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Thinking of Cancelling European Cruise June 2020 - Am I the only one?


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29 minutes ago, GatorMomInNC said:

L2float, I am so sorry for what you are going through 😞

Thank you for the kind words. Do keep us posted about your plans. Our balance is due March 16th. What to do? We thought about a land tour, too. Maybe Switzerland will be safer and we’ll just stay there! Beautiful place, but not what we planned. So want yo see Venice and the Greece!

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4 hours ago, GatorMomInNC said:


Wow, I cannot believe that MSC would not allow you to rebook given the current situation in Northern Italy!!  Even though I have insurance on this cruise, some part of me was also thinking that if I didn't cancel, MSC would work with me.  But after hearing this, I really don't see that I have any choice but to cancel before my paid in full date, and now I don't even see any reason to wait.  As my husband this morning said, let's cancel the cruise and if we can't get flight changed/refunded and we are able to travel at that time, we'll just go and do a land journey.


Yes I know right! And when I was asking about them for any flexibility they said about how Genoa isn't near the regions (even though the UK government advised anyone north of Pisa, which is Genoa, to self-isolate if they have any symptoms)! 


"Your sailing isn't going any where near the quarantine places and we have taken preventative actions for more than a month to ensure the health and safety of our guests and crew and installed a strict embarkation policies."


Given they said the above to me I wasn't exactly happy with their response as they didn't share any empathy with our situation.


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Have been on the fence about booking further cruises with MSC, after some previous issues, they way they are handling COVID 19, would make me not want to book with them.  Italy is on the no travel list, Genoa is just a couple hours from Milan.

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OP here.  I got this link from another cruising website, but it is an interview with (some big wig?) at MSC.  It is in French but he is saying they are changing PIF to 21 days for cruises through June.  Not sure if all bookings or new bookings, but this would be graat news for me personally, although unfortunately too late for some.




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28 minutes ago, GatorMomInNC said:

OP here.  I got this link from another cruising website, but it is an interview with (some big wig?) at MSC.  It is in French but he is saying they are changing PIF to 21 days for cruises through June.  Not sure if all bookings or new bookings, but this would be graat news for me personally, although unfortunately too late for some.




When I ran this through a translator it said new bookings. Hopefully there will be a post on the MSC site tomorrow to clarify. It seems odd that they don’t mind if those of us previously booked drop our sailings! This should be extended to all bookings.

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Hi I just want to share my thoughts about the Coronavirus, as I'm italian and I live in Italy, near Turin, in north west of the country.

On a population of about 55 millions people, we have about 1600 test-positive people. Our life here is more or less always the same: go to work, go shopping, but we have taken some precautions towards the possible spread of the virus: all school and universities have been closed last week in regions affected from the majority of cases: Lombardia (Milano region, 984 reported test-positive), Veneto (Venezia and Verona region, 263), Emilia Romagna (Bologna region, 285), Piemonte (Torino region, 49). School still closed now in Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna until 3/8, in Piemonte kids will go back to school in 2 days.

Every single person who looks ill, with fever, cough, etc... undergoes Coronavirus test. Our sanitary service is working great to prevent new infections, unlike other countries we have free access to every level of sanitary care, so there is no risk of people not having the right care just because they can't pay for that, and this is a great way to border infection, I guess.

I cannot tell you to keep your travel plans or to change them, of course, I just want to share a little optimism for the ones who have reservations for next months. The biggest problem is the policy of foreign countries towards people who go back home after being in Italy, nobody wants to be quarantined...unless you have severe health condition, the risk is not being ill, but being quarantined, as someone said before in this topic. Next 2 weeks will be crucial for the developments of the situation.

I have travel plans for may (our 25th marriage anniversary, a long week end in Budapest) and for august (Brilliance OTS , Norway and Iceland), and I am more than sure that I will be able to enjoy my holidays and that's what I wish for you all.

I'll say a prayer for L2float's husband, please do so for all of us in Italy, for the people who is working hard 24/7 to take care of sick people and for the ones who risk to lose their job (this is another consequence of the virus, especially for the ones working in tourism, restaurants and so on). Thank you (and sorry for writing mistakes)...


