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Jen Smith on Oprah

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For those of you that caught this program on TV, what are your thoughts of Jennifer's demeanor? Also how do you think the Pres of RCCL handled the "did you do enough for her" questions?


Personally, I think she seemed a little too cool about the whole thing, yea I know it's been six months but....RCCL guy seemed to be a bit ticked off about the idea that they didn't make the whole ordeal more comfortable for her, but I think that she (Jennifer) may be missing the point - someone is missing and maybe dead.


Please don't flame me for this, maybe I'm totally wrong about the whole thing. Ive never one a million dollars for being able to read people on the first go.

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For those of you that caught this program on TV, what are your thoughts of Jennifer's demeanor? Also how do you think the Pres of RCCL handled the "did you do enough for her" questions?


Personally, I think she seemed a little too cool about the whole thing, yea I know it's been six months but....RCCL guy seemed to be a bit ticked off about the idea that they didn't make the whole ordeal more comfortable for her, but I think that she (Jennifer) may be missing the point - someone is missing and maybe dead.


Please don't flame me for this, maybe I'm totally wrong about the whole thing. Ive never one a million dollars for being able to read people on the first go.

Above Sea, here's my opinion on this hole thing. This case reminds me alot of the Scott & Lacy Peterson case. It's started off in a simular manner and if you think back, Scott stayed real cool throughtout the entire investigation. Just too many things in this case that make you stop and say "hummmmmm." I don't think your going to be too far off in your thinking when all is said and done. So now folks, I guess there are two of us who are like minded. Please be gentle with us.

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Well, I make three! I couldn't even finish watching the show, she irritated me so much. She stinks so bad of guilt and I can't believe Oprah. i lost all respect for that woman today!.....i hope they figure this one out soon...I know the wife is hiding something BIG!


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Just copied and posted from another thread same topic!

Just finnished watching the Oprah show and let me tell you I really am disapointed with the way Oprah handled the whole show. I feel that Jennifer was made out to look like a poor helpless grieving widow when in fact she drank to such excess that she couldn't remember anything about the most important details of the entire case. When will we all own up to the fact that we are responsable for our own actions.

They were supposed to be on a honeymoon but....

1.They had an argument in front of many other people

2. She kicked her husband so hard in the groin he doulbeld over

3. She was found passed out in a hallway

4. Comes to but does not go and see where her husband is?


On the other hand the entire interview was handled in such a way that cast her in the poor victim light. Gail whose only claim to fame is being Oprah's friend conducts the interview at Jennifer's house with a soft mood given to the scene and comes out saying quite a few times .......You know Oprah, I believe her.

Oprah why not mention that a cruise line is not expected ro act like a nanny and that they are not expected to take the rap between a couple who are in a fighting mode. The most important witness here which is Jennifer does not remember anything! What was RCCI to do ...extract the truth out of Jennifer.

P.S. I feel that the President of RCCI handled himself very well and came across as very sincere, and you know what Oprah....I BELIEVE HIM!

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Above Sea, here's my opinion on this hole thing. This case reminds me alot of the Scott & Lacy Peterson case. It's started off in a simular manner and if you think back, Scott stayed real cool throughtout the entire investigation. Just too many things in this case that make you stop and say "hummmmmm." I don't think your going to be too far off in your thinking when all is said and done. So now folks, I guess there are two of us who are like minded. Please be gentle with us.


To: ADeputy4U - thanks,


It just seems in my mind that how "someone was taken care of" is really not the point. If my wife died I really don't think I would even notice how I was being treated, good or bad. I realize RCCL agreed to the interview to sort of clear the air and do some good public relations work. However, newleyweds? Sleeping in seperate cabins? Or, party people hanging with a real, real bad crowd? Who know's how it will all pan out - if it ever does.


I guess lesson learned maybe: watch where you are and who you are with - don't forget, this didn't happen here in America. And by that I don't mean anything derrogatory to other countries - it's just pretty far away to get the real facts sent here via the media, or through CC for that matter. Again, my point of view is expressed not to attract flaming. Others are welcome to voice their opinions and ideas and draw their own conclusions and I promise (as should others) not to flame back as everyone has their own idea of what happened. In the end, the purpose of my post was not to create a huge smorgashboard of fighting, rather to get the thoughts of others and possibly have others think twice a couple of times even three or four times if they are getting in over their heads.

