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Frugal Husband’s Anthem of the Seas Review

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Tell your wife she is a beautiful YOUNG lady. Do not let that witch in the spa have any affect on her. I have a very active and sharp thinking 99 year old friend, when my very special son met her his comment was she didn't look a day over 70. She was so thrilled that meant she looked almost 30 years younger. So just remember age and beauty are both how you feel not what others think.

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Thank you again for your in depth, but never boring review. I am so enjoying reading and the pictures are helping me feel less overwhelmed by the size and unfamiliarity of the ship. A week from today I leave and your review has also made the excitement and anticipation bearable.

Enjoy your cruise!! :cool:

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We are up bright and early. Hello Lady Liberty, wish I could say I was happy to see you today. Time stamp on this baby is 6:43am. Ugh.








So a little background. Originally I had booked the Amtrak out of Penn Station in NYC at 10:00 am. After asking this board if they thought we could make it or not the consensus was that it was iffy. Someone suggested to switch my ticket to Penn Station in Newark. That train arrived at 10:20 am. So I called anticipating a switch fee (again, I am trained by the airlines) guess what? There was none! A few key strokes by the worker and I got an email with my new tickets. Sweet!


So besides being frugal, and an obsessive planner, I also have the strong urge to arrive early for things. I had been watching traffic conditions on the mornings Anthem arrived back in port for the couple of weeks leading up to our cruise. The average time was about 40 minutes even though it’s only 10 miles away. We were also going to use Uber instead of doing Dial 7 because Dial 7 was quoting me $100 and Uber was $16!


So I’m trying to work backwards. If I want to be at the station around 9:40 then we need to be outside at 9:00...but how long will it take for the Uber to get there? I had heard about surge pricing too...maybe we should be out on the curb by 8:45...and I dont know what to expect with immigration at Cape Liberty. So maybe we should walk off around 8? We were doing self carry. Yeeeeeeah my brain can be a scary place sometimes! This was also the first time I had used Uber so that was another scary unknown.


Alright we are off for one more free breakfast. We decide against the Windjammer. We think it will be a zoo and I want salmon one last time. It’s about 7:00 at this point and the line for self carry literally reached Cafe 270! Oh boy. I’m trying not to panic.


I got my bagel with cream cheese, salmon, and some capers. That’s it. Remember I dont eat much right after I wake up. Cafe 270 was NOT busy. So if you are looking for a calm last breakfast I would suggest it. Besides the bagel bar they also have breakfast sandwiches, burritos, and fruit. We also had no problems finding a seat.











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After breakfast we walked back to the cabin. Here is that self carry line I was telling you about. Time stamp is 7:22am




We stopped one more time to stamp our heart beat on the chandelier.






Back to the cabin to put the last few things away.




One last moment on our balcony. Time stamp 7:47am.




Goodbye balcony cabin. It will be years before we save up enough points to be able to book you again. Back to the inside cabins we go. We slowly leave the cabin and I prop the door open like they asked us to do. I take one last gander at our cabin and then turn dramatically like in the movies. Don’t look back...don’t look back.


We catch the elevator and down we go. The doors open and I swear everyone on the cruise is there with me and there are zero crew members to help sort this mass of un-queued mayhem. So, uh, we think we are in the back of the line? Or maybe that’s it over there? Basically the line had split and there was a merge section going on at the photo place. I’m sure we cut ahead of like 50 people but there was just no where to go. Note to Royal have crew members stationed at the forward elevators of deck 6 to help with crowd control. I’m sure we are going to be in line for a half hour if not more.


So the kind is moving and after we clear the merge point we are actually moving really quickly. And I see the first crew member outside Izumi. Lady we don’t need you here. We got it at this point. Go head to the elevators and help those poor souls.


So here it is. Us leaving the ship. Time stamp? 8:05 am. Only 15 minutes since we left the cabin! I am shocked.





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More sad pictures of us leaving the ship. I contemplate throwing a 2 year old like tantrum but I decide it’s no use. I gotta go home.










