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Thermal spa recent experiences - are you noticing it is no longer quiet due to loud conversations?

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We recently sailed on the Breakaway about a week ago with recent cruises on the Gem in March and the Pearl in December. We purchased the Thermal Suite Spa pass as we enjoyed the relaxing time using the Thalassotherapy pool and especially the heated loungers.


We learned it was best to go to the spa earlier in the morning or early evening to avoid people and the heated lounge chair hogging. However, we have noticed on all three recent cruises that no matter what time we are there, people came in and started talking using a loud outside voice to be heard over the thalassotherapy jets. Some actually thought it was okay to yell across the room to their spouse or friends. On the Breakaway, a woman was yelling across the room to ask her friend if her Wifi was working or not. She didn't seem to care that she woke up several people who had fallen asleep and continued to speak loudly with a friend even after we kindly tried to remind her this was a quiet area.  The loud conversations were noticed every single time we used the spa on all three ships except one time on the Gem when were the only ones in the spa.


We don't remember this happening as often on past cruises even when we went at peak times. I think there were signs posted to remind people that it was a quiet place. We tried involving the spa manager or assistant manager to ask for their help on all three ships but they seemed reluctant to get involved and would only apologize for the loud conversations. I believe the spa services are outsourced to a vendor to run. On the Breakaway, the spa manager said they no longer had the signs posted about it being a quiet area as she said everyone knows it is supposed to be a quiet area. 🤷‍♀️ Ugh!  On the Pearl, the spa representatives gave tours for the first few days and didn't attempt to speak quietly.


I do remember reading about this happening to @YVRteacher on the Jewel, too, as reported in her live review.  Is anyone else also noticing this trend of people not adhering to basic spa etiquette expectations of maintaining a quiet environment or did I miss the update that the quiet environment is no longer expected?  We will pack some ear plugs before the next cruise but I will miss hearing the spa music playing in the background.

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39 minutes ago, Seas2mountains said:

We will pack some ear plugs before the next cruise but I will miss hearing the spa music playing in the background.


Waterproof earbuds...play whatever music that you like. 

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On the Getaway in March I witnessed two passengers get into an escalating argument in the thalassotherapy pool that almost turned into a physical altercation. It started with one man speaking very loudly and disturbing a woman who was in the adjacent hot tub. He was trying to draw her into conversation and ultimately insulted her when she continued to ignore him. Another man stepped in to tell the loud guy to buzz off, then the two of them got into a heated argument. Thankfully the guy who challenged the obnoxiously loud man walked away before punches were thrown. 

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The Bliss last week was hit or miss. Despite the "Quiet area" signs everywhere, some people just can't help themselves. I personally don't get it - why would you come to a place where you have to yell over water jets to be heard? And if you're sitting in a quiet steam room or sauna with several other people, why carry on a super loud conversation with your companion? No one wants that. Go to a bar or lounge where conversation is welcome and expected. I think smartphones in the Thermal Spa should be discouraged as well or limited to certain hours. 


Funny story though - there was a guy in the Bliss big jet pool sitting there yelling on his phone right next to the water feature that hammers your shoulders with water (ahhhhhh). I float over to it and as the water hits my shoulders it sprays everywhere (normal) but it totally splashes him and his phone and he has the hilarious reaction of glaring at me as if I'M THE PROBLEM 🤣 What a tool 


I guess I was mostly taken aback by the borderline militant squeegee patrol following people around as they leave wet footprints - if only they were as strict about eliminating yelling as they are about the drops of water on the floor....a girl can dream. I kept saying "sorry, sorry, sorry" as I was walking around because it was so weird how they were following people with squeegee brooms! Someone must have fallen and gotten hurt so now we have to be squeegee stalked. lol

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On the Escape last September, there was a man on the liedown part in the thalassotherapy pool and, I kid you not, a woman facing him and straddling him. I was the one who had to go tell them to knock it off. "This isn't Caesar's Pocono Palace."

Thankfully, they did stop and didn't escalate.


People seem way less considerate of others than they used to be.

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In my experience I have found the thermal suite to be loud about half of the time (unfortunately) but really did appreciate those times it was quiet.   On one sailing it was like an extension of the bar, with drinks and all (in glasses, not even plastic) with several folks just sitting on the edge of each of their heated loungers just chatting.  When the staff became aware of it they did tell them they couldn’t have glass in there but that only solved half of the issue.  
On another occasion someone screamed  “weeeeeeee” every time the bubbles started up in the thalassotherapy pool…kind of like you would hear in an amusement park. 
It really just depends on the passengers on any particular sailing.   I’ve been in the thermal suite when it was full but quiet and other times when it was just a handful of people but loud.   
It would be great if they would have a thermal suite monitor and/or a reminder when checking in at the front desk that is intended to be a quiet space but apparently the staff doesn’t want to be confrontational.  
I guess folks each have their own way of enjoying that space.  

