know this doesn't help now, but I would have invoked Carnival's guarantee in a heartbeat - get off at the 1st stop, they refund you and fly you back for free.


Having done 2 1/2 days without my suitcase in Scotland last fall due to Aer Lingus being inept in both losing my bag and their lame , hap hazard process to find it, I won't go thru that again.


Always buy travel insurance, always invoke your guarantees. Insurance will reimburse you even without receipts to prove every piece you bought - you just have to be firm with them.


Genius idea! I never would have thought to leave the ship at the first port using Carnival's guarantee. If this ever happens to me that's exactly what I will do.


I hate the thought that the missing suitcase could have been in someone else's cabin all that time and they were either too stupid to realize it wasn't their's or too lazy to call Guest Services to have it delivered to the correct cabin.

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The cruise line owes nothing for lost luggage. Who's to say the dock worker didn't accidentally drop it into the ocean, In addition, people would just claim "lost luggage" without there being any luggage actually lost. I don't think people get receipts from the dock workers (DH & I just roll in our carry-ons) proving that the suitcase really exists.


Anything they give is a bonus.


However, I think the ship should keep an inventory of basic things (underwear, sweat pants, t-shirts) available in various sizes, including unique sizes for people just in case their luggage is lost.


Perhaps because their bag showed up on the last night of the cruise.

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I am shocked at the ignorance and lack of empathy of these replies.


When I think about what my clothes on a cruise are exposed to (salty air, sweat, sunscreen, smoke from the casino, even maybe the occasional spilled drink), the idea of wearing the same clothes over and over again (even if washed with some frequency) makes my skin crawl, and I'm just about the furthest thing from OCD that there is. I just wouldn't feel comfortable in my own skin. I feel for your wife -- that must have been extremely unpleasant for her to the point of ruining the trip. This is completely Carnival's fault, and while "cross-packing" may be a good practice for minimizing the chances of it happening again, chalking it up to, "Well, now you have learned your lesson for the next time" is nothing short of misplacing the blame and shaming the victim.


If Carnival delivers to the wrong room, they are completely responsible. If a suitcase is delivered to the wrong room, the guests of that stateroom have an ethical responsibility to return it, but Carnival has a financial responsibility to ensure it gets delivered to the right room in the first place. The fact that they even have a reimbursement policy in place for lost luggage in the first place -- even if it is only a meager $50 -- implies they know they are financially at fault if luggage entrusted to them goes missing. They slip that little stipulation in to protect themselves from exorbitant lawsuits. But asking for more than 20% off a future cruise is far from exorbitant given the circumstances -- their cruise was ruined. Remember, the $50 reimbursement is a LOWER bound -- they can reimburse as high as they want to, and 20% isn't much better. 20% off most 7 day cruises is at most $100-$150 per person. They certainly suffered more than that in inconvenience. These customers paid full cost for a cruise that they only got (at best) half the enjoyment out of due to a Carnival mistake. Carnival should have done more. Heck, Carnival has offers for about 20% off a cruise for everyone if you book at the right time. I personally wouldn't have been satisfied with less than 50% off a future cruise.





You are just ignoring reality. Carnival owes them nothing.


They said Carnival lost their bag. The bag wasn't lost.


They said Carnival doesn't care. Carnival gave them $200. They said they had to fight for it. Of course you have to ask for compensation, when basically they owe you nothing. At best this was a case for an insurance claim...not to Carnival.


Carnival still offered them more...a 20% discount on a future cruise. How much do you think is fair for something that wasn't lost and at best would be considered inconvenient.


Once again I ask for the benefit of all of us...What have other companies done in similar situations. I suggested that if this happened with an airline they would have received nothing. Please tell us what other companies that you know of do or have done, so we can ask for the same in the future.

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You are just ignoring reality. Carnival owes them nothing.


They said Carnival lost their bag. The bag wasn't lost.


They said Carnival doesn't care. Carnival gave them $200. They said they had to fight for it. Of course you have to ask for compensation, when basically they owe you nothing. At best this was a case for an insurance claim...not to Carnival.


Carnival still offered them more...a 20% discount on a future cruise. How much do you think is fair for something that wasn't lost and at best would be considered inconvenient.


Once again I ask for the benefit of all of us...What have other companies done in similar situations. I suggested that if this happened with an airline they would have received nothing. Please tell us what other companies that you know of do or have done, so we can ask for the same in the future.


Carnival did lose their bag. They then found the bag. That's often how the "lost and found" process works. ;)


You are also extremely factually incorrect that this compensation for delays isn't the standard in the airline industry. In fact, the US Department of Travel itself issued a directive making penalties against airlines more strict in terms of having to compensate customers for not just permanently lost luggage, but also delayed luggage.




