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Is 16 days and counting too long?

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9 minutes ago, golfgirls said:

If I understand this correctly, an upgrade courtesy of Regent from a Penthouse B to a Seven Seas Suite.  Wow.  Happy for you but now even more ticked off for us.  Would love to know how these decisions are being made.   


I agree with your concerns; just one more reason that Regent should have stayed with Mariner instead of switching to Explorer.

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Is it possible that they started with the largest suites and are seeing who accepts in order to move people up to larger cabins? That could take awhile. Could it be the cause of the delay from June 2? 

Edited by Pudgesmom
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11 hours ago, mrlevin said:


I agree with your concerns; just one more reason that Regent should have stayed with Mariner instead of switching to Explorer.

I suppose that the decision makers thought that the increased number of suites would allow for an opportunity to appease more disgruntled customers while having no idea of the enormity and complexity of the actual work involved.  Also those doing the work are likely part of a depleted workforce (who hasn't scaled down their staff during this crisis?) who are dealing with countless calls from unhappy guests and their travel agents while trying to sort out this mess.

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The Call Center staff are still at home but are back to 40 hours a week. They are absolutely slammed when a change comes out. The Explorer was chosen because she is newer, easier to modify, more efficient and the suites are an upgrade from the Mariner.

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3 hours ago, Pcardad said:

The Call Center staff are still at home but are back to 40 hours a week. They are absolutely slammed when a change comes out. The Explorer was chosen because she is newer, easier to modify, more efficient and the suites are an upgrade from the Mariner.

Slammed or not this is Regents business, it’s not like they didn’t have time to plan for the rebound of cruising.  They can and should do better.

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4 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

Slammed or not this is Regents business, it’s not like they didn’t have time to plan for the rebound of cruising.  They can and should do better.


It's impossible to plan for what we just went through. Everyone just needs a little patience. This is a first world problem, everyone has gotten what they deserve although not always with the speed they would like. Perhaps we should spend a little time reflecting on the thousands of people who can't put food on their own tables but spent the last 5 years serving us on board.

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Reference Message #10, this Thread--


Just-received confirmation (via our TA) from Regent as to a specific Explorer Penthouse Suite assignment for our Barcelona segment to Miami.  Also, confirmed our air itinerary for this voyage which was similar to what we had for the original Mariner booking made about a year ago.    


The dust is beginning to settle.   





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1 hour ago, Pcardad said:


It's impossible to plan for what we just went through. Everyone just needs a little patience. This is a first world problem, everyone has gotten what they deserve although not always with the speed they would like. Perhaps we should spend a little time reflecting on the thousands of people who can't put food on their own tables but spent the last 5 years serving us on board.

Agree, however during troubled times is when a company can shine—Regent isn’t doing that now.

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11 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

Agree, however during troubled times is when a company can shine—Regent isn’t doing that now.

Perhaps my perspective as a TA is different. I put my own money into Regent because I think they are the best of what is available in this market segment. The only lines I EVER recommend for my (non-standard) clients are Silversea for Antarctica and NCL/Haven multi bedroom suites for large families. No company is perfect but from where I sit, Regent is the best.

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33 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

Perhaps my perspective as a TA is different. I put my own money into Regent because I think they are the best of what is available in this market segment. The only lines I EVER recommend for my (non-standard) clients are Silversea for Antarctica and NCL/Haven multi bedroom suites for large families. No company is perfect but from where I sit, Regent is the best.

And everyone is entitled to their opinion, I also like and think Regent is pretty good for it’s class.  But that said I just don’t think Regent is doing their best at this time for the customer who are spending  their cash or FCC (which is the customers cash).  Will I cruise Regent again after my FCC is gone, most likely yes-but will I have the loyalty I once had-No not at all, too many other quality lines looking for your business only time will tell.  Honestly if I didn’t have a good TA, who handles my business I wouldn’t deal with Regent right now.  The last cruise that Regent canceled for us, just a really stupid PR disaster.  We’re so sorry, but we must cancel your up coming cruise.  Hope to see you on a Regent cruise soon.  My TA tired to find us something else we would enjoy, however most cruises had been already booked in a Grand Suite, most were to short of a cruise for us.  We finally found something we like in July 2022, and only could confirm an Explorer Suite—and “NO’ help from Regent at all.  Like I said everyone has a right to their own opinion and who they spend  their cash.