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16 hours ago, Two Wheels Only said:


Waterproof earbuds...play whatever music that you like. 

Good idea for my husband. I don't want to be connected to any electronic devices when in the spa.

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16 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

We had no problem on the Ecore in April. Kinda mid-afternoon visits. 

There is hope. Do you remember if the signs were up on the Encore reminding people it was a quiet space?

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16 hours ago, weisla said:

On the Getaway in March I witnessed two passengers get into an escalating argument in the thalassotherapy pool that almost turned into a physical altercation. It started with one man speaking very loudly and disturbing a woman who was in the adjacent hot tub. He was trying to draw her into conversation and ultimately insulted her when she continued to ignore him. Another man stepped in to tell the loud guy to buzz off, then the two of them got into a heated argument. Thankfully the guy who challenged the obnoxiously loud man walked away before punches were thrown. 

Wow!  I do think the spa needs a monitor who can take action when passengers get out of line like that.

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15 hours ago, NengEuis said:

The Bliss last week was hit or miss. Despite the "Quiet area" signs everywhere, some people just can't help themselves.



Unfortunately, the Breakaway no longer has the quiet area signs posted. The ones on the Pearl and Gem had such small writing that it could easily be missed. Glad to hear the Bliss still has the signs posted.


15 hours ago, NengEuis said:


Funny story though - there was a guy in the Bliss big jet pool sitting there yelling on his phone right next to the water feature that hammers your shoulders with water (ahhhhhh). I float over to it and as the water hits my shoulders it sprays everywhere (normal) but it totally splashes him and his phone and he has the hilarious reaction of glaring at me as if I'M THE PROBLEM 🤣 What a tool 


That is awesome! Too funny!


15 hours ago, NengEuis said:

if only they were as strict about eliminating yelling as they are about the drops of water on the floor....a girl can dream.

Yes, I also wish those keep the floor dry could enforce the no talking/yelling.  I also wish they would remind people when they take their cards for the thermal spa that it is a quiet space and they will be asked to leave if they aren't considerate of other guests using the space. A simple reminder each time would be helpful for people who are new to using the thermal suite area.

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1 hour ago, Seas2mountains said:

Wow!  I do think the spa needs a monitor who can take action when passengers get out of line like that.

Yeah, it was a pretty tense moment that I never expected to witness in the Thermal Spa! The guy who started it was really loud/obnoxious and kind of aggressive before it escalated. If there had been some kind of monitor who asked him to be quiet, it might have escalated with spa staff rather than another passenger.

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2 hours ago, Seas2mountains said:

Unfortunately, the Breakaway no longer has the quiet area signs posted. The ones on the Pearl and Gem had such small writing that it could easily be missed. Glad to hear the Bliss still has the signs posted.


That is awesome! Too funny!


Yes, I also wish those keep the floor dry could enforce the no talking/yelling.  I also wish they would remind people when they take their cards for the thermal spa that it is a quiet space and they will be asked to leave if they aren't considerate of other guests using the space. A simple reminder each time would be helpful for people who are new to using the thermal suite area.

It’s been a few years, but I recall them telling me that it was a quiet space when I checked in.

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18 hours ago, Ellis1138 said:

On the Escape last September, there was a man on the liedown part in the thalassotherapy pool and, I kid you not, a woman facing him and straddling him. I was the one who had to go tell them to knock it off. "This isn't Caesar's Pocono Palace."

Thankfully, they did stop and didn't escalate.


People seem way less considerate of others than they used to be.

I agree with you about it seeming like people are less considerate of others and think it got worse after the Covid shutdowns.


The lifeguard at the pool is often confronting people for not following the rules such as drinks in the pool and other concerns. Wish the spa personnel were doing the same to enforce rules in the spa as it would allow for a consistent quiet and peaceful experience.  That is crazy that you had to confront the man and woman on the Escape. The people I kindly asked to be quiet typically got louder with one exception.

