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A 2-line World Cruise--Around the World on Amtrak, Crystal, and Cunard


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Day QM2-4, Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Adelaide

The Crystal Serenity concludes an overnight call in Cairns.  The sun rose at 7:11 and set at 7:43.  The moon set at 8:20AM and rose at 8:23PM.

Anticipating some walking in port I walked just 3 laps in the morning.  The internet has actually been working quite well most of the time but I went up to Café Carinthia to check it before arriving in Adelaide.

The sun was just coming into view as we arrived at the dock next to the Regent Seven Seas Mariner, in the middle of a 2-day call there.


My tour was called "Adelaide Highlights".  We were on the bus most of the time (For starters, Central Adelaide was about a 45-minute drive from the dock).  Our first stop was at the South Australian Museum.


The free museum covered 5 floors with an array of exhibitions ranging from art to Antarctic explorations.  The one exhibit that left me cold was a giant squid which was displayed only in small sections over several floors.  We had an hour at the museum.


The second stop was about a half hour out of town, an overlook called Lofty Mountain (elevation about 2,400 feet, 1,500 meters).  The views were very nice.


There was a snack bar at the overlook.  I didn't see any real food that struck my fancy but I bought a bag of Aussie potato chips to get a start on lunch.  We had about a half hour there and left at noon.  There was a very prominent obelisk at the summit.


We saw a lot of the sights of Adelaide driving both ways through the city but I didn't get much in the way of photographs through the bus window.  The core of the city is surrounded by a very nice ring of green space.


We detoured a bit past the beach on the way back which extends for 30 kilometers.  We were back at the ship about 1:15.


There was an ice cream product that I enjoyed very much in Sydney.  I saw the brand but not the actual product at both the café at Lofty Mountain nor in the terminal.  I really found nothing of interest near the terminal.

I finished off my lunch with skim milk and an ice cream cone from Kings Court, and watched some of the lectures I had missed on Monday.  Stuart Usher's talk on Japanese holdouts didn't come on until almost 5PM and I watched it rather than going on deck for sailaway which was around 5:30.  I stepped briefly onto my balcony but all I could really see was a bit of a tug boat helping with the wind.

All six of us were present at Table 211.  I chose the oxtail consume, spa chicken breast, and roasted pineapple.


After dinner I took one more lap around the promenade deck for a total of 5, starting from the aft pool on deck 6.  As I arrived sunset was just starting and I got a better view from the promenade deck near the life rafts.  A little further along the sun was reflected in the doors to Kings Court.


When I returned to my room there was another letter about the coronavirus.  No itinerary changes were mentioned; it was pretty much a slight amplification of the every day sanitary precautions.  The one new thing I noticed was that security personnel who handle multiple items at the gangway would be wearing gloves.  I do expect the passenger count to drop at Fremantle, not necessarily due to new cancellations but I expect after effects from the Asia cancellations where many spots were filled at bargain rates by an influx of Aussies.


The featured entertainment was singing group the Valley with a tribute to the Four Seasons.  They were good but I think would have been better if they had stopped a little earlier.  The end of their show just dragged on and on.  We did gain a half hour overnight as we return to an integral hour offset from GMT.


This parting shot will be brief.  Best wishes to Harry and Megan as they begin a more private life.



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Day QM2-5, Wednesday, March 11, 2020, At sea, Queen Mary 2

The Crystal Serenity is at sea from Cairns to Darwin.  The sun rose at 7:01 and set at 7:52.  The moon set at 8:23 and rose at 9:11.

I'll start off with a photo I mentioned but forgot to post on the sea day before Adelaide, the sunset on March 9.


I had planned on walking a little bit more than I did on March 9, perhaps 8-10 laps.  I was out on deck about 5:20 and as I rounded the stern an essentially full moon was shining down through the deck 8 railing.  I walked 3 laps (1.1 miles) before returning to my cabin to watch Paul O'Laughlin's morning show live.


O'Laughlin's guests are usually people associated with some revenue generating activity but this morning he also interviewed the acrobatic duo performing later in the day.  After the show I returned to the promenade deck and walked 10 additional laps before starting breakfast.  I hadn't expected much with some low lying clouds but the sun appeared beautifully on about the third of those 10 laps.  I walked one final lap just before 9 for a total 14 laps (5.1 miles)


While I have a penchant for expensive cruises I am a cheapskate at heart.  When I am buying wifi by the minute I go into scarcity mode.  I budget for 30 minutes a day for everything and decided my free 8 hours would be insufficient for 26 days.  So far the internet has been very good and I've used only 100 minutes for the first 5 days.  In addition to personal email and stuff I post by email to the blog which also hosts the pictures I reference on Cruise Critic.  I was able to post to the blog just before 10 but did not have time to go on to Cruise Critic before the 10AM  lecture.