Hmm we are waaaaaay ahead of schedule here...I won’t mind if there is a bit of a back up at immigration. Ha. Fat chance. I have never waited less time in immigration than here. Which is a good thing. They have it down to a science. At one point you pass a hallway that leads to the waiting area for boarding passengers. I give them my biggest stink eye I can manage. I always have this unfounded hatred for the people boarding when I’m getting off like it’s their fault I have to get off the ship.


Ok up to the immigration officer. He asks where I was born then waves me through. Soooo maybe it will take a long time for Uber to get there? Uber picks us up at 8:30. We’ll...we won’t miss our train that’s for sure! The Uber guy is nice. He puts our bags in his trunk for us, didn’t expect that. Then we are treated to an assortment of music that just made me wonder what kind of mix tape he had going. One song was Eminem the next Let It Go from Frozen. I don’t mind, I’m from Detroit. Gotta support my boy. So we get to the train station at 9:06. Nothing like having to kill an hour and 20 minutes at a train station.







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Let me tell you. If you think airports are boring places try hanging out at a train station. The airport will feel like Disney World after.




I checked the Royal app just for fun. Aww thanks Royal.




So the sign is totally electric but it still makes that classic flip sign sound.



Our train was scheduled for 10:20 it got there at 11:00.




We get on and there are no two seats together. The conductor says we probably won’t find two together till Philly. I did not anticipate this problem. We found two seats that were directly behind/in front of or another. The nice lady across the way says she and her daughter are getting off at the next stop so we can have her seats then. Thank you.


The rest of the ride is uneventful but long. We were supposed to get into Richmond at 4:20. We got there at 5:44. Still better than driving I-95. But I was a little cranky. Probably just the week catching up to me and the fact that I hadn’t eaten since my bagel this morning. We had snacks like crackers and trail mix but I was hungry...and I was having my caffeine withdrawals again.






And that’s it. That’s the last picture. We went to Cracker Barrel with my in laws and I ate everything in sight. I check my email to see if that couple sent the ifly pictures. They hadn’t, and to this day they still haven’t. Maybe it will come one day. It was a nice gesture. My wife and I get a kick out of it though. They just have pictures of us on their phone? Maybe one day they will see those pictures and remember to send them. We got home and collapsed in bed.


So that’s it. Thank you to everyone who followed along. I will have one more post to kind of wrap everything up.



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When I found the train from Santa Barbara to San Diego, I will never drive down the LA highway again :)


Now we have also found a great coach type shuttle bus that has AC, bathroom, and everything we need --- specially us not driving. Takes less time than the train and drops & picks you up at the airport.


We do always pay the few extra dollars for business class seats on Amtrak as the coach seats here on Amtrak are not guaranteed. Plus business class gets wine, water or soda and a nice size snack box.


Either way you go, anyway is better than sitting in I-95 (I grew up in Boston) or the 405 LA traffic Specially when you now live in a place that has NO traffic.


Great choice, great job on the picture upload (now I'll know how to do it on my first cruise of New England/Canada coming up in 30 days---woohoo!!), and love the review.


Thanks for sharing...

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Let’s pause. Some of you must be thinking “hey he calls himself frugal but he is in a balcony! That poser!” Normally we are inside cruisers. It allows us to cruise more. However, remember that credit card I told you about? Yeah we cashed in the majority of our points which took a massive chunk out of the total for us. Otherwise we would of been inside-ing it up.


So we are waiting for boarding to begin and guess what? Everyone was getting zero signal on the cell phones. What is this building made out of?!


Also remember me saying I was adopted by extroverts this trip? A gentleman sits next to me and I swear 10 seconds might of passed before I’m his new best friend. Look, I’m not trying to say dont talk to other people, plenty of people go on cruises looking to make friends-it’s one of their favorite parts of cruising. I’m just asking you to read the body language of the other person. I was doing everything to display an image of “I don’t want to chat”. I tried everything. I buried myself in my non-internet working phone, I tried reading the cruise compass, I gave only one word answers! But I have found that true extroverts don’t care at all. They would talk to the wall and be fine. Here, I was said wall. And I’m just too darn polite to straight up tell someone I don’t want to talk. I should have adapted that though as you will find out why later.


