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LIVE(ish) Xpedition - Quito and Galapagos November 11, 2023


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1 hour ago, mahasamatman said:

Did anyone bring their own wetsuit? I'm considering bringing my dive skin for the extra sun protection over a shorty.

Yes, someone I snorkeled with a number of times appeared to have her own wetsuit.n. We personally brought long-sleeved swim shirts and swim leggings for extra warmth and sun protection and was glad to have them.  I don't know which loop you are doing but the water in the northern loop can be quite cool in a number of the spots.

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Continuing on with the rest of today.  The lunch buffet was Italian themed and included a made-to-order pasta station.  Overall, I've been really happy with the options available to me with a dairy allergy.  Dairy seems to be in everything so can be a challenge at times.  My only issue I'll get to when I talk about dinner tonight.


This afternoon, we had a bridge tour (sign up with Guest Relations after you board - have your schedule handy to compare with the times they offer so you don't miss any excursions).  It's a pretty casual tour.  They let you on to the bridge and whatever officer is on duty talks about the various equipment on the bridge.  Our group had a lot of questions and I think really tested the officer's ability to explain complex concepts in English but he did great and it was interesting to see.


One difference between Flora and Xpedition, as I understand it, is that Flora has some capabilities to stay in place when "anchored" instead of dropping a physical anchor.  The Xpedition anchors at every stop (except the one I mentioned earlier that was way too deep).








Supposedly, the hardware for Starlink.  



There was a talk at 3:00 p.m. today with the naturalists to ask them questions about living on the islands but we skipped.  The bridge tour went long plus we needed time to relax and sort through photos.  The afternoon excursions started at 4:00 p.m.  The first option was a walk on a lava field and a short wildlife zodiac ride.  The second option (which we took) was an extended wildlife zodiac ride.  We really didn't see a lot except a few Lava Herons and a couple sea lions on the beach (which weren't nearly as cute as the ones we saw this morning).






Back on board, there was trivia (which we skipped) and then the excursion briefing before dinner.  Staff had arranged a dinner under the stars for us and the other guests staying on deck 6 with us.  We had Isaac, an academy student as our server.  At one point, I heard a splash in the water and when we rushed to the side of the ship, we saw a shark swimming next to the ship which was very cool.  Dinner was very good but I will admit I am very disappointed in the ceviche.  I love ceviche and look for it on every cruise.  But on this cruise, all but one of the ceviches was made with milk (which I obviously can't have).  So I didn't get near the ceviche I had hoped to enjoy on this trip.  I had the tuna and my husband had the chicken on the every day menu (you will have to go back to my first night post for that menu).  They served us a passion fruit sorbet between the appetizer and the main course which was amazing (I don't know if everyone in the MDR got this or if this was special for us).




There's a documentary tonight as there has been most of the nights.  We haven't watched any of them.  This trip is already information overload and by 9:15 p.m., we are done for the day.  I think I will need a vacation to recover from this vacation it has been so active.  I've heard of people who do the trip as a B2B but I'm not sure I have the stamina for that.  I suppose the Baltra day between cruises is a chance to recover some.


Tomorrow we go to the Darwin Research Center and focus on the tortoises.  I'm really looking forward to it.


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7 hours ago, mahasamatman said:


We're doing that - Northern followed by Southern. I hope we survive...

I'm sure you'll do fine.  I believe one day is a complete repeat for both itineraries (Puerto Ayora and the Highlands, Santa Cruz, Island - the Charles Darwin Research Center and giant tortoises).  Plus the transition day will give you some downtime.

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I went out to look at stars twice in the middle of the night and both times one or two swallow-tailed gulls were soaring along with the ship.  I understand they hunt at night.  Almost as soon as we started moving, the ship really started rocking.  By morning, we were hearing something rolling around in the bathroom and anything set on a flat surface was sliding around.  As I enjoyed my first cup of coffee, the closet door popped open and our suitcase rolled out into our living space, with the rocking back motion closing the closet door.  It was quite crazy to watch the horizon.  Walking was a challenge.


Interestingly, I have not needed to wear my ReliefBand at all.  Normally on large cruise ships, I get a bit seasick in rougher seas.  But for some reason, the much greater motion of this ship is not bothering me at all.


Today we were in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.  It was a dry landing.  By the time our excursion was ready to start, the mist had picked up and the waves were still strong.  The staff was so good at making sure everyone got on the zodiac safely.  We had all been given ponchos at the start of the cruise which came in handy.  


