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4-23-20 Thursday Weigh-In....Yes It\s Thursday Again


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What can I say that you haven't heard every week

Now we have other things to think about beside losing weight we seek


Staying inside is the best for everyone we know

We're doing it like we should but we want to say no


Know I shouldn't say this out loud about losing weight on here

My goal is just hoping  to stay the same while being inside you hear


I'm happy for everyone that lose's.. that's our main goal in sun or rains

But just as happy if we can stay the same  or even have small gains


Our world has taken a turn and we don't know when it will stop which is sad

So be kind to yourself at this time, try to lose but if you don't...  smile don't get mad


Know shopping at this time might not get all the healthy food you want to eat

And we see all that comfort food and we buy that instead... it's carbs and sweet


Our mental health needs more love not more stress

Not going to be sorry if  you ate to much...   just relax and rest


We have week after week to lose weight

Some weeks will not be as good ..other weeks we will get it straight



Take care and be kind to yourselves.  Your deserve it!




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Thanks, Belle 🙂 


I am happy to report a 1.8 loss this week.  Didn't really expect one, but I'll take it 😉 Updated stats:



Start: 208.6 (1/9/20) This week: 201.0

Goal by hair salon reopening (possibly 5/8) under 200# - so close!

Goal by 6/5 (birthday) 20# loss - 12.4# remaining 

Goal by 10/22 (just after 25th anniversary): another 25# loss

Goal end of year: finish weight of 155#


I'll really need to step it up for the birthday goal (it would be around 2# per week).  It's still possible in a healthy way though, so we will see.


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Love your poem today ... and I'm very happy to report that I stayed the same.  I was actually happy, as I'm still having the problem with ice cream being my friend.


I haven't been walking as much as before, but my sciatica is much better (so I'm happy with that).  I have started my spring cleaning .... sometimes I don't start until about 11 and finish at about 2 .... I have painted all the woodwork in the kitchen, cleaned all the cupboards inside and out, and have to move the stove & frig and clean underneath them (don't want to do that) ... I've rearranged all the things on he countertops and cleaned all the backsplash ... (squares of glass ... ugg).    I should be done today and then on to the hallway which will be 6 doors to paint and tons of trim.  


We will be isolating (or I will, as DH works some) for awhile - its difficult, but I think its for the best - I do go to the grocery store once per week (with mask) that is my big outing.  


On Sunday we went over to my daughters and one of my son's came over and we sat outside in camp chairs at least 6 feet apart and talked for an hour ... it was so wonderful to see them.  First time in forever.  I missed not hugging them ... but at least I got to see their faces.  Time has gone by so oddly that I'm not even sure how long its been.


I will probably write later ... hope everyone is doing well.     Jan


PA - congratulations on the loss ... that is wonderful!

Edited by Jan_In_Maine
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Ah Belle, fabulous poem! 


I lost 1 lb. At my lowest weight in about 5 years. Probably because I'm not cruising😥


Pacruise, wow, great loss and great total. 


Jan, good staying the same. You've been busy. Me too with the cleaning. Gets us off the couch. l'm sure seeing your kids gave you a boost. 


Hope everyone stays heathy....





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Jan, I'm tired just reading all you've been doing 🤣Great job with the spring cleaning and glad you were able to see your kids.  


Diana, way to go with your loss too!  I think I'm losing since I'm staying busy and snacking less - we are even indulging in dessert most evenings but keeping it small.


I'm taking a break in my declutter with a less sugar yogurt.  I never liked yogurt in the past, but gave it a try again about a month ago and found I can stand it and I know it is healthier for me than some of my past snacks.



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Hello all! Thanks for the wonderful poem Belle! You always know just what to write. 


Congrats PA on your loss! You are doing great!


Jan - nice to see you are still able to see family with social distancing. I might have to try something similar otherwise, I'll miss seeing my mom for her 70th next month!


Diana, congrats on your loss! Lowest in 5 years - that's quite an accomplishment! Enjoy!


I didn't weigh in this morning. Actually didn't even realize it was Thursday - I've been too bummed since I should have been on a plane today - flying to Miami for my cruise on Saturday. 😪 Got my check in notice  yesterday and a cruise group reminder this morning. Soooooo depressing!! Ah!!! 

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Robin, oh I'm so sorry you are not on your cruise. Very sad. 