So this guy is telling me his life story of the past 48 hours. Which I will now tell you because it was pretty entertaining. They had a group of like 8 and everyone planned to fly in Friday. Well with all those crazy storms I guess the airports in and around NYC shut down. His one buddy left Dallas and was forced to land in philly and he had to rent a car and was now driving to the port. The person who planned the entire trip for everyone got rerouted to Cleveland and was told she would be on the first flight out. As of 10:15 she was still in Cleveland with an estimated departure of 3:00! Sadly, she didnt make the cruise.


This fellow had his flight from Dallas to NY canceled so he boarded a flight to LA (!!!) and then got on a plane from LA to NY. Holy cow. All in all about half of the group missed the cruise because of the weather...and c2927ed5efb30b669a26e125866ebca8.jpgthey all traveled the day before cruise day!


So the boarding area is now packed as it’s 11:00 and still no boarding. We started boarding at 11:25 so much for my 10:30 prediction. But here we go!





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So I must know...how did you cash in your points to upgrade on the cruise? Exactly please? Pretty please???


I have a bit over 400,000 points, miles etc and would love to use them like you did (frugally of course...LOL)


Thank you for sharing your experience with us...

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We have been on Freedom, Allure, and now Anthem. These Anthem cabins are easily the best. Storage everywhere. We easier could of had 2 more people in the cabin and had room for their stuff. And maybe it was just our fuzzy memory but we thought the shower was bigger too.


So we all read reviews and think to ourselves, really? They packed that?! (Which reminds me, earlier a woman passed us who had disembarked and she had a full BOX FAN under her arm) well here is my crazy thing I pack...toilet paper. I have learned that a week, or in this case 5 days, of their scratchy toilet paper does not work. What can I say, I must have a sensitive hiney. TMI?


With unpacking done we had one more stop to make. The MDR to see if we got the request I made weeks earlier for a two top. We get there and there is only one other party already being helped. They had a group of 50 (!!!!!) and they were ticked that they weren’t all together. The poor worker was explaining that it was a completely sold out cruise and there was nothing he could do. Well they were giving him a piece of their mind. Felt so sorry for him.


Another worker comes to help me I say we just want to see if we are at a two top. They walk us to our table and I just smile. A two top by the window! This has never happened. We always get our two top but we are usually no where near a window.


Ok enough logistics let get to the top deck and start exploring. We head to the front of the ship and we find...a wall. Haha no view from the very front of the ship on the top deck. We keep wondering and looky here North Star is doing walk up rides. We get in line. And since we are right next to the bar I get my first drink. A coke. Straight up. Haha I’m not a big drinker.


I’m glad we did North Star in port. Got some good views of NYC.







The guy working who went up with us was telling us there’s actually a toilet in the floor Incase they get stuck up there and as a last case scenario there are cables for us to repel down. Doesn’t bother me but some people were freaked out haha.


Ok back on the ground let’s check out Sea Plex before Muster. They are doing bumper cars but no way we get on before muster. Check out the Xbox area which is already packed. We did play a little corn hole over there. Then checked out the foos ball and air hockey. But they charge for air hockey, pssh I’ll keep my 1.50 thanks.




I grab a sprite from the bar aaaaand there is no syrup. Just carbonated water. Yuck. Ok let’s grab our pop cups from the cabin and head to muster. We are in the theater.



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Hi again....great review. How did you request a two top near the window?? Did you email the line, call, ask your TA?


Thanks again for sharin...getting so many insights!

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Frugal, loved your review. I laughed when you said it would take 40 minutes to go ten miles. Native new Yorker here, and we measure trips in time not miles.

When someone asks how far is that we will state 20minutes with no traffic.

And your mind is very normal to me. I like to be on time at the very least. So i do the backwards calculate what time do i have to leave scenario.


I have never taken an uber (and get ripped iff by taxis) can you explain how that works


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Frugal, loved your review. I laughed when you said it would take 40 minutes to go ten miles. Native new Yorker here, and we measure trips in time not miles.

