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4-1-21 Thursday Weigh-In Happy Easter To One And All Who Celebrate


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Weigh today before the Bunny hops our way

Sometimes he doesn't do what we say


We say NO candy as we're having a big dinner

By saying NO it makes us a nice winner


But sometimes the Bunny doesn't always listen to us all the time

Some how we have Chocolate instead of water with lemon or lime


 Wishing all a loss today, no gains but at least a stay the same

Will give you a little help for next weeks weigh-in if the Bunny came


So Happy Easter no matter how you celebrate the day

Just remember you have to weigh-in next Thursday


E---Eat Light But Enjoy The Food With Whoever Your With
A---Always Remember We're Lucky To Be Enjoying Easter

S---Smile And Maybe We Can Get More People Smiling

T---Tell Family, Friends You Love Them Today

E---Exercise a Little If You Can---Walking Around The Block

R---Remember IF You Did Overeat Food Or Candy Just Start Over On Monday...

(don't just keep eating for a week)







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Good Morning Belle, thanks for starting the thread!


I am unfortunately up 1.2# ... I ate too much and I got into the girl scout cookies last night.  


Dreary day here today - it is raining ... but, at least it isn't snow!


Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

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HI all!


Belle ~ thanks for the encouraging words.


I'm pretty surprised that I stayed the same as there were some chips & chocolate involved  this past week. I'm happy I got my Moderna shot this week with only a sore spot as a side effect.


Happy Easter to all & take it easy on the chocolate, I'm going to try not to eat so many of those little foil covered eggs.


Oh, we're having a snow shower at the moment & 30F Temps!


Stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Belle thanks for wise words.

Jan — it will come off quickly. 
ombud congrats for getting to lo from last fall

Jo,same is good


I’m the same.  

cool in the 40s this morning.  Enjoying cooler temps.   Pretty soon it will be 🥵 HOT AND HUMID.   usually don’t plan travel for August or September (hurricane season peak)

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Belle, thanks for the poem!


Jan, I'm sure you will lose it quickly.


Ombud, That's great! I have a hard time with my calves too. I can't wear a cute pair of boots because my calves are too big, but I think they're my best feature. 


Jo, I'm glad the chips and chocolate didn't have an effect on the scale.


Izena, maybe your body is resting from your week after week losses. The weeks I don't see a loss on the scale, my measurements change - it's like they need a chance to catch up. 


I was even yesterday, but then my car died. DH and I stress ate quite a bit last night, and I'm up 1.5# this morning. I'm not worried; I'm sure it will come off fast. We had the car towed to the shop, and we haven't heard back yet. It's over 10 years old with 113,000+ miles on it, so we're at that point of really having to think about repair vs. replace. 


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Hello All


Jan---Not fair you gained, you bought the cookies to help someone.:classic_smile: Sure you'

get the lbs off soon. Hope the rain stopped and the sun came out.


Ombud---Congrats getting to your low weight. Maybe exercise will tighten the calves

and will get smaller.


Jo---It's spring--no snow is suppose to be the word.  Nice you stayed the same

with the sweets. I know those Easter Egg made of Chocolate get us 


Izena---Staying the same is good no gain, I know your use to loss's. Your doing great.

How hot and humid does it get in your town?


Mel---Sorry your up, stress weight, should come off fast Sorry about your car. Fixing

cars these  days terrible in  price. These  days something are better to buy then fix.


Me---I'm the same too. Was down a lb before yesterday but then my kids came over

and we had salad, pizza and ice cream. Do I have to say more?


I feel like a new woman tonight. Got my hair cut after a year. Wear it long but it was

really long. Got someone to cut my lawns and deal with the weeds twice a month now.

Didn't want to do it anymore.


Stay safe, still have to be careful out there.

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Mel I hope the car issue isn’t horrible.  I  buy new vehicles and keep 10+ years.  Currently have a 2013 edge. It  has 59k miles don’t drive much  been retired 6 full years and in that time  only put on 20k,.  

ombud great getting appointment.  

yesterday was not good for me.  My mood was way off couldn’t stop snacking.   On those days I don’t tolerate “stupid” at the dog park.   Ie puppy’s under 4 months.  