Once on shore, we took a bus to the Charles Darwin Research Center.  There is about a mile walk to get from the point where the bus drops you off to the exhibits.  It is flat and relatively easy but a mini-van was available to anyone with mobility challenges.  There we saw a variety of giant tortoises and learned about the breeding and conservation programs.  The rain stopped as we were getting towards the end of our tour here.






After touring the Charles Darwin Center, we had free time to tour the small museum and then start walking back to the pier and shopping.  We walked past the fish market which is a bit entertaining with the local wildlife lined up for scraps.






A lava gull was perched on a railing right near the fish market.  He let me get close enough to take this photo with my 60mm macro lens.




We had a meeting time to gather before taking the bus to El Manzanillo Ranch.  We had a nice lunch buffet.  Here is the options on the buffet.  There was someone available to answer questions about dietary restrictions.  




Then we had a presentation by a local dance group of cultural dances.








Last, but not least, we were all given rubber boots (bring socks this day) so that we could go find some tortoises in the field.  This time of year, they are plentiful and so there were probably hundreds scattered across this ranch.








We were back at the pier about 3:50 p.m.  For those that were ready to return to the ship, zodiacs were soon available.  For those that wanted to stay in town for more shopping or a bite to eat or drink, there were additional zodiacs going back to the ship at 4:30, 5, 5:30, and 6.


A few sea lions waited with us for the zodiac.




Although, the sun was peaking out and the rain was gone, there were still huge swells which made getting back on the ship a bit challenging.


We had one last briefing at 7:15 p.m. about disembarkation the next morning, the Captain gave a toast and various crew members were recognized.  Then the plan was to have a BBQ grill dinner under the stars but it was drizzling again at this point.  So we filled our plates at the Beagle Grill where they had the grill stations set up and staff helped us carry them to the dinning room.  There was a salad bar of various sides including a potato salad I really enjoyed.  And then the chefs were at the grill with steak, chicken, lobster, shrimp, salmon, octopus, and probably other meats I'm missing.  I really enjoyed this meal.




A party is starting soon but we really are not night people, even more so on a cruise that is this active, nor are we social people.  So we went back to the cabin after dinner to get a little more packing done and relax.  Tomorrow morning will be an early morning as our suitcases need to be out by 6:30 a.m. and we need to be out of our room by 7:30.

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Disembarkation Day has arrived.  It always comes too fast.  Here is the disembarkation information we received a couple days ago along with luggage tags.  There were a few changes to the schedule which I will mention below.




They decided we did not have to leave the ship quite so early so the new schedule is as follows:

6:30 a.m. - leave suitcases outside your stateroom door - it is really nice to be able to do this in the morning.

7:00 - 8:30 a.m. - breakfast in Darwin's Restaurant

7:30 a.m. - latest time to vacate your suite

8:30 a.m. - Documentary Charles Darwin:  Evolution's Voice

9:15 a.m. - Galapagos Memories

9:45 a.m. - Distribution of boarding passes

10:00 a.m. - Disembark


The Discovery Lounge will be our living room for the morning and this is where they encouraged us to leave all our carry-on luggage.


Once we got the suitcases out, I walked down to the Beagle Grill where each morning coffee, tea, pastries, and juice was set out and got myself a cup of coffee to take back to the cabin while we finished packing up our carry-ons.  


We had one last breakfast which was excellent.  They had my favorite, Huevos Rancheros plus I convinced one of the server's Juan to ask the chef to make me some avocado toast without the cream cheese.  They really have been so incredibly accommodating and have always made sure I had plenty that I could eat with my dietary restrictions.


We've now found our corner of the Discovery Lounge and I'll spend the morning organizing photos and maybe start my blog.  By the time we get to Quito, there won't be time to do much so we will likely take it easy the rest of the day.  Then tomorrow morning is our private birding excursion that starts very early.  

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We are back in Quito relaxing in the hotel room so thought I would take a few moments to talk about the travel day.


Before disembarking the ship, they played a power point of photos and videos the naturalists had taken all week both of us and the wildlife we saw.  It was really nicely done.  We were then given a thumb drive with a copy of the power point along with our boarding passes and a bus ticket.


I managed to watch the suitcases being lowered by net from deck five to a flat bottom boat ahead of us.  All the carry-ons were loaded first so you could board the zodiac hands free.  And then we waved goodbye to the ship.




We arrived at the dock where a bus was waiting for us.  Two zodiacs of passengers fit in one bus which took us directly to the airport.  We collected our checked luggage and went to the Avianca counter to check them and then go through the various ID/transit card/security checks.