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Make it four...it's on right now here in Denver, and my husband and I are both watching. Amazing how she is accusing RC of a coverup when she has provided not one shred of evidence about her behavior the night it happened. It is so convenient to say "I don't remember". The president of RC had a lot of cahones to come on and face her, and not throw back in her face that 1.) they are not a US company, 2.) they were not in the US, 3.) why did she and her husband already spend at least one night apart on their honeymoon? 4.) why, when she realized her husband was not in the cabin and went to the spa for a couples massage and found out he wasn't there either, did she not postpone the massage to go find him? etc. etc. Those are the questions that I want answered, and I'm sorry Oprah didn't ask them. I have not been following this case closely, never watch Oprah but tuned in today while flipping around the channels, so no preconceived idea, but ended up really irritated by HER and her behavior, then and now.


Did you catch her saying something like "I should put on my FBI hat and look for him?" Her attitude galls me.

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I kept wondering why she was so upset about what she didn't get out of RCL when her husband is missing or dead. She seems to put all of the blame on RCL.


I went into this program not knowing much about the incident. I came away thinking what a spoiled brat she is.

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I think many people are forming opinions without the facts. I am waiting for the FBI and Dr. Lee to wrap things up first. Nobody knows how they would react if something like this happened--doesn't mean anything. The FBI cleared the wife early on. I want to hear more from witnesses. One couple said the Bride and Groom were sober at 2:30am. How did they pass out 90 minutes later? Still need alot more info before making up my mind. In the end, we will probably never know for sure.

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Did you catch her saying something like "I should put on my FBI hat and look for him?" Her attitude galls me.


Yeah, me too. She has a very sarcastic tone to her. Yeah, like her and George never got in fights with that attitude....whatever.:rolleyes:

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To: ADeputy4U - thanks,


It just seems in my mind that how "someone was taken care of" is really not the point. If my wife died I really don't think I would even notice how I was being treated, good or bad. I realize RCCL agreed to the interview to sort of clear the air and do some good public relations work. However, newleyweds? Sleeping in seperate cabins? Or, party people hanging with a real, real bad crowd? Who know's how it will all pan out - if it ever does.


I guess lesson learned maybe: watch where you are and who you are with - don't forget, this didn't happen here in America. And by that I don't mean anything derrogatory to other countries - it's just pretty far away to get the real facts sent here via the media, or through CC for that matter. Again, my point of view is expressed not to attract flaming. Others are welcome to voice their opinions and ideas and draw their own conclusions and I promise (as should others) not to flame back as everyone has their own idea of what happened. In the end, the purpose of my post was not to create a huge smorgashboard of fighting, rather to get the thoughts of others and possibly have others think twice a couple of times even three or four times if they are getting in over their heads.

Your most welcome. Just remember everyone. Scott Peterson went fishing, Jen Smith went to the Spa. Things that make you go hummmmmm!!!

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Daughter and I watched today also. If I was a newlywed and my husband was missing I would still be devestated! She was way too cool and was in too much of a hurry to blame everyone else. Sorry to say but drugs are easy to buy in Turkey and I have not heard a word about it spoken but I did read a reporters account of maybe they did bad drugs, that is why she can't remember.


Who's to say what happened. I thought RCCL did things by the book and they were cleared by the Turkish authorities, twice. I had heard that RCCL cleaned the area before the police arrived but that turns out to be not true.


I feel sorry for the young man's family. Not knowing must be heartbreaking for them.


No matter where you travel you must be aware of your surroundings at all times. When people drink sometimes they loose this awareness and things happen.


My prayers go out in hopes this mystery is solved.

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I think many people are forming opinions without the facts. I am waiting for the FBI and Dr. Lee to wrap things up first. Nobody knows how they would react if something like this happened--doesn't mean anything. The FBI cleared the wife early on. I want to hear more from witnesses. One couple said the Bride and Groom were sober at 2:30am. How did they pass out 90 minutes later? Still need alot more info before making up my mind. In the end, we will probably never know for sure.


She (Jennifer) said she passed out in a hallway and was taken by wheelchair to her room. My point was - how is RCCL being raked over the coals for not providing her with the utmost in luxury during this whole ordeal? My point was and still is, to her demise in my opinion, how the cruise line treated her is immaterial. She should be more concerned as to what is going on and a lot less concerned that she got a bill for her ordeal. Again, Just what I think. Maybe I am wrong.

