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We Though We Knew HAL - ms Noordam's Naming/Dedication Ceremonies in New York


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DH and I have cruised a great many times with HAL and anyone who comes here often knows how much we love the 'dam' ships and crews of Holland America Line.....and we really thought we knew 'the company'. After you cruise over 40 times with the same cruiseline, you get a feeling of "I pretty much know this company. " Sure...but we only knew one part of the company though, of course, it's the one that directly impacts us...the experience upon the ships.


I have spoken here that we were (unbelievably and very, very happily for us :) ) asked to be Mariners' Amabassadors for the ms Noordam.


Our participation in the Dedication of this magnificent ship began with our visiting the ship last Friday when she was in Boston.


We were met in the terminal by Director of the Mariner Society, Margaret Binnendyk, and were immediately taken with her warmth and friendliness and knew in the blink of an eye we were with a hugely capable, so experienced and remarkable woman.....who is also beautiful into the bargain!! :)


We went directly aboard and started to explore the ship. I'll talk about our observations and the things on/in the ship that wowed and awed us but I really want to share with you something about the people of Holland America few of us have the honor and pleasure and delight to meet.


We had been told that as Mariners Ambassadors, a table 'assignment' had been arranged for us and that we would be dining with Mr. Stein Kruse and his (really and truly) lovely wife, Linda. (My husband , with the deepest of respect, says she is a cross between gorgeous and gorgeous in looks, but just as gorgeous as a down to earth, friendly person.). Mr. Kruse is the President and Chief Executive Officer of HAL. Us?? ...we're dining with the President of HAL??!!! Margaret Bennendyk and Marion Carey (who some of you may know from her work at Port Everglades) and another pair of Mariners who we had met on a Volendam cruise we took in October, (HAL was aware we knew this couple) completed our table.


The very moment we met Stein and Linda Kruse (as they immediately asked us to call them), we were amazed at how natural and friendly and down to earth. Their smiles are wide and they share them often. We thought we were sitting down to dinner 'with new friends' and I have to add........it could have been an intimidating experience with others who might not have been as immensely friendly and welcoming. (Three times I addressed 'Stein" as Mr. Kruse and after he asked me to call him Stein each time, well......I finally did!! ;)) While we have dined often with many Captains and Hotel Managers, but lets face it.....this was the Captain's Big Boss, if you will. :) Not many Mariners are so lucky to have this opportunity. I felt I could have asked him just about anything; I could have raised any situation that I questioned about how things are done aboard the ships and I would have received a respectful response. Maybe the information may have been something he wasn't free to share, and we can all understand that, but I never felt as though I 'had to watch every word' I spoke.


I'll talk about various menus etc later but really want this section to begin to describe 'the people of HAL' we met and the immediate respect (and fondness) we feel for them.


We now understand, after all the years of cruising HAL, why HAL is the incredible cruiseline we think it to be. The people who 'run' HAL ( we met a large number of the Vice Presidents in Charge of 'you name the department, the senior-presidents, the directors of various departments) ....without exception, EVERY ONE of them were gracious and friendly and welcoming to us. If we passed them out and about the ship, they always stopped for a quick hello, remembered us by name....wanted to be sure we were happy and enjoying.....


Does this sound to you a lot like what we find on the ships? We all know the friendliness of the crews on the ships. Here is the friendliness from those in Seattle. This is genuine; it's part of the company culture; they care deeply about their work and the product they produce and ultimately sell to us.


You may have gathered by now, they will continue to keep selling it to us....let there be no doubt if we loved HAL before this incredible experience....a team of wild horses couldn't drag us elsewhere.


I shared stories with a few about our experiences on other cruiselines . If they weren't intereted in hearing our comparisons, they 'sure faked it well'. :)


More about the Party HAL ran Friday Night in Boston on ms Noordam......