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18 minutes ago, ela05 said:

Hi I just want to share my thoughts about the Coronavirus, as I'm italian and I live in Italy, near Turin, in north west of the country.

On a population of about 55 millions people, we have about 1600 test-positive people. Our life here is more or less always the same: go to work, go shopping, but we have taken some precautions towards the possible spread of the virus: all school and universities have been closed last week in regions affected from the majority of cases: Lombardia (Milano region, 984 reported test-positive), Veneto (Venezia and Verona region, 263), Emilia Romagna (Bologna region, 285), Piemonte (Torino region, 49). School still closed now in Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna until 3/8, in Piemonte kids will go back to school in 2 days.

Every single person who looks ill, with fever, cough, etc... undergoes Coronavirus test. Our sanitary service is working great to prevent new infections, unlike other countries we have free access to every level of sanitary care, so there is no risk of people not having the right care just because they can't pay for that, and this is a great way to border infection, I guess.

I cannot tell you to keep your travel plans or to change them, of course, I just want to share a little optimism for the ones who have reservations for next months. The biggest problem is the policy of foreign countries towards people who go back home after being in Italy, nobody wants to be quarantined...unless you have severe health condition, the risk is not being ill, but being quarantined, as someone said before in this topic. Next 2 weeks will be crucial for the developments of the situation.

I have travel plans for may (our 25th marriage anniversary, a long week end in Budapest) and for august (Brilliance OTS , Norway and Iceland), and I am more than sure that I will be able to enjoy my holidays and that's what I wish for you all.

I'll say a prayer for L2float's husband, please do so for all of us in Italy, for the people who is working hard 24/7 to take care of sick people and for the ones who risk to lose their job (this is another consequence of the virus, especially for the ones working in tourism, restaurants and so on). Thank you (and sorry for writing mistakes)...


Thank you so much for taking the time to post. It is good to get the perspective of someone living in the area. Our media tends to get us worked into a frenzy at times. I know the risk is real, but your words have helped me take a deep breath and relax. Thank you so much for your prayers and warm thoughts. You are in our thoughts and prayers as well. We will definitely take your post into consideration when we finalize our plans. Please do post any updates here, either positive or negative.

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1 hour ago, ela05 said:

Hi I just want to share my thoughts about the Coronavirus, as I'm italian and I live in Italy, near Turin, in north west of the country.

On a population of about 55 millions people, we have about 1600 test-positive people. Our life here is more or less always the same: go to work, go shopping, but we have taken some precautions towards the possible spread of the virus: all school and universities have been closed last week in regions affected from the majority of cases: Lombardia (Milano region, 984 reported test-positive), Veneto (Venezia and Verona region, 263), Emilia Romagna (Bologna region, 285), Piemonte (Torino region, 49). School still closed now in Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna until 3/8, in Piemonte kids will go back to school in 2 days.

Every single person who looks ill, with fever, cough, etc... undergoes Coronavirus test. Our sanitary service is working great to prevent new infections, unlike other countries we have free access to every level of sanitary care, so there is no risk of people not having the right care just because they can't pay for that, and this is a great way to border infection, I guess.

I cannot tell you to keep your travel plans or to change them, of course, I just want to share a little optimism for the ones who have reservations for next months. The biggest problem is the policy of foreign countries towards people who go back home after being in Italy, nobody wants to be quarantined...unless you have severe health condition, the risk is not being ill, but being quarantined, as someone said before in this topic. Next 2 weeks will be crucial for the developments of the situation.

I have travel plans for may (our 25th marriage anniversary, a long week end in Budapest) and for august (Brilliance OTS , Norway and Iceland), and I am more than sure that I will be able to enjoy my holidays and that's what I wish for you all.

I'll say a prayer for L2float's husband, please do so for all of us in Italy, for the people who is working hard 24/7 to take care of sick people and for the ones who risk to lose their job (this is another consequence of the virus, especially for the ones working in tourism, restaurants and so on). Thank you (and sorry for writing mistakes)...