Now that you've educated yourself, consider the fact that this is a cruise instead of an airline, which makes the situation even worse. At least when you land somewhere on an airplane without your baggage, you have more options to replace whatever is missing, like clothes in this case. These customers had virtually no shopping options for 5 days since they were quarantined on a boat.


EDIT: I want to add one more thing. Carnival doesn't seem to have a blanket policy of not compensating their customers for "ruined" vacations, at least, as long as there isn't press about it. You know, the Carnival customers who were in the flooded cabins on the Dream were given a full refund of the cruise plus 50% off their next cruise. According to Carnival, it took 6 hours from the time the flood began to when they dried out out the carpets so the affected cruisers could return to their cabin. This, to me, is far from a "ruined vacation". Let me tell you something, I would much rather be out of my cabin for 6 hours and get compensated a full cruise and a half than be without my luggage for almost the entire cruise (which would ruin the experience for me), get no refund, and only get 20% off my next one. The difference in Carnival's reaction, of course, stems from the negative press Carnival got for the flood... So I would say the OP is very much doing the right thing by making a stink out of it. It seems like it's an effective way to get Carnival to make amends for its mistakes.

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Carnival did lose their bag. They then found the bag. That's often how the "lost and found" process works. [emoji6]


You are also extremely factually incorrect that this compensation for delays isn't the standard in the airline industry. In fact, the US Department of Travel itself issued a directive making penalties against airlines more strict in terms of having to compensate customers for not just permanently lost luggage, but also delayed luggage.







Carnival may or may not have lost the bag. Most times for us they are left outside the door. More than a couple of times, I’ve seen our bags on a cart on the way back from the boat drill and just grab them.


And Carnival said they did not find the bags and have no idea how they got there. So I think you’re way off on your first point.


I agree with your second point. All these people who say airlines won’t do anything for you if they loose your bags.. not sure what airlines they are flying, but on AA, when they misplace my bags for 12hrs or more, I get to go buy new work boots, work jeans and and have money left over for a couple of tools.


But comparisons to the airlines are really not appropriate. There is a control number, tracking systems and a limit to the number of bags you can have. If the airline showed me tracking information that showed my bag was delivered to the correct carousel, then it would be clear to me that somebody took it and I would be SOL with respect to the airline comping me.






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Carnival did lose their bag. They then found the bag. That's often how the "lost and found" process works. ;)


You are also extremely factually incorrect that this compensation for delays isn't the standard in the airline industry. In fact, the US Department of Travel itself issued a directive making penalties against airlines more strict in terms of having to compensate customers for not just permanently lost luggage, but also delayed luggage.




Now that you've educated yourself, consider the fact that this is a cruise instead of an airline, which makes the situation even worse. At least when you land somewhere on an airplane without your baggage, you have more options to replace whatever is missing, like clothes in this case. These customers had virtually no shopping options for 5 days since they were quarantined on a boat.


EDIT: I want to add one more thing. Carnival doesn't seem to have a blanket policy of not compensating their customers for "ruined" vacations, at least, as long as there isn't press about it. You know, the Carnival customers who were in the flooded cabins on the Dream were given a full refund of the cruise plus 50% off their next cruise. According to Carnival, it took 6 hours from the time the flood began to when they dried out out the carpets so the affected cruisers could return to their cabin. This, to me, is far from a "ruined vacation". Let me tell you something, I would much rather be out of my cabin for 6 hours and get compensated a full cruise and a half than be without my luggage for almost the entire cruise (which would ruin the experience for me), get no refund, and only get 20% off my next one. The difference in Carnival's reaction, of course, stems from the negative press Carnival got for the flood... So I would say the OP is very much doing the right thing by making a stink out of it. It seems like it's an effective way to get Carnival to make amends for its mistakes.




Technically, the airlines only owe you what you have to purchase due to the delay, up to the maximum (now $3400). We’re talking actual expenses, not “frustration” or “inconvenience”. (Not taking sides here, just clarifying what the airline industry standard is.) In this situation, if OP incurred any actual expense because of the temporary delay Carnival should cover that. (If we are to hold them to airline standards. However, OP actually had trouble spending money to fix the problem, as there just wasn’t anything to be bought.


The future cruise discount seems to be the offer of compensation for inconvenience. OP does not find that offer to be very satisfying (I can understand that). Why CC wants to consistently expect people to be satisfied with only the bare legal requirement is something I don’t quite understand. (I.e., “they can change ports and you should be happy” or “your cruise contract says ....”). In the other hand, why people also seem to think they are entitled to compensation for every little inconvenience mystifies me as well. (NOT SAYING OP’s SITUATION IS A “LITTLE INCONVENIENCE”).



