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MITSUGIRLY's ENCORE pictorial and extensive REVIEW


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24 minutes ago, mitsugirly said:


Thank you so much.



Thank you! Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a great time! Wow, it's been awhile for you hasn't it? I was on the Seaward as well in 1989 for my very first cruise!

We've done RCCL and Carnival in the meantime but we need a change. Back to where it started, I suppose. 

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12 minutes ago, david_sobe said:

Thats a fairly challenging excursion. I watched a video of someone doing this once.  It looked very challenging.  It looks like you guys handled it really well. 


The walking can be...or should I say climbing stairs. LOL  Considering my disability with my leg, I think I did pretty good. 😄 


5 minutes ago, Palmetto Pilot said:

We've done RCCL and Carnival in the meantime but we need a change. Back to where it started, I suppose. 


Oh ok gotcha. Yea, I'm going to be more than ready for a change once I use up my Cruise Next certificates as well. 

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Once we arrived back (the walk was 20 minutes back) and gathered our things from the lockers, it was time to eat. Now this excursion only came with a meal if you purchased it extra. It was $10/pp and was buffet style. One of the other excursions people use is Iguana Mama (which I did reach out to them as well when I was considering booking this) and their price comes included with a meal. However, Marysol ended up being cheaper, even after paying $10/pp extra so that was the main reason we booked with them. I had good communication with both places. 




We were told lunch was not ready yet and it would be around a 30 minute wait. Our Marysol person ask if we would like to go back to the van and have a "drink". We were definitely thirsty. So, we walked back to the van. They didn't have any diet soda (they had regular) but offered some alcoholic drinks instead. He had a drink called Mabi (?). It was red and like a wine. Made from the bark of a Mauby tree. The hubby didn't care for it and said it tasted like cough syrup. I didn't think it was that bad. After that, he made us a Rum and Coke and man was it STRONG!!! The hubby and I don't drink alcohol since we started our keto over a year ago, so drinking the Mabi and half the Rum and Coke had us ready to hit the floor. Just saying that warm tingling feeling you get from head to toe wasn't coming from my legs burning during the walk now. 




The Rum and Coke tasted so bad that when our guy went out the door of the van to see if the food was ready yet, I immediately tossed mine out the door hoping that he wouldn't see the wet evidence on the leaves on the ground...or on the side step plate I managed to get on the van. Oops. 


When he returned he said lunch was ready and we headed back to the restaurant and picked our table out by the buffet




They had quite the variety of foods to try here and you held up your plate as they served you whatever you wanted.









There was a guy grilling pork at a station beside it and although I'm not a big meat eater...this stuff was GOOD! Like super good. So good that the hubby went up for seconds and by seconds it was an entire plate of just the meat!












They did have a small bar there that you could purchase drinks at. I immediately headed over and found that they would have diet soda and grabbed a few ($2.00/each). Ahhhh, finally we were rewarded with something our taste palates could endure. Sakari was also relieved to get a regular drink that wasn't water (which was all they had to offer in the van for her since she doesn't drink soda pop). 




Our guide did come over while we were eating to hand us some bottles of water as well. Our bellies were full and everything we had was great! It definitely hit the spot after a long morning of walking, jumping and swimming. 

Edited by mitsugirly
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It was now a little after 11am and time to head out. We piled back into our private van and off we went. 












This guy zoomed by me and Sakari and I said "Wow, look at all those banana's!" The hubby corrected us and said "Those are plantains babe"  I didn't want to believe him so the guide confirmed they were plantains. I said "Ha! See I told you they were plantains hubby!" 😉 





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We arrived back to the port around 11:45am and I was happy that we were going to be able to spend a little time here. 



They have a surf thing-a-ma-jig here and it was $40 to use it all day. 




Our moving hotel sitting out there all pretty and waiting for us. 










We walked around for a bit and decided we would head to a pool first.


Along the way...











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We found a place to put our things down and headed over to the pool. It was very pretty with a large ledge that had plenty of hammocks to lay in and of course that's what I did AFTER feeling how cold the water was. LOL










Then we decided we would head over to the lazy river to check it out and have some fun. We didn't care how cold the water was at this point. This lazy river looked amazing. 


We grabbed our tubes and headed in.







There were different things with each and every turn.






Watch out for the spiders!!!!




And all the snakes lurking above you!!!





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During the lazy river, my camera battery finally died. Darnit! We got out and I made the executive decision to head back to the ship alone to get another battery while the fam stayed back at the pool. 


Along the way, I walked by another pool and they were playing music and I seen them having a contest, and dancing was going on. I had to let Sakari know because I knew she would much rather be at that pool with all the action. I sent her a video as I walked by and hoped that she got it before I returned. 


This time I played it smart. I took the 3 wheeled motorcycle back to the ship. I may be a fool the first time around, but not the second. 