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4 hours ago, McFins said:

In my experience I have found the thermal suite to be loud about half of the time (unfortunately) but really did appreciate those times it was quiet.   On one sailing it was like an extension of the bar, with drinks and all (in glasses, not even plastic) with several folks just sitting on the edge of each of their heated loungers just chatting.  When the staff became aware of it they did tell them they couldn’t have glass in there but that only solved half of the issue.  
On another occasion someone screamed  “weeeeeeee” every time the bubbles started up in the thalassotherapy pool…kind of like you would hear in an amusement park. 
It really just depends on the passengers on any particular sailing.   I’ve been in the thermal suite when it was full but quiet and other times when it was just a handful of people but loud.   
It would be great if they would have a thermal suite monitor and/or a reminder when checking in at the front desk that is intended to be a quiet space but apparently the staff doesn’t want to be confrontational.  
I guess folks each have their own way of enjoying that space.  

They definitely seem to have enough personnel assigned to the spa as there are often 3-4 people working behind the desk in addition to the 1-2 people who are using the squeegee to keep the puddles off the spa floors. I also wish one of the staff members could help to keep the spa quiet.


Yes, sadly it has gotten worse this past year. With small signs or no signs, it got to the point where it was no longer worth the money spent for the spa pass to go hear people yell at each other in the spa pool.

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I was the only one in the salt room on MSC.  Some ladies walked in and said to each other that they did not understand what the room was.  I told them to just relax and be quiet.  As they were leaving I asked how it was and they said ‘epic’.  While we are seeing consideration going the wayside I also believe many have no idea. These suites are not commonplace in the US like in Europe.  When people purchase the package, take tours and/or check in they need to be educated.  Maybe a disclosure form like they have for activities?  

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6 hours ago, McFins said:

In my experience I have found the thermal suite to be loud about half of the time (unfortunately) but really did appreciate those times it was quiet.   On one sailing it was like an extension of the bar, with drinks and all (in glasses, not even plastic) with several folks just sitting on the edge of each of their heated loungers just chatting.  When the staff became aware of it they did tell them they couldn’t have glass in there but that only solved half of the issue.  
On another occasion someone screamed  “weeeeeeee” every time the bubbles started up in the thalassotherapy pool…kind of like you would hear in an amusement park. 
It really just depends on the passengers on any particular sailing.   I’ve been in the thermal suite when it was full but quiet and other times when it was just a handful of people but loud.   
It would be great if they would have a thermal suite monitor and/or a reminder when checking in at the front desk that is intended to be a quiet space but apparently the staff doesn’t want to be confrontational.  
I guess folks each have their own way of enjoying that space.  


Your experience is very similar to the one and only time we did the thermal spa a few years back on Breakaway.  We were wanting a quiet area to relax and read but instead it was like an echo chamber in there.  Also found it a little too humid and clammy.


Since then we have discovered the vibe and find it much more our cup of tea.  Plus they have a bar, fresh air,  and outstanding waitstaff.  

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On the Encore in December 2023 I had to walk up to a group in the hot tub and point out the quiet sign right next to them and I had many groups in there thanking me for doing so.    If they would have continued, I would have went to the front desk. 

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23 hours ago, 9876 said:

I was the only one in the salt room on MSC.  Some ladies walked in and said to each other that they did not understand what the room was.  I told them to just relax and be quiet.  As they were leaving I asked how it was and they said ‘epic’.  While we are seeing consideration going the wayside I also believe many have no idea. These suites are not commonplace in the US like in Europe.  When people purchase the package, take tours and/or check in they need to be educated.  Maybe a disclosure form like they have for activities?  

I agree with you about a form with the spa expectations just like they have forms signed for spa services with a reminder at check-in.

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Candy Apple 12 said:

Perhaps you can mention this on your post-cruise survey and suggest some of the ideas that others have posted here. 

Thank you. My husband and I both provided the spa feedback in the post-cruise survey earlier this week and I also provided additional information in a guest experience case that was submitted shortly after.  We have not yet heard back from that form. We did not request a refund from the amount we paid for the spa suite but asked if this problem can please be addressed to improve the experience since it was happening on several ships.


Edited by Seas2mountains
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10 hours ago, Noworkforme23 said:

On the Encore in December 2023 I had to walk up to a group in the hot tub and point out the quiet sign right next to them and I had many groups in there thanking me for doing so.    If they would have continued, I would have went to the front desk. 

It is good to know the signs are posted on the Encore or were posted in December 2023. It is helpful to know that others also expect a quiet experience.


On the Breakaway, there are no signs at all. We have been on most NCL ships and the number of conversations happening in the spa suites seems to have increased in our opinion in the past year of cruising. It is a problem that can so easily be corrected.

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