When someone asks how far is that we will state 20minutes with no traffic.

And your mind is very normal to me. I like to be on time at the very least. So i do the backwards calculate what time do i have to leave scenario.


I have never taken an uber (and get ripped iff by taxis) can you explain how that works


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Native New Yorker here as well! Born and raised in Brooklyn, and raising my kids here too. I laughed when I read this, because yes we have always measured driving “distance” in time instead of actual distance. We also say we will “take the streets” if the Belt Pkwy, BQE, etc. are backed up, and we also measure distance in the neighborhood by blocks, not miles. As in, “the school is about 10 blocks from here”. ;)

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Thank you so much for this wonderful review! I enjoyed reading about your last morning, even though I know how sad it is that last morning. Whenever we get home from a cruise, that afternoon I always think about the people that just boarded “our” ship and just how lucky they are to be at the very beginning of their cruise.


My parents also ate breakfast at Cafe 270 their last morning on their cruise in February. They said it was great and not crowded at all. And they sat comfortably in there, plenty of seats. We will do this as well. We also plan to carry off our luggage when we go in April. My parents had said the same thing you did, that they have it down to a science. They said it was the quickest

exit off a ship they’ve ever experienced in their 25 cruises.


Once again, thanks for such an entertaining review. I enjoyed all of it. Have a wonderful school year!

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So I must know...how did you cash in your points to upgrade on the cruise? Exactly please? Pretty please???


I have a bit over 400,000 points, miles etc and would love to use them like you did (frugally of course...LOL)


Thank you for sharing your experience with us...


We have the Capital One Venture card. We get 2 points for every purchase we make and we can redeem them for travel purchases in 2 ways.


1-we got redeem points on their website for gift cards for the specific company. We did this 2 years ago when we went to Disneyland and stayed at a Hyatt Place. You also get more “reward” for your points if you get the gift cards.


2. I buy the travel purchase on my card (and getting points for doing so) and then I can log into my account and “erase” the purchase using points. This is what I did with this cruise since Csp One did not offer Royal gift cards. I made smallish monthly payments and then simply erased that purchase cost from my monthly statement. When it was all done I think I spent $300 of actual money to purchase the cruise. All the rest I used points.

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Hi again....great review. How did you request a two top near the window?? Did you email the line, call, ask your TA?


Thanks again for sharin...getting so many insights!


You can request your two top by sending an email here rcldining@rccl.com


I usually send my request about two months to a month and a half before my cruise. I make sure to include eeeeeeverything. My name, cabin number, and confirmation number. Then just kindly ask for what you want.


I have done this for all 3 of my cruises and I have been placed at a two top each time.

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Frugal, loved your review. I laughed when you said it would take 40 minutes to go ten miles. Native new Yorker here, and we measure trips in time not miles.

When someone asks how far is that we will state 20minutes with no traffic.

And your mind is very normal to me. I like to be on time at the very least. So i do the backwards calculate what time do i have to leave scenario.


I have never taken an uber (and get ripped iff by taxis) can you explain how that works


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So I was really nervous to use Uber. I thought we would be kidnapped and our families would never see us again. But I feel way better about it now.


First download the Uber app and load in all your personal info and the credit card you want to pay with so its all stored. Then when you want an Uber open the app and type in where you want to go. It will give you an estimated pick up time, drop off time, and the price.


If you want it hit confirm and in a moment or two your route is picked up by a driver. Once that happens you will be told your drivers name, vehicle, and you can see their review rating and read reviews about them. If you don’t like what you see you can cancel.


You can also send a message to the driver like “we are at pick up spot 9” or “I’m the tall dude wearing a red hat”


Then once you are in the car you can keep your app up and it will display the route the driver is to take and your car on the route (the driver will have this same info on their side. They are to go the way Uber says not which ever way they want). The app will also constantly update giving you an estimated time of arrival.


Also there is an emergency button on your app that you can hit if you ever feel in danger or if your driver is going off route.


