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Some more Fauci e-mail stuff:


From:  Bob: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E)

Sent: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 12:01:19 +0000

To: Geller, Robert D

Subject:  RE: COVID-19 Questions


Thanks for the note. I hope that all is well with you. Use an N95 if you have them available. Transmission is similar to influenza: respiratory droplets and likely a bit more as aerosol than with influenza . People can transmit even when they are asymptomatic . No approved therapies; however, we are doing clinical trials on 're-purposed" drugs such as remdesivir (Gilead), Vaccine going into phase 1 trial in about 6 weeks, but w ill not be ready for at least 1.5 years.


Hope that this is helpful.

Best regards,



From: Geller, Robert D.

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 1:10 PM -------~~

To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E] (b)(6J> ---------

Subject: COVID-19 Questions Tony


Thanks for everything you are saying and doing. I'm writing to ask for the latest. Thanks Bob. What about general care of a patient suspected or confirmed COVID-19. N95 or surgical mask? Any news on how this disease is being transmitted? Anything new on vaccine or treatment?


So according to Fauci we should have a vaccine ready in September 2021

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8 minutes ago, broberts said:

The only reason CARES Act funding would enter into a medical doctors decision of what to put on a death certificate would be if money mattered more than professional ethics and legal obligations. It seems to me that to suggest such unethical behavior one must have such a motivation in life. Hence projection.

Be careful with that.  Look, I can understand if you're not so well versed on coding procedures.  Nothing unethical about it, but doctors know how minor adjustment to treatment plans can be revenue positive and possibly benefit the patient with no downside.  Think 'just in case'.


In this case, yes, there was a finaincial incentive to include a covid diagnosis even if it may not have been material to the outcome.  With no patient risk, it's both medically ethical and legal, just a dubious beneficiary.

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19 minutes ago, broberts said:

Only one problem with your "correct" solution, almost 50% of the US population would have to be isolated in a COVID free environment.

Not even remotely close.  5% at best.


It would have taken a 10 minute check up to determine someone's fitness and risk of adverse outcome.  Carnival had it right over a year ago with their proposd Fit To Sail plan.

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I suppose in reading this thread and actively participating for a few days, I guess the thing that is important to remember for those that want to use this as a learning experience, is that the vocal minority on the topic of opposing vaccines, masks and constantly questioning the number of deaths Covid has brought the world are truly not the majority of people out there. I suppose us "sheep" are looking at this as even if we had a 50% variance in the global deaths from Covid, it isn't an acceptable number of deaths without taking temporary extreme measures. That said, there also were countries like Sweden that took a more balanced approach and certainly there could have been differences to the approach taken as leaders scrambled to do something that hasn't been done in any of their lifetimes even with drills had on the very topic, it shows how unprepared we were in reality. 


Instead of banding together to do whatever it takes to save even a small percentage of lives, we become even more divided in the fight and turn against each other. Everything becomes a political issue in the crisis and people turn ugly and think about how this has impacted their golf game, cruising and socialization, and others are just trying to cope with losing multiple loved ones. So many people also lost everything from the financial impact of this crisis which undeniably will be felt for decades to come. 


Humans in general need order, and without being told or governed to do certain things, we will not do the things we should, even for the greater good. It's a sad state that evolution has not taken so many of the basic instinctual traits away, but when left to our own accord, we would likely destroy ourselves in the face of trying to "live our lives". That has been proven time and time again during this pandemic, and it is not isolated to the US. 


I don't believe we learned anything from this pandemic that brought so much devastation to people, and just like what happens with hurricanes and tornados, when the next pandemic or crisis happens, there will be those that underestimate it, and then get caught in the storm when they refused to evacuate, and either parish or need others to rescue them. The behavior around us is not isolated to the current pandemic and crosses all cultures. Everyone is angry right now, many with very good reasons, but without coming together, we're just on track to repeat the history of many great civilizations, just because we can't allow ourselves to evolve and care about others around us. 



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4 minutes ago, tcrandal said:

 but when left to our own accord, we would likely destroy ourselves in the face of trying to "live our lives". That has been proven time and time again during this pandemic, and it is not isolated to the US. 



Ask yourself these questions:


1. What would have happened if we did absolutely nothing about Covid-19? (ignored it)


2. Where would we be right now after doing so?


Now sit and think about those questions and give it some deep thought.


Also, you keep throwing out the loss of loved ones and deaths. In case you don't know it about 7500+ people die every day in the United States. You seem to think people never die.