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2 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

And everyone is entitled to their opinion, I also like and think Regent is pretty good for it’s class.  But that said I just don’t think Regent is doing their best at this time for the customer who are spending  their cash or FCC (which is the customers cash).  Will I cruise Regent again after my FCC is gone, most likely yes-but will I have the loyalty I once had-No not at all, too many other quality lines looking for your business only time will tell.  Honestly if I didn’t have a good TA, who handles my business I wouldn’t deal with Regent right now.  The last cruise that Regent canceled for us, just a really stupid PR disaster.  We’re so sorry, but we must cancel your up coming cruise.  Hope to see you on a Regent cruise soon.  My TA tired to find us something else we would enjoy, however most cruises had been already booked in a Grand Suite, most were to short of a cruise for us.  We finally found something we like in July 2022, and only could confirm an Explorer Suite—and “NO’ help from Regent at all.  Like I said everyone has a right to their own opinion and who they spend  their cash.


Let me put it this way...I have seen things that Regent does that are not public. In each case, when push came to shove, Regent chose to work in the client's best interest. This is perhaps because the situations I have seen involve clients who do a lot of business with Regent...but I suspect that they really do want to keep their clients happy...all the way up to maintaining their corporate responsibilities. I am sorry you had a less than ideal situation...I think we all have during the past 18 months...but I believe this company will honestly try to ensure a satisfactory outcome when faced with a one-on-one dilemma. Their PR department should be sacked though.

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Reference my No 32 Message, above:  


Here is a very-recent example of the importance of having a top-quality TA who maintains good relations with Regent; and equally important, Regent's Air Dept. willingness to work with us on a new itinerary getting us from SEATAC to Barcelona.  Thus, enabling a "satisfactory outcome" to what would otherwise have been a nail-biter.     


That earlier message was sent a bit-too soon as having a virtual repeat for this October's Explorer Atlantic crossing to Miami regarding the initial air segment--SEATAC to Barcelona--mirroring what we had when this was booked a year ago as a Mariner cruise.  No.  


A closer review of the itinerary on Lufthansa showed only allowing a 1.5 hour layover at Frankfort before the second segment to Barcelona.  The old (Mariner) booking allowed for a 2.75 hour layover.  Knowing the Frankfort Airport--a1.5 hour hiatus would be cutting it really-close and depending on experiencing absolutely no hick-ups.  That would have been a constant worry--for the next 4+months before takeoff.  Needed a longer layover time at Frankfort.  So, back to our TA.  She immediately contacted Regent Air.  Apparently, no availability for a  later Lufthansa flight that day to Barcelona.  TA advised it might be easier to call Regent Air directly, and provided POC at Regent.  Also, Regent would be expecting my call.  


Made that call.  Swift action.  Regent rep. had been briefed by our TA.  Itinerary changed from Lufthansa to British Air (BA).  Now, BA SEATAC N/S to Heathrow.  Will have about a 3.0 hour layover at Heathrow (and we know which Lounge to head-for) before connecting on another BA flight to Barcelona.   Arrival in early afternoon.  Also confirmed assigned Seats.   A Regent rep. will then provide transportation to Regent's designated hotel. 


Regent Air rep. notified our TA of changes.  Received confirmation of new itinerary from our TA less than an hour later. 


This whole process was completed in about 1.5 hours.  Considering what Regent is dealing with, I consider this a professional and timely response.  







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We finally have our suite sorted out after a lot of back and forth between our TA and Regent.  Ok with the outcome but very unhappy with the overall experience.  Yes I am sympathetic to the challenges of every business coming out of🤞this nightmare. However, wouldn’t you think that Regent would have done some ‘mock’ mapping of suites on Mariner to Explorer? Of course the suites don’t match, so how was that to be handled?  Was a policy established or was it a ‘who’s who’ decision?  Why wasn’t the decision making process communicated to TA’s so that they could convey the info to clients?  Given that there is an incredible demand for cruise bookings and the corresponding support that those bookings require, why would a company be short staffed when deposit $ are rolling in?  Executive comp should be $0 bonuses for next year in my book, but I am sure they will be paid at record levels.  This could have all been a seamless and positive experience.  We should be happy to be sailing and not fussed about the logistics.  Regent, you need to hire some people from a company such as Amex who know how to delight customers versus piss them off! 

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O.K.  As to two above comments as to devolution from Lufthansa to British Air (BA) for our transit from SEATAC to Barcelona--


We are not shedding any tears.  Certainly would have preferred BA's conveyance be via a 747-400 (upper deck, Row 62) either from SEATAC to Heathrow; or the reverse.  Did this numerous times over the last 15 years. Always went for, and got, that upper deck.  Latest was September, 2019 when returning from an extended Explorer Baltic and British Aisles itinerary which ended at Southampton.  Great Lounges at SEATAC and Heathrow. 


