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Jim_Iain Live - 2nd Half World Cruise - B2B Singapore to Down Under 11/25 – 12/21


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40 minutes ago, 81Zoomie said:

 Bon Voyage! Looking forward to following your adventures and commentary! We are already enjoying your Singapore experience and pictures 😁


We found that coming in 4 days early was perfect.   Maybe a day too long if it weren't for David an Robert here with us.    David gets ants in his pants to get out and about while Iain never gets out of bed until 9:30 unless he has too.  

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Let's move back in times to last night.    Since my failure at finding and acceptable Cantonese we decided to walk over to  Liang Seah St.  The street is blocked off and about 100+ restaurants of all types of food.   We window shopped until we found Pot Pot Clay.   When we got inside (they moved us to adjacent room which was also a Korean BBQ)   Really funny as same place but two different types of food.  

After looking at both menus decided to do Korean BBQ.  Even though my Father's 5th wife (who was 5 years younger than me) was Korean.    I never had tried the Kim-chi after smelling it fermenting.   I did have it last night and loved it.















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59 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:


Kay --- first thanks for your Service. 


Definitely save those things and and write a remembrance to create provenance.   I'm a huge Genealogy researcher.   I don't do vanity research and only include facts that can be proven with documentation or provenance.   Which is of course required to Join Son's or Daughters of the American Revolution.


Recently I've really gotten into Forensic Genealogy.   My father was adopted and I have been trying to trace his ancestry for 40 years.   The tough part was he was taken from an Indian Reservation and have a court order removing him  and granting him citizenship as at that time American Indians were not citizens.  


Long story short - through DNA I found he was only 1/8th Indian and that the man on his birth certificate could not have been his father.   Just in May of this year I had a breakthrough.     I knew who his Mother was but she had disappeared from the face of the earth.   Just before Covid I requested the Sacramento Genealogy Society to do a search from me of unpublished records.   Bam Covid and City Hall was closed.  Just before our Spring Cruise I pinged my researcher and she went to work.   She e-mailed me when I was on the cruise that she found her Delayed Birth Certificate -  Was able to finally find both her and her mother who had also disappeared. 


By DNA I was also able to find his 1/2 brother who was also adopted.   Since both he had a different father that was 100% European proved his mother had to be 100% European.   I finally found his Paternal Grandmother and found that she was 1/2 Native Mexican Indian but had a Conquistador (Spanish Portuguese mate).  Still working on father but will probably never find - she lost contact with her two son's when she came to what is now part of the US (New Mexico) and her son's moved on to find work.   Common Mexican name.


Genealogy is interesting, I started looking into my family history as I am a product from my dad's second marriage and he passed when I was 14. My dad was the youngest of 7 kids so most of the family I didn't even know of - I thought he was 100% English, I was wrong. Turned out he was more Irish/Scot with a mix of Welsh, French, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. 

Then my mum's side is more Scot with a mix of Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.


I want to look into my husband's side because we know his grandparents were Sri Lankan, German, Dutch and Scottish so it would be interesting to find all the background he doesn't know about.

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1 hour ago, Jim_Iain said:


We found that coming in 4 days early was perfect.   Maybe a day too long if it weren't for David an Robert here with us.    David gets ants in his pants to get out and about while Iain never gets out of bed until 9:30 unless he has too.  

Good to hear.  We have 4 days in Sydney before joining the Edge in the spring.  Hopping on the Reflection tomorrow, but our focus will be just to chill out and enjoy the views.

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2 hours ago, Lena11033 said:


Genealogy is interesting, I started looking into my family history as I am a product from my dad's second marriage and he passed when I was 14. My dad was the youngest of 7 kids so most of the family I didn't even know of - I thought he was 100% English, I was wrong. Turned out he was more Irish/Scot with a mix of Welsh, French, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. 

Then my mum's side is more Scot with a mix of Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.


I want to look into my husband's side because we know his grandparents were Sri Lankan, German, Dutch and Scottish so it would be interesting to find all the background he doesn't know about.


If you or other's get into DNA - do some research.   On a group on FB as an "Angel" I help adoptees find their birth parent.   There are some really tragic stories of people contraction their birth mother or father only to be rejected once again.   Others of non-adoptees who found by DNA they were a product of their mothers affair and their Father wasn't their father.   You can imagine the conversation with Mom.   


It really does help us find our identity -  I learned a long time ago you can't judge your ancestors you will find many ghosts in ancestors.     My Ex-Wife Great Aunt had axed her Great Grandfather to death.  Mental issue but when I found the front page stories in a Massachusetts Newspaper.


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1 hour ago, 81Zoomie said:

Good to hear.  We have 4 days in Sydney before joining the Edge in the spring.  Hopping on the Reflection tomorrow, but our focus will be just to chill out and enjoy the views.

Gave a great cruise....  