Im much better today.   Back in control.  I was afraid I would have a hard time controlling eating.  

Thank goodness I don’t have children around.  No need for Easter candy.

yellow peeps are my favorite,  Reese’s peanut butter eggs etc. 

Everyone try and stay in control for the weekend.

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Good Morning Everyone on this Easter weekend. Hope you

all are enjoying it.


Ombud glad your getting your shot. You wanted the J & J.


Izena sorry you had a bad day , why can't people follow rules?

Glad your better today.  My daughter loves the peeps too.

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Izena, I hear you about other dog people. Today I took Koda to the VIP that centre at the feed store. Not everyone was willing to control their dogs (which meant keeping them in the vehicle until called in). The vet tech had come out twice and ask people to please put the dogs back in the cars and social distance. It was well posted but some people I guess just don't think it applies to them or can't read.  Anyway I'm done for another year. And yes, Koda put on 5 lbs during the year of Covid 

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I've enjoyed reading all the posts.  To all that love peeps - I do too!, but two of my three kids do not like them ... and for the life of me I can't remember which one does ...  We made some very big Easter baskets for all the kids .... no one got peeps.  Had a great time going to visit today and taking the baskets.  My son that is doing keto got keto friendly sauces, keto syrups, keto beef jerky and a gift card to buffalo wild wings.  They did get some candy that I'm hoping they share with nephews.


I enjoy taking my yellow lab to different places and love that I can take her into some of the pet store ... but, there are always a few people that don't control their dogs ... so sad.  Molly has been going to the vet once per week ... her ear is now perfect, but her eye is still a problem, we go back on Monday hope they say the salve and the eye drops have worked ... I don't want her to have to have surgery on her eye.  I think it is better, but don't know if that is just because I'm a mom ... and will look at the good side!


Hope everyone that celebrates has a wonderful Easter ... we are having breakfast with our daughter and DH, we can be careful, mask up and stay distances away.  I will be so glad when this is over (if we ever really do get back to normal)


On Wednesday we have our second shot ... looking forward to that.   Jan


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Happy Easter🌷🌼🌺🐰🥚


Jan glad you had a good time visiting your kids and taking

Easter baskets to them. Have a nice breakfast with your daughter.

Hope your dogs eye will be healing and not need surgery.


Ombud yes some people think rules for everyone except them.

So humans had the 15 lb covid gain and dogs have a 5 lb gain!🐶


Have a nice Sunday everyone. 

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Happy Easter to all👒.   
Jan I hope you pups eye gets better ( there is a 14 yr old shitshu  that has been coming to park for 9 years.   She lost both eyes to glaucoma 2 years ago and still loves coming to park.  She wanders around the two acres,  slowly she’s amazing).   

weather still cool -  I chill more easily since I’ve lost my fat insulation LOL.

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Hope you all had a good Sunday. Relaxing and enjoyable. 

On to another week. See if April goes by as fast as March did.


I had a quiet day, did Easter with the kids Wed. they worked today.

Gardener came by for awhile to do a few things.  Yards need more

work after winter if nothings been done.


Thinking I might book two cruises for next year. Free Balcony's.

Will see, just so far off. Never know what will happen by then.

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We had a very nice Sunday.  I normally make a ham for dinner, but this year we had a late lunch (chicken on a salad) and supper was 70 calorie popcorn.   It was what we wanted, so it worked!


Yesterday it snowed, but it didn't stay, so today we have dreary skies and a little drizzle (but, is better than snow!)


Sometimes booking a cruise (especially if you don't have to put much money down) can be a lot of fun planning, but, knowing that there is a chance that it won't happen kind of puts a little bit of a downer on it at the same time.


Took the dog to the vet today for another weekly checkup.  The eye isn't much better from last week, so another week of serum and salve ... then recheck in a week.  If it isn't better by then, she will need surgery.


Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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Jan I hope your dogs eye stabilizes.  It must be so scary.


Belle are you a solo traveler. If so  what cruise lines do you prefer.  I can’t imagine sailing in anything but a balcony.  

ordered a closet system in November 4.  Install was just before Christmas.  Last day of install was informed  1/2 of system on back order.  Lots of phone calls etc finally last week  told order in, I ordered 3 more shelves. All to be installed today.  Surprise only 4 of 9 shelves ready.  Franchise owner supposedly will expedite the shelves and deliver himself.  Product great,  designer and installers great —- production crew needs to be replaced and the franchise owner is useless.  Waiting for job to be finished to I can write review in Yelp.