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Technically, the airlines only owe you what you have to purchase due to the delay, up to the maximum (now $3400). We’re talking actual expenses, not “frustration” or “inconvenience”. (Not taking sides here, just clarifying what the airline industry standard is.) In this situation, if OP incurred any actual expense because of the temporary delay Carnival should cover that. (If we are to hold them to airline standards. However, OP actually had trouble spending money to fix the problem, as there just wasn’t anything to be bought.


The future cruise discount seems to be the offer of compensation for inconvenience. OP does not find that offer to be very satisfying (I can understand that). Why CC wants to consistently expect people to be satisfied with only the bare legal requirement is something I don’t quite understand. (I.e., “they can change ports and you should be happy” or “your cruise contract says ....”). In the other hand, why people also seem to think they are entitled to compensation for every little inconvenience mystifies me as well. (NOT SAYING OP’s SITUATION IS A “LITTLE INCONVENIENCE”).



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This, at least, is true, unlike what Nic said above that the airlines aren't required to pay anything for delays. For the record, people who complain about minor, or even moderate, inconveniences and expect the moon in return tick me off. As I stated above, I wouldn't have at all expected a fully refunded cruise for a 6 hour flood delay -- I can happily spend that time in the MDR and throwing back drinks in the casino. Carnival ended up giving even more than that -- an additional 50% off the next cruise as well. Please flood my floor on my next cruise, Carnival!

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Carnival may or may not have lost the bag. Most times for us they are left outside the door. More than a couple of times, I’ve seen our bags on a cart on the way back from the boat drill and just grab them.


And Carnival said they did not find the bags and have no idea how they got there. So I think you’re way off on your first point.


I agree with your second point. All these people who say airlines won’t do anything for you if they loose your bags.. not sure what airlines they are flying, but on AA, when they misplace my bags for 12hrs or more, I get to go buy new work boots, work jeans and and have money left over for a couple of tools.


But comparisons to the airlines are really not appropriate. There is a control number, tracking systems and a limit to the number of bags you can have. If the airline showed me tracking information that showed my bag was delivered to the correct carousel, then it would be clear to me that somebody took it and I would be SOL with respect to the airline comping me.



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With all due respect, your first bolded part makes absolutely no sense. There is no way in heck a suitcase would be taken from the outside of the correct cabin by someone other than the owner of the cabin and then returned at the end of the cruise, either on purpose or on accident. It would never happen accidentally because you would immediately notice if you weren't at the right room because your key card wouldn't work and you wouldn't be able to get in, so you certainly wouldn't accidentally take the suitcase sitting outside of the room that doesn't belong to you. This would also never happen on purpose, because if some thief intentionally took the wrong suitcase, why would he return all of the contents in full at the end of the cruise? Unless you're suggesting the middle ground, that some prankster picked this suitcase at random and took it just to torture these poor guests only to return it at the end just to ruin their trip... I'm sorry, but Occam's Razor is pretty sharp in this case -- Carnival either lost it or brought the luggage to the wrong cabin (completely the same as losing it in my book, and still Carnival's fault).


As to your second bolded point, assuming that's true, that reflects even worse on Carnival -- at least in my scenario they actually were the ones that ultimately fixed the problem!!! But somehow I don't think it likely that a cruiser inconsiderate enough to keep the wrong luggage for a whole cruise would have the wherewithal (if kept accidentally) or moral compass (if kept on purpose) to return the luggage to the correct place. I personally think it's more likely Carnival found it (or had it returned to them) and returned it surreptitiously. I have no proof of this; this is only my gut telling me this.


For the record, I brought up the airline example in the first place because Nic made a completely false statement about airline compensation for delayed luggage.

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With all due respect, your first bolded part makes absolutely no sense. There is no way in heck a suitcase would be taken from the outside of the correct cabin by someone other than the owner of the cabin and then returned at the end of the cruise, either on purpose or on accident. It would never happen accidentally because you would immediately notice if you weren't at the right room because your key card wouldn't work and you wouldn't be able to get in, so you certainly wouldn't accidentally take the suitcase sitting outside of the room that doesn't belong to you. This would also never happen on purpose, because if some thief intentionally took the wrong suitcase, why would he return all of the contents in full at the end of the cruise? Unless you're suggesting the middle ground, that some prankster picked this suitcase at random and took it just to torture these poor guests only to return it at the end just to ruin their trip... I'm sorry, but Occam's Razor is pretty sharp in this case -- Carnival either lost it or brought the luggage to the wrong cabin (completely the same as losing it in my book, and still Carnival's fault).