Once you get to your destination you simply hop out. The fare is charged to your credit card automatically. No need to tip either because once you are done the Uber app will ask you if you want to give the driver a tip or not, and then you have the opportunity to rate the driver to help out others.


I was very skeptical because like I said I thought I was going to be murdered and chopped up into little bits. But I felt totally safe and I just kept te app up and tracked our progress. And man it saved us $70!

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So I was really nervous to use Uber. I thought we would be kidnapped and our families would never see us again. But I feel way better about it now.


First download the Uber app and load in all your personal info and the credit card you want to pay with so its all stored. Then when you want an Uber open the app and type in where you want to go. It will give you an estimated pick up time, drop off time, and the price.


If you want it hit confirm and in a moment or two your route is picked up by a driver. Once that happens you will be told your drivers name, vehicle, and you can see their review rating and read reviews about them. If you don’t like what you see you can cancel.


You can also send a message to the driver like “we are at pick up spot 9” or “I’m the tall dude wearing a red hat”


Then once you are in the car you can keep your app up and it will display the route the driver is to take and your car on the route (the driver will have this same info on their side. They are to go the way Uber says not which ever way they want). The app will also constantly update giving you an estimated time of arrival.


Also there is an emergency button on your app that you can hit if you ever feel in danger or if your driver is going off route.


Once you get to your destination you simply hop out. The fare is charged to your credit card automatically. No need to tip either because once you are done the Uber app will ask you if you want to give the driver a tip or not, and then you have the opportunity to rate the driver to help out others.


I was very skeptical because like I said I thought I was going to be murdered and chopped up into little bits. But I felt totally safe and I just kept te app up and tracked our progress. And man it saved us $70!




Welcome to the 21st century. I see so many ppl still using transfers that charge per person. Just doesn’t make sense to me. Uber Lyft Via or Bliss or even a taxi if it’s right there I’ll choose any day over the shuttle.



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I used Uber and lyft for the first time in La s Vegas, I was alone and used it from the airport to hotel. I had never been to Vegas before either so I had no idea what I was doing, it turned out great and I got a first time user discount so it was only about $6. Now I have used them in several cities and never had a problem.

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Frugal, loved your review. I laughed when you said it would take 40 minutes to go ten miles. Native new Yorker here, and we measure trips in time not miles.

When someone asks how far is that we will state 20minutes with no traffic.

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We did that out West as well. Where I lived in Nevada we were 5 hours from Reno and 4 hours from Salt Lake City (plus a time change).

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We have the Capital One Venture card. We get 2 points for every purchase we make and we can redeem them for travel purchases in 2 ways.


1-we got redeem points on their website for gift cards for the specific company. We did this 2 years ago when we went to Disneyland and stayed at a Hyatt Place. You also get more “reward” for your points if you get the gift cards.


2. I buy the travel purchase on my card (and getting points for doing so) and then I can log into my account and “erase” the purchase using points. This is what I did with this cruise since Csp One did not offer Royal gift cards. I made smallish monthly payments and then simply erased that purchase cost from my monthly statement. When it was all done I think I spent $300 of actual money to purchase the cruise. All the rest I used points.


Very Cool!!!


For my upcoming Carnival cruise I did purchase some gift cards with discount. I will wait and use those to pay for any bill at the end of my cruise. I will also use credit card just to get a data point on whether the items purchased on board code as points when I purchase direct travel.


For my RCI cruise I can use points. However, it beleive Im going to position the cruise to be my Board Meeting for my corporation. And write it off that way.


#2 will work perfectly, thank you for your frugal cruising ideas!

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More sad pictures of us leaving the ship. I contemplate throwing a 2 year old like tantrum but I decide it’s no use. I gotta go home.










Hmm we are waaaaaay ahead of schedule here...I won’t mind if there is a bit of a back up at immigration. Ha. Fat chance. I have never waited less time in immigration than here. Which is a good thing. They have it down to a science. At one point you pass a hallway that leads to the waiting area for boarding passengers. I give them my biggest stink eye I can manage. I always have this unfounded hatred for the people boarding when I’m getting off like it’s their fault I have to get off the ship.


