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(Days 7,8,9,10) -- Sea of Cortez, on ZUIDERDAM


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(( I will get to the 7,8,9, and 10th day very shortly.. or, you may slightly scroll down. ))


Day 6

As I mentioned, on my previous post ... day 6 was to be in Mazatlan.  I never got off the ship.  I slept in (really, really slept in).  So, I spent the afternoon doing a bit of writing.  A lot of writing some may say.  I obtained, from the GUEST SERVICES counter, some comment cards.  And, I began.  By the afternoon was done.. I had 7 cards filled out.  This was for taking time to recognize crew members' efforts & so on.  I recognized 4 people with the 7 cards.  One crew member.. I wrote four pages worth of information.  It was important for me to take special care in this pursuit.  I did not feel it would be appropriate to simply point out a person & utilize a single sentence.  You may notice that I type quite a bit -- "here" on my post.  Lol.  Okay, back down to GUEST SERVICES, and dropped them off.


Day 7

By the time I got outside, the ship was already in Puerto Vallarta.  I watched the docking via the channel on the in-cabin television.  It lets you view the Bridge and Aft webcams.  Nice.  Also, there is something that will give you the weather forecast for the current day & the upcoming days.  Puerto Vallarta was scheduled to be 83 degrees, and with 76% humidity.  This is, of course, a much higher humidity level than what I see here in the Mojave Desert.  But, it felt very comfortable.  I did not eat at the Lido for breakfast, juice had some juice.  There was a lot of chatter with the Lido crew of who is going ashore & at what times.  Plus, at least one of them saying "maybe we will see you".  It turned out that a good handful were going -- on account of there is a Walmart just 4 minutes away, by walking from the ship.  


Okay, I went to DIVE IN, for a bite.  It turned out, that I was really missing out on these juicy burgers for the first half of my cruise.  They are wonderful, and juicy.  I got the cannonball each time.  Great!  Oh, and of course the crispy french fries. 





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I finally went ashore at around 1:15pm.  At the port, you disembark.. and walk a very short distance to a little shopping plaza.  And, on the other side, is a Shell Station, a Walmart, a Sams Club, etc.  Then, 1/2 a block further is an indoor shopping center.  I went to the Walmart & got a tall water.  I've been in Walmart's before, but figured -- what the heck I'll go in & have a look.  Well, I am halfway to the Walmart & three voices call out "Is that Matthew!?!?!?!".  It was Mark, Anj, and another person from the Lido.  I said "aren't you supposed to be working" in a sarcastic tone.  They all laughed.  They told me that the trip to Walmart was kind of important to them -- as they could get items that some ports would just not have ---- so, time to stock up. 


I went to the indoor shopping mall.  It had a big store called LIVERPOOL.  I guess that is a department store in Mexico?  I walked around for about 80 minutes.  


There was a place (In Puerto Vallarta) that I read about -- about a month earlier -- and, it had very good reviews for the El Pastor tacos.  I wanted to make sure that I made a trip there.  The distance was (I believe) about 6 miles.  The name of the small eatery is Pancho's Takos.  Yes, they spell it with a "k" there.  Lol.  So, I got a taxi cab.  There are tons and tons of taxi cabs in Puerto Vallarta.  All of them (seemed to be?) the same company with the white & yellow paint.  All clean. 


The place is small.  Really small.  It is in the Zona Romantica area of town.  They don't advertise.  They don't have reservations.  They take cash only (pesos, or american $).  And, to get a table -- you just form a line on the sidewalk.  With my research, I learned that they are not open on Sundays -- so, this was my day to go. 




You are handed a card that lists the entire menu.  Circle what you want and write down how many.  I read that the fondue was really good as well were the (of course) tacos.  I waited in line about 15 minutes, and then got a table.  I was about 9 feet from the volcanic heat from the guy cooking/carving the el pastor.  Awesome. 




Of course, it's traditional, to have that pineapple atop!  I ordered two pastor tacos, and the fondue, and a quesadilla.  Oh, and two cans of pepsi.  So much food, But, I did not know when I would ever be back --- time to get busy! 


The fondue choices were with mushrooms, or with chorizo.  It was especially good.  Got the SHROOOOOMS.  Next time I am in town -- will get the other.  Play the video, I dare ya!


The tacos were filling.  Really filling, just stuffed with meat & all the goodness of onion, cilantro, etc.  The wedges of lime made them even better.  Oh.  Oh.  Oh, you see that plate of condiments.  Well, just to let you know.. the sauce, in the upper right.  Yes, the orange colored one.  We can simply give that one the nik-name K-Y-A-G.  Oh, dear lord.  Kiss - your - *** - goodbye.  I had tears running down my face.  It was good though.