It's hubby and my anniversary on Saturday, 22 years. Were supposed to be at the end of our South America cruise. Saturday would have been in Puerto Vallarta at a resort sipping foo foo drinks and playing in the pool.........😭


Oh well, hubby and I are going shopping today for foo foo drink ingredients. At least I have that! Hubby is cooking me shrimp pasta for dinner on Saturday. 


Have a good day, Diana




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Diana - I'm sorry to hear about your cruise/anniversary celebrations. Happy Anniversary to you both - enjoy your foo foo drinks on land and your yummy dinner! At least our trip was just a trip - no celebrations. I can't wait for things to stabilize so I can start booking trips again. I need something to look forward to!

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Robin, thanks for the anniversary wishes. 


We have cruise credit with Holland America and Celebrity so yesterday we started looking at a couple cruises, at least a year though..........nice to at least think about going somewhere. 



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Congrats everyone! Sounds like it's been pretty good to everyone! I'm down a pound from last week too. 


Jan, wow! That's a lot of work!


Robin, sorry about your trip.


Diana, we're doing the same thing for our cancelled cruise. We're planning on making a drink of the day every day we're supposed to be onboard. I've got my recipes saved, and I've started buying what our bar is missing.

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Congratulations Diana ❤️ 


We can get wine, cider, and beer at some grocery stores and distributors - but no hard alcohol in PA.  I heard they opened on line sales but it was a bit of a disaster.  When the Wine and Spirit shops reopen I suspect we might get a few bottles to make some of the drinks DH found recipes for.  We aren't big drinkers, so all we have are old bottles of Chivas (and neither of us like blended Scotch), Southern Comfort, Bacardi, and cheap vodka that I use for glass cleaning and removing odors from fabric - so I don't know if it is even good for drinking 🤣


I just signed up for a Beachbody workout - really need the accountability.  It's based on boxing moves and looks like a lot of fun.  Maybe I can get the kids to join me too.

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Good morning from Eastern WA!  Spring has finally really sprung here -- for me, that means the forsythia are still (barely) in bloom, and the lilacs are out!  I love walking by lilac bushes -- I don't even have to reach over (for one of the highest blooms) and grab a head of flowers to smell -- I can smell them three feet away :-).  

Jan, congratulations on doing so well with your spring cleaning!  I'll have to emulate your practice of breaking it down into manageable chunks.  We were going to work on serious decluttering this spring -- but have postponed, because there's nowhere (or no one) to take the clutter to, and no way of having a yard sale.  Maybe I'll start tagging the things that we want to get rid of . . .

PA Cruise and Diana, great losses!  I have switched to eating plain nonfat Greek yogurt with a dab of honey and frozen fruit -- I let it sit for about 10 minutes to allow the fruit to start thawing, and then stir it up and eat it.  I find I enjoy the tangy taste of the plain yogurt, coupled with the slight sweetness of the honey and the thawing fruit.

I love the ideas for alternative cruise activities; we were supposed to be docking in Cartagena, Colombia today on the Norwegian Bliss; some of my fellow would-be cruisers and I have been posting in our FB group as if we were actually on the ship; it's actually somewhat therapeutic, and I'm learning a lot about the Bliss without ever having been on her.

Technically, I'm down .3 lb from last week, although right now I seem to be on a periodic up/down/up cycle.  I had planned on adhering to my Noom plan while on the 21-night cruise, so although I'm tempted to try out the "Ashore Unlimited Beverage Plan," I probably need to enjoy that virtually as well :-)


Diana in WA


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My forsythia is losing most of the yellow but my tulips are blooming and the lilac bushes are getting close.


I'd seen a (humorous) post on FB a while back that when this is all done 1/2 of us will likely have a weight problem and the other 1/2 a drinking problem - hoping neither is the case for any of us 🙂 

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We have another month before the lilacs are in bloom .... I have hedges of them ... love the smell ... can't wait until they come out.  My daffodils are almost ready to pop open.  Love the spring and the flowers.  DH is building above ground vegetable boxes .... I know we are having grape/cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, summer/zucchini squash ... and I'm not sure what else ... perhaps some herbs.


So, somehow I seem to have 4 cruises booked ... the middle of August is the whole family to Bermuda (don't know if we will really go or not).  Then I booked an 11 night RCL cruise out of Baltimore November of this year..  Question on that one for anyone that has left from there ... our plane gets in about 9:00 am the day before the cruise ... need a hotel and hopefully an area where we can walk around and feel comfortable ... restaurants, things to do.  We will not have a vehicle.  Ideas?