Every bar on the ship was open. Hot hors d'ouerves passed tray after tray after tray. Laughing and dancing and music and big hello's when a guest would run across a crew friend they didn't know was aboard. We met up with easily a dozen or more stewards or cruise staff members and Maitre d' Wawan....grabbed us both in the biggest bear hug and we felt like family. But, that is what I've been trying to say here.....


We feel like family to HAL and more so now than ever....and for many years already, many who wear HAL uniforms have been extended family to us.....family we choose!!!!


More to come in Part II (very soon)

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Welcome back to the "real world," Sail! ;) I'm so glad to hear you had such a wonderful experience onboard the Noordam. Any company's culture starts at the top. No matter how many great managers there are along the reporting lines, if the culture is not resting and emanating 100% at the top then things are a shambles. I'm very pleased at your impression of sincerity among the top folks at HAL. Let's face it ... events such as this are tremendous dog-and-pony shows designed to schmooze and impress to the max. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's the deal. What's sad is when it is all just an obvious sham ... a press event and nothing more. You are a discerning person, and it's wonderful you got the feel that HAL management is sincerely interested in their bread and butter customers.

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Welcome back down to earth, Sail ..... well, almost!;)


So exciting to read about your amazing experience. I've said to you personally, and here on this board, that no one deserves this honor more than you and DH and I mean that sincerely. Your humility with regard to that only proves my point.


Always remember, you don't have to be a King to dine with a President. Your continued support and loyalty to Holland America Line is an asset to their company. And this only shows that they appreciate you. You truly are part of the HAL "family".


Welcome home! Look forward to hearing more!

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Sail, I am so very thrilled for you and DH. Tom and I have already been totally sold on HAL even though we have only 7 HAL cruises under our belt. It makes total sense that the friendlyness we see from the crew and Officers does extended to the Upper and Very Top Management. Holland America and the New Noordam been the topic of almost every conversation Tom and I have had since last week, so your enthusiasm is being share across the country:) Again I am so thrilled that one of our very own friends here on the CC board was choosen for this honor and look forward to hearing so much more of every detail that occurred.

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Sail Seven Seas,


It is so deserving that you are an ambassador for the new ship -- I know you love HAL as we do. I can't think of one bad experience on a HAL ship -- yes we've missed ports, but even HAL can't control the size of the waves at the Falkland Islands!


I keep thinking that we should try another line, and mostly we choose the ship because of the itinerary, but since I like HAL so much, I feel like I would be shunning family to go to another line.


Our recent Statendam cruise around NZ and ending in Australia was a great trip and if they would move NZ about 5,000 miles closer to the US, I think we would go again!

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Oh Sail, what a lovely experience! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Also, thank you for validating my feelings about HAL. I just knew that the warm feelings I got while onboard had to start at the top!


I am so happy for you. This was surely an experience to treasure for a lifetime.



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I must have missed the posts when you mentioned you and DH were named Ambassadors. I knew you had gone to the festivities in Boston , but was unaware of this.


I am so happy for you and DH and I certainly echo the sentiments of everyone else that HAL could not have made a better choice than you and DH. :)


So happy that you both had such a wonderful honor and a great time.:)



My Dad used to always say "The bigger they are , the nicer they are". That is so true in many companies. The top people usually are very very nice and down to earth.


Just wondering , Do we have to refer to you as Her Serene Highness Sail7Seas of Holland America now ? *LOL* :) :)


Again congratulations on such a wonderful honor

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Thanks, everyone, for your nice comments.



Part II


Because we experienced one wonderful thing after another during a relatively short period of time, my mind is still whirling with sorting all of the memories.