Edited by MisterMatthew
simple edit
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17 hours ago, bcummin said:

Matthew, you are blossoming into a wise traveler.  And bless you for writing up the good crew members.


Barbara, thank you... I'm really liking the idea of cruising more often.  Maybe the World Voyage on HAL?  Well, one day.


Yes -- I think it's important when efforts & good attitudes rec'v recognition!



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3 minutes ago, Kristal Blade said:

When you said fondue I was expecting to see dessert! I have never ever seen a mushroom fondue. I need to travel more!


I fondue left & right!  Lol.  Just kidding.  Yeah, it was an interesting appetizer.  I read about it weeks before my sailing.  And, figured I had to get it.  The advice offered by the online reviews were ORDER IT + eat it while it's HOT!



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I got back to the ship at around 7:00pm.  I like how Puerto Vallarta looked.  It kind of felt like a playground where "all are welcome".  I saw plenty of resorts, shopping, restaurants along Tepic (or, Hwy 200).  I'm pretty sure that is what the main street is called in Vallarta. 


This is me.  Not that it matters, but a quick glimpse  Mind you, this video was taken BEFORE I got slightly sunburned.  :)  Well, it's a video of me, and the windows & the Lido Buffet.  Deck 9. 



I had dinner downstairs, on deck 2 this evening.  This is the Main Dining Room of course.  They had a lot of choices.  I got these.. they are agnolotti.  They were pretty tasty.  Think of a really fancy ravioli. 




Then, I chose to return to the Guest Services counter.  I needed more comment cards.  I got six more, as I wanted to recognize more members of the crew. 


One person that is certainly a standout, is Erick.  Erick is the head chef at the Lido Buffet.  He is just as tall as MisterMatthew & is very keen on detail, cleanliness, and every aspect you can think of.  Plus, he assists with Canaletto.  That is the italian lunch/dinner option -- that is basically adjacent to the Lido.  I liked Erick, because I spoke with him at least 4 times.  The first time was asking him about how the "Lido buffet has Risotto with wild mushroom and truffles tonight -- and, the Main Dining Room has it as well!?!?!?".  Erick gave a lot of insight into things.  He would look you in the eye, and not be eager to end a chat.  The final days of the cruise, we would give each other high 5's in passing.  :)


I went to the casino at around 10:45pm.  This time, I won $18.  Ooh, big winner, LOL. 


In my cabin, I caught some highlights of the Masters Gold Tournament & saw that Mr. Scottie Scheffler was in high gear.


Time for sleep.






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10 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

I got back to the ship at around 7:00pm.  I like how Puerto Vallarta looked.  It kind of felt like a playground where "all are welcome".  I saw plenty of resorts, shopping, restaurants along Tepic (or, Hwy 200).  I'm pretty sure that is what the main street is called in Vallarta. 


This is me.  Not that it matters, but a quick glimpse  Mind you, this video was taken BEFORE I got slightly sunburned.  🙂 Well, it's a video of me, and the windows & the Lido Buffet.  Deck 9. 



I had dinner downstairs, on deck 2 this evening.  This is the Main Dining Room of course.  They had a lot of choices.  I got these.. they are agnolotti.  They were pretty tasty.  Think of a really fancy ravioli. 




Then, I chose to return to the Guest Services counter.  I needed more comment cards.  I got six more, as I wanted to recognize more members of the crew. 


One person that is certainly a standout, is Erick.  Erick is the head chef at the Lido Buffet.  He is just as tall as MisterMatthew & is very keen on detail, cleanliness, and every aspect you can think of.  Plus, he assists with Canaletto.  That is the italian lunch/dinner option -- that is basically adjacent to the Lido.  I liked Erick, because I spoke with him at least 4 times.  The first time was asking him about how the "Lido buffet has Risotto with wild mushroom and truffles tonight -- and, the Main Dining Room has it as well!?!?!?".  Erick gave a lot of insight into things.  He would look you in the eye, and not be eager to end a chat.  The final days of the cruise, we would give each other high 5's in passing.  🙂


I went to the casino at around 10:45pm.  This time, I won $18.  Ooh, big winner, LOL. 


In my cabin, I caught some highlights of the Masters Gold Tournament & saw that Mr. Scottie Scheffler was in high gear.


Time for sleep.






Please say hello to Erick the chef in Lido 


Gail and Marty 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so glad you are having a great time.   Hey folks, it sounds like we have a new Mariner amongst us!   If you really enjoy it be sure to take advantage of the Future Cruise Deposit program while you are onboard.  

loving your reports. 

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9 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

I am so glad you are having a great time.   Hey folks, it sounds like we have a new Mariner amongst us!   If you really enjoy it be sure to take advantage of the Future Cruise Deposit program while you are onboard.  

loving your reports. 