The bustling airport of Baltra has a whole four gates but plenty of last minute shopping opportunities.  We had access to the VIP lounge which was really just the waiting area for gate 4 (our gate) but a bit more upscale (nicer furniture, some small bites of food and non-alcoholic drinks, and access to a bar).  It was crowded when we first arrived so clearly a lot of passengers from the various planes were VIP.  Here is a photo after a few planes had taken off and it had quieted down a bit.




Our plane was scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Galapagos time (so 1:30 p.m. ship time - the ship stayed on Quito time).  We boarded early right on the tarmac.  Again, they assigned no middle seats so we had plenty of room.  Being in the penthouse, we were assigned premium seats with the captain behind us (he was going on vacation - so those of you boarding today have a different captain).




The plane ride is about 2 hours.  They again served a light meal.  The options were shrimp and quinoa, Cobb salad, or vegetarian.  They had special meals for anyone with dietary restrictions.


In Quito, we collected our baggage from baggage claim and met the Celebrity guides.  Our group was headed in three different directions - some to the JW Marriott like us, others to the EB Hotel for early morning flights tomorrow, and a few to Peru for the Machu Picchu extension.  




The bus ride to the JW Marriott was a little under an hour.  Celebrity welcomed us with warm towels and had our room keys all ready.  Because of our tour and late flight tomorrow, we made a stop at the front desk to get a late checkout.  Celebrity has made a deal with the hotel that for $45 plus tax, you can keep your room until 7:00 p.m.  We could have also had them store our luggage but thought late checkout was worth it for access to the Executive Lounge (penthouse, royal suites, and those with platinum elite or higherMarriott loyalty get access to the Executive Lounge) after our excursion tomorrow.


Last time we had a nice but fairly standard room on the Executive floor which was really nice and super convenient to the Executive Lounge.  When we saw our room was on the seventh floor my husband wanted to ask about one on the ninth floor.  I encouraged him to wait and let us see our room and am really glad we did.  We got quite the suite!










Our bags arrived fairly quickly and shortly after the amenity we had chosen for our Marriott loyalty status.  The pretzels and fruit were really good last time but this time, we decided to try the mixed nuts and I'm glad we did.  




Dinner is at the Botanica Restaurant and is on Celebrity along with one glass of wine per person.  We can go down for dinner anytime between 6:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.



Edited by prmssk
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2 hours ago, prmssk said:

We are back in Quito relaxing in the hotel room so thought I would take a few moments to talk about the travel day.


Before disembarking the ship, they played a power point of photos and videos the naturalists had taken all week both of us and the wildlife we saw.  It was really nicely done.  We were then given a thumb drive with a copy of the power point along with our boarding passes and a bus ticket.


I managed to watch the suitcases being lowered by net from deck five to a flat bottom boat ahead of us.  All the carry-ons were loaded first so you could board the zodiac hands free.  And then we waved goodbye to the ship.




We arrived at the dock where a bus was waiting for us.  Two zodiacs of passengers fit in one bus which took us directly to the airport.  We collected our checked luggage and went to the Avianca counter to check them and then go through the various ID/transit card/security checks.


The bustling airport of Baltra has a whole four gates but plenty of last minute shopping opportunities.  We had access to the VIP lounge which was really just the waiting area for gate 4 (our gate) but a bit more upscale (nicer furniture, some small bites of food and non-alcoholic drinks, and access to a bar).  It was crowded when we first arrived so clearly a lot of passengers from the various planes were VIP.  Here is a photo after a few planes had taken off and it had quieted down a bit.




Our plane was scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Galapagos time (so 1:30 p.m. ship time - the ship stayed on Quito time).  We boarded early right on the tarmac.  Again, they assigned no middle seats so we had plenty of room.  Being in the penthouse, we were assigned premium seats with the captain behind us (he was going on vacation - so those of you boarding today have a different captain).




The plane ride is about 2 hours.  They again served a light meal.  The options were shrimp and quinoa, Cobb salad, or vegetarian.  They had special meals for anyone with dietary restrictions.


In Quito, we collected our baggage from baggage claim and met the Celebrity guides.  Our group was headed in three different directions - some to the JW Marriott like us, others to the EB Hotel for early morning flights tomorrow, and a few to Peru for the Machu Picchu extension.  




The bus ride to the JW Marriott was a little under an hour.  Celebrity welcomed us with warm towels and had our room keys all ready.  Because of our tour and late flight tomorrow, we made a stop at the front desk to get a late checkout.  Celebrity has made a deal with the hotel that for $45 plus tax, you can keep your room until 7:00 p.m.  We could have also had them store our luggage but thought late checkout was worth it for access to the Executive Lounge (penthouse, royal suites, and those with platinum elite or higherMarriott loyalty get access to the Executive Lounge) after our excursion tomorrow.


