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We Though We Knew HAL - ms Noordam's Naming/Dedication Ceremonies in New York


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Wow, this is an extraordinary experience hearing first-hand how wonderful your first day has been. Like many others, I can sense the excitement and awe this privilege has bestowed you. Congratulations! and please continue to keep us updated.


As a Registered Interpreter for the Deaf, I am also excited about Marlee Matlin's honour too:D

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Part III


What excitement.....We arrived at the Vista Lounge for the first rehearsal in which we would participate. There had been others before we arrived. Imagine our amazement to find Bill Prince directing. Now I really needed to be pinched. :) I was so gratefull to Margaret Binnendyk who 'kept us cool'. :) She was so wonderful to us. Anything/everything one could possibly want for....she had already thought of it. She kept us on an 'even keel'.


Everyone was so welcoming and friendly and we were introduced to all present. What a joy!! Marlee Matlin was there and what fun to meet her. We have such high regard for her work, particularly in Children of a Lesser God.


We listened as Stein Kruse spoke from the stage of the wonderful ties between Holland America Line and the City of New York. We were so very interested to hear the history shared between the two including how Holland America Line ships carried Immigrants to New York. How Holland America used to have it's headquarters in New York. How New York was the embarkation port for the first HAL World Cruise.


He then spoke of the fact the Noordam we were Dedicating is the fourth Noordam to be a part of HAL's fleet.


Captain John Scott was the last Captain on the previous Noordam and is the first Captain for the new Noordam.


Captain Scott spoke of Noordam being the fourth of the Vista ships and, of course, is named for the fourth direction of the compass.


And then, as he continued speaking, we heard him say how many traditions of excellence have emerged throughout HAL's history and one of them is the recognition of past guests.....the Mariners Society. My excitement was building as this had to be where we would enter into the Dedication Ceremony. Just imagine how exciting it was when we first heard him introduce us in this rehearsal as the Mariners who would represent all of the Mariners.


Now we were on the Stage!!! Imagine!!! Us???

The beautiful bell was rolled onto the stage by four sailors. I got teary just watching that. The sailors stood behind us and the bell during the Blessing of the Bell and it was very moving IMO


A lady officer stood by us with a tray containing three flutes of champagne. We each removed one from the tray and held it.


We stood with Captain Scott and for the first time, recited with him the Blessing of the Bell.



We bless the bell of the ms Noordam

as an extension of this vessel.

We wish upon the Noordam

Fair winds and a following sea.

We wish safety for her operation....

Wisdom for her Officers...

Good health to her crew...

And comfort for her guests.

At the completion of the Blessing , we poured our glasses of champagne over the bell. It was wonderful. After the Blessing and champagne, I was presented with a lovely flower for the rehearsal. BUT, HAL being HAL....no plastic flowers here. Though it was rehearsal and not for real (if you will), still they had a lovely white rose for me. (Another of my favorite things about HAL, just about anyone who knows me on the ships knows, is the flowers!!!)


We took our seats and Marlee Matlin was introduced and came on the stage. She signed a wonderful speech and it was read aloud for her by her Interpreter.


I'm going to save 'what happened next' for tomorrow.


A happy tiredness is telling me it's time to 'call it a night'.


Part IV tomorrow.

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I am always interesting in reading what you have to say in your posts, be it a reply to someone's question, your advice, knowledge....whatever. It is always a "good read" and above all, helpful.


But THIS experience of yours is just so special and although I have never met you, I'm so very, very excited for you. Thank you for sharing it with us.


"Your Ladyship" sounds pretty neat, I think.

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Sail - Such a wonderful, exciting, amazing expierence! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing such a special moment with the rest of us. I can't think of anyone on this board who deserves this special honor more then you.


Tell us more!

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It sounds as though you had a really wonderful experience - I am sure this is something you will always remember fondly!


Can't wait to hear about what happened next. And hopefully to see photos (someone must have taken some) :) !


And yes, this is a great moment for New York - we haven't had a HAL ship based here for many years (except for a few Canada/New England cruises every fall) which I have always thought is unfortunate given that we have more of a historical connection with HAL than any city but Rotterdam. (Of course, they just regained regular service from HAL quite recently themselves, after many years of only occasional calls.) With the growth of cruising from New York, and the large concentration of HAL passengers in the Northeast, it's great to see HAL back in the game again.

