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Crossing the Globe (Kind of) - A Pr1ma (Hopefully) Live'ish Adventure, 11/20 - 12/1


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"And another from cruisny4life! Thank you for generously sharing your time at sea with everyone at Cruise Critic! Please consider submitting it to the site for publication as well: Click: Write a Review"

cruiseny4life was awarded the badge '"Live from...."' and 5 points.

“Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better.” 

~ Simon Raven


Early in 2023 a friend asked me to complete a journey with him that we were supposed to finish back in 2015. Due to another friend’s injury, we did not. Instead, I went alone into the depths of the canyon. Immediately, I said yes to finishing our adventure, together! We were going to backpack the Grand Canyon rim to rim. I broke this news to my husband gingerly, since we have now begun traveling luxuriously on NCL in the Haven. Sleeping on the ground, carrying a 40-pound backpack, eating freeze dried food, and peeing in an outhouse is not exactly luxurious. Thankfully, he was convinced that backpacking the Grand Canyon was a great idea!


Fast forward a few months to October. We hiked 5,000 feet below the rim, spent four days in the canyon, and wandered more than 24 miles in the Grand Canyon. We saw the night sky, blocked not by human light; listened to the Colorado River as it meandered through the canyon it birthed; and, were grateful to observe deer, Bighorn Sheep, and rattlesnakes while traversing the canyon. And somehow, my husband and I did this while nursing a cold. My husband was hit worse than I - my worst was after the backpacking portion of the trip. What a trip!


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Since we had this trip planned, which was extended by trips to Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Best Friends Animal Society’s sanctuary outside Kanab, UT, and a few nights in Vegas, I figured our March 2023 cruise to the Western Caribbean would be the last cruise of 2023. Since you’re reading an upcoming “live” review, I suppose you might know that we kind of sort of decided to book another cruise. Matter of fact that cruise is going to begin in twenty days! I know, I tend to start lives too early, but I’m just so excited.


For those that just want to read about the actual cruise/travel to the cruise – come on back on November 17th. For the rest of you, welcome to my journey prior to, and aboard Norwegian Pr1ma!


Edited by cruiseny4life
boo photo editing in CC :(
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Looking back at when I started my my thread on the March cruise, I realized snow is apparently what gets me in the posting mood! On March 2nd, it was a snowy day. Today was a ❄️snowy❄️ day, though I'm sure it's all gone by now!




This was a snowy ride in to work today. Not that I'd ever take a photo while driving. 🐧


Check-in day was yesterday. We haven't checked in yet. My husband is driving around the northeast with his mom right now. And, for this cruise, I've decided we can experience the excitement of checking in together when he gets back! So, check-in, we're coming. But not quite yet!


According to NCL, this is our current itinerary. I'm most looking forward to Ponta Delgada, but expecting that port to possibly be canceled. I hope not. But I don't have high expectations! Bermuda? Well, it may be canceled on us for the third time too. We've made it one out of four times. I'm hoping for some island time there! 



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If you're interested in reading poorly written cruise lives/reviews/blogs...I still don't know what to call these...feel free to peruse my previous writings on Cruise Critic. You'll also realize I generally don't take life too seriously by reading all these bits and bobs about cruising.


In reverse chronological order:





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1 hour ago, cruiseny4life said:

Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better.” 

~ Simon Raven

What a perfect quote.  I’m thrilled you are sharing your adventure with us.  Let the journey begin!

Edited by laudergayle
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You are right---roughing it at the Grand Canyon is a lot different than living it up in the Haven!    When we went to the Grand Canyon a few years back, we just did it the easy way and went to the rim.


Looking forward to reading your live report from the Pr1ma.  Safe travels to you and your husband.

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1 hour ago, cruiseny4life said:


According to NCL, this is our current itinerary. I'm most looking forward to Ponta Delgada,


I love reading your stuff and will definitely be tagging along, in spirit.