The first of the day's lectures (10AM) was Chris Frame with a talk on Cunard and the Queens, covering her last 100 years.


Another new speaker went on at 11.  Peter Beckingham talked about the life and voyages of Captain Cook.  At the same time Paul was interviewing Captain Hashmi in the Royal Court Theater.  Hashmi started life as an airline pilot but started looking for a new career after a major slowdown in the airline industry.  At the time Cunard had a program of one way on the QE2 and the other on the Concorde and one of his BA contacts suggest investigating sea life.  He is officially Aseem Hashmi, MNM and the MNM was explained.  It is Merchant Naval Medal, and it came largely based on his airline background.  Hashmi was instrumental in a group devising airline style checklists for ships which are now an industry standard, and his group was appropriately honored.

In his penultimate noon update (Captain Wells joins in Fremantle) Captain Hashmi noted we were in the middle of the great Australian Bight in the Southern Ocean.  We were about 200 miles from the nearest land but will get close again as we round the Southwest tip of Australia.

A misprint in the Daily Programme had a 12:15 lecture but when I discovered it should have been 3PM I went up to the Boardwalk Café for my lunch, grilled chicken, skim milk, and a cookie.  After lunch I finally found the time for my second internet session, posting to Cruise Critic and checking my emails.  One from my travel agent had my room assignment for the transatlantic segment of my cruise.  I will stay in 8025.  It was not available when I first booked so I suspect there was a cancellation.

The final classical concert by Ben and Tyler was in the Royal Court Theater featuring "Rhapsody in Blue" among other works.  The final talk of the day was Stuart Usher with the story of the German warship Emden, grounded and wrecked in the South Pacific in WW2.

For the second Gala night of the segment there were again 4 at Table 211.  I chose the Chicken Consume, Beef Medallion, and ice cream.


I must say I like Crystal's "Lectures on Demand" very well.  Cunard tapes the lectures but most of them appear on only 1 channel with the day's lectures running sequentially from 5PM to 5PM the next sea day.  I did eventually see Peter Beckingham's talk on Captain Cook but it ended after the night's show had already started.  

There seems to be a special Ball each Gala night.  This one was the Australian Ball.


While on deck 3 aft I popped into night club G32 (for those not familiar with Cunard, the name G32 comes from the number the shipyard assigned to QM2 while it was built  It was quite lively with a live band.


The featured entertainment was Power of 2, an acrobatic duo.  This type of show has always impressed me with the skill, strength, and flexibility of the performers but left me searching for a reason why I should care.  This duo added the element of interesting costumes (one was a clown) but did not change my verdict.  The show was at 10:30 and I was in bed by 11, even though we gained an additional hour overnight.


My parting shot is a sad one.  I have learned Crystal Serenity's World Cruise is ending a month early in Perth.  I find this sad for everyone but especially for World Cruise Hostess Stacey Houston and venerable Cruise Director Gary Hunter, both on their final World Cruises.  I had the feeling this was a likely train wreck by the end of February with the successive announcements that no passengers would be allowed to board in Sydney and then reversed less than 48 hours later.  It is also ironic that passengers onboard could continue to Mumbai but would not be allowed to disembark in Perth, and now everyone must leave in Perth.  Cunard seems to have been more proactive and organized about this and while there are some concerns I am quite optimistic about my prospects of a successful sail in to New York.



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Things are going kind of nutty all over.  I believe India has closed all its ports to cruises, nobody loves us!  On our local evening news today we were told that if we leave Canada, even just to drive across the border to the US, we will have to "self-isolate" for 14 days when we get home...

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5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Things are going kind of nutty all over.  I believe India has closed all its ports to cruises, nobody loves us!  On our local evening news today we were told that if we leave Canada, even just to drive across the border to the US, we will have to "self-isolate" for 14 days when we get home...

Thanks.  The world seems to have totally gone out of control.  I just got back from a tour and spent about 10 minutes dealing with issues of events closing at home.



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Day QM2-6, Thursday, March 12, 2020, At sea, Queen Mary 2

The Crystal Serenity is at sea from Cairns to Darwin.  The sun rose at 6:45 and set at 7:31.  The moon set at 9:21AM and returned at 9:27PM.

In Come From Away Mayor Claude Elliott starts his Gander day at Tim Hortons.  I start my QM2 day at one of the coffee stations in Kings Court.  Coffee, tea, regular and skim milk, juice, water, and ice all there but for me it's coffee, and all just steps away from the finest promenade deck at sea.


When I went on deck and rounded the stern the moon was shining brightly above the starboard life raft cluster.  I walked 4 laps before returning to my cabin for Paul's  morning update.