Last time we had a nice but fairly standard room on the Executive floor which was really nice and super convenient to the Executive Lounge.  When we saw our room was on the seventh floor my husband wanted to ask about one on the ninth floor.  I encouraged him to wait and let us see our room and am really glad we did.  We got quite the suite!










Our bags arrived fairly quickly and shortly after the amenity we had chosen for our Marriott loyalty status.  The pretzels and fruit were really good last time but this time, we decided to try the mixed nuts and I'm glad we did.  




Dinner is at the Botanica Restaurant and is on Celebrity along with one glass of wine per person.  We can go down for dinner anytime between 6:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.



Wow! Those suite photos definitely brought back memories when we were in a similar suite back in Nov 2015 when we upgraded to the Xpedition RS, right down to the bottles of water in the corner on the bathroom sink! 😂

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41 minutes ago, prmssk said:

Dinner tonight at the Botanica Restaurant was excellent.  Here is the menu and a few of our favorite dishes.




Tuna Tataki










Menu looks good, except you're SOL if you don't like chocolate (other than boring friut).

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We have made it home safely.  It's hard to believe it is all over.  It was a trip that exceeded my expectations.


To wrap up our last day in Quito, we had booked an all day birding tour with a guide to take us to the Mashpi Amagusa Reserve with an afternoon stop to see the Andean ***** of the Rock, a very unique species that although it exists in many South American countries, it is very shy and hard to see.  Our guide picked us up at 4:30 a.m. at the hotel.  We had purchased a box breakfast along with the tour and the tour guide contracted with the JW Marriott to provide that breakfast.


At the preserve, we managed to see so many amazing tanagers, hummingbirds, warblers, and more.  It is a preserve run by a small family who knows their forests well and has set up natural settings to attract the various species.  The Glistening Green Tanager was one we hoped to see here and we did.  I still have a lot of photos to go through (I took almost 800 on this day alone) but here are just a couple in case anyone else is interested in birding.


Glistening Green Tanager



Moss backed Tanager



His wife runs a small restaurant on the property where we had a delicious lunch.  We then continued to see the Andean ***** of the Rock on another small family run preserve.  They didn't come quite as close as we hoped and we didn't have a lot of time because we had to get back to the hotel to check out and get ready for our flight.  But I still got a few great photos and videos.  Here is one short video clip just to give you an idea of how unique of a bird this is.  This is a male.  The females I understand look quite a bit different but they were sitting on the nests and didn't come up where I could see them.




We returned to the hotel a little after 6.  We had arranged to keep our room at the JW Marriott until 7:00 p.m. for $45 plus tax for a total of $54.90.  We were able to access the Executive Lounge before checking out where they had hot and cold appetizers which was enough for dinner.


Our pickup time was 9:00 p.m. and so we made ourselves comfortable in the lobby in some chairs near an outlet so we could charge our phones and portable charger after the heavy use they got this day.  Gabriela with Celebrity came looking for us about 10 minutes before 9:00.  We loaded our luggage and selves on a bus with one other couple and drove the 45 minutes to the airport.


At the airport Gabriela, helped us check our luggage and walked us to security where she said goodbye.  I really felt Celebrity made everything so seamless for this trip.  We were never wondering where to go next and every detail was really taken care of.


After security, we went through migration where we got another stamp in our passport.  There were plenty more shopping opportunities at the airport if you had a last minute souvenir need.  Our plane was full, left on time, served us "dinner" at 1:00 a.m. (which seemed a bit strange), and arrived in Atlanta about 20 minutes early although we had to wait a few minutes for a gate.


In Atlanta, we had to go through customs, collect our checked luggage, and re-check it before going on to our next gate for our final flight.  With a three hour layover we had lots of time to get through customs, find breakfast, and get to our gate with lots of time to spare. 


Thanks so much for all of you who followed along.  This was quite the amazing adventure and something that will stick with me for a very long time.  

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19 minutes ago, prmssk said:

We have made it home safely.  It's hard to believe it is all over.  It was a trip that exceeded my expectations.


To wrap up our last day in Quito, we had booked an all day birding tour with a guide to take us to the Mashpi Amagusa Reserve with an afternoon stop to see the Andean ***** of the Rock, a very unique species that although it exists in many South American countries, it is very shy and hard to see.  Our guide picked us up at 4:30 a.m. at the hotel.  We had purchased a box breakfast along with the tour and the tour guide contracted with the JW Marriott to provide that breakfast.