Then I have a cruise next May that is a 9 night on NCL ... my DB & SIL will be with us.  I'm just going with the flow on that one.

Then September we will be on Celebrity doing a West Coast cruise out of Long Beach (we will fly into there) and we need a hotel for one night ... again not looking for pricy, but somewhere comfortable for walking and restaurants.   Anyone have any ideas for these locations?


Today I finished self-cleaning the bottom oven and tomorrow will be move the stove/frig and clean/wash under them and then I need to get on my hands and knees to wash the grout on the ceramic tile ... then will be totally done with that room ... it really looks good.  Hoping the work helps combating the ice cream!


I'll be glad when I can get out of the house!   Jan

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Diana in WA - up and down still averages to staying the same. 


Jan - I hope your August cruise makes it. We took my MIL on a cruise in February and loved having extra family with us. We're also booked in November, and I just can't seem to get excited about it. I don't even want to even research shore excursions right now. I think my May cancellation took the proverbial wind out of my sails.


We're a little late to the garden party, but we're getting something in the dirt this weekend. We had a 4'x8' above ground planter plus a lot of containers at our old house. We moved into this house three years ago, and haven't done a thing garden wise. The timing has always been off - DH has had project deadlines due at work every spring and wedding season starts to ramp up for me. We're just starting with containers this year because we need to have sprinkler lines moved. We have the materials for a large above ground garden (I think it's U shaped, 8'x12'x8') that we were going to use to expand the garden at the old house, but we decided to move so never put it in. Maybe we can get that taken care of in the fall. We have 10-12 really big containers though so we'll have tomatoes, okra, and bell peppers coming out of our ears soon enough.

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Good morning, everyone.   I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe.


I am down 1lb and now have .4 to go to get back to my final goal weight.


Congratulations to all the losers.  You are all doing so well keeping busy.   I find that the longer I am home, the lazier I get.   I need to start on some projects or I am going to lose my mind.


Have a great weekend.


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Pa cruise, yeah, we're lucky we can buy booze at the grocery store. However, we don't drink much. A cocktail like twice a month. So we buy a bottle tequila and still have it months later. 


It is HOT in No. CA. We've been running the AC since Thursday, too warm for April, 90. 


Nice to see more weight losses and some getting gardens going.


Jan, we have cruised out of Long Beach many, many times but usually just fly down very early the morning of the cruise as it's only a 1.5 hour flight from home so can't help much with hotels.


I hope I don't offend anyone but Long Beach is, eh. Not really a destination type city. I know people stay at the Queen Mary which is right at the port. I did a search of Long Beach cruise hotels and there were several that came up with airport/cruise port shuttle and breakfast. Hope that helps some.





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On 4/24/2020 at 5:37 PM, Jan_In_Maine said:


So, somehow I seem to have 4 cruises booked ... the middle of August is the whole family to Bermuda (don't know if we will really go or not).  Then I booked an 11 night RCL cruise out of Baltimore November of this year..  Question on that one for anyone that has left from there ... our plane gets in about 9:00 am the day before the cruise ... need a hotel and hopefully an area where we can walk around and feel comfortable ... restaurants, things to do.  We will not have a vehicle.  Ideas?



Jan the East Coast board has lots of good suggestions for Baltimore.  I've read good things about Best Western Elkridge (BW closer to the airport) that has a shuttle to and from the cruise port (and probably from the airport too) and reasonable looking restaurant.  If you search for reviews from Jamman54 he has good pictures and notes from that hotel on some of his Baltimore reviews (Carnival).  I think Trinity reservations has some deals for them.


We usually drive to the port but did stay at BW O'Donnell Street (closer to the cruise port and not as far to drive) for a late winter cruise.  They also have a shuttle but the hotel itself wasn't as nice and not a walkable area.  If we do another Baltimore cruise and spend the night we would likely make the extra drive to Elkridge.


We enjoyed a bottle of ChocoVine over the weekend (red wine blended with Dutch chocolate).  It was surprisingly similar to a chocotini 🙂 I also found out some of the Wine and Spirit stores are doing curbside pick-up, so that's an option too if we want to try new recipes.

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9 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:


Jan the East Coast board has lots of good suggestions for Baltimore.  I've read good things about Best Western Elkridge (BW closer to the airport) that has a shuttle to and from the cruise port (and probably from the airport too) and reasonable looking restaurant.  If you search for reviews from Jamman54 he has good pictures and notes from that hotel on some of his Baltimore reviews (Carnival).  I think Trinity reservations has some deals for them.