As to your second bolded point, assuming that's true, that reflects even worse on Carnival -- at least in my scenario they actually were the ones that ultimately fixed the problem!!! But somehow I don't think it likely that a cruiser inconsiderate enough to keep the wrong luggage for a whole cruise would have the wherewithal (if kept accidentally) or moral compass (if kept on purpose) to return the luggage to the correct place. I personally think it's more likely Carnival found it (or had it returned to them) and returned it surreptitiously. I have no proof of this; this is only my gut telling me this.


For the record, I brought up the airline example in the first place because Nic made a completely false statement about airline compensation for delayed luggage.




This thread is a little long in the tooth and I will move on after this, but, I think both your points could be wrong and in fact have read here on CC of such. A bag was placed (typical blue bag) between two rooms and the 'WRONG' room took it with their families 5 others and "discovered" this at the end of the cruise (so they said) AND PLACED IT BACK OUTSIDE.


Point two was someone who had a bag placed outside their door and "willfully' kept it thinking it was 'funny'. I am not saying either happened in this case, just disputing your statement that either could occur.



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With all due respect, your first bolded part makes absolutely no sense. There is no way in heck a suitcase would be taken from the outside of the correct cabin by someone other than the owner of the cabin and then returned at the end of the cruise, either on purpose or on accident. It would never happen accidentally because you would immediately notice if you weren't at the right room because your key card wouldn't work and you wouldn't be able to get in, so you certainly wouldn't accidentally take the suitcase sitting outside of the room that doesn't belong to you. This would also never happen on purpose, because if some thief intentionally took the wrong suitcase, why would he return all of the contents in full at the end of the cruise? Unless you're suggesting the middle ground, that some prankster picked this suitcase at random and took it just to torture these poor guests only to return it at the end just to ruin their trip... I'm sorry, but Occam's Razor is pretty sharp in this case -- Carnival either lost it or brought the luggage to the wrong cabin (completely the same as losing it in my book, and still Carnival's fault).


As to your second bolded point, assuming that's true, that reflects even worse on Carnival -- at least in my scenario they actually were the ones that ultimately fixed the problem!!! But somehow I don't think it likely that a cruiser inconsiderate enough to keep the wrong luggage for a whole cruise would have the wherewithal (if kept accidentally) or moral compass (if kept on purpose) to return the luggage to the correct place. I personally think it's more likely Carnival found it (or had it returned to them) and returned it surreptitiously. I have no proof of this; this is only my gut telling me this.


For the record, I brought up the airline example in the first place because Nic made a completely false statement about airline compensation for delayed luggage.



As others have stated, it’s not unusual for bags to be placed in the halls between two cabins or even on the wall across the hall from the designated cabin.


If that’s where Carnival put it, it would be analogous to the airline getting my bag to the correct carrousel. And people grab the wrong bags all the time there - most times they realize their mistake and put it back.


I’m not sure why you are so dug in that Carnival has to be the dishonest entity here. There are stupid, inconsiderate, and even dishonest passengers. As most ships do not employ any type of tracking (I understand RCCL is experimenting with something) there is was no proof that the bag even existed until it showed up the last night.

As quintessential overpackers, we’ve come close to leaving a bag in the car on embark day. If I had not double checked when parking after dropping my family at the pier, we likely would have spent the cruise thinking the line had lost it. Came very close to leaving one bag behind at home once too.


Without a bonafide tracking system in place, when a bag is reported missing, the cruise-line is right to be on guard for the possibility that it was not their fault.



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Times certainly have changed. About 10 years ago when we first started cruising, the airline lost our luggage-not Carnival. Being newbies to cruising- all of our clothes were in our checked bags that were lost- none in our carry-ons. So we had no clothes except what we were wearing. Carnival gave both me and my girlfriend vouchers for funshop to buy clothes for $75.00 each. The next day was a sea day so no port to buy additional clothes. That $150.00 they gave us really made me sing the praises of Carnival. The Carnival Rep was trying to help get our bags to us from the airline on embarkation day so I think he really cared and went well beyond our expectations. In the end the airline finally got our luggage to us on the last port day. Needless to say we got vouchers from airlines for free future flights.

