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Summit to Bermuda. What’s it like?

Guest TopoChico

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On 1/25/2023 at 7:05 PM, CaribbeanBound said:

We did Bermuda back in 2005 and LOVED it.  Here are my notes from that 4-day visit.  Clearly some things have changed (like the prices) but it should give you some ideas...



This response/post is incredible. I just e-mailed it to myself as, like the OP, I'm going to be doing Summit to Bermuda the first week in June. I've been to Bermuda a few times, but have really only explored the museum in the dockyard (which I LOVED!). There are so many things here that I'm interested in. Thanks a gazillion for posting such wonderful details! 


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We love Bermuda - riding the ferry and city buses made it so easy.  Also got in two rounds of golf in the beauty weather.  Please remember that you are not supposed to remove the sea glass - security at the port will pull it and a lady in front of us with a large container was subject to a long conversation with the police.

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Guest TopoChico
On 1/25/2023 at 7:05 PM, CaribbeanBound said:

We did Bermuda back in 2005 and LOVED it.  Here are my notes from that 4-day visit.  Clearly some things have changed (like the prices) but it should give you some ideas...


Bermuda Map
Google has a scaleable map of Bermuda. Use your mouse wheel to drill down for more detail. Click on "Satellite" to jump between an awesome satellite image and the easier to view road map.

Buses and Ferries
You can purchase multi-day passes which are good on all busses and ferries. Buses are plentiful and service most areas of interest. Bus stops are designated by colored poles. A pole with a top that is pink runs inbound to Hamilton. A blue topped pole is outbound service from Hamilton.

As of March 2014, adult bus fare was $3.50 (cash) for one-way transit through up to 3 zones. Longer trips (4 to 14 zones) is $4.50. Children under age 5 ride Free. Children age 5 to 16 are $2.50. There are 14 zones total, and each zone is about 2 miles long. Note: Cash fares require exact change only. Drivers do not make change. Dollar bills are not accepted. (Most visitors find it easier to use the Transportation passes).

Bus routes and schedule information, see Gov.BM Bus Routes.

Ferry routes and schedule information, visit Bermuda Dept of Marine and Port Services.

(Bus and Ferry) as of March 2014:
1-Day Transportation Pass (All Zones) $15.00
2-Day Transportation Pass (All Zones) $25.00
3-Day Transportation Pass (All Zones) $35.00
4-Day Transportation Pass (All Zones) $44.00
7-Day Transportation Pass (All Zones) $56.00

Note: If you dock at the Kings Wharf or Heritage Wharf at the Royal Navy Dockyard, there are 3 Visitor’s Service Bureau offices to serve you. These are located literally at the King's Wharf, Heritage Wharf, and less than a block inland from the Ferry terminal (which is on your left as you exit the pier). They all sell Transportation Passes and have free maps. They are "generally" open daily from 8am to 5pm when ships are in port.

The most popular first destinations via local transportation are:

  1. Blue Line ferry for Hamilton City (~ 20 minutes)
  2. Orange Line ferry for St George (~ 35 minutes)
  3. Buses #7 or #8 to Hamilton (~ 62 minutes. See notes below)
  4. Bus #7 to Somerset Bay (~ 9 minutes), Horseshoe Bay (~ 36 minutes), Elbow Beach (~ 48 minutes)
  5. Crystal & Fantasy Caves: Take Blue Line ferry to Hamilton then bus #1 or #3 to the caves; or take the Orange Line ferry to St. George and then take bus #1 or #3. Note: Buses #1 and #3 will stop directly at Crystal Cave. You can also take Bus #10 or #11 from Hamilton or St. George but these two will stop at Swizzle Inn which is about 2 blocks from the caves.

While buses #7 and #8 to/from Hamilton and the Dockyard have an "officially reported" average run time of 62 minutes, the #8 route is generally faster. Expect about 55 to 65 minutes for route #7, and 40 to 50 minutes for route #8. This is because route #7 goes by Somerset and the south shore beaches along "S Road" (like Horseshoe Bay). #8 takes "Middle Road".

When heading back to the Wharf from Hamilton, look for the #7 or #8 "Dockyard" bus.

Royal Navy Dockyard

C. Hamilton, Bermuda—Day One
We were cleared to disembark the ship around 10am. We bought our Heritage Bermuda Passport (a discontinued museum combo pass) at the Visitor’s Service Bureau which is located within a block just west of the pier. We also bought a 3-day transportation pass for $28 which is good for all busses and ferries for three full days. The Visitor’s Bureau only accepts cash. If you only want a transportation pass, you can skip the line at the Visitor’s Bureau and buy them at the Ferry Terminal next door or at the Bus Terminal a couple blocks away. We walked to the bus terminal to catch a route 10 or 11 bus to the Aquarium where we spent two hours enjoying the informative exhibits. It’s not the newest facility but it does have several cool exhibits.