We usually drive to the port but did stay at BW O'Donnell Street (closer to the cruise port and not as far to drive) for a late winter cruise.  They also have a shuttle but the hotel itself wasn't as nice and not a walkable area.  If we do another Baltimore cruise and spend the night we would likely make the extra drive to Elkridge.


We enjoyed a bottle of ChocoVine over the weekend (red wine blended with Dutch chocolate).  It was surprisingly similar to a chocotini 🙂 I also found out some of the Wine and Spirit stores are doing curbside pick-up, so that's an option too if we want to try new recipes.

Thanks for the information ... I'll check out the BW .... 

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Hello  This Friday Morning.  I wrote on Thursday a post..it's gone. Don't know where it went.


Sounds like everyone had a good week, I join Jan in staying the same this week. I'll take it.


Seems like we all had to cancel cruises. I had a 20 day cruise to Alaska leaving May 3rd.

Plus a Europe cruise in August.  So sad for us all.  But WE will sail again. In fact today I

got an offer for a free cruise but limited cruises to chose from. Window and all the things free.

For 2021..7  days.  Only one I would choose.  Will see. Can't through, see if I get it or not.


Pac...Congrats on the loss. I like you didn't like yogurt but now I eat it. Not all the time, just when in the mood.


Jan...Jan you and I have the same friend! Won't leave me alone. You sure are busy with the spring cleaning'

I just can't get going.  Nice you got to see family.


Diana...Congrats on your loss and being at your lowest weight in 5 years! Sorry not having anniversary on

the cruise you were suppose to be on. Enjoy your foo foo drinks and dinner.


Robin...Sorry you couldn't be on the plane for your cruise. Yes it's crazy that they send things for our

cruise and there cancelled already.  Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing!


Mel...Congrats on your loss too. Sorry about your cruise to Enjoys your drinks.


Everyone enjoy your Friday and weekend.  Guess I have to try and do some cleaning this weekend.

Don't expect me to report much!:classic_ohmy::classic_laugh:


I tell you..computers!  I did this post lost it, did another lost it.  Then I come on again and able to find this one.

What the heck!  Little late but will send it now and hope it works.


Rose see you posted since this post..congrats on the loss and so close to goal.


Jan if stay at Queen Mary can just walk a short distance to the ship.


Have my car in the shop, they pick up and then bring back.  Got someone to do my yards, bushes and trees.

So happy. Can't start till Sat. but it will get done.  So finally got some things done.


Hope you all are fine.  Take care



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Pacruise, nice you can get curbside pickup for some alcoholic treats. Over our anniversary weekend hubby made me a mango/rum tropical drink and a chocolate, peanut butter ice cream/rum drink. I was worried about the scale but I weighed myself this morning and so far no gain. Whew!


Rose, great you are close to goal. 


Today is HOT here, 93.


We went grocery shopping early this morning. How is the meat situation where you are? So far there is enough of everything.


We bought a few things for the freezer: 2 whole chickens (that we cut up), a pork roast that we cut up into pork chops. Our market had plenty of chicken and pork (and on sale for low prices to boot!).


The beef selections were more scarce and.....expensive. There was a ton of ground beef but high prices. I wanted tri-tip but there was none. Usually we get trip-tip roast for $3.49/lb. They had not great cuts of beef like bottom round steaks for $6/lb. Wow, that's a lot for that kind of beef. We ended up buying other steak for not much more, but much better meat. 


I read about Trump ordering meat processors to stay open so as to avoid meat shortages. I just hope they take care of and protect the employees. Now that I would gladly pay more for. They are heroes, the grocery store employees too. 


I harvested a ton of swiss chard in our yard so that will be our vegetable tonight with dinner. 


Ok, hope everyone is staying healthy.













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Hello Everyone!  Hope computer is working today.  Thanks Mel.


Thank you Diana, my daughter is a manager of a grocery store. I think she is a hero.

I worry about her everyday.  Glad you had a nice anniversary. Nice drinks.  They say

may not be much meats in a few months. If so $$$$$ and not just the meat produce too.

No one to pick it or plant it.  Now produce a little cheaper from local or Mexico but that will end.

Never thought something like this would happen. SFY Movie!


Everyone have a good night and a day before Thursday Weigh-In.

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