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3 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:


That is the parameter that fixed mine.   Basically it means each photo has 12 million pixels (dots like in a newspaper photo) as oppose to 24 Million.   Results is 12mps pictures are about 2 Megabytes while 24MPS are 3 Megabytes.  


I believe the current CC software version just can't handle the file size.

But do you change the settings back at times?

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Such an amazing story of how you met.  Thank you for sharing.  I also love Singapore airlines.  Their business class is indeed top notch.  I love them and also Qatar Q suites (check that one out if you have a chance - it is also really nice).   Singapore airport is fantastic - how many airports have an actual butterfly garden!  Looking forward to catching up on this trip report...


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On 11/24/2023 at 3:08 AM, Jim_Iain said:

We modified plans and went to Clarke Quay.   It is a robust area along the Quay -  pronounced Key per Iain, David and Robert.   Ok I take constructive criticism.

I'm pretty sure most Americans say "quay" with a q sound. In Belfast back in 2019, we were driving around looking for our hotel which was near the river & address said Quayside. Having phone problems & no map we asked people in the street & no one knew what I was talking about. Finally I showed the address to a woman & she said, you mean "keyside"!  At the hotel I was asked if we had trouble finding the hotel I mentioned the word Quayside & she said it's a french word, but I mean we're not in France! LOL

Looking forward to your report on the Edge, we board, March 13th!

Thanks for all the great info!


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19 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

f you or other's get into DNA - do some research.   On a group on FB as an "Angel" I help adoptees find their birth parent.   There are some really tragic stories of people contraction their birth mother or father only to be rejected once again.   Others of non-adoptees who found by DNA they were a product of their mothers affair and their Father wasn't their father.   You can imagine the conversation with Mom.   

Yup, know what your talking about. I did my DNA 5 years ago to see how Irish I was, since every time I'm in Ireland I seem to look like someone who lives down the road. I knew my grandparents were born there. So I discovered that the man who I though was my father, was not & my mother had a short relationship with a man who lived around the corner in NYC! I'm glad I found out because my non biological father died of colon cancer at 46 & I had to have a colonoscopy every 3 years because of it. Now I don't!  By the way 97% Irish 3%Scotish!


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18 hours ago, DaKahuna said:

Thanks for the video.  So it seems everyone gets a certificate but not everyone goes through the initiation.  We did not have a choice iirc. 



I will let you know -  it is today.   It also just be those that choose to participate.   May be selected people as may be difficult if all 3,000 choose to take place.

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14 hours ago, hawkesbaynz said:

The Korean BBQ looked great😛. You father sounded like Character!

You can't imagine.  We were never close -  even though he lived in California about 2 miles from my house.   Being the Oldest Male, with a Older and Sister and a younger brother,  I was always the one to take care of family members.


I was the one to have to take his car keys from him, take control of his finances  and manage his Divorce from that Gold Mining Korean wife.   My father was never known for not stretching the truth.  She also wasn't the brightest star in the sky.   She didn't speak English well an felt that once married 10 years she could file for divorce an get 1/2 his SS.   Hmmm..

She thought he had Millions hidden around.  She didn't realize she couldn't file until in her 60's.   Long story short -  In final negotiations - I had found a Pre-Nuptuial and a recorded Quick Deed that she signed saying his House was 100% his and she had no claim to it.  Opps.   Once I dropped that on the table - her attorney's mouth dropped to the floor as I had only found it the day before.   She settled with a fraction of what she wanted.   Charlie died about 9 months later from Alzheimer -


Anyone who has a family member with this terrible disease my heart goes out to you.   Luckily he only suffered  (or was it me suffering to manage him) was less than 9 months.

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6 hours ago, Shiba_Lover said:

Such an amazing story of how you met.  Thank you for sharing.  I also love Singapore airlines.  Their business class is indeed top notch.  I love them and also Qatar Q suites (check that one out if you have a chance - it is also really nice).   Singapore airport is fantastic - how many airports have an actual butterfly garden!  Looking forward to catching up on this trip report...



Not flown Qatar but sounds like a fantastic experience.  


Ok bragging time,  I once flew Concord.    My mother was getting married and I had to finish off work in London.   While over the Atlantic Airlines United Airlines (my connecting flight went out on strike).    When I arrived JFK BA kicked into gear -   They called American and said they had a VIP Travaeler needing to get to Huntsville -  They got me on a flight leaving in less than an our hour.  She grabbed it made another call chartering a Helicopter and about 15 minutes I was on the Say to Newark -  Limo picked me up on tarmac and they brought me aboard.  


It was beyond incredible -   The sky was dark blue and you could actually see the curvature of the earth.  The two most amazing sensation that once out over Atlantic and turn on afterburners to go from Mac 1 to Mac 2 -  Your pushed back in seat with G's.  They also invite passengers to visit the Cocpit in flight ---


My boss choked at my expense report but signed, saying don't make this a habit. 