I returned to the promenade deck for an additional 7 laps for a somewhat reduced but still satisfactory total of 11 (4 miles).  As I rounded the bow of the second of those laps I just missed seeing the sun drop behind a low lying while the sky was still a pastel of beauty.


I took care of the day's internet business before the lecture activity started at 10.  Judy Hinchcliff started things off with a talk on Crocodiles, followed by a Q&A with Olympian Rechelle Hawkes.  In his final noon update Captain Hashmi noted we had 365 miles to go and were 70 miles southeast of the nearest land.  We should approach Busselton at 7 and be anchored by 8.  He indicated that wind and sea swells might be an issue with tendering.  As I think he traditionally does he closed his final message of a voyage with a letter "Why I want to be a Sea Captain".

There was a chilly wind up on deck 12.  I took my lunch from the Boardwalk Café to one of the loungers and wrapped up in one of the pool towels for some extra warmth.  Almost lunch in bed.

The Chart Auction for the Prince's Trust was held at 2 in the Grand Lobby.  There were 2 charts, one for the Sydney to Fremantle segment ($850) and the other for the full circumnavigation of  Australia ($1,400).  I wonder if the days of the Chart Auction may be numbered as the world goes to electronic charts.  The actual base charts were at least the full southern hemisphere rather than a more detailed area chart as in the days of old.  It is still a nice exercise for the Cadets.


The afternoon presentations were at 3 and 4, first Stuart Usher with the story of the rescue of 6 political prisoners from Fremantle Prison, and then Chris Frame on the story of the QE2.

I have a balcony but it isn't especially private.  For most of the voyage the catwalks between me and boat 3 have been torn up and crews have been out there scraping, painting, and sprucing  up the boat riggings.  Cruise lines can't win.  If they do this kind of work people will complain about the workers but if they don't then it will be "the ship  is a rust bucket".  Since I'm behind a lifeboat and not a tender I just want to be sure the boat is still up there.  


We were a party of 6 for one of the last times at table 211.  I chose the duck consume, beef medallion, and ice cream.


The featured entertainment was probably Cunard's oldest production show, Appassionata.  I opted instead to go to a Viennese classical concert by the Harmony Strings (I hadn't encountered them yet but believe they are part of the crew).  It was a very nice performance.


My parting shot will be a wish for safe travels for all joining QM2 in Perth or returning home, and especially Captain Hashmi and my table mate Liz.



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Day QM2-7, Friday, March 13, 2020, Busselton

The Crystal Serenity is in Darwin.  The sun rose at 6:17 and set at 6:42, The moon set at 10:01AM and rose at 9:20PM.

When I first went out on deck there were force 7 winds and I did not think tendering looked promising.  With a rather strenuous tour planned I walked only once around the promenade deck with one additional lap after returning from the tour.  Somewhat to my surprise the tenders were released around 7:30.

I had a fairly early tour, "Nillgi Cave and Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse".  QM2's tour system is probably the most regimented I have ever seen.  We  enter the Royal Court Theater and are given a numbered/colored sticker and directed to a small section of the auditorium with signs for each number's area.  When the tour is called, we go down as a group to the tender landing and board the tender.  The tenders are fairly standard, just a little bit bigger than most but fairly standard.  As I looked at the hull from close-up, it looks like the ship should be getting fairly close to her next drydock  The tender has facilities for an upper level seating although it was too rough to use it on the way to shore and was only in use for the return trip.


Boarding the tender was easy but it was a rough ride into town with waves often crashing over the tender roof.  Bussleton boasts "the longest wooden jetty in the Southern Hemisphere".  It is actually mostly concrete now after storm damage but it's over a mile long.  I should have been suspicious of riding in on tender 13 on Friday the 13th.  We were almost ashore when they called the driver with "You're on the wrong side of the jetty".  It was almost another 2 miles going around the end of the jetty to get back to the landing spot.  The seas had calmed quite a bit when we first passed the end of the jetty and our driver cracked the hatch above his head.  He was absolutely drenched as a giant wave hit us going back around the end of the dock.  At the shore end of the dock there was a very nice hand drawn sign welcoming us to town.


With our extra tender time our tour ran late all day.  It was about 10:30 when we reached our first stop, the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse on Geographie Bay, roughly 20 miles South of Busselton.  The Keeper's house is apparently now used for private functions; it was not open during our visit.


There are tours of the lighthouse, but they were not part of our tour and we did not have time to do it even if we wanted to purchase one.


It was then a short drive to the Ngilgi caves, near the little town of Yallingup (the suffix up in the native language means 'place').  The entrance was from a hole in the top and when we were just in our guide gave us a brief introduction and left us to explore on our own.  There were most of the typical scenes in caves and at one place there was a table with samples of the limestone we could touch.  By the time I reached the end it had been quite a workout.