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45 minutes ago, NightOne said:

Some more Fauci e-mail stuff:


From:  Bob: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E)

Sent: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 12:01:19 +0000

To: Geller, Robert D

Subject:  RE: COVID-19 Questions


Thanks for the note. I hope that all is well with you. Use an N95 if you have them available. Transmission is similar to influenza: respiratory droplets and likely a bit more as aerosol than with influenza . People can transmit even when they are asymptomatic . No approved therapies; however, we are doing clinical trials on 're-purposed" drugs such as remdesivir (Gilead), Vaccine going into phase 1 trial in about 6 weeks, but w ill not be ready for at least 1.5 years.


Hope that this is helpful.

Best regards,



From: Geller, Robert D.

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 1:10 PM -------~~

To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E] (b)(6J> ---------

Subject: COVID-19 Questions Tony


Thanks for everything you are saying and doing. I'm writing to ask for the latest. Thanks Bob. What about general care of a patient suspected or confirmed COVID-19. N95 or surgical mask? Any news on how this disease is being transmitted? Anything new on vaccine or treatment?


So according to Fauci we should have a vaccine ready in September 2021

Fan of Tucker Carlson?



Why would anyone think that anything posted during the very beginning of the pandemic by anyone has any relevance to today's world? Covid was a novel virus in March, 2020. No one knew anything about it.  No one could accurately predict how much we would know now, 15 months later.


Science evolves. Changes are made based on the newest data available, not data that is 15 months old.



Edited by cured
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5 minutes ago, cured said:

Fan of Tucker Carlson?


Why would anyone think that anything posted during the very beginning of the pandemic by anyone has any relevance to today's world? Covid was a novel virus in March, 2020. No one knew anything about it.  No one could accurately predict how much we would know now, 15 months later.


Science evolves. Changes are made based on the newest data available, not data that is 15 months old.



I believe the scientific term is "Monday morning QBing". But then, expect a lot of that for the next 2 𝚢̶𝚎̶𝚊̶𝚛̶𝚜̶ decades.

Edited by tcrandal
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6 minutes ago, NightOne said:


Ask yourself these questions:


1. What would have happened if we did absolutely nothing about Covid-19? (ignored it)


2. Where would we be right now after doing so?


Now sit and think about those questions and give it some deep thought.


Also, you keep throwing out the loss of loved ones and deaths. In case you don't know it about 7500+ people die every day in the United States. You seem to think people never die.





You are being serious right? Or is this sarcasm? 



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1 minute ago, cured said:

Fan of Tucker Carlson?


Why would anyone think that anything posted during the very beginning of the pandemic by anyone has any relevance to today's world? Covid was a novel virus in March, 2020. No one knew anything about it.  No one could accurately predict how much we would know now, 15 months later.


Science evolves. Changes are made based on the newest data available, not data that is 15 months old.




Keep telling yourself that lie.


Go read the Fauci e-mails and you'll see some of the things they KNEW early on.

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4 minutes ago, NightOne said:


Keep telling yourself that lie.


Go read the Fauci e-mails and you'll see some of the things they KNEW early on.

You just keep getting your science "smarts" from good 'ol Tucker.


You do realize that even Fox swore in court that they believed that nobody in their right mind would actually believe anything he says?

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1 minute ago, NightOne said:


100% serious.


Where would we be right now?


Would we still be dealing with Covid-19?

If you look at the rest of the world, yes. And things would be much, much worse.

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1 minute ago, cured said:

You just keep getting your science info from good 'ol Tucker.


You do realize that even Fox swore in court that they believed that nobody in their right mind would actually believe anything he says?


I don't watch Tucker Carlson.


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5 minutes ago, NightOne said:


100% serious.


Where would we be right now?


Would we still be dealing with Covid-19?

Considering my family works, lives, and breathes in the medical field and experienced the worst year THEY HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED since they started working...please tell me. How would we be? I can answer that considering the complete nightmare the last year has been. So it would have been better to do even LESS than we did? I think some humble pie is in order...

Edited by JMKreno
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1 minute ago, cured said:

If you look at the rest of the world, yes. And things would be much, much worse.


How so?


Here's one theory:


The SCIENCE would indicated that we would of had MASSIVE outbreaks of Covid-19 early on. The death toll would have likely been less because the vulnerable population at some point would have isolated themselves in the face of the rampant spread of the virus. Young people would be spreading it like crazy without even knowing they had it.


At some point within a about 6 months almost everyone would have either already had Covid-19 or would have died from it and it would have run out of people to infect.


There would be no vaccine and it would be in the rear view mirror like a previous hurricane or earthquake.


Life goes on

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3 minutes ago, JMKreno said:

Considering my family works, lives, and breathes in the medical field and experienced the worst year THEY HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED since they started working...please tell me. How would we be? I can answer that considering the complete nightmare the last year has been. So it would have been better to do even LESS than we did? I think some humble pie is in order...