I made it to the room and grabbed another battery and headed back for another ride back to the port and made it back in no time. I didn't see any text from Sakari saying she got my message so I was walking back to our old spot when I heard the hubby's voice. Yep, they had moved to the new pool.





This pool had loungers in the water, platforms to hang out on and even a dock that went out over the area that people were dancing on. They had a live DJ playing all the hits with a guy on the microphone getting people pumped up and dancing with everyone. We had a blast...even if by the time we made it over to the dance platform the song was over and everyone scattered. We continued to dance in the water while I texted Kendra back home and had been showing her this very nice port.




We stayed here until around 1:30pm and for some reason we were already hungry again. All these activities make you hungry I tell ya. 


We decided to gather our things and head back to the ship. I took a few more pictures along the way. I was fascinated by this rather large mixture of King Kong and the abominable snowman looking robot.








We came across some birds toward the exit and Sakari screeched with joy. 








Then we caught the next 3 wheeled motorcycle back to the ship. #savethefeetmotion






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Once back to the room, we had a quick shower and got dressed and decided to head up to the buffet only to find it was closed now. Ok, off to The Lounge for a meal.


The hubby ordered the mini sausage burgers (I think it came with 2 or 3 of them)




I ordered a cheeseburger with fries




And I also ordered the artichoke dip and chips...ya know, just because I forgot what it tasted like from before. 😉




Sakari was in a chip mood as well and got the loaded nacho's that she removed all of the "load" except the cheese and sour cream. LOL




We headed back to our room and onto the balcony to do some people watching as they came back from port. Would there be any pier runners this time around?





















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NOPE! Everyone was on the ship and we were actually pulling out 10 minutes early at 3:50pm.















Coming to pick up the pilot.








He was successful and off they went releasing us to the Captain and the seas.




The captain waved goodbye to us and off he went back to the port.






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Thank you for doing the review in the blue font.  It makes it so easy to find your posts, which, by the way, I am enjoying very much. I’m happy you’re doing the review on this site after the debacle with your website on the last review. 

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4 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

 although I'm not a big meat eater... 


Keto... not a big meat eater... what the heck do you eat? 😅🤣😂


I suppose bacon since it's technically classified as a fat, not a protein/meat...

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Merry Christmas and welcome back! I'm so happy to follow along on another one of your adventures. I agree with all of the commenter so far...Sakari has grown up so much and you are a beautiful family. Taino Bay looks amazing and I would love to do that excursion! ❤️

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19 hours ago, vacation44 said:

Just wanted to jump in and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and tell Kendra she is missed and needs to cruise with her mom again!


Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too! 🎄


I will definitely tell Kendra and do all the time. 🙂 


16 hours ago, blarko said:

Thank you for doing the review in the blue font.  It makes it so easy to find your posts, which, by the way, I am enjoying very much. I’m happy you’re doing the review on this site after the debacle with your website on the last review. 


You are welcome. Glad you are enjoying the review. Yea, I figured it would be easier on here and all of my other cruise reviews were done here and just copied over to the website (except our last, which I wish I would have done that way as well). 


14 hours ago, Daruma said:


Keto... not a big meat eater... what the heck do you eat? 😅🤣😂


I suppose bacon since it's technically classified as a fat, not a protein/meat...


I eat certain kinds of meat but there's a lot that I don't (and never have my entire life) like. I do eat a lot of poultry, seafood, eggs and yes tons of fatty things like cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meals made with chickpea and heavy cream (mac and cheese) and nuts here and there. There's a lot of things. 😉 Yes, love bacon and sausage. lol  So far, it's all worked for me in my journey. 😄 


9 hours ago, AKR2011 said:

Merry Christmas and welcome back! I'm so happy to follow along on another one of your adventures. I agree with all of the commenter so far...Sakari has grown up so much and you are a beautiful family. Taino Bay looks amazing and I would love to do that excursion! ❤️


Thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well. Glad to have you here for the review. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it. 


Taino Bay was amazing and such a beautiful port! You will have to try the excursion if you ever get the chance! It was a lot of fun.

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18 minutes ago, mitsugirly said:

... I  eat certain kinds of meat but there's a lot that I don't (and never have my entire life) like. I do eat a lot of poultry, seafood, eggs and yes tons of fatty things like cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meals made with chickpea and heavy cream (mac and cheese) and nuts here and there. There's a lot of things. 😉 Yes, love bacon and sausage. lol  So far, it's all worked for me in my journey. 😄 ...


Glad to hear it. I've been on the same journey using various extended fasting protocols, cycling keto --> moderate carb --> keto, and went from a very unhealthy 305, (I swear I used to be 5' 7" but now I'm 5' 6" 🤷‍♂️) ... either way, a very unhealthy weight. I now fluctuate between 165/175 lbs, with a 15%'ish body fat, so I've experienced your journey and congratulate you on it.