The brochure had said "350 steps".  Some were wooden and easy to negotiate while others were cut into the rock and uneven with a few of the steps had very high rises.  There were generally railings but in a couple of places there were none and it felt a bit scary.


I saw only one traditional column in the cave.


While in Sydney I had purchased an 8-pack of small bags of potato chips (crisps) and consumed 7 of them before boarding QM2.  The last of those bags was the start of my lunch.  Also in Sydney there was one ice cream product I liked both for size and for a sensible size.  I checked all the stores in Busselton coming up empty until a restaurant had it while I was almost returning to the ship.  A glass on skim milk on board completed my lunch.


As I returned to the jetty QM2 was sitting placidly in the distance.  The ride back to the ship was uneventful.  While the upper level of the tender was in use I was on the lower level.


There was one final dinner for all six of us at table 211.  I chose the gourmet greens, spa beef tenderloin, and apple and apricot tart.


The featured entertainment was a repeat performance by the Valleys with music of the 60's boy bands (Temptations, Bee Gees, Drifters, and Beatles).  I arrived a bit early so I could exit when the encores started.

My parting shot will be difficult and a foreshadowing of uncertainty to come.  At 7:45AM Saturday Captain Hashmi came on the PA with sudden and stunning changes.  Nobody (guest nor crew) would be allowed to board in Fremantle, and several ports would be missed on our upcoming segment.  Even Captain Wells will not be boarding and Captain Hashmi will be continuing.  I have not heard anything definitive but it sounds like we will remain in Fremantle another day to allow guests who wish to leave to pack and make arrangements.  I wish all with their plans disrupted a minimum of further frustrations.



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I drove past your floating home in Fremantle on Saturday and  wondered what was happening with the ports of call and voyage based on recent events. Safe travels and I’ve enjoyed your reviews thus far.

Edited by Jakdgr
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Day QM2-8, Saturday, March 14, 2020, Perth

Note: This post was written early Sunday morning and only minimally amended for the 8AM bombshell

The Crystal Serenity starts a Corona modified itinerary from Darwin to Broome.  The sun rose at 6:15 and set at 6:37.  The moon set at 11:05AM and rose at 10:01PM.

The day started relatively routinely with a walk of 3 ½ laps around the promenade deck with an eventual total of 5.  We entered the harbor about 6, passing the World on the way to our berth.

It was looking like pretty much a normal port day until Captain Hashmi came on the PA at 7:45 with stunning news.  Due to the coronavirus situation, no guests nor crew will be allowed to embark in Fremantle.  This includes Captain Wells, so Captain Hashmi will be on board until Southampton.  People who wish to leave in Fremantle will be permitted to do so and our departure was extended, first by 2 hours and later by 24 hours.  I learned later in the day that Holland America's World Cruises would end in  a few days in Fremantle, so if we do manage a return to Southampton we will be one of the last World Cruises standing.

I had a tour, "Twin Cities and River Cruise".  We left the dock about 9 and drove pretty quickly across the Swan River and along the North Fremantle coast stopping first at Kings Park with a panoramic view of the landscape.


Also at Kings Park was a memorial to Australia's war dead.


We drove through the center of Perth stopping at a ferry landing on the Swan where we boarded our boat.  The tour boat sometimes serves as a ferry to Rottnest Island but I believe the voyage we were on was part of a luncheon cruise out of both Perth and Fremantle.


Much of the Swan upstream from the cruise terminal is wide, virtually a huge bay, but can never be a home to shipping due to a series of low, fixed bridges just beyond the currently used area.


Just before the dock where we left the boat and additional lunch passengers embarked we passed QM2, docked and looking serene.


We had a brief tour of Fremantle as we re-boarded our coach.  The Roundhouse was originally a temporary detention center for indigenous prisoners who would end up serving their sentences at Rottnest Island.


One of the attractions along the way was the Tourist Wheel, part of the Esplanade green space.


We nearly circled the Fremantle Prison but we did not get a single really good view of it.


Some people left the coach at the ancient market, just before we returned to the ship.


When I returned to my cabin the letter that Captain Hashmi had promised was waiting, although things were changing so fast it was already a bit out of date.


I got lunch at the Boardwalk Café and then headed out in search of one final Peters dixie cup.  I was unsuccessful there but did find some blueberries at Coles for a late evening snack.

It was close to 5PM when I first heard that things had changed again.  Apparently Captain Hashmi made a 10AM announcement and we are in port until Sunday evening.  People who wish to leave must do so by 8PM Saturday and there will be 2 1-hour windows on Sunday when Australian Borderforce will be on the scene to process disembarking passengers.

There were just 3 of us at table 211.  We think the other couple was likely dining at Kings Court.  My 2 remaining tablemates plan to continue to the end as they feel this is not a good time to be at airports and in slender metal tubes.  I chose the beef consume, lamb chops, and poached pear.