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Its nuts what people do for money. When my dad passed my half sister who was 21 years older than me tried to contest my dad's will because she felt entitled to his life insurance even though she hadn't spoken to him for almost 20 years (he walked out after his first wife cheated on him and had a kid). Needless to say she didn't get anything but I received a lovely letter saying how God was going to judge those that 'stole her mother's money'

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1 hour ago, daydreamer16 said:

Yup, know what your talking about. I did my DNA 5 years ago to see how Irish I was, since every time I'm in Ireland I seem to look like someone who lives down the road. I knew my grandparents were born there. So I discovered that the man who I though was my father, was not & my mother had a short relationship with a man who lived around the corner in NYC! I'm glad I found out because my non biological father died of colon cancer at 46 & I had to have a colonoscopy every 3 years because of it. Now I don't!  By the way 97% Irish 3%Scotish!. 9% Norway, 7% German 4% Basque, 2% Portugal 2 % Ireland  1% each Benin & Tongo (where did this comefrom) 1% Balkins and 1%Sardinga


Wonderful to hear.  


I'm a Mutt


35%  England, 19% Scotland, 11%Indigenous Americas- Mexico, 9% Sweden



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1 hour ago, daydreamer16 said:

I'm pretty sure most Americans say "quay" with a q sound. In Belfast back in 2019, we were driving around looking for our hotel which was near the river & address said Quayside. Having phone problems & no map we asked people in the street & no one knew what I was talking about. Finally I showed the address to a woman & she said, you mean "keyside"!  At the hotel I was asked if we had trouble finding the hotel I mentioned the word Quayside & she said it's a french word, but I mean we're not in France! LOL

Looking forward to your report on the Edge, we board, March 13th!

Thanks for all the great info!



I should have know better --   When I took my driviers test -  now written test you sit at a desk and the tester ask you questions and show you pictures of sings.   I missed on


Unprotected Quay -    I chuckled I had no Idea



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8 minutes ago, Lena11033 said:

Its nuts what people do for money. When my dad passed my half sister who was 21 years older than me tried to contest my dad's will because she felt entitled to his life insurance even though she hadn't spoken to him for almost 20 years (he walked out after his first wife cheated on him and had a kid). Needless to say she didn't get anything but I received a lovely letter saying how God was going to judge those that 'stole her mother's money'


Crazy.... I thought that  in retrospect that she blew it.   If she had hung amount 9 months she wold have gotten 100% and ended with enough money live in Silicon Valley for MAYBE 2 years.    My siblings and I received his estate and never had believed we would get a penny.

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Ok  Enough of this -


Yesterday was Embarkation Day.   There were 2 ships in port and it was a completed mess.


You first lined up Lines -   The right most queue  for Suits we were back about 40 and just stood because they said their was no more room upstairs.     Finally we got cleared and went up escalators.   Huge room with another long line -  Good news is they had seats along the lines so could sit down.    Also we were in  AC.    45 minutes after we were at one of 2 podiums for Suites and they Took another picture, confirmed we were with Covid or Pregnant.       Then you squeeze a little past  1 1/2 foot to another podium that checked your Visa's and documentation.      Then you move into a roped off area for Suites -  the normal coffee, pastries etc.   They also had some seating around the edges but many had no seating.   


Finally up another escalator for Electronic Emigration.    Again one a mess -  They had about a dozen terminals =  Slip Passport In - Check Mark and a gate opens.   Next step camera takes picture and clears you and directed to put right thumb on scanner and you get your final check and a glass gate opens. 


I thought that wasn't bad but did take 1 1/4 hour.  I didn't see Iain, David and Robert and thought they boarded.   So aboard I went.     Was met by our room attendant who said our room was completely setup.  So started unpacking.


1/2 hour still no Iain --   I texted Robert and asked.   He said David was rejected and in a back room.   I asked where's Iain and all I got back -  on an elevator  -  Scratching head figured they were big boys.


About another hour and a half I hear the door open.   He said about 1/2 the terminals were rejecting scanning passports.   You then had to manually processed (David). 


Iain was also rejected but they couldn't do his manually so sent him back to step one.   Unfortunately they put him the wrong elevator and he came out in baggage and then had to make how whole way back through the XRAy Machines and scanner.    It took him 2  3/4 in total to get to the room. 


Here's a picture of RETREAT LOUNGE -   Have to admit not quite as nice as Terminal 25.


I was luck a this is my path to ship.   Robert head bottom right at doc check. lest is Suite area








Once through it is a little more relaxed in the Retreat lounge.   The poor could with the lady in Red are in a Royal Suite   at step one they pulled them out of the line and escorted -   Didn't help much as they ended up boarding after me.


All the people behind are still waiting to have doc's checked.



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Hi Jim

My brother and his wife are also on board and they took 2 1/2 hours to embark. They said it was chaotic.


I’m surprised David didn’t pull the “don’t you know who I am” line🤣 it got him into first class several times back in the day🤣 






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