We stopped in Ponta Delgada for a day on our TA last November. There is a saying, "If Hawaii and Ireland had a baby, it would be the Azores." That is pretty much true. Lots of green, rolling meadows abutting the seacoast.


By the way, if you're into Hydrangeas (as Mrs. Schmoopie is), they grow wild in the Azores and are everywhere. Of course, in mid-November they probably won't be as glamorous as when they're in full bloom, but...you should still see some late bloomers hanging on.

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I love how no matter how many cruises we've taken it's still so fun to anticipate the next one. I still get excited for each one, so I completely get starting this live early. And so many sea days!! Hopefully we'll get to book a TA one day too - looking forward to following along on yours. 

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2 hours ago, Sand and Seas said:

I love your reviews!   Starting it a couple of weeks early makes me happy☺️ 

Any pics from the Best Friends sanctuary?  Sounds like an awesome place🚶‍♂️🐾🐾

I'm ashamed to say, I did not take any photos while at Best Friends. I did find photos I took from my first trip 2016. I made my way to Best Friends to pick up one dog. I wound up with two! Two beautiful pups that have made a truly lasting impact on me. Why is it that dogs don't live forever? Seriously! 


















As I was going through photos, I found this great one of Link and Smudge seeing elk for their first time. You can see they were great dogs - even just four days after I got them as they weren't too concerned with the elk in the neighbor's yard.




It's possible you may have heard of Best Friends. One, National Geographic had a show called "Dog Town" which featured the residents and caretakers of Best Friends' dog community. They do have cats, horses, pigs, exotics, etc., but Dog Town was all about dogs. Also, Best Friends rescued many of that ____(fill in the expletive descriptor)_____ Michael Vicks' dogs. 


These people do phenomenal work and have a vision of being no kill across America by 2025. I wish them all the best and have supported them in various ways throughout the years. You can read more at www.bestfriends.org 


Here are the two dogs I adopted from Best Friends. They're still living their best life on our small farm, even if they have to share the place with a couple Golden Retrievers, cat, and two cray cray humans!







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@cruiseny4life, love your menagerie!  Your picture of your pups seeing elk reminds me of my dog watching everything that moves in our neighborhood.  We have been seeing several deer walking by and that doesn't bother him.

  However he gets extremely concerned about the neighbors cat walking through our yard 🤨

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4 hours ago, schmoopie17 said:

I love reading your stuff and will definitely be tagging along, in spirit.


We stopped in Ponta Delgada for a day on our TA last November. There is a saying, "If Hawaii and Ireland had a baby, it would be the Azores." That is pretty much true. Lots of green, rolling meadows abutting the seacoast.


By the way, if you're into Hydrangeas (as Mrs. Schmoopie is), they grow wild in the Azores and are everywhere. Of course, in mid-November they probably won't be as glamorous as when they're in full bloom, but...you should still see some late bloomers hanging on.

Oh no! I might not be getting back on the boat if it's like you describe. And, I do believe you! Gosh...I'm going to love Ponta Delgada. See, this is exactly why I'm looking forward to this stop so much!!




And Hydrangeas? Woooooo weeee!! We have a bunch that we got with our property, including one of those trees. Unfortunately, that nasty worm/bug thing is laying waste to it and we haven't nipped that one yet. We also purchased four or five hydrangeas that are installing themselves in the ground quite well. Two of the Pee Wee Hydrangea trees are coming to us in November. Supposedly that's the best time to plant them in Central New York. We'll see if they take! So, uhh, yup, I love me a hydrangea or two. I'm going to be on the lookout for them in the Azores now.

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1 hour ago, schmoopie17 said:


Blue Man Group



1 hour ago, laudergayle said:

That was my first thought, as well.  🤣

Is it sad that I didn't even think of this until y'all mentioned it? Too bad I wasn't cruising back in the early 20 teens. I could have seen them onboard. Bet I would have thought about it then!

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4 hours ago, schmoopie17 said:

I love reading your stuff and will definitely be tagging along, in spirit.