Thank you very much for your post. I have a friend who is a nurse at a hospital in Piemonte, and so far it's not been a big deal there according to her. I have been following developments in Italy a lot and want to pass on something I have heard again and again: In Italian, they say "mascherine solo per i malati." Meaning "masks only for the sick." A TON of people here in the States are buying up every surgical mask they can find (store shelves are empty, ditto online), and I am 100% positive they aren't ALL sick. People need to understand that masks are for the sick, not the healthy. Don't buy masks you don't need and in the process deprive a sick person of one. Thank you.

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We have a Mediterranean cruise booked for end of May, with 5 days booked in Rome before the cruise and other areas in Europe after the cruise. This is our dream vacation and have waited a very long time for this trip, we booked this last Fall. Everything is paid for!  I am very depressed over this situation and yes very nervous about this, the only way I will get any money back I suspect is if the flights into Rome are cancelled and if the cruise is cancelled.  So I'm waiting it out.  Sucks!!  we waited till we were empty nesters and this was our gift to us after we sent our child off to University..LOL!

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1 hour ago, ela05 said:

Hi I just want to share my thoughts about the Coronavirus, as I'm italian and I live in Italy, near Turin, in north west of the country.

On a population of about 55 millions people, we have about 1600 test-positive people. Our life here is more or less always the same: go to work, go shopping, but we have taken some precautions towards the possible spread of the virus: all school and universities have been closed last week in regions affected from the majority of cases: Lombardia (Milano region, 984 reported test-positive), Veneto (Venezia and Verona region, 263), Emilia Romagna (Bologna region, 285), Piemonte (Torino region, 49). School still closed now in Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna until 3/8, in Piemonte kids will go back to school in 2 days.

Every single person who looks ill, with fever, cough, etc... undergoes Coronavirus test. Our sanitary service is working great to prevent new infections, unlike other countries we have free access to every level of sanitary care, so there is no risk of people not having the right care just because they can't pay for that, and this is a great way to border infection, I guess.

I cannot tell you to keep your travel plans or to change them, of course, I just want to share a little optimism for the ones who have reservations for next months. The biggest problem is the policy of foreign countries towards people who go back home after being in Italy, nobody wants to be quarantined...unless you have severe health condition, the risk is not being ill, but being quarantined, as someone said before in this topic. Next 2 weeks will be crucial for the developments of the situation.

I have travel plans for may (our 25th marriage anniversary, a long week end in Budapest) and for august (Brilliance OTS , Norway and Iceland), and I am more than sure that I will be able to enjoy my holidays and that's what I wish for you all.

I'll say a prayer for L2float's husband, please do so for all of us in Italy, for the people who is working hard 24/7 to take care of sick people and for the ones who risk to lose their job (this is another consequence of the virus, especially for the ones working in tourism, restaurants and so on). Thank you (and sorry for writing mistakes)...


Thank you for this post.  God bless you.

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26 minutes ago, Jewel2020 said:

We have a Mediterranean cruise booked for end of May, with 5 days booked in Rome before the cruise and other areas in Europe after the cruise. This is our dream vacation and have waited a very long time for this trip, we booked this last Fall. Everything is paid for!  I am very depressed over this situation and yes very nervous about this, the only way I will get any money back I suspect is if the flights into Rome are cancelled and if the cruise is cancelled.  So I'm waiting it out.  Sucks!!  we waited till we were empty nesters and this was our gift to us after we sent our child off to University..LOL!

I feel for you. This was our dream vacation, too. It was planned for after our last child graduated. Three weeks alone in Europe. We put a lot of money into this and it is doubtful that we would be able to do it again. Let’s just hope for the best. Things may look very different in a couple of months.  🙏🏻🤞

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18 hours ago, GatorMomInNC said:

OP here.  I got this link from another cruising website, but it is an interview with (some big wig?) at MSC.  It is in French but he is saying they are changing PIF to 21 days for cruises through June.  Not sure if all bookings or new bookings, but this would be graat news for me personally, although unfortunately too late for some.




Thanks for sharing. I understood that for new bookings if they pay additionally 50 Euro, they will be able to cancel up to 21 days before cruise date. 
it is also a lot of bla, bla, but not really concrete advise for those cruisers booked to sail on the next months.

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My aunt has already canceled hers.. she and her husband were going to to celebrate their anniversary but her husband visited some infected country and the agency recommended them to stay at home. Sounds ridiculous but its the current reality 

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5 hours ago, ela05 said:

Hi I just want to share my thoughts about the Coronavirus, as I'm italian and I live in Italy, near Turin, in north west of the country.