The featured entertainment, clarinetist Amber Jade was caught up in the day's events and unable to embark.  There were 2 movies, 'Doctor Sleep' in Illuminations and 'Hidden Figures' in the Royal Court Theater.  I did not go to either.  I did go up to Café Carinthia to upload documents to my blog.  The March 14 Daily Programme is almost like a collectors item because it was distributed before the changes were announced and a good guide to what should have happened but irrelevant to what actually happened.  Café Carinthia was silent there when I arrived but Fiona McGee was just starting to play her harp as I left.

My parting shot will be a request related to the Cunard Forum of Cruise Critic.  There is a dedicated thread there for Coronavirus.  The situation will have a major impact on the rest of my voyage and I will report on the situation as it affects my experience here but if I have any general information about Cunard and Coronavirus I will post it on that thread.  If readers have questions about Caronavirus please post them on one of the other places I'm reporting.

One is the World Cruise forum of Cruise Critic:

As I write this the internet is not working but that thread should be one of the first listed in the World Cruising forum.

The other is as a comment to the blog at:


PS: as of the 6AM morning show Paul O'Loughlin indicated we would still get to Southampton.  At 8AM Captain Hashmi came on the PA and the other shoe dropped.  We may stay aboard potentially until 8PM Tuesday.



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Roy, I have been following your journey, and I admire your spirit, and I am so sorry your trip is coming to such an abrupt end.  I have no idea how you will be routed home at this point, but if one of the options can get you to North Carolina, we are in Charlotte and we will pick you up at the airport and get you home.


Take good care,

Cindy & John

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Roy, I hope things are going well for you.  The news here today, Sunday, is that Australia is closing its ports to cruise ships, so I hope you managed your disembark and onward journey without any problems.  We are all rooting for you!

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Roy, I'm sorry to hear that your trip got cut short.  I have been wondering what would happen to you on the QM2, and sadly now I know.  I thought that if any of the lines would be able to withstand the onslaught it would be Cunard, since they are used to long crossings without ports.   But in the end, I guess it was too much even for them.


Someone is telling you that you are not meant to circumnavigate the globe without flying....  Are you planning to try again?


I hope you make it home safely and easily.

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Day QM2-9. Sunday, March 15, 2020, End of cruise announcement, Fremantle

The Crystal Serenity starts a Corona modified itinerary from Darwin to Broome for the last few days of her world cruise..  The sun rose at 6:15 and set at 6:37.  The moon set at 11:05AM and rose at 10:01PM.

The day started pretty normally.  When I first went out on deck the moon was almost directly overhead and I caught a view of it between 2 lifeboats.


The Daily Programme listed a 6AM Morning Show so I took a peek at the morning sky on my 3rd lap around the promenade deck before heading inside.  


The morning show was not quite normal but O'Laughlin indicated that no new lecturers nor entertainers would be boarding so the on board entertainment team would be brainstorming to put together an entertainment and enrichment program for the next 5 weeks.  The first night's program was to be the Royal Theater Orchestra joining the Queens Room vocalist Kelly Young.

I have not posted a lot about the ship so for now I will mention part of the deck 7 food setup.  There is a lounge for guests in Grills accommodations between stairways C and D on the starboard side.  Right next to stairway C there is a small section called "Chefs Galley".  It serves juices and pastries in the morning and burgers, fries, etc. at lunch.


Just across from Chefs Galley on the port side is a small serving area with dining tables across from the Grills Lounge.  It serves grill items (pancakes, waffles, etc) at breakfast and pizza and pasta at lunch.  It opens for lunch at 12:30 and I forgot to take a photo of it once it opened.


On the wall adjoining stairway D there is a counter with lactose free items.


In between these 2 counters there is an island which serves milk, cereal, and gluten free items in the morning.  In the afternoon the island is not used but gluten free items are available on half the counter with the lactose free selection.


With a day in port I had planned to do a quick laundry in the morning and visit a local church once that was done.  The deck 8 laundry was already spoken for at 7:15 but I found a washer on deck 6.  As I returned at 8 to move the laundry to the dryer the other shoe dropped.  I was just on the stairs down to deck 6 when Captain Hashmi came on the PA and announced the termination of the World Cruise.  A very limited number of passengers who could document inability to fly would be allowed to continue to Southampton under very limited conditions on a voyage estimated to be 25 days.  The vessel would be operating as a merchant ship (I will guess perhaps the equivalent of a ferry) rather than a cruise ship.

When I returned to the laundry before 9 the dryer had stopped with the clothes still wet.  There was now a backup in the laundry room so I gave the dryer an extra 20 minutes but gave up the dryer with the load still quite damp.  I hung the items around the stateroom to give them a chance to dry more.