I really want to share it all with every Mariner. All Mariners were there in spirit as 'that was the point' of having Mariners' Ambassadors. HAL could not possibly have the roughly 4.5 million Mariners attend the events but a large part of this celebration of Noordam was about the Mariners. Many of the times I would thank a particular person for something they did or said, they almost always said Thank you to the Mariners.....Without those who cruise on our ship, what do we have?? Take my word for it. They DO NOT take us for granted. They appreciate our bookings. They especially appreciate when we return again and again. (for obvious reasons!!! :) )


We left Boston for on a short flight to Newark. (It is close to equal distance to the Passenger Ship Terminal, I am told, from either LaGuardia or Newark---but often less traffic getting to the docks from Newark.).


The moment we descended the escalator to Baggage Claim, we saw the familiar HAL Uniform with our names on her 'clipboard'. They had sent this lovely woman to meet us and she had a car and driver waiting to take us to Noordam.


As we neared (and got a first glimpse of) Noordam, my heart skipped a beat with excitement.


Waiting on the curb was a gentleman who greeted us immediately and took our suitcase and smoothed our way through the terminal and quickly to the gangway.


At this point, I really was feeling like an Ambassador. I could get very used to this sort of attention. :)


Little did we know, it had only just begun.


We had met the Hotel Manager of Noordam, Stan Kuppens, in the past and we renewed our acquaintance when we saw him on Noordam in Boston. He happened (?) to be at the gangway just as we crossed onto the ship. Quickly grabbed our bag and I said, Stan......you don't carry our luggage. He quickly said but you are the Ambassadors.....I quickly added BUT YOU ARE THE HOTEL MANAGER!!! Like magic, a steward appeared and took care of the weighty suitcase. (No one has ever accused me of traveling light!!)


They quickly brought us to our cabin. Once again....such thoughtfulness and attention to detail by our hosts. If there are better hosts than HAL somewhere in the world, I've yet to meet them. We have never stayed on an HAL ship in other than an "S" Suite and that is where we spent our night on 'our' Noordam. When Mr. Kuppens entered with us and said Welcome Home.....the first tears of others that would follow misted my eyes.


We washed our hands and quickly unpacked. Now we were off to explore more of the ship.


We absolutely love Lido Pool. The furniture, colors, Dolphin Bar......Love the stools. The tables and chairs are the newer style that is appearing on all the ships now. Gone are the plain white, blah looking tables. Now it's the far more attractive wood-grain look with the rattan looking chairs.


Into Lido we go and we stopped to really look around. Immediately entering from the Dolphin Bar side, is a slightly raised seating area (like on ZUDM) with fabulous relatively high back chairs. On the chair backs, are painted a fascinating Asian design. All of the seats in Lido we found to be particularly comfortable. Colors include sort of a burgundy with yellowy gold.....very pretty, I think.


The lamps on the section dividers of the seating areas are eye-catchingly handsome IMO.


Lunch.....Remember-- There are not yet passengers aboard. Today is Mariner Day and I think there was a small number TA's and perhaps some writers/editor types for various travel magazines and such.


Every section of Lido was open and offering luscious choices, as always. We had a nice lunch and continued our 'look-about'. Of course, like all her sisters, Noordam has the various stations which are so convenient. Salad Bar, Sandwich, stir fry, pasta etc


We went through the rear of Lido to Aft Pool. Big changes here. The deck is larger as it has been extended with the adding of more cabins on the decks below. There is an awning built on the starboard side ----maybe port, as well, but I'm not sure. Under this permanent awning, are tables and chairs set out very attractively. Much nicer than the older arrangement. Many folks want shade and this is a great section for people to enjoy being outside and at the pool and still be comfortably sheltered from sun.


Loads lounges are set up with most of them at the very stern.....behind the pool. (Maybe they were set this way just for the Inaugural Parties and such and will be moved during 'real cruises'.)


We were told we would be needed in the Vista Lounge for a Rehearsal of the Dedication Ceremony.


Down we went...certainly didn't want to be late!!!


More in the next section.


Part III to come soon.

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I know there's usually a portrait of the ship's godmother promenently placed aboard. Will there be one of you and Mr. sail, too? ;)

It's long been my understanding that the attitude of front-line staff was directly related to the attitude of the higher-ups. The front-line people behave as they are treated.