On a population of about 55 millions people, we have about 1600 test-positive people. Our life here is more or less always the same: go to work, go shopping, but we have taken some precautions towards the possible spread of the virus: all school and universities have been closed last week in regions affected from the majority of cases: Lombardia (Milano region, 984 reported test-positive), Veneto (Venezia and Verona region, 263), Emilia Romagna (Bologna region, 285), Piemonte (Torino region, 49). School still closed now in Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna until 3/8, in Piemonte kids will go back to school in 2 days.

Every single person who looks ill, with fever, cough, etc... undergoes Coronavirus test. Our sanitary service is working great to prevent new infections, unlike other countries we have free access to every level of sanitary care, so there is no risk of people not having the right care just because they can't pay for that, and this is a great way to border infection, I guess.

I cannot tell you to keep your travel plans or to change them, of course, I just want to share a little optimism for the ones who have reservations for next months. The biggest problem is the policy of foreign countries towards people who go back home after being in Italy, nobody wants to be quarantined...unless you have severe health condition, the risk is not being ill, but being quarantined, as someone said before in this topic. Next 2 weeks will be crucial for the developments of the situation.

I have travel plans for may (our 25th marriage anniversary, a long week end in Budapest) and for august (Brilliance OTS , Norway and Iceland), and I am more than sure that I will be able to enjoy my holidays and that's what I wish for you all.

I'll say a prayer for L2float's husband, please do so for all of us in Italy, for the people who is working hard 24/7 to take care of sick people and for the ones who risk to lose their job (this is another consequence of the virus, especially for the ones working in tourism, restaurants and so on). Thank you (and sorry for writing mistakes)...


Grazie Mille. Please if you can, keep us updated on the situation. I read Italian newspaper and watch Italian TV (RAI) and the news there are not that encouraging. We are worried and we are sorry that your beautiful country is experiencing as first country in Europe this difficult situation. 
Our worries concerning cruising are not only being quarantined but actually getting sick. We are not young anymore and the disease tends to be more dangerous for old people.

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4 hours ago, Jewel2020 said:

We have a Mediterranean cruise booked for end of May, with 5 days booked in Rome before the cruise and other areas in Europe after the cruise. This is our dream vacation and have waited a very long time for this trip, we booked this last Fall. Everything is paid for!  I am very depressed over this situation and yes very nervous about this, the only way I will get any money back I suspect is if the flights into Rome are cancelled and if the cruise is cancelled.  So I'm waiting it out.  Sucks!!  we waited till we were empty nesters and this was our gift to us after we sent our child off to University..LOL!

I am sorry about your situation. You do not have the option to cancel loosing some of the money? If you do not have that option, than really wait and see is the best you can do.

We are booked to leave on a long cruise in about two weeks, which ends in Venice and touches several Mediterranean ports. We are worried, we could cancel but would loose quite a lot of money plus the possibility of having a nice cruise. No win situation...

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1 hour ago, travelberlin said:

Thanks for sharing. I understood that for new bookings if they pay additionally 50 Euro, they will be able to cancel up to 21 days before cruise date. 
it is also a lot of bla, bla, but not really concrete advise for those cruisers booked to sail on the next months.

For the U.S. this 21 day in advance cancellation policy was in effect for 24 hours. MSC then decided to rescind that offer and not honor. We were on a sailing leaving May 31 out of Venice. We were told of the 21 day cancellation offer and asked for it in writing. The crisis team said they couldn't do that yet but to call back in a few days. We called back on Friday of last week and were told that offer was taken off the table. 


Yesterday was the day for final payment and we decided to cancel. We would not have cancelled if the 21 day cancellation policy held. The crisis team agent was very nice but he had no explanation as to why this offer was rescinded. 


Seems like things are changing on a daily basis. 

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We have a June cruise out of Rome so final payment due soon. Hoping the worst of the virus runs its course but my main concern is not being allowed in ports, quarantine, or trouble getting back to US. If we make final payment, not sure if trip insurance will cover a cancellation. Assume we’ll get a full refund if cruise line cancels. Can we move the booking elsewhere, e.g Caribbean, if cancel Italy?