With the announcement of the termination of the cruise I turned my attention mostly to packing and did not leave the ship at all.  The ship was originally due to sail at 11PM but reality soon set in and our stay was extended to Monday evening.  A letter arrived around 10 with a request for our onward travel preferences.  Cunard has promised us air passage back home with a hotel provided until our flights.  I requested a flight on March 18.  I will probably not know until almost disembarkation time what the actual arrangements will be.


I have a number of open snack items which I will not try to take through Australian Customs.  Lunch was pizza, skim milk, and one of the apples I bought in Melbourne.  I do not know what the airline baggage policies will be so I tried to pack in a manner as universally as possible.  I hope to be able to make a couple of adjustments while in the hotel but wanted to be as prepared as possible.  By the end of the afternoon I had gotten the 2 rolling bags to 50 pounds each.  Updates during the afternoon indicated there are still 1500 people on board needing arrangements.

One of the couples at table 211 had requested termination of their cruise on Saturday and were on their way to the airport by 5PM.  The other couple requested immediate flights but is still waiting on their arrangements.  For my final dinner I chose the chicken and coconut soup, always available chicken, and ice cream for desert.


The 2 rolling bags went out soon after dinner.  Kelly Young's performance was cancelled and there were movies in both Illuminations and Royal Court Theater.


I had originally hoped to check just the 2 rolling bags.  I would have liked to pack the smaller backpack in one of those bags as the larger backpack fits in the overhead bin and the collapsible minipack can serve as my personal item.  If I face a carryon limit of 7 kg what I have left will exceed that allowance so I sent my larger backpack out for the porters to pick up around 10.  It was about 11kg.  If the airlines have a limit greater than 50 pounds I may still be able to operate with just 2 checked bags.


My parting shot is simple:  OUCH!



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7 hours ago, TheKingD said:

Roy, I have been following your journey, and I admire your spirit, and I am so sorry your trip is coming to such an abrupt end.  I have no idea how you will be routed home at this point, but if one of the options can get you to North Carolina, we are in Charlotte and we will pick you up at the airport and get you home.


Take good care,

Cindy & John

Thank you.  I think they will get me to BWI and when it happens I'll be totally exhausted.



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5 hours ago, SusieQft said:

Roy, I'm sorry to hear that your trip got cut short.  I have been wondering what would happen to you on the QM2, and sadly now I know.  I thought that if any of the lines would be able to withstand the onslaught it would be Cunard, since they are used to long crossings without ports.   But in the end, I guess it was too much even for them.


Someone is telling you that you are not meant to circumnavigate the globe without flying....  Are you planning to try again?


I hope you make it home safely and easily.


I think this will be my last attempt.  I think Cunard did everything possible and I would have loved even a 25-day notstop voyage but I think the problem would have been they were uncertain they could disembark us when it was over. 


5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Roy, I hope things are going well for you.  The news here today, Sunday, is that Australia is closing its ports to cruise ships, so I hope you managed your disembark and onward journey without any problems.  We are all rooting for you!


I think the ban only applies to ships entering the country, and that ships once in Australia can visit additional ports.  We are slowly disembarking our guests without any apparent problems except for how to get them onward once they go ashore.


I hope that's true for the sake of those on the Amsterdam, Crystal Serenity, and Seven Seas Mariner.


I'm still unsure whether New Zealand's 14 day quarantine applies just to people entering NZ or also prohibits people changing planes there without really entering the country.




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I feel so bad for you, Kathi and the other 'World Cruisers' who have had their cruises cut short and also the restrictions on where you can disembark or land [if flying].


What a disappointment and a logistics nightmare. I'm sorry you may never get your 'non-flying' entire world tour. Best wishes on the easiest option for getting home. 


Take care, 



PS. The empty ship sailaways have been really sad.

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Just got my letter from the Purser.  I will need to disembark at 2PM with no flight arrangements.  I'll be transferred to the Pan Pacific Hotel where there will be a Cunard rep daily from 4 to 6 PM and will receive my flight arrangements there.

Still open questions but that's a start on what will be  a BIG hassle for Cunard.


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13 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Just got my letter from the Purser.  I will need to disembark at 2PM with no flight arrangements.  I'll be transferred to the Pan Pacific Hotel where there will be a Cunard rep daily from 4 to 6 PM and will receive my flight arrangements there.

Still open questions but that's a start on what will be  a BIG hassle for Cunard.


Best wishes and godspeed!  Hope US airport congestion for returning citizens is alleviated before you get back. 


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Day QM2-10, Monday, March 16, 2020, Disembark Queen Mary 2

The Crystal Serenity is at sea from Broome to Geraldton.  The sun rose at 6:17 and set at 6:34.  The moon set at 1:13PM and rose at 11:35PM.