It's nice of you to give them public applause.

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I am so happy for you and DH and I certainly echo the sentiments of everyone else that HAL could not have made a better choice than you and DH. :)


So happy that you both had such a wonderful honor and a great time.:)



My Dad used to always say "The bigger they are , the nicer they are". That is so true in many companies. The top people usually are very very nice and down to earth.


Just wondering , Do we have to refer to you as Her Serene Highness Sail7Seas of Holland America now ? *LOL* :) :)


Again congratulations on such a wonderful honor



You're so sweet.

I did love the sound of 'here are the Ambassadors'......we had such, such, such fun. Never has anyone enjoyed it more than we did!!! :)

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I know there's usually a portrait of the ship's godmother promenently placed aboard. Will there be one of you and Mr. sail, too? ;)


It's long been my understanding that the attitude of front-line staff was directly related to the attitude of the higher-ups. The front-line people behave as they are treated.

It's nice of you to give them public applause.



Oh, goodness Ruth.......I don't think so.

I'm sure that Marlee Matlin's (Godmother) portrait will be placed in a prominent location but I seriously doubt that our photos would be.



What I do know is that a photo they took of our table at dinner on Friday night (Mr/Mrs. Stein Kruse, Margaret Binnendyk, Marion Carey, a couple we met on VODM in October and us) was sent fleetwide in an e-mail. Of course, those aboard the ships want to hear all about the newest ship of the fleet, and about the celebration, so we started getting e-mails from various friends of ours on the ships telling us they had seen our table photo. How much fun was that.....For our friends on the ships to be sharing this happiness with us.


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Are you having to tie yourselves to the furniture to keep from floating up and banging your heads on your ceiling? ;) I'm sure you were much more dignified than I would have been. I probably would have behaved like a giddy little girl had I experienced what you did!!


So, anytime you're ready ... tell us more -- tell us more.

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Oh, Sail, it's so wonderful to read that it all became everything you dreamed it would be and you were not disappointed for a single second.


I can't imagine anyone anywhere suggesting even for a moment that you and DH weren't the absolute most perfect Ambassadors for the Noordam they ever could have picked. No one anywhere appreciates Holland America more than you do.


I hope there's more!!!! I wait anxiously!:D

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I am enjoying your reports so much. I can feel your excitement in them :). What a wonderful day it must have been .



I think Her Serene Highness has a nice ring to it. *LOL*


I was thinking "The Grande Dame of "DAM" " but that sounded to matronly and stuffy and "That "DAM" Dame" sounded too "Sinatray" *LOL* :) :)


So your Serene Highness , We are all eagerly awaiting installment number 3 *LOL*

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We only returned from our 7 week trip last Wednesday so I must have missed you telling everyone about your wonderful invitations and being "Mariners Ambassadors".


What a privilege to have been chosen. Congratulations, it could not have gone to a better couple. You are always been loyal to HAL and over the years I have learnt so much from you.


I am enjoying reading about your terrific lunch and then your night on the beautiful new Noordam. We loved the old Noordam, I know you were not as impressed, and we hope to sail on her namesake one day.


I am looking forward to the next episode.



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Congratulations Sail and Mr. Sail.


What a wonderful experience. Thanks so much for sharing it with us and thank you also for mentioning where Wawan Kartawan is now performing his usual Maitre D' "Extraordinaire" duties. I have not seen him for a few years and have often wondered on which ship he was sailing lately. I have had a wonderful time renewing friendships with Kristian (once) and Kiki (twice) in the last two years but had no idea where Wawan was.


Looking forward to the next installment.



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Congratulations to you and your DH, Sail! Thanks for taking the time to write, in such vivid detail, your perceptions of the Noordam. While I sit here and read, I can nearly imagine being aboard with you. We couldn't make the Noordam trip, but can't wait until we sail the Westerdam in April!!

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