We then caught the first route 10 or 11 bus back to the ship for a late lunch before walking to the Bermuda Maritime Institute about a mile east of the pier. They have a cool shell collection, some interactive exhibits, and an extensive exhibit featuring treasure and other artifacts recovered from sunken ships that had hit Bermuda’s reefs over the years.

After the Marine Institute, we walked up to Fort Hamilton. This is an incredibly well maintained Fort with 25-foot walls, a giant moat completely surrounding the Fort’s main defensive wall, and interior catacombs worth exploring. Unfortunately we ran out of time and had to return on day two.

D. Hamilton, Bermuda—Day Two
Today was our day to explore the South Shore beaches and collect some pink sand. [Pink sand is created when pounding waves erode the bright red skeletons of protozoan foraminifers and the remains mix with other ocean debris, such as coral, white clam and sea urchins. Eventually, the mixture becomes the rose-colored sand]. For all South shore beaches, grab a route 7 bus. We decided to start at Church Bay at the far Western end of the South shore beaches. It’s about a 20-minute ride. It reportedly had the some of the best snorkeling on the island. Church Bay was closed, and had been for about two years. We understand it has reopened. Even if it were open, I’m afraid it looked too rough for snorkeling the day we were there. We jumped back on the bus and exited at Horseshoe Bay. At 9:00 am this Bay is deserted. Very pretty beach. This is where we started our walk to Atswood Bay, about 1.5 miles East. This is a very pretty walk. You will pass a number of beaches: Chaplin Bay, Stonehole Bay, Jobson Cove, and Warwick Long Bay amongst other smaller coves which can be yours alone. We were told that Horseshoe Bay’s beach looks like Coney Island (sand covered entirely with beach towels) by 11:00 am. So if you go, get there early or walk to the East until you find your own secluded spot. If you duplicate our walk, just follow the horse trail to Warrick Long Bay and you’ll be fine. From Warrick Long Bay, it’s about a 1/3-mile to Atswood Park and Bay via the roadside.

Fort Hamilton grounds

After our walk, we caught a route 7 bus back to the ship, ate lunch, and headed out again to Fort Hamilton. Fort Hamilton is a free attraction to visit. You’ll cross over a 25-foot long drawbridge over a deep dry moat and into the nicely manicured grounds of the Fort. There are several large cannons and easy access to the upper elevations of the Fort which afford beautiful views of downtown Hamilton and the Bay. (For your best picture opportunities of downtown, go in the morning. However, you’ll get better pictures in the moat in the early afternoon as there will be fewer shadows). We highly recommend exploring the underground passages and walking the moat which is now a nicely planted garden area with lots of foliage and a pathway. The only way down to the moat is via a 108-step lighted stairway from the middle of the Fort’s grounds to the lighted underground passageway and finally out a doorway into the moat. If you like to explore Forts, this free adventure is tough to beat! On the way back to the ship, we stopped into a cigar shop on Front Street and picked up a Cuban Cigar box. We don’t smoke cigars, we just wanted the box to take home. They did not charge us for the box.

Fort Hamilton Moat

After dinner on the ship, we used our Transportation passes to take not one, but two, moonlight ferry rides. The short Pink Route is a 20 minute ride with three short stops and provides nice night views of the lighted cruise ships from the harbor. The Blue Route (or Dockyard Route) speeds across the Great Sound to make two short stops before pulling in to the Royal Navy Dockyard where the mega cruise ships dock and then speeds back to Hamilton. This is a 50-minute round trip. (The wife thought these were beautifully romantic ferry rides and they were basically free as they were included in the cost of your transportation pass).

E. St. George, Bermuda—Day Three
We left Hamilton at about 7:00 am and headed for St. George on the Eastern end of Bermuda. The voyage is worth being up on deck for the entire 2-hour trip. There is lots to see. Approaching narrow St. George Channel, we were fired upon by the Town Crier from a Gates Fort cannon. The Town Crier also greeted us upon arrival into the town.