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Sailed on the Carnival Conquest March 31st 2018 Case# LFLI-SB-CQ-04012018-1


So I have held off a month on writing this review to give Carnival a fair chance in retaining a customer and actually making an attempt at customer service. First trip with Carnival and the crew loses my wife's luggage. My wife has the clothes on her back and that's it. We approached the customer service desk and advise of our situation. "We had waited six hours before we went down." The individuals at the desk gave us there best step-ford wife's smile and told us to be patient, they were still delivering luggage. Went back down at 10pm, advise of the same thing, no change. I ask the young man "Tulan" what was my wife to do being that our first stop is in the morning? Tulan stated they could open the ship store for us at 4:30 pm to obtain some additional clothing. I advise Tulan that the ship is supposed to leave port at 3:30pm how would that help? Thankfully an unknown kind stranger who was in the lobby heard what was going on and the sobbing of my wife and she gave her a swimsuit, yes a complete stranger helped my wife, not Carnival.


We finally were able to get someone in management who started to try to help. She offered us a credit to start buying clothes onshore. First stop private island, no stores. Second stop, all stores closed due to Easter. Third stop, which was our 5th day we made it to Curacao. So instead of enjoying the island my wife spent her time trying to find underwear and a bra being that she was now wearing the same underwear for 5 days? So the day was spent searching for ill fitting clothes to just finish the trip out. No fine dining for us. No going out to the clubs.


So on the final night of our trip as everyone is putting their luggage out to be picked up to go onshore what pops up at our door at 10pm. Yep, my wife's luggage. Our porter had no idea where it came from. Security stated they had no idea where it was and customer no help could tell us nothing either. So yes my wife's luggage was on the ship the entire time. So the ship offered us a 20% discount to come back, yep 20%. We told them that was insulting at best. We sent an email to customer service, we received no reply. We called them one week later and the young lady while nice said there was nothing else they could do. To quote her "Carnival moves a lot of people, and luggage gets lost, it's a part of doing business." Yes, she really said that. She then went on to say its too bad the luggage showed up on the last day because she could have done more for us. Insane.


So now we sent another letter to the Carnival CEO and that was over a week ago and still nothing. So this is our first and last trip with Carnival and now that they have decided they don't care about us, I'm now making it known what kind of business this is. Second honeymoon absolutely destroyed by an uncaring, thoughtless company with no sense of ownership. :mad:


Toodles. :D

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How to write a letter to an Executive Officer of a company and get someone to read it. Do not send a letter. Have on hand premium paper stock and matching envelopes. In your best cursive writing, send your complaint as concise as possible. The person in charge of their mail will think it's an invitation to something wonderful. the wonderfulness of it will be your thoughts and make it positive.



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Lost luggage is a big deal! And Carnival needs to own that. Very sorry that was your cruise experience. Thanks for sharing.



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Except you can't prove that Carnival did anything wrong. Luggage could have been delivered outside the correct stateroom and then taken by someone else (innocently or not) before OP arrived. In that case Carnival has done nothing wrong to own.

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Except you can't prove that Carnival did anything wrong. Luggage could have been delivered outside the correct stateroom and then taken by someone else (innocently or not) before OP arrived. In that case Carnival has done nothing wrong to own.




Same is so for airlines, yet they accept full responsibility regardless of what happens. It was left in their care and if not delivered to the passenger, they are accountable. Even if another passenger takes it - that would only be because they allowed that to happen while the luggage was in their care. They accept the luggage and are then responsible to deliver the luggage. They are accountable. Period. The passenger did exactly why they were supposed to do. Carnival did not.



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Same is so for airlines, yet they accept full responsibility regardless of what happens. It was left in their care and if not delivered to the passenger, they are accountable. Even if another passenger takes it - that would only be because they allowed that to happen while the luggage was in their care. They accept the luggage and are then responsible to deliver the luggage. They are accountable. Period. The passenger did exactly why they were supposed to do. Carnival did not.



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By accepting responsibility, what does airlines do?



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We had a bag disappear when we disembarked the ship. We went to the area with our luggage group' date=' and all but 1 of our bags were there. We spoke to the representative there, and waited while the luggage area cleared out. We checked other groups, but it wasn't there either.


Finally, there was 1 bag left that was very similar to our missing bag, and it had a tag with a phone number on it. The Carnival rep called the number, and said they left a bag, and probably took someone else's by mistake. Believe it or not, the person yelled at the Carnival rep ( I heard them on the rep's cell phone), "We have all our bags, we didn't take someone else's, I don't know why you are calling us!" and hung up on them.[/quote']


Up until you got to the part where the woman yelled at the Carnival rep, I thought you were writing about us. We accidentally grabbed a bag that looked exactly like ours. We had just left the port parking lot when we got the call about the mistake, but I promise you we didn't yell at anyone or hold the bag hostage. That's just over the top!

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