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Just a Rant - we should be happy with what we have instead of what we dont


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You know, losing someone special in your life who you used to share all that with always puts things in a different perspective, or at least in most cases it does. Or even being a single mom who struggles daily. A vacation is what you make of it, no matter where you are. You yourself can be the only one to make the choice to be happy being alive and appreciate what you do have, or to complain about the inconsequential materialistic things that so many people have come to feel entitled to. Yes we pay a lot of money to go on these vacations so we expect things to be perfect. But perfection, as is beauty, is in the eye of a beholder. I am a single mother who lives paycheck to paycheck. I struggle, save, cut back, all just so that I can make sure that I can take my children on vacations and give them experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. "things" that are given as gifts for birthdays and holidays, those items while appreciated briefly at the time that they are given, tend to soon be forgotten, and in most cases people forget who even gave them those things or they get lost or broken and again just forgotten. But experiences like cruises or going to other destinations that you don't typically go to on a daily basis... those are priceless and unforgettable. Look at the face of a child or loved one as you drive up to the port, walk onto the ship, do things in port, etc.. tell me that excitement and joy that you see on the faces of those loved ones does not far outweigh the materialistic things that are complained about when they are not as perfect as we want them to be, and I will show you a cold hearted person who is never happy no matter what you do. For me I live to see the joy and excitement on the faces of everyone around me as opposed to being worried about how long a line is to get some food, or someone left a plate of food out in the hallway outside their door, or there is no longer table cloths on the tables every night in MDR, who cares!! Pay attention to the things that should matter, enjoy those around you, make things better for yourself by choosing to be happy with what you have rather than being so angry about what you dont have.

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Just returned from another amazing cruise. Was everything perfect? No way, yet we were blessed to be able to spend 2 wonderful weeks alone away from work and responsibilities. We were able to spend 2 wonderful weeks reconnecting as a couple. It makes me sad when people speak and act so entitled instead of being appreciative of the opportunity they are afforded.

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So true. I hope you have many more vacations that you can create wonderful memories with your children.


Thank you ! So do I... Both my parents are in poor health, my dad was recently put on Hospice, I would give ANYTHING to have my parents be able to go on a cruise with me, I so envy all those out there who get to take their parents on a cruise with them. I spend as much time with both my parents as I possibly can right now especially knowing that my dad isnt going to be with us much longer. He has struggled for so long with his illness, and I know that each day he holds on is torture for him. I hate seeing how much he struggles just to walk a few steps, these things that we all take for granted, will all be gone in a flash. We need to learn to be more kind to each other, appreciate what we do have and understand that one day we wont have those things or people that we love so much. When those people are gone, what is left? Empty inanimate objects that are cold and uncaring. Things do not make us happy, not in the long run.


I have worked in some sort of a customer support / service capacity for over 20 years. You would be really surprised at how above and beyond someone like me will go for those who come to me with kindness, understanding, and patience over someone who immediately starts with attitude and anger. We do understand that you are calling in because something is broken or you arent happy with something for some reason, thats why we are here, thats our job, but it is not me specifically who caused the issue to happen. I am here to help try to make it right for you, so give me that opportunity without judgement and I promise you i will do everything in my power to find the solution that will help you. Its the same with our cruises, if you have something that is wrong and have to go to guest services or your room steward or even the cruise director. Go to them with patience, smile and say please and thank you, let them know that you understand that its not specifically their fault that something is wrong, explain the issues with facts rather than emotion. Tell them, hey, when you get a chance can you please take a look at this issue and see what can be done to fix it.. i promise you that 99% of the time they will get on it immediately when you come to them with apparent patience. And when it does get fixed, say thank you, show appreciation!

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At the age of 60 now I don't remember the gifts I received at Christmas or my birthday growing up. I do remember the trips to Coney Island at the end of each school year, the summer road trips, the Easter egg hunts, and especially the cruises they took me on. I would be so excited when they decided on a cruise and would spend weeks remembering the deck layout and discussing with mom our excitement over the months waiting to board.

To this day I have centered my life with my family around weekend adventures and trips for the memories we will have for a lifetime.:)

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Exactly! There are very few gifts that I've received over my 30 years that I actually remember, but you better believe that I remember all the trips we have taken over the years! My parents took me to Chicago over Thanksgiving last year for my Christmas gift and that was a trip that I won't soon forget. No vacation is ever going to be perfect, but whining and griping about every little thing that doesn't go your way won't make it a perfect trip.