Our first order of business was to catch a bus to the Crystal Cave and Fantasy Cave. Bus 1 and 3 will stop directly at Crystal Cave. Bus 10 or 11 will stop at Swizzle Inn which is within 2 blocks of the caves. It’s about a 20-minute ride. Get there early. They open at 9:30 am. We strongly suggest catching the first available bus as the caves are very popular and will get very crowded before noon. You can catch the bus on Water Street, one long block from the pier. As of March 2014, admission to the caves was $22 for one cave or $30 for the pair. (Children 5 to 12 are $10/$12 and children under 5 are free). Fantasy Cave, which reopened just 4 years ago after a 70-year closure, is BY FAR the better cave. Unfortunately most folks will never learn this fact since the ship excursions only take you to the better known Crystal Cave. Explore both caves if you have the time. If you have a choice, see Crystal Cave first (because Fantasy Cave is better). Do Fantasy Cave if you only have time for one. The best group size is under 20. It got so busy that our group had 40 people. The group behind us had at least 60! They really need to do a better job of controlling group sizes. Your best defense is to go early. The caves are full of stalagmites, stalactites, columns, soda straws, bacon, shield formations and other interesting forms. Both caves are well lit and are full of water (but you won’t get wet). The water is very clear, and believe it or not, it’s all sea water. Fantasy Cave, in addition to being better preserved, also has an interesting spooky side which I will not ruin for you here. Very worthwhile. After exploring the caves, we caught the first 1, 3, 10, or 11 bus back to the ship for lunch.

Fantasy Cave

Following lunch, we walked 1 mile (30 minutes) to Alexandra Battery Beach Park. The Battery isn’t much to see, but the real prize here is sea glass! You’ll find it by the handful at low tide amongst the reef rocks at the end of the cement seawall (located between the battery and the beach). There is some scattered on the beach too, but the treasure lies beyond. Especially look for the cave, about 15 feet beyond the seawall, where the sea glass is 5-inches deep and sparkles in the late afternoon sun. Pottery with blue or green stripes, impressions, blue anchors, and inscriptions can be found amongst the white, green, blue, brown, red, clear, and ivory hued glass. We filled 2 quart-sized bags in about 30 minutes. You can do it in 5 minutes, but it was fun to be particular.

Walking back to town, we stopped into the Bermuda National Trust Museum at the Globe Hotel. This interesting museum tells the tale of the profitable blockade running that took place during the civil war. Cool souvenir: they have a press with the official “Great Seal of the Confederate States of America” plates and they make silver-foil copies of the seal with a nice matte border for $5.00. The seal itself was commissioned in 1863, measured 3.5-inches in diameter and cost $700. Around 1864, the seal reached Wilmington, NC on it’s fourth blockade run (then on to Richmond. Today it can be viewed at the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia), while the press itself remained in Bermuda.

F. St. George, Bermuda—Day Four
We walked about a mile to Tobacco Bay on the North shore to snorkel. We brought our own gear, but rentals are also available on site. The beach is small, but nice, and the water is calm and protected by reefs. Fish are plentiful here and the snorkeling is fun. There were 2 dozen folks here when we arrived at 9:30 am. By 10:30 the beach was packed. We left and walked to Achilles Bay, a small, fairly hidden beach to the left of Fort St. Catherine.

Fort St. Catherine is a cool fort and museum with lots to explore. Dioramas, videos, and wall plaques along a self-guided tour are highly informative. If you visit here after seeing Fort Hamilton you’ll learn about a few of the unexplained projectile lifts, air tubes, and light boxes you previously saw but maybe didn’t know what they were or how they worked. Next to Fort St. Catherine is St. Catherine Beach. It was very popular, had a snack bar, drinks, and music. It also had some sea glass, but don’t waist your time here. For sea glass by the handful, walk down to Alexandra Beach.

Which we did. My wife wasn’t content with the half-gallon of sea glass we picked up the day before. She decided she wanted more. So we walked a mile to Alexandra Beach to hunt more sea glass. This is a very pleasant walk along the coast. As you leave St. Catherine, turn around just as you walk around the first bend in the road. You'll find an awesome picture-taking opportunity of the Fort. Once at Alexandra Beach, we found the tide was about 3 feet higher than it was the day before. While it made looking between the reef rocks dangerous, the cave was still fully accessible and we gathered 2 more quarts of sea glass, and walked back to the ship.

This is absolutely amazing information and I don’t know if I thanked you or not but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! We’re making some plans tonight. My husband will tell me the same thing he always says about me “packing light this time” and not bringing too many shoes and blah blah blah. Whatever dude. 
We were going to book Chefs Table but he despises Cauliflower and I don’t like cooked mushrooms.  So that’s a no-go if the menus I saw are still accurate.  