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Sorry - this is probably the wrong thread, but I wanted to jump in as many of you seem like experienced HAL members. I am trying to book a cruise for my parents, but can't decide between the Zuiderdam and the Volendam for an Alaskan cruise. It is the exact same itinerary, just different dates. I realize Zuiderdam is bigger, but which vessel is better? e.g., staff, overall experience, etc. I don't want my parents to be on a party ship, or an overly crowded ship. Sorry for jumping in on this thread, but I would really appreciate the benefit of your experience. Thanks much.

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How nice for you :) It must have seemed so surreal being there in the midst of all this. But still a wonderful honor and a beautiful experience.


Well HAL certainly should know you love flowers. One thing you always mention in your reports from your cruises (aside from the wonderful staff and crew) are the beautiful flower arrangements. You are just like my Mom, a room could look like a wreck, or it could be a palace filled with priceless antiques. If there is a pretty flower arrangement in the center of it , that is what she will rave about :)


You certainly deserve a well earned rest after all the excitement and these wonderful reports.


We will all be turning in tomorrow


Same Bat Time

Same Bat Channel



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Sail: what an impressive honor for you and DH! Congratulations!

Your vivid descriptions of the HAL leaders reaffirms to us that we are most fortunate to have chosen HAL to be "our" cruise line.

It is really wonderful and thoughtful of you to share your experiences and feelings with us back on shore: Thank You!

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Thank you for so many nice comments and good wishes. I really appreciate it....a lot. :)



Our Excitement and Joy continues:


Part IV



Marlee Matlin's comments included mention of the fact that Holland America Line ships brought more immigrants to the new world than any other line. She told of her Grandmother who sailed from Poland to America in 1929. She then commented that Noordam would sail shortly on her Maiden Voyage carrying guests who would experience other cultures, new people....how this travel promotes understanding and enriches communication. She, of course, made reference that she knows first hand how important it is to transcend communication barriers.


I have failed to previously mention that videos were running of the outside of the ship........where the champagne bottle would be broken.


They had rigged a 'plunger pad' that Marlee would push. That would release the bottle outside the ship and the video would show it to all in the Vista Lounge as it hit the side of the ship.


BUT....before we were to see that....


The banner covering the ship's name was removed and we saw the ms NOORDAM on the huge video screen...the ship has now been named!!!


We sat in awe as Stein asked us to participate in a traditional New York Countdown.....a New Years Eve type countdown. They had installed a tall pole at the foot of the stage extension that comes forward toward the seats. Attached to the top of this pole was a Huge Ball reminiscent of a Times Square type Ball and it slowly made it's way down pole. At the end of the countdown, this beautiful, fully lit ball had made its descent, the band was playing.......


And we looked to see the 'lift' in the center of the stage had lowered, over a dozen of the ship's officers had stepped onto the lift and they were raised to be standing behind Marlee, Stein and the Captain.


At this point, pyrotechnics shot out and confetti flew and the excitement was overwhelming.....


And this was only the REHEARSAL.



We were speechless. It was an amazing thing to be a part of.


At this point, we all left the lounge, our rehearsal was over and DH and I wanted to roam about the ship and see as much as we could.


The art, the Stephen Card paintings are so fantastic, as always!!!!

Everywhere we looked, there was an antique ship's model, a object d'arte of one sort or another, I particularly love a black lacquer chest that reminds me of another like it on VODM. It is located in a large glass case on the way to the dining room. I was compelled to stand and stare at it.

And the Flowers!!!! Oh how beautiful the flowers all over the ship as per HAL's glorious tradition.


So...speaking of Stephen Card.....


Were we in for a wonderful surprise (like we hadn't had so many already!!!) :)


After our stroll around the ship, we stopped at Ocean Bar for a glass of wine. Remember....every bar on this ship was open for anything/everything anyone desired. The group aboard at this point was mostly TA's and they were a pleasant, friendly group. We chatted with a few and relaxed and savored every moment aboard.

My husband glanced over my shoulder and said......Isn't that Stephen Card behind us? We had met him some years ago. I looked at him and said....No, He's too young. This was a very youthful looking man but his face did look very familiar to me and I looked back at him a few times and finaly said...This is silly. I'll go ask.