Little did we know at that time that:  


1.  BA would move up the time to retire 747s from the fleet from mid-2020 to almost-immediately; and

2.  Shut-down of cruises in early 2020 due to COVID-19. 


Have also flown Lufthansa in Europe, but not over an Ocean.  Was looking forward to that opportunity.  But at this point, a matter of small concern in the overall context of:  Just having this cruise GO after three of our scheduled post-September 2019 Regent cruises were canceled due to COVID.  


We remain in a "watchful waiting" mode for the next few months hoping that resurgence of a COVID derivation virus will NOT result in putting England, Spain, or both countries into another semi-"lockdown" requiring in-country quarantines, and such.


Folks planning to board Explorer for 2021 segments earlier than ours no-doubt share this concern. 








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I have no skin in this game. I feel for what everyone is going through.

I suspect that Regent is taking longer and scrambling a bit more than expected because they mistakenly assumed the process of changing people would go smoothly. Think about it, if every client they contacted, mostly through the client's TA, took even a couple of days to work out what suite they would accept, that makes the whole process long and drawn out.  They probably hoped that when someone was offered the new suite they would accept and just move on to the next but comments here show that people aren't necessarily going to just take what they are offered. They can't just throw staff at the problem because they can't have staff and TA's fighting other the same suites.  They have to work through process in a methodical way to ensure there is as much fairness as possible. 

I hope it all works out satisfactoriy for everyone and that you all have a great cruise. 

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21 minutes ago, 1982CruzStart said:

I have no skin in this game. I feel for what everyone is going through.

I suspect that Regent is taking longer and scrambling a bit more than expected because they mistakenly assumed the process of changing people would go smoothly. Think about it, if every client they contacted, mostly through the client's TA, took even a couple of days to work out what suite they would accept, that makes the whole process long and drawn out.  They probably hoped that when someone was offered the new suite they would accept and just move on to the next but comments here show that people aren't necessarily going to just take what they are offered. They can't just throw staff at the problem because they can't have staff and TA's fighting other the same suites.  They have to work through process in a methodical way to ensure there is as much fairness as possible. 

I hope it all works out satisfactoriy for everyone and that you all have a great cruise. 

Well, it's 20 days now and I still can't find out if I have even been assigned a suite in order to see if it is acceptable or not.  I will be so happy to finally be back at sea, I doubt that I will quibble over what I have been assigned, but this not knowing is quite difficult for me.  I wish they would just finalize this whole fiasco and get on with it!!

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1 hour ago, annapolitan369 said:

We have been assigned a suite, but it's exactly the one that I told them in advance, twice, that we did not want.  Now waiting to see if we can be moved to something that works for us.

That's unfortunate indeed.  I hope you are able to be moved to your satisfaction.

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58 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

In reading these comments, I believe a few are made by TA’s who receive compensation from Regent Cruises, that said it makes me wonder……….

If you are referring to me, this is not the case. How can I prove it...maybe by telling you I only work with a handful of clients via another business and ONLY book their travel. Plus I have over 500 nights on Regent as a passenger paying full fare. The income I receive as a TA is about 5% of my compensation...certainly not enough to schill for Regent when no one who reads this forum can book with me anyway. I have fully disclosed all the facts in posts since the beginning and I believe this is easily confirmable.


You only get to sell your honor once in life...I would not waste it on a cruise line.

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3 hours ago, annapolitan369 said:

We have been assigned a suite, but it's exactly the one that I told them in advance, twice, that we did not want.  Now waiting to see if we can be moved to something that works for us.

That stinks. I hope they change to something better for you.

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4 hours ago, Pcardad said:

If you are referring to me, this is not the case. How can I prove it...maybe by telling you I only work with a handful of clients via another business and ONLY book their travel. Plus I have over 500 nights on Regent as a passenger paying full fare. The income I receive as a TA is about 5% of my compensation...certainly not enough to schill for Regent when no one who reads this forum can book with me anyway. I have fully disclosed all the facts in posts since the beginning and I believe this is easily confirmable.


You only get to sell your honor once in life...I would not waste it on a cruise line.

No not really, but anyone that accepts compensation from a company and sells the product—well their comments I would have to give it a very hard look.  I don’t know you, so I was speaking in general.

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23 hours ago, Grandmaanne7 said:

Well, it's 20 days now and I still can't find out if I have even been assigned a suite in order to see if it is acceptable or not.  I will be so happy to finally be back at sea, I doubt that I will quibble over what I have been assigned, but this not knowing is quite difficult for me.  I wish they would just finalize this whole fiasco and get on with it!!

It sucks that it is taking so long. I would be as frustrated as you. Patience isn't my strong suit.  Hope it is resolved soon. 

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