There is that unselfishness I'm always being told about.


We don't know a fictional outcome because we didn't choose the right path. I honestly believed we prolonged this thing by all of the actions that were taken. We certainly didn't do things the right way and we listened to the wrong people too much.

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1 minute ago, d9704011 said:

Except for the millions of dead people and the diminished quality of life for many of the survivors.


When are you people going to understand that people die?


You guys in Canada are clueless on this by the way. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

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8 minutes ago, NightOne said:


There is that unselfishness I'm always being told about.


We don't know a fictional outcome because we didn't choose the right path. I honestly believed we prolonged this thing by all of the actions that were taken. We certainly didn't do things the right way and we listened to the wrong people too much.

I wonder if you see the failure of logic in your statements? How do you know we "didn't choose the right path" when you "don't know the fictional outcome?"


Regardless, like I said, nobody is going to convince each other of their own differing viewpoint. I won't draw out the back and forth with you over outcomes that nobody knows, but we're all entitled to our own beliefs, even if they differ from those that are actually in the medical field or dealt with this first hand. 


You must be in a position in which your opinion is based on first hand knowledge and not what is learned from watching any of the news or commentary. 

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3 minutes ago, NightOne said:


When are you people going to understand that people die?


You guys in Canada are clueless on this by the way. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Repartee at its best....

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10 minutes ago, NightOne said:


There is that unselfishness I'm always being told about.


We don't know a fictional outcome because we didn't choose the right path. I honestly believed we prolonged this thing by all of the actions that were taken. We certainly didn't do things the right way and we listened to the wrong people too much.

What is this based on? So, let's look at your logic:


1) We should have done nothing but isolate "sensitive" populations? So, being told to wear a MASK as a POTENTIAL gesture = HELL NO MY FREEDOM IS MORE IMPORTANT, but being told YOU CANNOT GO OUTSIDE AT ALL FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG = Yup! No problem! That would have happened!"


And based on that, what sensitive populations would need to isolate? Yes, the majority of the deaths were elderly, but a LOT of cases (not a trivial amount) came from the NON-SENSITIVE populations (NOT ELDERLY) and considering the substantial majority of the US population is considered HIGHER-RISK simply because of obesity, how should that have been managed? There were pretty simple things people could do, and sometimes you just do crap to help others out even if it makes only a bit of difference. 


2) Just allowing this to run rampant would have have completely destroyed what was left of the medical industry (I am not talking business I am talking medical personnel). The amount of death my wife has seen THIS YEAR is more than she has seen since she STARTED WORKING more than a decade ago. Same for other family members who work Med/Surge/Telemetry/ICU. But, the big deep state must have rounded up whoever and told them to "pretend to be sick and die!" just to scare the nurses I guess? 


I guess my wife was full of it? But at the end of the day, we DON'T KNOW what the "correct path" truly was as we will never truly know. All I know is we could have done BETTER. 

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1 minute ago, tcrandal said:

I wonder if you see the failure of logic in your statements? How do you know we "didn't choose the right path" when you "don't know the fictional outcome?"


Regardless, like I said, nobody is going to convince each other of their own differing viewpoint. I won't draw out the back and forth with you over outcomes that nobody knows, but we're all entitled to our own beliefs, even if they differ from those that are actually in the medical field or dealt with this first hand. 


EVERYONE is dealing with this first hand.


As far as outcomes, we definitely know the path they chose was wrong. It's embarrassing that this is into the 2nd year.

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1 minute ago, NightOne said:


EVERYONE is dealing with this first hand.


As far as outcomes, we definitely know the path they chose was wrong. It's embarrassing that this is into the 2nd year.

Correct, we can agree on that. However, we truly don't know what path was right so you can't be so "sure" YOUR path would have been better. I know our "half-baked" approach definitely could have been better. 

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1 minute ago, NightOne said:


EVERYONE is dealing with this first hand.


As far as outcomes, we definitely know the path they chose was wrong. It's embarrassing that this is into the 2nd year.

Indeed, it is definitely embarrassing that a biological pandemic has impacted the entire world for 15 months and people think the virus understands our timeline for getting back to living. But, I shouldn't go down the rabbit hole, things are getting back to normal, and I see it improve every single day. I just hope it stays that way, and everyone doesn't forget how that happened. 

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12 hours ago, PhoenixCruiser said:


The COVID vaccine has been In the works for years, it just had to be tweaked for this strain.

Agree. mRNA vaccines have their infancy development some thirty years ago. Once China released the novel coronavirus sequence to our scientists, is when the development for this specific strain was able to be done.


Here is some history of the mRNA vaccines and the scientist that laid the ground work........

The Story of mRNA Vaccines

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