We stopped in Ponta Delgada for a day on our TA last November. There is a saying, "If Hawaii and Ireland had a baby, it would be the Azores." That is pretty much true. Lots of green, rolling meadows abutting the seacoast.


By the way, if you're into Hydrangeas (as Mrs. Schmoopie is), they grow wild in the Azores and are everywhere. Of course, in mid-November they probably won't be as glamorous as when they're in full bloom, but...you should still see some late bloomers hanging on.

You made me even sadder about missing the Azores last year on my TA. Hydrangeas are my very favorite. 


I’ve been down in the cruise dumps all day. Last year I spent Halloween on my TA, it was way suckier to spend it at work this year. Excited to follow along until I leave for my cruise on the 27th. 

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Right now I'm sharing the backseat of a car while my husband drives us to Boston for an impromptu weekend visit. I'm sitting next to one of my drooling pups. The rest are at home with the dog/house sitter. We don't like kenneling them and as we have four dogs and a cat, it's cheaper to have someone stay with them. My mom is going to hang out with them during this cruise. 


Here's current state of Emma, the pup with us. Yes, she's a drooling mess.




So, I figured I would take this time to talk cruising. Here's why we signed up for this one. After realizing we would be backpacking the Grand Canyon, we realized how not relaxing that is. I still had (have) my feelings about the lack of ethics cruiselines have, but we had a CruiseNext. Plus, we had 10% off a cruise. So, morals be damned! 


So, we started looking at longer cruises - not long enough. Just the ones in the ten to fifteen day range between November and February. There was an enticing Panama Canal cruise on Joy. Another Transatlantic looked interesting, but not the V!VA. It was way too expensive. Then! We saw Pr1ma and figured why not? So, here we are. A few days away from our first Transtlantic less than two months after returning from the red rock wonder of the west. 


I'm so looking forward to wandering the streets of Barcelona and plying the Atlantic! I'm glad I'll have you all joining us, digitally. Here's to hoping Pr1ma's internet is decent unlike my attempt at this on Joy.


Happy Friyay, y'all!

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Oooh, happy to tag along on your TA.  I planted my first seed with hubby today for the 2025 Aqua TA, 7-day Southampton to Boston.  He has said in the past he wasn’t a fan of TA.  I’m counting on your LIVE to make it sound more enticing!  As you know, we sail on Sunday, so I’m hoping when we return he has EOCD (end of cruise depression). Once that sets in…he’ll be putty in my hands.🤣


Did you flip a coin to see which Lucky Dog gets to go to Beantown?

Edited by laudergayle
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Just got off the Prima in the Haven on 3 Nov. We LOVED our cruise! Below are some superstar employees to seek out:


I'Gede (Haven Restaurant Waiter)

Maria (Haven Bartender)

John (Head Concierge)


Happy to answer any specific questions you may have (PM me).

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On 11/3/2023 at 6:09 PM, laudergayle said:

Did you flip a coin to see which Lucky Dog gets to go to Beantown

Emma went with us because 1) she's my husband's favorite and 2) she needs to be socialized. She's the most nervous pup of our four around other people and dogs. Possibly not anymore. She found lots of new dogs to make friends with in the off leash area in Boston Common and loads of people gave her a pat on the train we hiked on in Vermont. So, yay for socializing her!


Mid-social break...dont we all need them?



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Just found your review. Not sure how I missed seeing it last week. 

Thank you for doing a live review! I have enjoyed all your past reviews. I hope the days fly by for you until cruise day. Will you have any extra days pre-cruise in Barcelona? 

Love the photos and description of the Grand Canyon adventures.  Cute dogs! 

Edited by Seas2mountains
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Awesome post! We are on the same cruise as you, also in the Haven and invited our parents to join us for this cruise. 

We are very excited and counting the days! When are you flying to Barcelona? We will be on the plane 16 November, arriving the next morning in Barcelona. 

Hoping to meet you at the Haven Bar at some point during the cruise. 😁

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