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4 hours ago, BettyBurrito said:

For the U.S. this 21 day in advance cancellation policy was in effect for 24 hours. MSC then decided to rescind that offer and not honor. We were on a sailing leaving May 31 out of Venice. We were told of the 21 day cancellation offer and asked for it in writing. The crisis team said they couldn't do that yet but to call back in a few days. We called back on Friday of last week and were told that offer was taken off the table. 


Yesterday was the day for final payment and we decided to cancel. We would not have cancelled if the 21 day cancellation policy held. The crisis team agent was very nice but he had no explanation as to why this offer was rescinded. 


Seems like things are changing on a daily basis. 



Well, as you said BettyBurrito, when my travel agent called MSC today they said this was no more.  I told my TA I would wait a few days, but then I got to kind of stewing on it and decided to call and cancel when I got home from work.  Just got off the phone with my TA. Took almost an hour, but I am cancelled.  I am both said and relieved.  Still have our flights and no way to refund them, so I would love to think maybe I could rebook down the road, but too much uncertainty.  Told my TA if they would shorten the window to even 45 days I would have let them hold onto everything and waited to cancel, but with current travel restrictions I just couldn't risk it.


But weird thing - my TA was told to ask me why I was cancelling (um, duh?) and when I said basically the coronavirus, TA was told she had to be transferred to another department .  Then she was told I was "allowed" to cancel (yeah, I am over 100 days out from my cruise!); but then they transferred her and put her on hold again and in the end it is cancelled, but they are saying 1 to 2 billing cycles to get reimbursed. 



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11 hours ago, Jewel2020 said:

We have a Mediterranean cruise booked for end of May, with 5 days booked in Rome before the cruise and other areas in Europe after the cruise. This is our dream vacation and have waited a very long time for this trip, we booked this last Fall. Everything is paid for!  I am very depressed over this situation and yes very nervous about this, the only way I will get any money back I suspect is if the flights into Rome are cancelled and if the cruise is cancelled.  So I'm waiting it out.  Sucks!!  we waited till we were empty nesters and this was our gift to us after we sent our child off to University..LOL!

Jewell2020, just hang on and try not to worry about the situation too much.  I have a feeling everything will be ok by May.

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On 3/1/2020 at 10:07 AM, L2float said:

We are also booked on this cruise as well as on Lirica June 12th. We have purchased plane tickets with stays in Zurich for a couple of days before and after our cruises. As if the coronavirus wasn't enough to worry about, my DH was just diagnosed with cancer. We are sailing the Caribbean next week, with the doctor's ok. DH is in experiencing joint pain and quite fatigued, supposedly as side effects of meds,  but we plan to relax in YC. Too late to cancel and we're really looking forward to time alone together. He has an appt Wednesday and we will know more concerning how advanced his illness is. After that, we may cancel anyway. We've decided to wait and see on the June trips. My flights are non refundable, and we got a great deal on inside cabins for the Venice cruises (including application of the famous and extremely difficult to use Ocean Cay voucher!). We're in wait and see mode, like so many others. I've decided to stop planning anything ahead. After this, we plan to only do last minute cruises! Maybe I should just stop traveling. It hasn't been very relaxing over the past year!

Im sorry for the difficulties that everyone is having. Thank you for posting so that I know I'm not the only one with concerns.

Sorry to hear about the cancer L2Float.  Two years ago my wife was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.  She is doing as well as can be expected and we look forward to these cruises (ours is scheduled for July) as a great way to get away from the daily grind.  

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12 hours ago, travelberlin said:

Grazie Mille. Please if you can, keep us updated on the situation. I read Italian newspaper and watch Italian TV (RAI) and the news there are not that encouraging. We are worried and we are sorry that your beautiful country is experiencing as first country in Europe this difficult situation. 
Our worries concerning cruising are not only being quarantined but actually getting sick. We are not young anymore and the disease tends to be more dangerous for old people.