I went to him and asked "You aren't Stephen, are you?" Yes...It WAS Stephen. The gentleman he had been with was just leaving and Stephen asked us to join him with our wine. We did that and had a wonderful chat. We realized we needed to leave in order to be cleaned up and dressed on time. As we started to excuse ourselves, he said....See you later for dinner. What??!!\


He was smiling as he knew a secret we did not. Margaret Binnendyk knew I really wanted to have the opportunity to meet Stephen so she arranged for us to dine with him and his lovely wife, Ruth. Once again, they had made me speechless. (That is a rare thing for me. :) ) Did HAL keep notes of every reference we made to anything we liked, would like, wanted???? It sure seemed that way.


We're just an ordinary couple from Massachusetts and we were traveling in an extraordinary Fairytale!!!


So, showered and dressed we go back out and about the ship to meet up in Pinnacle Bar for drinks before dinner. Wait until you see this new addition. It's great!! For people having dinner in Pinnacle, it's such a warm, beautiful lounge to relax with a cocktail but it certainly isn't only for people going to Pinnacle. We think it Terrific.


Chat, chat....what a wonderful time we are having. We are a group of five and were seated at a great table with a 'view'. I love to see the 'action' on a ship and Margaret had arranged for a wonderful table. Service was amazing. We ordered from the regular Pinnacle Menu.....which, of course, was a pleasure. I had the petite filet and seeing as I eat very little red meat, I am very particular about where I eat it.


If I don't think it will be excellent, I won't 'waste' my rare treat on an inferior serving. This filet was as good as I have ever had anywhere....I ordered it medium rare and that is exactly how it was served. Seasoned wonderfully, hot and Perfect! DH ordered one of those very large servings of Porterhouse or rib-eye...I don't recall which but I do know he enjoyed every bite (and I don't think he left a bite. :) ) We had all started with a soup or salad and we had a selection of vegetables and potatoes and all the yummies that are part of a meal at Pinnacle.


We weren't done yet though....I had to have my Chocolate Volcano and Ruth had the creme brulee. I don't recall what the others had but we all said they were delicious.


Tomorrow is the BIG Day so DH and I sat with Stephen and Ruth for a short while. We had an after dinner drink and headed back to our cabin.


We wondered to ourselves whether we would be able to order Room Service for breakfast as that is what we always do on the ships.


Should have known.....First thing we noticed when we entered our Suite was the Steward had left a room service menu for us!!! Happiness again reigned.





Is this getting to excrutiatingly detailed???


Part V to come.

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Is this getting to excrutiatingly detailed???
Absolutely NOT! Your travelogue delivery is fantastic! I think most will agree that this is exactly what we want to hear ... every detail possible. My only question is how do you remember it all? It seems like the entire experience would be so overwhelming!
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Oh my gosh Sail I am sitting here at work and everyone is looking at me and wondering why I am crying I told them they are happy tears and I am experiencing a thrill of a life time. I feel I am right at your side and feeling all of the emotions that you are. Thank you doesn't seem enough but THANK YOU:D We don't have half of your experience but we love HAL the same as you and we are getting close to our 100 days which I can hardly wait! I will be checking in a little later for the rest but I will be daydreaming all day about this experience.


God Bless You,



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I must say this is really impressive stuff - are you sure you're not too good for Cruise Critic now ;) ?


When you get invited to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Arison, you know you are really valued passengers!


I'm glad you got to meet Stephen and Ruth, too - it's a pity Australia is so far away as they are such great people to spend time with.


Did Stephen show you the new book? Once it is on sale it will be a real must for any HAL fan! The next best thing to having all of Stephen's HAL paintings in one's home...


Anyhow, I can't wait to hear about the Big Event in your next installment - reading about it is the next best thing to having actually been there! You certainly are doing a great job sharing the excitement with the rest of us.

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Today is the Big DAY!!!!


Part V



We wake about 7:00 so we can enjoy our Room Service omelettes before dressing. Room Service arrived exactly on time with our hot omelettes exactly as we had ordered. A pot of coffee and a bagel and we were happy. I packed up our suitcase....remember I'm the one who never travels 'light' so it took a few minutes.


We dressed and knew we were expected at the Vista Lounge for a final rehearsal at 9:00 A.M. As we were leaving our room, we found an invitation for Luncheon had been delivered. (More about that later.)


**I have failed to mention in other posts where it may have 'fit in better' that Noordam is the first ship in the fleet to have Elemis bath products in the cabins. They are delicious. Wonderful soap - face/ and shower; body lotion, shampoo and a separate conditioner--not the combo as with the products we have had in recent years. I really like these Elemis line. Sorry for digressing..... **


We slowly made our way to the Vista Lounge and a few minutes before 9:00, we opened the doors which had been kept closed. As we entered the Lounge, DH and I said.......we smell flowers. Flowers!!! Did we smell Flowers!!!