If I may, a suggestion... if you've never tried extended water fasting you might want to give it a try... not really so much for weight loss, but... if you can work up to making it to 4+ days you'll feel great. Because by then your system has emptied out all of... uh... the waste, and you're very, very empty and feel so light and good... it's a great feeling, and why I still do 14 and 30 day fasts on occasion. 


Lot's to research if you're interested, and please do research if you are. I'm always happy to discuss it to should you wish to reach out... no, lol... there's nothing in it for me... no scam 🤣


I fully expect to put on a lot of weight on my cruise... gonna eat pretty much anything that can't eat me, lol.

Edited by Daruma
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Merry Christmas to everyone and their families. I hope everyone has an amazing day full of love and happiness. 


As I sit here and wait on the mini-me to get up to see what Santa brought her, I'm going to continue with the review for a bit and finish out this day. 


We were so tired after a full blown day of testing my leg out and feeling like we just competed in Wipeout and won, we slowly drifted off to La La Land from the sway of the boat and the clanging of clothes hangers in the closet...which drove Sakari nuts for awhile. 


It was a much needed rest and we woke up a little after 7pm and immediately knew we were missing the comedy club we wanted to see with Jon Stringer. We were hoping he would be better than the last person. Darnit. Well, we hoped we would have a second chance some time during the cruise still. 


The Mentalist show was at 7:30pm and we ended up missing that as well due to our "little nap".


We decided to head up to the buffet and see what we might munch on and along the way I found a DUCK!!! A Christmas Duck!  There wasn't a name tag attached to it and Sakari swore it was not hidden by someone and some little kid probably lost it. 




Up at the buffet, I would find these amazing fish sticks. They were so good. Then I grabbed some bad food (as if the breading on the fish wasn't already bad enough), which I didn't take but a bite of each of them just so I could be naughty and say I did it. 🤣




We really weren't too hungry, but I wasn't going to pass up desert either. I was real happy they continued to have the NS vanilla ice cream out a little more this cruise than the last.




We seen that the Mentalist would be having another show and told Sakari we would head to that show tonight, but we were going to go kill some time at the casino meanwhile. She was ok with that and gave us permission to go and off we went for some fun. 




The hubby managed to be the big winner tonight and walked away with $150.00 out of the $50 we took tonight. Remember, we consider it a big win if we have doubled our money and always cash out if that happens. 


About this time, the ship started really rocking and rolling. We must have hit some bad weather. Now I have NEVER been sea sick on a cruise, but my stomach was so upset and I felt like dinner was about to come up. I contained myself and we headed to the Mentalist show.




This show features a couple that do mind reading and telepathy. They are based out of Boston, MA but perform all over the country and on cruise ships. Antonina is from Russia and David is from Vermont. 




David started studying magic and mind reading when he was 14 years old. By the time he was 16 he was performing at resorts and restaurants. Then moved on to bars, clubs and street performance. After college he continued full time. 


Antonina worked in hospitality but always loved performing arts. They met and started performing together right away. They have been performing together now for 9 years. 


I'm pretty sure we have seen them on another cruise ship before. Sakari was super excited to go to this and insisted that we sit close to the front row and she took her spot on the isle seat in hopes that they might pick her for a part in the show.


The show was mind-blowing and Sakari spent a big portion of it throwing her hand up as high as she could to be picked...although she wasn't. 


After the show, we headed back to the room. I honestly wasn't feeling good and we all headed to bed. I had a restless night of having to sit up over and over to keep from getting sick. I've never had this before...was I really sea sick? Or was it something I ate? Please don't tell me it was the yummy fish! I was hoping they would have it again during the cruise. I'm blaming it on the mac and cheese! After hours of trying to calm my stomach, I finally drifted off to sleep...Zzzzz

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Wow, I can’t believe how time flies and Sakari has turned into a beautiful young lady. 

I have just found this review and caught up. Great review as always, looking forward to more. 

To think of the simple stop to get gas has lead to so much of what you have had to endure. When was the accident, how long did it take you to get back to work?  I’m assuming you are still in nursing?  

You all look great, keto may be something I need to look into.  TBH, I always thought it sounded so unhealthy but obviously more research on my part is required. 

I would love to see a pic of your nephew.


Thanks for sharing, Merry Christmas!

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On 12/25/2023 at 9:31 AM, mitsugirly said:

We were so tired after a full blown day of testing my leg out and feeling like we just competed in Wipeout and won, we slowly drifted off to La La Land from the sway of the boat and the clanging of clothes hangers in the closet...which drove Sakari nuts for awhile. 

I wrap a towel around the hangers like you would wrap a shawl, it keeps them from hitting the back wall, the towel is a great buffer.  We just got off the Escape on the 23rd, loved that dragon game, unfortunately I never cashout when I am ahead, then I end up just adding more cash from my room key!

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