I will keep you updated, of course: yesterday in my region, Piemonte, museums, cinemas and theatres reopened after a week, the situation is still more complicated in Lombardia and Veneto, where the main outbreaks have occurred. All I can say about TV and newspapers is that I'm quite tired (and many others like me) of hearing the same things every single day. There's a "red zone", where the main outbreak occurred, and a "yellow zone" in the surrounding area, where things are different,  but elsewhere things are quite normal, even if we all observe exceptional hygiene measures and no gathering is allowed in small closed spaces. This week churches start to celebrate mass again, my daughter starts her athletics training again, just to make two examples of real life, schools should have reopened tomorrow, but in Piemonte (as well as in the red and yellow zones)the reopening has been postponed to next week, as a precaution.

Of course elder people, and/or the ones with health problems should be more cautious, and I understand all your worries about it.

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1 hour ago, ela05 said:

I will keep you updated, of course: yesterday in my region, Piemonte, museums, cinemas and theatres reopened after a week, the situation is still more complicated in Lombardia and Veneto, where the main outbreaks have occurred. All I can say about TV and newspapers is that I'm quite tired (and many others like me) of hearing the same things every single day. There's a "red zone", where the main outbreak occurred, and a "yellow zone" in the surrounding area, where things are different,  but elsewhere things are quite normal, even if we all observe exceptional hygiene measures and no gathering is allowed in small closed spaces. This week churches start to celebrate mass again, my daughter starts her athletics training again, just to make two examples of real life, schools should have reopened tomorrow, but in Piemonte (as well as in the red and yellow zones)the reopening has been postponed to next week, as a precaution.

Of course elder people, and/or the ones with health problems should be more cautious, and I understand all your worries about it.


The problem is the different travel advice from different governments.


The UK government only advises against all but essential travel to 10 small towns in Lombardy (Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano) and one in Veneto (Vo’ Euganeo)


While the US government have put a level 4 (no-travel advisory) on the whole regions of Lombardy and Veneto and a level 3 (Reconsider travel) on the rest of country.


This makes a massive difference on insurance, if you travel against advice you are unlikely to be insured and vice versa if there is not a "no-travel" advice in place you can't cancel and make an insurance claim.

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At this point the cruise lines need to act responsibly and let passengers choose a refund or to knowingly take a risk. On the Princess board, it appears to have come to light that one of the California victims was on the Grand Princess 10 days before becoming stricken.

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16 minutes ago, resistk said:

At this point the cruise lines need to act responsibly and let passengers choose a refund or to knowingly take a risk. On the Princess board, it appears to have come to light that one of the California victims was on the Grand Princess 10 days before becoming stricken.


That is alarming...


If MSC would have said that I could have cancelled closer to the cruise I would have waited because I desperately want to go on this cruise, but first they said they would allow a 21 day cancellation window, then they rescinded that within a day, so I lost confidence in them due to how erratic that was. 


I don't pretend to know the financial logistics of the cruise lines, but I would think they would want to hold onto the deposits (or in my case the full amount of the cruise) a little longer and hope people still cruise.  I wish I had booked on RCCL as they shortened their deposit time to 60 days - if I were booked on them, they would still have my money. 


I did a dummy booking for my cruise again --  a couple days ago there were no suites.  Now, in addition to mine, there are about 6 other suites available on my cruise, so I guess all those people cancelled also.


I feel bad for all the cruise lines as I know they must be reeling financially and trying to figure out what to do.  You would think that this is something (a potential pandemic) they would have had a plan for.


I also have a September DCL cruise planned.   I have paid for the cruise, but I have until early June to cancel and get a refund.  I feel optimistic about that cruise, not only because it is further off, but because it leaves out of the US.  So no plans to cancel that but still plenty of time to decide.  In fact, if I don't end up traveling in June I may book a second cruise in September...

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22 minutes ago, GatorMomInNC said:

I also have a September DCL cruise planned.   I have paid for the cruise, but I have until early June to cancel and get a refund.  I feel optimistic about that cruise, not only because it is further off, but because it leaves out of the US.  So no plans to cancel that but still plenty of time to decide.  In fact, if I don't end up traveling in June I may book a second cruise in September...


Have you cruised out of the eastern US in September before?  Cruising during hurricane season is it's own emotional roller coaster.  I dont think you could pay me to do it twice in one year.  LOL

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