Ok up to the immigration officer. He asks where I was born then waves me through. Soooo maybe it will take a long time for Uber to get there? Uber picks us up at 8:30. We’ll...we won’t miss our train that’s for sure! The Uber guy is nice. He puts our bags in his trunk for us, didn’t expect that. Then we are treated to an assortment of music that just made me wonder what kind of mix tape he had going. One song was Eminem the next Let It Go from Frozen. I don’t mind, I’m from Detroit. Gotta support my boy. So we get to the train station at 9:06. Nothing like having to kill an hour and 20 minutes at a train station.







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2 safety things to remember when taking Uber/Lyft or other types of rides.


1) Check the license plate against the plate the app says is picking you up


2) Ask the driver who they are picking up. And make sure they state your name. Do not say are you picking up "Your Name"? Just ask who are you picking up. If anyone other than you, dont take that ride. Contact the company and go from there

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2 safety things to remember when taking Uber/Lyft or other types of rides.


1) Check the license plate against the plate the app says is picking you up


2) Ask the driver who they are picking up. And make sure they state your name. Do not say are you picking up "Your Name"? Just ask who are you picking up. If anyone other than you, dont take that ride. Contact the company and go from there


Great tip!

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Ok some final thoughts.


Quantum class. We liked it but not as much as Oasis class. We thought the Esplanade was too small and we missed the energy and atmosphere of the Prominade. We also missed the Aqua Theater and Central Park.


We did love that this ship seemed more open to the ocean. On Allure we thought it was hard to see the ocean. How much of this was due to different design vs us having a balcony room? That’s the real question and one I can’t answer.


We didn’t care for the Sea Plex I felt out of place and old when I was there (I’m only 33). North Star was ok. It’s fun but not something to book a cruise over. ifly was AWESOME. That is something I would book this class of ship for.


The crew was simply amazing. Every worker was SO nice and smiling and they initiated conversation. That had not been the case on previous sailings. Don’t get me wrong workers would always take care of any request but not always with a smile and would talk but only if we started the convo.


Windjammer was not as chaotic as on Allure. Maybe we ate at off times. I LOVE the sinks for hand washing. Great move.


Food. I know this is subjective but we had way more hits then misses. Highlights were Wonderland, the strawberry bisque, the beef tenderloin, it was the best cooked lobster we have had on a ship, the seafood linguine and the lasagna. And those stupid Windjammer burger and fries!


Cabins. The best I have been in. There was so much storage we could of fit another adult’s things in the cabin no problem.


Solarium. Our favorite Solarium of any ship class. Loved the cascading pools, and the low loungers where I took my nap.


270. Kind of a let down. After reading all the glowing reviews of it I was excited but I didn’t love it. Seemed like a waste of a huge space to me...give me the Aqua Theater.


Shows. Again subjective but Sheesh. Usually a strong point for Royal but this was a miss. Spectra’s Cabarte was dreadful, The Gift had no semblance of a plot line (for my Disney friends I wanted to yell “Pick a plot line!” Like Fear from Inside Out) and the comedian was awful. We Will Rock You was good.


Bermuda. O.M.G. I have a favorite new island. The people are so nice and friendly, I NEVER felt not safe, and Horseshoe Beach is my new favorite beach. I wish we had another day there so we could of seen the caves and aquarium. Loved the island.


5 Day Cruise. Too short. Plain and simple. It was either this or none so we went with this but man did we miss those extra 2 days. I can’t even image a 3 day cruise!


Disembarkment. If they would Station crew members at the elevators to help with the confusion that would help but man everything was so smooth after that. I know they don’t handle immigration but it was the most organized and best flowing immigration I have experienced. We could of stayed on the ship for 40 minutes longer and still made it to the train station with plenty of time to spare.


You guys. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and responses. It really kept me motivated to keep going and made me happy that you were enjoying my travels and my lame attempt at being a writer.


Thank you to everyone who followed along and who commented and brought their own good information to the thread.


If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask!


Until next time!

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