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On 1/25/2023 at 6:05 PM, CaribbeanBound said:

Explore both caves if you have the time. If you have a choice, see Crystal Cave first (because Fantasy Cave is better). Do Fantasy Cave if you only have time for one.

Following lunch, we walked 1 mile (30 minutes) to Alexandra Battery Beach Park. The Battery isn’t much to see, but the real prize here is sea glass! You’ll find it by the handful at low tide amongst the reef rocks at the end of the cement seawall (located between the battery and the beach). There is some scattered on the beach too, but the treasure lies beyond. Especially look for the cave, about 15 feet beyond the seawall, where the sea glass is 5-inches deep and sparkles in the late afternoon sun. Pottery with blue or green stripes, impressions, blue anchors, and inscriptions can be found amongst the white, green, blue, brown, red, clear, and ivory hued glass. We filled 2 quart-sized bags in about 30 minutes. You can do it in 5 minutes, but it was fun to be particular.

Fort St. Catherine is a cool fort and museum with lots to explore. Dioramas, videos, and wall plaques along a self-guided tour are highly informative. If you visit here after seeing Fort Hamilton you’ll learn about a few of the unexplained projectile lifts, air tubes, and light boxes you previously saw but maybe didn’t know what they were or how they worked. Next to Fort St. Catherine is St. Catherine Beach. It was very popular, had a snack bar, drinks, and music. It also had some sea glass, but don’t waist your time here. For sea glass by the handful, walk down to Alexandra Beach.

Which we did. My wife wasn’t content with the half-gallon of sea glass we picked up the day before. She decided she wanted more. So we walked a mile to Alexandra Beach to hunt more sea glass. This is a very pleasant walk along the coast. As you leave St. Catherine, turn around just as you walk around the first bend in the road. You'll find an awesome picture-taking opportunity of the Fort. Once at Alexandra Beach, we found the tide was about 3 feet higher than it was the day before. While it made looking between the reef rocks dangerous, the cave was still fully accessible and we gathered 2 more quarts of sea glass, and walked back to the ship.

Because of tourists loading up on sea glass it became a scandal in Bermuda and they don't allow even picking up one piece anymore. Also the cruise ships will confiscate sea glass and pink sand found when passengers return to the ship. 


A lot of useful general info in your post but a lot has changed since 2005. The public bus system has become somewhat unreliable. The snack bar at St. Catherine does not exist anymore. I disagree about the caves. In  my opinion Fantasy Cave can be skipped. Crystal cave is the better cave.

Edited by Charles4515
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We are on the Summit this May but was there last May also. We found the bus system to be easy to use and not much change from previous years.  The driver and others are so kind to all. We did find that there were many vacant shops in Hamilton and St. George since Covid.  We still really enjoy our visits there.

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On 1/25/2023 at 5:32 PM, TopoChico said:

Our kids chipped in and bought and paid for a cruise to Bermuda in June for my husband and my anniversary, and a big birthday milestone for moi.  They gave it to us over the weekend so we could plan.

My husband knew but was afraid to say anything as he knew I was kinda not into the cruise thing right now because of the recent cutbacks… they were so excited. So now I am too. 

What is it like having three days there?  What should we be planning? We’ve been to lots of islands but never Bermuda. Will we be spending the 2 evenings in Bermuda dining off the ship? If so, where?  Should we rent a car for those days? 


We sailed to Bermuda on the Summit from Bayonne. If schools are already out expect MANY more children than typical of a Celebrity cruise…our sailing had 600 kids, and it did impact our experience. Bermuda is just so lovely though. 

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27 minutes ago, ljk76 said:

We sailed to Bermuda on the Summit from Bayonne. If schools are already out expect MANY more children than typical of a Celebrity cruise…our sailing had 600 kids, and it did impact our experience. Bermuda is just so lovely though. 

That is one of the reasons I prefer the first or second week of June. July and August there can be 600 kids on Summit. 

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Guest TopoChico
11 minutes ago, ljk76 said:

We sailed to Bermuda on the Summit from Bayonne. If schools are already out expect MANY more children than typical of a Celebrity cruise…our sailing had 600 kids, and it did impact our experience. Bermuda is just so lovely though. 

We’re going early in June. NYC public schools last day is 6/27 and most East coast public schools go until mid-late June.  Kids don’t bother us, though. We still can’t shake ours 😂 we always traveled with them and they still want to go with us as adults.  In 32 years with kids, we’ve only had one trip without them, and that was a cruise last April - and While we had a great time, we missed them being there. 