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My 2 cents worth are that:


1. It's Oprah....She is selling a bill of goods...And the wonders of editing.

2. She was shown in a Dr.Phil setting, and the kid-gloves are on...When she was going on about her parents having to pay $1000 for her to fly home....I was ready to launch my dinner.

3. She seemed to be able to cry on cue.

4. When is she going to be on Larry King, so Oprah can stand up for her there too



Just wondering when the book and movie are going to be signed, it is America afterall..

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I thought the Prez of RCL got set up... I want an apology.... I want you to pay for my ticket home..


$*** happens. Insurance is purchased for unforeseen events like getting home.

RCL did not push the guy.

I could not believe when he said that they should have paid for her flight..

...and her line about keeping 2000 passengers waiting until the forensics team interviewed all the passengers because RCL could afford (through insurance) to give everyon one or two free cruises for their inconvenience.


Oprah demanded an apology from RCL for their poor treatment of a drunk who does not sleep with her husband (reciprocal agreement it seems) but likes the floor and massages better... and she wanted two security guys to placate her...:mad:

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I want to know why Oprah did not ask her if she "remembered" talking to her friend in the casino at 2:30am??? The woman said George and Jennifer were a lovely couple and she saw them in the casino that evening and spoke w/ Jennifer about 2:30am at which time Jennifer was not drunk at all???HMMMMM but passed out in a hallway 2 hrs later??? Why didn't they QUIZ her on her memory of that..since she DOESN"T remember anything it would have been interesting to hear her response..?? Just a wee bit fishy...

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She expected the rest of the passengers to get off the ship and go home. She expected the cruise line to ignore the rest of the passengers and tend to her needs during the investigation. And most importantly, she expected everyone to be concerned about how she was being treated rather than worrying if her husband may still be in the water awaiting rescue. She is looking for a big payoff and that's the extent of it. Oh, remember George for what he was. Hey, she forgot about George and flew home as quickly as she could get a ticket outta there.

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On the other hand the entire interview was handled in such a way that cast her in the poor victim light. Gail whose only claim to fame is being Oprah's friend conducts the interview at Jennifer's house with a soft mood given to the scene and comes out saying quite a few times .......You know Oprah, I believe her.


Gayle King was a respected Emmy award winning news anchor for about 18 years at the CBS station in Hartford Ct, WFSB.


We always watched her news casts every evening and found her to be honest.

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#1 I don't know all the facts.

#2 It would have been a sympathetic gesture on the part of RC to pay for her plane ticket home.

#3 It would have been a sympathetic gesture on the part of RC to refund at least the room charges.

#4 It appears so far that RC didn't do anything wrong, cover up anything, or treat her disrespectfully. The guy apologized for not handling the situation better. She should have accepted the apology, she came off the show looking rather suspicious IMHO:(

# 5 I betcha in the future all cruise lines will take a lesson from this situation.

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From watching Oprah today,this is my thoughts on what might have happened. Prior to Oprah today,I felt,well they both were drinking heavily and fighting,so who knows. Now, I feel this way.

It has been mentioned,tho not today,that George had quite a bit of money with him.I think at some point,in the cruise,he was flashing it around,or bragging about having it in the cabin. The wrong people heard him do this,and decided to relieve him of it.

The woman passenger on the show,said she saw and talked to both of them around 2:30 am,and neither seemed at all intoxicated. She had supposedly just met them on the cruise,so why would she lie to cover up for them?

I think someone,or someones,put something in their drinks. Jen staggered off and passed out in a hallway. George was able to get back,or was helped back to his cabin. He was expected to pass out also,but was stronger than Jen,and fought back. He was hit with something(big thud)probably too hard,there was panic,and he was pushed overboard. I do think it strange that they were apparently spending nights apart,and she wasn't more concerned about where George was. But, face it. Young people no longer "wait"for anything. They most likely live together.Jen and George lived together for a year and a half,before marrying. So Honeymoon's are no longer the special happening,they used to be. By the time young people marry today,everthing is old hat to them.

I agree with Goldstein,that RCL did everything they could,under the circumstances,with 1 exception. Leaving her in Turkey(a foreign country) to get home,however she could, was heartless. They should have seen that she had a plane ticket and a definate way back home. However, once the Turkish police cleared the ship,and told them they could reopen the cabin and sail,why wouldn't they? Expecting RCL to fly 3000 people home,and keep the ship in Turkey is ridiculous. I do hope we find out an ending to all this.

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