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Very well said and thank you for this beautiful post. Everything that you said is so true. I don't have kids, but I do have my husband who also happens to be the one I cruise with. We don't get the opportunity to cruise that often but when we do, we are just grateful for the opportunity to go on a cruise to get to some of these beautiful places and the experience of being on a ship out on the ocean. We don't look for the imperfections, we just enjoy being able to to have the experience, and like you said, the lasting memories. We have enjoyed all of our cruises and also appreciate the land vacations we've been able to go on with family/friends. Material things, like you said, are appreciated for a short period of time, but the memories of vacations and those they are spent with are priceless. Again, thank you for a beautiful and positive post. :)

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You know, losing someone special in your life who you used to share all that with always puts things in a different perspective, or at least in most cases it does. Or even being a single mom who struggles daily. A vacation is what you make of it, no matter where you are. You yourself can be the only one to make the choice to be happy being alive and appreciate what you do have, or to complain about the inconsequential materialistic things that so many people have come to feel entitled to. Yes we pay a lot of money to go on these vacations so we expect things to be perfect. But perfection, as is beauty, is in the eye of a beholder. I am a single mother who lives paycheck to paycheck. I struggle, save, cut back, all just so that I can make sure that I can take my children on vacations and give them experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. "things" that are given as gifts for birthdays and holidays, those items while appreciated briefly at the time that they are given, tend to soon be forgotten, and in most cases people forget who even gave them those things or they get lost or broken and again just forgotten. But experiences like cruises or going to other destinations that you don't typically go to on a daily basis... those are priceless and unforgettable. Look at the face of a child or loved one as you drive up to the port, walk onto the ship, do things in port, etc.. tell me that excitement and joy that you see on the faces of those loved ones does not far outweigh the materialistic things that are complained about when they are not as perfect as we want them to be, and I will show you a cold hearted person who is never happy no matter what you do. For me I live to see the joy and excitement on the faces of everyone around me as opposed to being worried about how long a line is to get some food, or someone left a plate of food out in the hallway outside their door, or there is no longer table cloths on the tables every night in MDR, who cares!! Pay attention to the things that should matter, enjoy those around you, make things better for yourself by choosing to be happy with what you have rather than being so angry about what you dont have.


*Someone has to start the slow clap*

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What a lovely thread. I too chose to spend my hard earned money on as many trips as I could manage when my kids were little. During the 2008 recession I lost the high paying job I had excelled at for 13 years, had to sell my home, and eventually had to cash in my very nice retirement account to get by until I found my current job. Guess what? I lost a lot, but still had precious memories of the times spent with my kids on cruises and land vacations around the world.


My kids are now grown, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd do the same thing: spend my money creating memories, not buying a bigger house or a newer car. My daughter and I are joining my sister and niece for a cruise in 2 weeks, my 14 year niece's first one. Making more memories is our goal, and we're not so worried about what time we get to check into our cabin, or if there's a queue for the Lido, or chogs at the pool. It's a privilege to be able to travel, we make the most of every moment, and don't sweat the small stuff.


At the end of your life, possessions mean very little; experiences mean a lot.

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What a lovely thread. I too chose to spend my hard earned money on as many trips as I could manage when my kids were little. During the 2008 recession I lost the high paying job I had excelled at for 13 years, had to sell my home, and eventually had to cash in my very nice retirement account to get by until I found my current job. Guess what? I lost a lot, but still had precious memories of the times spent with my kids on cruises and land vacations around the world.


My kids are now grown, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd do the same thing: spend my money creating memories, not buying a bigger house or a newer car. My daughter and I are joining my sister and niece for a cruise in 2 weeks, my 14 year niece's first one. Making more memories is our goal, and we're not so worried about what time we get to check into our cabin, or if there's a queue for the Lido, or chogs at the pool. It's a privilege to be able to travel, we make the most of every moment, and don't sweat the small stuff.


At the end of your life, possessions mean very little; experiences mean a lot.


I'm going to be on the Triumph in two weeks with my kiddos :)

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Without a doubt the best thing I've read on CC in months.


You are someone who "Get's it"!


Life is short let's appreciate what we have!


Thank you! I'm really surprised at how much positive feedback I've gotten from this post. I braced myself because I was really expecting to be roasted by the naysayers about how we shouldn't settle and such, but I am prepared if I do get negative responses :)

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Very well said! We too save money all year to pay for our once a year vacation. We were so happy that after 7 years of financial struggle we were in a position to afford to go on cruises again. Was everything perfect? Was it exactly the same as it was 7 years ago? No, but did we still enjoy ourselves and had a lot of fun? Yes! You can't dwell on the past and how things used to be, or let one disappointment ruin your entire experience. We have had a few disappointing experiences on our last 2 cruises, but we get over them and don't let them ruin our cruise. We count our blessings every day we can afford to even go on vacation and everything we have, there are so many others who can't and don't.