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On 1/25/2023 at 4:32 PM, TopoChico said:

Our kids chipped in and bought and paid for a cruise to Bermuda in June for my husband and my anniversary, and a big birthday milestone for moi.  They gave it to us over the weekend so we could plan.

My husband knew but was afraid to say anything as he knew I was kinda not into the cruise thing right now because of the recent cutbacks… they were so excited. So now I am too. 

What is it like having three days there?  What should we be planning? We’ve been to lots of islands but never Bermuda. Will we be spending the 2 evenings in Bermuda dining off the ship? If so, where?  Should we rent a car for those days? 


Cheers 🥂 to your anniversary and birthday!  Your children surely are special blessings.  Such a thoughtful and generous gift.  We’ve been to Caribbean so many times and Bermuda has been on my travel bucket list forever.  Reading all of these wonderful suggestions will have me looking up a Bermuda cruise for next year.  Wishing you a fabulous cruise vacay! 

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On 1/25/2023 at 4:32 PM, TopoChico said:

Our kids chipped in and bought and paid for a cruise to Bermuda in June for my husband and my anniversary, and a big birthday milestone for moi.  They gave it to us over the weekend so we could plan.

My husband knew but was afraid to say anything as he knew I was kinda not into the cruise thing right now because of the recent cutbacks… they were so excited. So now I am too. 

What is it like having three days there?  What should we be planning? We’ve been to lots of islands but never Bermuda. Will we be spending the 2 evenings in Bermuda dining off the ship? If so, where?  Should we rent a car for those days? 


Cheers 🥂 to your anniversary and birthday!  Your children surely are special blessings.  Such a thoughtful and generous gift.  We’ve been to Caribbean so many times and Bermuda has been on my travel bucket list forever.  Reading all of these wonderful suggestions will have me looking up a Bermuda cruise for next year.  Wishing you a fabulous cruise vacay! 

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On 1/26/2023 at 7:09 PM, trivia addict said:

I would agree. Do not rent the electric cars or scooters in Bermuda. The roads are narrow, hilly and as mentioned congested. We have been to Bermuda many times and almost always witnessed a scooter accident.
Last year we had a first hand encounter.

One  evening at the Sunset  Bar, we noticed a woman limping, covered in bruises and with her arm in a sling. We asked if she needed help. She began to tell us of a scooter accident she and her husband had been  in the day before. A bus had come around a curve and ran them off the road.
The husband had spent the night in a local hospital in emergency surgery to repair his broken arm. That morning he was released and was now under pain killers  in their room. Obviously she needed some space and maybe someone to talk to.

We helped her carry a plate of food and a drink back to her room.
Interestingly, she received no support or advice of any kind when she called the emergency number for the cruise line while she waited at the hospital all night, with no one to give advice on any protocol.

Years ago, my sister and her husband rented scooters.  She got a horrible burn on her ankle from the exhaust.  A great way to ruin your vacation.  Walk, take a cab, or bus or ferry on the Island.

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Guest TopoChico
2 hours ago, Cruise a holic said:

Years ago, my sister and her husband rented scooters.  She got a horrible burn on her ankle from the exhaust.  A great way to ruin your vacation.  Walk, take a cab, or bus or ferry on the Island.

Same exact thing happened to my sister in the early 70s.
Great for the people who ride them, but I wouldn’t get on a scooter or motorcycle if you paid me. I know too many people who were seriously injured or killed by careless drivers.  

I also think she and the “older” girlfriend she went with - they were like 19 and 21 - slept with a few crew members because they went back to NYC a few times to see them when they were in port.  I was about 9 and my Mom made her take me once. I remember they were Italian and wore bell bottoms and ascots.  😅

She came home with an album by the cruise ship band and the song Volare was on it and I really dug it so I brought it to school for Show and Tell. 

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Guest TopoChico
7 hours ago, RTR 21-0 said:

Cheers 🥂 to your anniversary and birthday!  Your children surely are special blessings.  Such a thoughtful and generous gift.  We’ve been to Caribbean so many times and Bermuda has been on my travel bucket list forever.  Reading all of these wonderful suggestions will have me looking up a Bermuda cruise for next year.  Wishing you a fabulous cruise vacay! 

Thank you!  We don’t like sea days and have only cruised in the Caribbean so we’ve never left from a northeastern port before. I’ve always wanted to visit Bermuda and it’ll be nice to see somewhere new.