Mary, do you work for HAL?

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1 minute ago, MisterMatthew said:

Mary, do you work for HAL?

Ha ha!  3 weeks ago I was a HAL weary but after sailing back to back from a HAL ship then onto a “luxury” ship HAL completely won me over.   The luxury ship was so inferior in so many ways.  I couldn’t believe how dedicated and genuinely decent the HAL crew was.  My food was very good with a few exceptions and my quarters were excellent (and affordable).  The only weak spot were some of my shore excursions but I took an unusual amount of excursions because of Covid 

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Well, I had a fair amount of "worry" before sailing.  Plus, it was my first cruise ever.  Now, I believe I was very fortunate to be on a HAL ship!



((( Oh, the only reason I asked "that" was on account of you mentioned be sure to consider a future deposit thing-a-ma-jig.  Lol. ))))

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Matthew, great description of your experience in Puerto Vallarta. My wife and I have been there a couple of times and totally enjoyed ourselves, once on a ship and once for two weeks at a resort. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude are infectious. I hope Trudy and I have the pleasure of sailing on a HAL ship with you in the future.

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32 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

Well, I had a fair amount of "worry" before sailing.  Plus, it was my first cruise ever.  Now, I believe I was very fortunate to be on a HAL ship!



((( Oh, the only reason I asked "that" was on account of you mentioned be sure to consider a future deposit thing-a-ma-jig.  Lol. ))))

Actually it’s good to have them.  That’s all you have to pay for a deposit when you book a new cruise.  It’s very handy and much cheaper.  I believe it’s fully refundable if you don’t use it after 4 years.

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Sunday, April 10, 2022 ...


I did not go back into Puerto Vallarta today.  And I, now, sort of regret it.  I was told by a handful of my fellow cruisers that it is not often that a ship stays at port overnight (i.e. affording two days of visiting). 


I spent time at the pool, as well as other areas.  I ran around Deck 3.  Okay, it was not a run, nor even a sprint.  Can we say brisk walk.


Oh, about the pool... I saw several people GET INTO HOT WATER WITH THEIR SPOUSE!



The ship is constantly doing maintenance.  Like in an "ongoing" manner.  I am not trying to say that the ship is in poor quality & so forth.  There was signage taped to the railing of the run-around deck (the brisk walk-around deck) that read "Caution, fresh varnish". 


Part of me is kind of curious to see more parts of the ship.  Such as portions that the public don't normally GO INTO.  I'm curious as to how things work, how things all come together.  It fascinates me.  Do any of you watch that t.v. show Modern Marvels?  I think there is a similar cable show too.  But, perhaps you know what I mean.



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Hi Matthew,  I am glad you enjoyed the ship.  Routine maintenance is a normal part of daily ship life.  It never stops.  Pre-Covid the ship offered back room tours of the kitchen and occasionally other areas.   Some super lucky passengers were allowed to visit the bridge but that doesn’t happen often.  Usually there will be a scheduled event in the theater where the captain will give a talk and take questions.  Watch the when and where for that on one of your sea days heading north. 

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This evening, I ordered room service for the first time.  This involved a multitude of telephone calls.  If you have been following my post / Trip Report ... then you know 2 things:


1)  I have not kept things up to speed, and some of you have been hanging.  Sorry!

2)  I mentioned a while back that there was going to be a "multitude of telephone calls".


So, I called... and placed my order.  It was more afternoon (-vs- evening).  I opted for the roast beef sammich.  My family has often used the word sammich for sandwich.  I opted for the sammich, and a quesadilla.  Was Mister Matthew especially hungry.  Nope.  But, I figured it was complimentary --- and, it would allow me to try a couple things.  Plus, I could nibble on leftovers later that night.  I also got (cans) of coca cola and ginger ale. 


The person that took my order mentioned that there were "4 orders ahead of you".  He said that instead of mentioning an estimated wait time.  Not a big deal at all.  I washed my hands, and worked for a little while on the Crew Member comment cards again. 


Well, about 20 minutes later, a knock at the door.  And, I was about to take the tray from his hands into mine (at the door).  With confidence, the delivery fella said "No, no.. and brought it in & placed it on the dining table for me.  I gave him a combination of 3 things.. mexican pesos, u.s. dollars, and my verbal thank you.


Oh, my room does not have a formal dining table, lol.  It is a moveable table, which is rectangular & about 32 inches wide.  Quickly, I began eating.  The roast beef sammich was nothing great.  It really was not... sort of dry.  Like, every part of the sammich was dry.  It came with potato chips.  Not a big deal.  I guzzled the ginger ale in (roughly) 16 seconds.