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Jan, hoping this is the last week of your furboy's treatment


Izena, are you also a solo cruiser? My son wants us to go on RCI but I'm elite & shareholder on Princess and more interested in classical and woodwind instrumentals than an amusement park. S -- the grandson I raised -- agrees with me. It's just the 40yo who wants an amusement park onboard. If I want 6 Flags for a day I'll cross the Benicia Bridge. 


Izena, post pics of completed closet job!!! Inquiring minds want to see


Belle, yes March flew by.  

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A late hello but early for a Good Morning hello.


Jan--glad you had a nice Easter lunch, I had ham to. Still have

leftovers. I got one of those dinners for two, which last me more

than two dinners.

Don't about cruises yet, less people working so had to e-mail.

It's though the casino, can't use my planner. Haven't heard back yet.

Hope your furbaby gets better without the surgery.


Izena---Yes I'm a solo cruiser now. Mainly cruise Princess, Elite but

do cruise Holland too. Have sailed on other cruise lines to in the past.

I've sailed in all from an inside to a penthouse suite. Depends where I'm

sailing and the price. As a solo you have to pay double. Nice when get

free casino cabins. I'll stay in any cabin just to sail.

Sorry your closet system is taking so long. Yes someone not doing their job.


Ombud--See your a Princess fan too. I like Skywalkers to sit,  read and

look at the sea. So sorry the new ships taking that away plus the library's.

I still like the older ships, hope they don't sell them all. Like you don't need

an amusement park. Those ships are to big.


Everyone have a good Tuesday.

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Hi all - I just got caught back up. It looks like everyone had a good weekend!


We got back late Sunday, but yesterday was a whirlwind. The mechanic called us while we were on the road Friday. The transmission was falling apart, and the only place that will warranty the work is the dealership. So after a quick call to the dealership, and a $3500-$4500 estimate, we had our answer. Time for a new car. The mechanic we use also runs a non-profit that fixes donated cars and gives them to those in need (or recycles them to help fund the program which is probably what will happen with ours). So Monday morning we paid our bill and left the car with them. I picked DH up from work about 3 yesterday afternoon to look for a new (new to me anyway) car. I pretty much knew what I wanted, but test drove 3. We didn't get home until just before 8 last night, but that's all taken care of now. Dropped the title and extra key off with the mechanic this morning. All that's left is to update our insurance.


Our visit with MIL was good. It was nice to be able to see her and not worry since all the adults are vaccinated. I gained less than a pound while there, and we're back on track diet wise.  

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Hello Mel, your the only one talking today .Glad your visit with MIL

went good and everyone felt safer with the vaccine.


What kind of car did you buy?  Nice you gave the old car to a non-profit.


Hope everyone had a nice day. I did a little cleaning and made a vegetable

soup. Kept some for leftovers and then froze some for later.


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I got a 2018 Honda Pilot. DH had one many years ago, and we liked it quite a bit. 


April is busy this year. I have a wedding every weekend for the next 5 weeks. Not sure what I was thinking when I booked them all. My exercise time seems to vanish on cake weeks, so hopefully I can get some walking in.

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Mel -  wow you are busy.   Getting new vehicles is always a  tough job.  I need to have my front fender fixed - hit a 4-4  low post when trying to get out of a tight spot.  My GD car is parked in my driveway so I would have something to drive.  

Not sure who is traveling in May  — my son and GS to come here  or or me to TN.   It will depend on sons kitchen redo.


felt achy and tired yesterday.    My mind of course went to covid (vaccinated in late Jan).   I’m good today probably just allergies.


American Cruise Lines has started cruising.  Bless their hearts there are some kinks to review.  Like— crew not required to be vaccinated (suppose to stay on boat ). I’m sure that is temporary until they can get vaccinated.  Shore excursions are variable and tended to be limited.   At least they have started.    I still feel I made the right decision to wait until next summer to cruise (by then they should have worked out all the kinks and shore excursions should be available )



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