As we stepped forward, our eyes popped out of our heads. I am very sure there is not a single tulip plant in Holland this week as they are all on Noordam.


We were told the airlifted plants arrived at the terminal and were loaded onto the ship at 4 A.M. Hundreds and hundreds of the freshest, most beautiful tulips decorated the stage in front of the great backdrop which had been created.....of New York street. Tulips in front of the stage; tulips at the end of aisles......They were GORGEOUS!!!


Neatly lettered place cards had been set out for reserved seating sections. (You can be sure at the end of the day.....ours made their way into my purse.)


Everyone was dressed for the day so as we did our final rehearsal, photographers took pictures...many pictures. We're having a total Blast!!! How can two people possibly have this much fun??

Rehearsal was over and we left knowing we were to be in the dining room for Luncheon at 11:45.


We ran into several people we had met during our time aboard and chatted and enjoyed a cup of coffee. We were drinking in the atmosphere of excitement as the Maiden Voyage cruisers were starting to embark. Great watching their reaction walking around this magnificent ship and starting to get their bearings. They sure were a happy bunch. They knew they had a full, wonderful cruise ahead of them and it hadn't yet begun.


Luncheon: Okay....now picture this. As I've said, we are just an regular, everyday couple from Massachusetts.


We've been invited to Lunch at the Head Table. Phew.....

We are lunching with Mr. and Mrs. Stein Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Micky Arison, Mr. and Mrs. Dingemans (Architect of HAL ships); Mr. and Mrs. Antonini (of Fincantieri BoatYards....the genuises who build the fabulous Carnival and HAL ships), Marlee Matlin (Noordam's Godmother and Acadamy Award winning actress) and her Interpretor, Jack; Captain John Scott and his wife Susan, Mr. Andrew Alper of New York City Economic Development, Mr. Howard Frank, Vice Chairman and CEO of Carnival Corporation.....oh yah....and us.


How do you like the circles we travel in??? :) Talk about feeling like "Queen for a Day?" :cool: Some of the baby boomers reading this may remember that TV show.


This was the nicest group of people you could ever imagine. DH and I so enjoyed the opportunity to join with this very special, very talented, fascinating table of remarkable achievers. It is this group that puts their talents together and creates the ships/the cruise experiences we love.


Gee....what a chance it could have been for me to ask for some of those subtle changes we occassionally dream about. :) No...I guess not. ;)


I've talked little about the amazing food coming out of Noordam's kitchens. The Dedication Luncheon Menu is as follows:



Seared Lobster and Shrimp /Cocktail - Chukka seaweed salad with shiso vinaigrette (positively killer delicious --- we loved it.)


Choice of:


Sterling Silver Beef Medallion and Lamp Chop (Pinot Noir demi-glace, apple chutney with mint oil. Mushroom capped potatoes and roasted ratatouille vegetables (Dh had this and it was scrumptious)




Grilled Halibut Pan Asian Style (Thai rice vegetable noodles, ginger lemon grass and peanut dressing (This is what I had and I ate every teeny tiny bit of it!!! Totally delicious!!)





Grilled Portobello Mushroom (Vegetable spaghetti and tomato concassee)


For Dessert, Chef created a masterpiece he called:


Dialogue of Grand Marnier and Chocolate Mousse.......The mousse was placed beautifully on the plate and a 'chocolate straw' rose high and was completely surrounded with spun sugar strands that were light as air.


We enjoyed wonderful wines....or anything else anyone desired.



I could get very used to this!!! :)



Now it is time to freshen up and head to the Vista Lounge. The guests invited to the ceremony are gathering and it is almost time to start.



Part VI to come a bit later.......

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Wow Sail, Talk about a Cinderella Story. This is so very wonderful. I know if it was me I would keep asking Tom to pinch me just to make sure I was not dreaming. This is truly memories you and DH will cherish for the rest of your lives. I am just so thrilled to be able to hear it first hand. Thanks so very much for sharing this with us.:)

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This just keeps on getting better and better. I know if I were in your shoes I would be pinching myself quite a bit.


I am so enjoying reading this and trying to image myself in your shoes, though being an aussie we would never have the opportunity but still one can dream.


Congratulations not only on being there but also for the wonderful descriptions that we are all enjoying so much.



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