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We rented the mini-electric cars and had a ball driving around Bermuda.  We got to go to a local festival, Swizzles, and St. Georges in a day.  It was so much fun.  We felt perfectly safe in it.  I would not rent a scooter, but the little car did the trick for us.  BTW...we were three couples in our 70's!  Only issue was climbing in and out of the back.  


We did do a lovely sunset sail as part of the ship's excursion.  It was another highlight of the trip.  

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Guest TopoChico
42 minutes ago, Nashna said:

We rented the mini-electric cars and had a ball driving around Bermuda.  We got to go to a local festival, Swizzles, and St. Georges in a day.  It was so much fun.  We felt perfectly safe in it.  I would not rent a scooter, but the little car did the trick for us.  BTW...we were three couples in our 70's!  Only issue was climbing in and out of the back.  


We did do a lovely sunset sail as part of the ship's excursion.  It was another highlight of the trip.  

That sounds like fun!

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On 1/25/2023 at 5:32 PM, TopoChico said:

Our kids chipped in and bought and paid for a cruise to Bermuda in June for my husband and my anniversary, and a big birthday milestone for moi.  They gave it to us over the weekend so we could plan.

My husband knew but was afraid to say anything as he knew I was kinda not into the cruise thing right now because of the recent cutbacks… they were so excited. So now I am too. 

What is it like having three days there?  What should we be planning? We’ve been to lots of islands but never Bermuda. Will we be spending the 2 evenings in Bermuda dining off the ship? If so, where?  Should we rent a car for those days? 


We've booked the same cruise for our Anniversary in June. We won't be booking any excursions through Celebrity as there is no Rush to be back on board the ship, and paying your own entry fee for things like the Crystal Caves will save you hundreds.

We plan on mostly using the public transportation and water taxi to get around. As for car rentals, they only rent small electric vehicles for about $300+ per day, I think even more if you want to sit side by side! Scooter rentals might be a better bet if you don't want to do public transportation.

We are thinking to do 1 day in and around Hamilton, and another day for St. George's, and the last day to explore the around the Port and not venture too far.

We've looked at a few excursion websites, they all offer the same things as Celebrity at cheaper prices.

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26 minutes ago, TopoChico said:

That sounds like fun!

  The Twizy we rented just has room for one person in the front and one in the back.  My husband drove and I navigated, and our friends went behind us.  Since the car just goes 50 miles, we charged it up in St. Georges while we toured the town.  We all agreed it was so much fun.  We stopped at beaches and picturesque spots along the way and totally enjoyed the day.  I understand they now are rented at the pier.  We had to take the ferry to Hamilton from the dockyards to pick it up.  If I recall the car can't go over 35 miles an hour which was the speed limit.  It was $100.00 plus insurance for the day.  

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18 minutes ago, Nashna said:

Please keep in mind that this was in June, 2019.  Most likely, prices and car types have changed.

Right. In 2019 there was only one rental company that rented Twizys, Now there are four companies. All the rentals are electric two seaters but there are different brands and some are side by side seats. Prices vary.

Edited by Charles4515
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We are leaving June 11 for our 20th Anniversary - This thread has been very helpful as it is our first time in Bermuda. My husband has a few mobility problems so we need to limit walking to far - the bus and ferry sound great. I assume neither are too far away from the ship. 


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29 minutes ago, cruiserjt said:

We are leaving June 11 for our 20th Anniversary - This thread has been very helpful as it is our first time in Bermuda. My husband has a few mobility problems so we need to limit walking to far - the bus and ferry sound great. I assume neither are too far away from the ship. 


It will be my first time in Bermuda as well, but I know both the Ferry and Busses are located in the port area. You will need to purchase your bus token or day passes from the Visitor Centre. You can take the bus without a pass but it requires exact change. You can probably purchase your ferry ride at the Visitor Centre as well, or at least ask them where to buy it.

The Ferry is supposed to be the fastest way to get to the other side of the island, as the Bus will be stopping multiple times along the way. I believe you will need to tell the Bus driver where you would like to stop as you get on, otherwise he may not stop if there is no one else to pick up or drop off at that location.

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49 minutes ago, cruiserjt said:

We are leaving June 11 for our 20th Anniversary - This thread has been very helpful as it is our first time in Bermuda. My husband has a few mobility problems so we need to limit walking to far - the bus and ferry sound great. I assume neither are too far away from the ship. 


The ferry dock is a short walk. The bus stop is across from the Clocktower Mall which might be too far for him. There is a free trolly that circles the Dockyard that you can take to the Clocktower Mall. 

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