I ended up very near the midpoint of my intended round the world journey.  It is 9004 air miles from Fremantle to Heathrow, continuing to travel westbound.  Baltimore is 11,586 miles away, and that's returning to the east.  In terms of air time East or West is probably a pretty close match, so the itinerary Cunard comes up will be pretty close to an even match.

I was in no rush to get up this morning but I woke up about 5:15 and was on deck about 5:45.  It was too cloudy to have a sunrise but I walked 3 laps before the crews came out with their pressure hoses and another 1 ½ later.  As I finished the first 3 laps the Costa Deliziosa was pulling in behind us, apparently to discharge her passengers on a cancellation of her world cruise.


The lines for the purser's office have been running back past the elevators most of the time since the announcement of no new embarkations.  The statement on my door this morning showed $350 of non-refundable onboard credit and there was no line at the pursers at 6:40AM.  They were quite cooperative about allowing me to apply that unused credit to additional gratuities.  Things will be tough for the crew so it just seemed like the right thing to do.  I will leave the ship with a zero balance.

The main section of Kings Court buffet was completely overhauled at a recent drydock.  It is now an open area with an island in the middle.  At the forward end of the area is a line with hot cooked dishes including an omelet station.  The island has breads on one side and pastries on the other.  The aft counter is fruit and other cold dishes.  This morning a couple of sections of the buffet were closed down as a number of people had already left the ship.


There was a morning crew evacuation drill and for a short while my balcony view was clear and boat 3 was circling the water nearby.


When the boats were brought back into position I got a look inside a true lifeboat (as opposed to a tender) before the hatches were closed.  There seem to be 2 levels of benches with even very little foot room around people on the other level.


Borderforce Australia allowed 2 windows for disembarkation, 8-10AM and 2-4PM, although Australian citizens could disembark at any time.  My letter came at 11:20.  I was sent to the Pan Pacific hotel in Perth with flight information to be sent to the hotel.  I got a couple of lunch items at Kings Court but also consumed more of the snacks I would be leaving behind.

When 2PM came there was a long line at the gangway but after a few minutes we were told there was another gangway at C stairway.  That proved to be much quicker.  I was given a blue card indicating I had cleared Australian Customs when entering on the Serenity and did not need to clear again.  Captain Hashmi and Paul O'Laughlin were at the terminal door to see us off.


The luggage hall was a real zoo.  The letter had promised trolleys and porters but there were no trolleys and very few porters.  I put the big backpack on my back and the small ones over the handles of the 2 wheelies and got in line.  After about 10 minutes in a barely crawling line I was told there was a separate line for the blue cards but very little path to get there.

We are told to never leave our belongings unattended but most of the bags in the hall were already unattended so I walked one bag at a time through the entrance to my line.  I just handed my blue card to the agent and headed out to the buses which left with many open seats but a jammed baggage compartment.  We arrived at the Pan Pacific just about 4.


I checked in quickly with the Cunard reps who did not have a lot of information.  They are only there one day and my contact will be through the Concierge.  Checkin was slow but I was finally in room 2101 about 4:45.  I was told that Cunard is covering all meals and even alcohol.   I assume disembarkation ran really slowly because QM2 was told to leave at 6PM but actually departed at 7:30.


I got chicken wings at the hotel bar and ice cream (preferred brand but not exact same product) at a convenience store across the street.  I did not accomplish a lot in the evening and was in bed early.  My bedtime snack was most of my QM2 chocolates.

As my parting shot I have been on QM2 extensively but very little as a cruise ship.  I had anticipated from the beginning that my longest QM2 cruise ever would end in Fremantle.  She is bigger than I like as a cruise ship but in today's world not as huge (compared to other cruise ships) as she was in her early years.  She passed in this voyage but as a cruise ship I would still prefer QV or QE or many other ships.  The planned journey from Fremantle was to be just 9 ports over 6 weeks with huge stretches of what QM2 was so marvelously designed to do--transit vast ocean passages with dispatch, comfort, safety, and grace.  She will be doing most of that (not so sure about the grace) but sadly without me.

PS: As of 7:45 Tuesday, no flights yet.



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Day QM2+1, Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Perth


The Crystal Serenity was to be at sea from Broome to Geraldton but was denied permission for a port call and is proceeding to Fremantle where her world cruise will terminate.  Queen Mary 2 is proceeding to Mauritius for refueling with a few passengers medically unable to fly and a reported skeleton crew of less than 100.  The sun rose at 6:17 and set at 6:33.  The moon set at 2:11PM.

As I start this post I do not yet have flight arrangements and spent the majority of the day in my room to be ready for any announcements.  It was a cloudy day and chilly but the sun did produce some nice color a about 6:30.  


Cunard is covering full board and the nicest meal of the day is probably breakfast with a large buffet.  When I returned from breakfast a note had been slipped under my door from a Cruise Critic member who was supposed to board QM2 on Saturday.  He has finally gotten an update from Cunard and will fly home Thursday night.  I met a few other passengers in the elevator who were leaving this evening.