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I respect your post but I don’t totally agree with it. I see nothing wrong with people expecting a certain level of service or a certain level of passenger decorum on their expensive vacations, and voicing their opinions when those expectations aren’t met. Everything in life is about perspective and this is a public forum about cruising, not life’s lessons.


I don’t intend for this post to be negative toward you, op. I just think the message might be a little unfair to those who are disappointed in cruise line changes and passenger behavior.

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I respect your post but I don’t totally agree with it. I see nothing wrong with people expecting a certain level of service or a certain level of passenger decorum on their expensive vacations, and voicing their opinions when those expectations aren’t met. Everything in life is about perspective and this is a public forum about cruising, not life’s lessons.


I don’t intend for this post to be negative toward you, op. I just think the message might be a little unfair to those who are disappointed in cruise line changes and passenger behavior.


Well Spoken.

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You know, losing someone special in your life who you used to share all that with always puts things in a different perspective, or at least in most cases it does... Pay attention to the things that should matter, enjoy those around you, make things better for yourself by choosing to be happy with what you have rather than being so angry about what you dont have.


Thanks for posting. All of us need regular reminders like this to put life in perspective. I was complaining about work stuff with a coworker just a little bit ago and while the complaints are legitimate, I am grateful to have a secure job. We havent cruised for a few years and since then, the prices are up and some perks are gone but I am grateful to be on this board, researching an future vacation because that means I will have the money to do so. Although I have lost much, I have much to be thankful for!

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I respect your post but I don’t totally agree with it. I see nothing wrong with people expecting a certain level of service or a certain level of passenger decorum on their expensive vacations, and voicing their opinions when those expectations aren’t met. Everything in life is about perspective and this is a public forum about cruising, not life’s lessons.


I don’t intend for this post to be negative toward you, op. I just think the message might be a little unfair to those who are disappointed in cruise line changes and passenger behavior.


I dont totally disagree with you, yes I believe that we spend a lot of money and our expectations can be high because of that. I do agree that someone who finds that something is wrong should ask to have those things corrected within reason and do so respectfully. What is wrong with using patience, kindness, understanding, please, and thank you when asking for something to be fixed? When you are standing in line at guest services waiting to talk to them about an issue, dont get angry because the line is long. Wait for a better time to go, or even use it as an opportunity to be kind to others in line and brighten someone else's day by smiling at them, say hello, meet a new friend you would be surprised at how fast that 20 minutes in line will go when you are having a fun conversation with someone else. This post is about making the best out of any situation as much as humanly possible. It's about realizing that sometimes life is too short to be so unreasonably angry about something that is inconsequential. My last cruise wasnt perfect. I had an issue with my sail and sign not letting me in my room one night, had to change my card 3 times that night. But instead of being angry or irritated by it, I turned it into a funny joke and even laughed with the people at guest services... in will tell you that by me being understanding and patient with guest services that night, when I needed something else the next day, it was taken care of very fast.

Edited by angeleyez915
Correct a typo
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I am about to go on my 19th cruise. Never have I been on a perfect cruise, and some cruises we have had some "wrong" things happen, when those things happened it always gave us something to laugh about or joke about. We have made the most of it.

Some people complain about the attire of others in the MDR. We will dress nicely, but not nearly as nicely as we used to--tuxes and evening gowns. We've never worn shorts or casual items. Others do, and We don't care. We are with the people we want to be with, and what others do doesn't concern us. We go to other restaurants on land and people wear casual clothes. Do you really want something like that to ruin your vacation?

We have taken our children on 13 cruises, and now they are all adults, but we have some of the very best memories on the trips we have taken.

I am very happy to see the rest of the people who have responded positively to this rant. I would love to cruise with you! Life is what you make of it and so are cruises!

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I am about to go on my 19th cruise. Never have I been on a perfect cruise, and some cruises we have had some "wrong" things happen, when those things happened it always gave us something to laugh about or joke about. We have made the most of it.

Some people complain about the attire of others in the MDR. We will dress nicely, but not nearly as nicely as we used to--tuxes and evening gowns. We've never worn shorts or casual items. Others do, and We don't care. We are with the people we want to be with, and what others do doesn't concern us. We go to other restaurants on land and people wear casual clothes. Do you really want something like that to ruin your vacation?

We have taken our children on 13 cruises, and now they are all adults, but we have some of the very best memories on the trips we have taken.

I am very happy to see the rest of the people who have responded positively to this rant. I would love to cruise with you! Life is what you make of it and so are cruises!


We were on the Splendor during the fire in 2010 and we saw some bad behavior from frustrated and at times scared people. Then there were folks who tried to make the best of a terrible situation that lasted for days. No vacation is ever going to be perfect but we have some fabulous and weird cruise pics from the Fire Cruise and it is a memory I am fond of sharing.

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