I, then, put the sammich plate aside and I


(( Phone ringing. ))  Hello?  "Yes, sir.. I am calling to check on your food order, is everything to your liking?".  I told him yes & thank you.  We hung up.


I, then, put the sammich plaste aside and I began consuming the quesadilla.  It was pretty solid.  Came with melty cheese.. and a dollop of guac, s.c., and pico de gallo.  The cheese inside was still warm.  I know, sometimes, with room service orders there is a concern of food temperature. 


I finished the quesadilla, and watched the daily weather on the television.  I also, began to watch a movie.  They let you choose from (about?) 40 selections.  Comedy, adventure, drama, etc, etc.  Many classic movies too.  All of the movies are free.  And, you can start, stop, pause, as you wish. 


(( Phone ringing. ))   "Yes, sir.  This is Room Service, may we return to your room & remove the serving tray for you?".  Now, the tone in his voice was still friendly.  My hypothesis is that they were not running low on those trays.  But, they just wanted to graciously get it out of my way.  Well, I ended up responding... "You called me for that?".  Thusly, I did not completely compute their process & kindness in an immediate manner.  But, I did say "Well, it's fine.. you can get the tray in the morning if that is alright?".  He complied.  In addition, I was NOT going to place it out in the hallway.  People need to walk.  And, there are wheelchairs that utilize the narrow corridor.


---- Matthew

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15 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

Hi Matthew,  I am glad you enjoyed the ship.  Routine maintenance is a normal part of daily ship life.  It never stops.  Pre-Covid the ship offered back room tours of the kitchen and occasionally other areas.   Some super lucky passengers were allowed to visit the bridge but that doesn’t happen often.  Usually there will be a scheduled event in the theater where the captain will give a talk and take questions.  Watch the when and where for that on one of your sea days heading north. 

Mary, I certainly enjoyed the ship.  I made many inquiries, in a friendly manner, with crew members.  Some examples were onboard "life' for the crew.  And, the loading / unloading of food, drink, product, and such.  Also, how crew dresses at night versus the day time.   I may be somewhat weird (?? LOL), but am intrigued by ALL OF IT. 

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Monday, April 11, 2022


Okay, all of port days are now in the rear view mirror.  It will be two days at sea.  And, then returning to S.D., California.  I woke up early and got to the Main Dining Room early.  If you remember, I did not choose a specific dining time.  I chose "OPEN".  I was at the dining room before it opened.  So, I would be the first one in. 


They had this item (I'm using GOOGLE right now to recall the official name.)


(Be right back.)  (I'm back.)


It is called a Pannekoeken.  It's a pancake with bacon and apples in it.  I'm trying to remember if I got this earlier in the cruise.  I may have.  Anyhow, really really good.  I drizzled on the maple syrup.  Not until it was covered, but until it was drowned.  Yes, indeed.  A lowfat food.  (Rolling my eyes here.)




The seas were somewhat rough today.  But, that would change later.  I went back to my room and finished a movie that I started the previous night.  Today was sort of quiet. 


I went downstairs to the SERVICES desk & inquired about the process to disembark and luggage procedures.  I kind of had the general idea, but wanted to confirm.  In the end, I just self-carried my stuff.  (( There is some sort of colored AND numbered tag you're supposed to obtain.. if you want the crew to assist.  And, you leave your dirty dirty dirty clothes laying out in the corridor of your room.  Okay, I'm joking.  You leave your luggage out in the hallway.  Lol.  Anyhow, I didn't do any of that in the end.


I saw Wadee upstairs on deck 9.  She is one of my favorites at the Lido.  I expressed a bit of anxiety as the cruise would be ending in about 36 hours, and 19 minutes. 


Alright, as the afternoon turned into sunset, and the night -- the seas were acting up.  Plenty of pitch-and-yaw.  Or, pitch-and-roll.  I would not call it severe.  But, certainly acting up. 


This night will turn out to be the MOST "rough" of them all.  At a certain point, while back in my room, I could listen and hear the hangers SLIDE across the closet bar from side to the other --- and back (as the ship rolled).  For a good six minutes I did not know what the sound was.  Lol. 


I checked my statement.  I was pretty sure that Room Service was complimentary, and it was.  I was pretty sure someone told me that "soda" is not included in Room Service, even if you had a beverage package.  Well, it turned out that the all the sodas I got in Room Service, I was NOT charged for.  Also, I had 3 sodas from the fridge in the stateroom.  I think some people call it a mini-bar????  And, those sodas I was never charged for. 


I got a so-so night's sleep.  I got up at one point -- which was about 1:45AM, and went to walk around the ship.  Yes, outside as well.  Both pools had the water sloshing around.  Oh, it was sloshing baby!


Well, the aid of some diphenhydramine, put me to sleep with more ease. 




Then I went.

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