Lunch and dinners have been from the hotel's Hill Street Sports Bar.  Both Monday dinner and Tuesday lunch were the chicken wings.  I had planned on going out for dinner but when I started off it started raining and that was a washout.


I did get a short walk in after lunch.  There's a free bus that runs near the hotel and I walked southeast along the route to be able to catch the bus back if the rain resumed.  I got as far as Queens Park, a nice little green space where a former brick yard had been converted to a pond.  A tower in the background of the photo is the WACA (Western Australia Cricket Association).


Dinner at the Hill Street Sports Bar was a burger.  It came with some stuff I scraped off and was a mess by the time I thought of taking a photo.

My parting shot should still be somewhat relevant for Americans although it may be too late for Brits.  I hadn't really thought about it but may St. Patrick's Day be a great one.



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Day QM2+2, Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Perth

The Crystal Serenity was denied entry to Geraldton and due to arrive Fremantle 19 March.  QM2 is continuing to Mauritius for refueling as a merchant ship and is due to arrive 23 March (tour itinerary had us visiting there 22 March so despite her 2 day delay in Fremantle she will make up one of those days)   The sun rose at 6:18 and set at 6:32.  The moon rose at 12:27 AM and set at 3:04PM.

I was up about 5:30 and once things got a bit brighter the skies were probably 50% clear.  The sun appeared over the hills in the direction of the airport about 3 minutes after official sunrise.


I went for a walk early, leaving sometime after 7 and going to the central business district along Hay Street, one of the main avenues of Perth.


Once in the central business district Hay street becomes a pedestrian mall with one interesting sculpture.


 Hungry Jacks (Burger King's Australia trade name) has the most drinkable coffee I've found in Australia so I stopped for a cup and then stopped at Woolworth's (major grocery chain) and bought a quart of skim milk, applesauce, and a serving of raspberries).  When I left there were a lot of people outside the doors waiting to enter.  I think I saw something about grocery stores opening just for seniors ahead of letting everyone else in.  I returned along St. Georges Terrace, the street the Pan Pacific is on, passing first the Cathedral (Anglican).  


Government house was on the wrong side of the street.  It's the residence of the Western Australia Governor.


I crossed the street to be on the same side as Perth's Concert Hall, pretty close to the hotel.  I am quite sure that by now any events there will have been cancelled.  I was back at the hotel about 8:15.


I was back at the Montereys Brasserie for breakfast, an omelet and pancakes and again plum forgot to get out my camera.  It dawned on me mid morning that it would probably be wise to be in contact with the US Consulate in Perth and sent them an email.  I got an email reply pretty promptly and a phone call about 3PM.  They are aware of the situation and have been in contact with Cunard.  They recommended patience and to let them know if there is anything else they can do.  I do believe Cunard is doing their best under difficult circumstances and would rather have them working on reservations than talking to me.  I am getting conflicting advice, either get back ASAP or don't rush as things are really bad in the US.  At the moment people who have had flights seem to be returning without being quarantined and I hope that will continue.

Lunch was a muffin (raspberry) and coffee from the Lobby Café.  I took it to an outer table and found things still a bit on the cool side except in the sun and out of the wind.  


Once I finished the muffin I took a stroll down to Langley Park, a green space between the hotel and the Swan River.  Two football (soccer) pitches were hubs of activity.  The remainder of my lunch was skim milk and the last of my apples.  From here on I will use the applesauce and pack the paring knife used to cut up the apples in my checked bag.


Dinner was back at the Hill Street Bar with another try at the burger.  As it turned out the menu said pickle which I think was really a relish and it got unpleasantly in the way of the taste of the meat.


My parting shot is another bit of a connection.  After leaving Sydney I hadn't expected to see the Crystal Serenity again and technically I won't but it will be oh so close.  Crystal Serenity will arrive Thursday morning less than 10 miles away in the same berth where I left QM2.  Welcome to Perth, former shipmates.



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Arrived in Sydney and the confirmation of my continuing flights came while I was picking up my bags.  Sydney to Dallas Friday lunchtime, arriving in Baltimore Friday evening if I make the connection.  Business class for the last 2 legs.  Had to find my own hotel but Cunard promised to reimburse.  Very tired, may not post again until I'm home.



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59 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Arrived in Sydney and the confirmation of my continuing flights came while I was picking up my bags.  Sydney to Dallas Friday lunchtime, arriving in Baltimore Friday evening if I make the connection.  Business class for the last 2 legs.  Had to find my own hotel but Cunard promised to reimburse.  Very tired, may not post again until I'm home.




Best wishes on the rest of your flights. I hope you get some good rest.


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