At the preserve, we managed to see so many amazing tanagers, hummingbirds, warblers, and more.  It is a preserve run by a small family who knows their forests well and has set up natural settings to attract the various species.  The Glistening Green Tanager was one we hoped to see here and we did.  I still have a lot of photos to go through (I took almost 800 on this day alone) but here are just a couple in case anyone else is interested in birding.


Glistening Green Tanager



Moss backed Tanager



His wife runs a small restaurant on the property where we had a delicious lunch.  We then continued to see the Andean ***** of the Rock on another small family run preserve.  They didn't come quite as close as we hoped and we didn't have a lot of time because we had to get back to the hotel to check out and get ready for our flight.  But I still got a few great photos and videos.  Here is one short video clip just to give you an idea of how unique of a bird this is.  This is a male.  The females I understand look quite a bit different but they were sitting on the nests and didn't come up where I could see them.




We returned to the hotel a little after 6.  We had arranged to keep our room at the JW Marriott until 7:00 p.m. for $45 plus tax for a total of $54.90.  We were able to access the Executive Lounge before checking out where they had hot and cold appetizers which was enough for dinner.


Our pickup time was 9:00 p.m. and so we made ourselves comfortable in the lobby in some chairs near an outlet so we could charge our phones and portable charger after the heavy use they got this day.  Gabriela with Celebrity came looking for us about 10 minutes before 9:00.  We loaded our luggage and selves on a bus with one other couple and drove the 45 minutes to the airport.


At the airport Gabriela, helped us check our luggage and walked us to security where she said goodbye.  I really felt Celebrity made everything so seamless for this trip.  We were never wondering where to go next and every detail was really taken care of.


After security, we went through migration where we got another stamp in our passport.  There were plenty more shopping opportunities at the airport if you had a last minute souvenir need.  Our plane was full, left on time, served us "dinner" at 1:00 a.m. (which seemed a bit strange), and arrived in Atlanta about 20 minutes early although we had to wait a few minutes for a gate.


In Atlanta, we had to go through customs, collect our checked luggage, and re-check it before going on to our next gate for our final flight.  With a three hour layover we had lots of time to get through customs, find breakfast, and get to our gate with lots of time to spare. 


Thanks so much for all of you who followed along.  This was quite the amazing adventure and something that will stick with me for a very long time.  

Thank You for letting us come along and for sharing some of your awesome photos with us. We probably won’t be doing any snorkeling or kayaking when we head to Quito on Dec 8, but will definitely try to share some of our experiences on our upcoming Inner Loop itinerary on the Flora! 😁

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Great trip report, @prmssk‼️ Such wonders you saw, and excellent photography of those wonders.

We are on the Flora in October next year. I am sorry if I missed this in the report, but could you list the footwear that you brought and if there was anything you wish you had brought along? Wondered if actual hiking boots were necessary? We are 58 & 60 and will aim for doing the most active excursions possible…


Also, were you happy with the SeaLife Sports Diver underwater phone casing you used?

Thanks ️Sharon

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35 minutes ago, WeBcruisingMN said:

We are on the Flora in October next year. I am sorry if I missed this in the report, but could you list the footwear that you brought and if there was anything you wish you had brought along? Wondered if actual hiking boots were necessary? We are 58 & 60 and will aim for doing the most active excursions possible…

We brought shoes with very good tread for the long walks which worked great. Unless you really like your hiking boots I’m not sure they are necessary. 

For wet landings, we each had a pair of closed toed Keen sandals which we usually would just continue to wear for shorter walks.

My husband had tennis shoes he wore around the ship. I had casual sandals (with a back strap that still had some grip) for around the ship. I wish I had brought a second pair of these sandals because they worked well for the zodiac ride for snorkeling and on the short beach walks but would then be wet for wearing around the ship.

40 minutes ago, WeBcruisingMN said:

Also, were you happy with the SeaLife Sports Diver underwater phone casing you used?

Yes, it is easy to use and makes use of my existing cell phone which has a decent camera.  I would set it up in my cabin before any snorkeling excursion to make sure there was a good seal. I had tried it out a few times in Mexico and Hawaii before this trip so I was comfortable with it. 

It is expensive though and it raises questions at airport security almost every single time. I have learned to just plan time to have that bag searched. 

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37 minutes ago, prmssk said:

 I had casual sandals (with a back strap that still had some grip) for around the ship. I wish I had brought a second pair of these sandals because they worked well for the zodiac ride for snorkeling and on the short beach walks but would then be wet for wearing around the ship.

Do you happen to have a picture of these casual sandals you’re talking about? They sound perfect for the trip. 

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35 minutes ago, Beachlover1989 said:

Do you happen to have a picture of these casual sandals you’re talking about? They sound perfect for the trip. 

I have these in three different colors and really like them.



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