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JamieLogical's Live from the Enchanted Princess 8/10

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Yesterday was a sea day as the ship traveled from Curacao to Barbados. My husband decided to do some laundry since we were about halfway through the cruise. I was skeptical he would find any available machines because I assumed the only sea day in the middle of the cruise would be a popular laundry day, but he was able to get machines right away while I was working in the morning. He tried out the new 3-in-1 laundry sheets we bought through Amazon and didn’t like that they had fabric softener built in, which caused some of his new socks to pill. So keep that in mind if you are considering those sheets for your laundry while traveling.


He got back to the room with his clean clothes right about the same time I was finishing up work for the morning so we headed down to Good Spirits together. We played more 7 Wonders Duel and drank a couple of champagnes & chambords, then we discussed what to do for lunch. Since it was a sea day, everything was open. We decided we wanted to stick to one of the places that isn’t open for lunch on port days, so the MDR, O’Malley’s, or Ocean Terrace. The MDR menu was the same as it had been on the sea day we went to lunch there earlier in the cruise. Remembering how slow that experience had been, my husband ruled it out right away. It was formal night last night, but we weren’t excited about the MDR dinner menu, so we decided that Ocean Terrace would be a better venue for our fancy dress for dinner, which meant lunch at O’Malley’s. I was surprised more people weren’t there for lunch. When we were on the ship in May, it was absolutely packed at lunchtime on our two sea days, since it wasn’t open on port days.


We shared an onion stack and both got burgers. We also both had a couple of drinks. Ian Frost started playing a set in the Piazza as we were finishing lunch. He opened it with some Paul Simon, which is always a good start. We ended up staying until the end of the set and then it was nap time! It’s been a bit since I was able to do an afternoon nap and it was really nice. My husband ended up deciding not to nap, so he went down and played his Steam Deck in Crown Grill bar. Once I was awake, I met him down there and stopped by Princess Live for my coffee.


We played another round of 7 Wonders Duel and poked our phones for a while and eventually ended up at Bellini’s where I ordered another Fellini. That’s my favorite drink of the moment, I guess. We watched people ballroom dancing down in the Piazza, which seems to be a very popular afternoon activity. Then we headed to Crooners for our pre-dinner drinks from Bon.


We sat at the bar and met a fantastic couple from North Carolina who we had a really long chat with about how amazing Bon is, Western New York Cuisine, Ohio, football, cruising, casinoing, and the fact the wife and I are both named Jamie, though she spells it differently. I really hope we run into them again on this cruise. I suspect we will likely run into them again at Crooners since they are big Bon fans.


We headed over to Ocean Terrace where we were literally the only people for much of our dinner until an officer arrived with his young family. I stuck to my octopus nigiri and spicy salmon roll and my husband mixed it up and ordered the tacos, salmon nigiri, and the spicy tuna roll. The tacos are a $12 upcharge from what is included in the package, but they were delicious and I would highly recommend them.


After dinner, we went to the casino for a bit where I did terribly again, and then we headed to the Vista Lounge for the 7:30 comedy show. The Patter just described this show as the “Laugh Lounge” and mentioned two stand-up comedians, but when we got there, we realized it was the same duo who had been on our May sailing, so we rushed to the other end of the ship to see if we could still get any seats in the main theater for the other comedian who was performing, Dan Bennet.


I am glad we did because that was a really fun show. I am sure it’s not for everyone, but we were both very amused. Dan Bennet is a juggler and comedian who allegedly used to teach math. He clearly has a terrible case of ADHD, but puts it to good use with his very scatter-brained comedy style. I thoroughly enjoyed it and some of his juggling tricks were pretty impressive!


After the show in the theater, we went to the Geleteria to get some dessert. There was nowhere to sit, so we ended up standing at the bar outside of O’Malley’s to eat our snacks. My husband got the ridiculous chocolate cake and I had a little sundae with chocolate gelato and chocolate syrup. We got to talk to Olga from O’Malley’s for a bit since it was so dead in there.


We had plans to catch Ian Frost in Crown Grill bar for his 9:15 set. We made it on time and snagged the same seats we had had the night before, but unfortunately, Ian had been asked to play an “easy listening” set. Maybe because of the formal night? It put both of us right to sleep. My husband called it first and then I called it shortly thereafter. I went up to Slice for my pizza and then off to bed.


Day's Drinks:

2x Champagne & Chambord from Good Spirits 

Clover Breeze from O’Malley's 

Golden Gorse from O’Malley's

Americano w/ Bailey’s from Princess Live

Fellini from Bellini's

Sailing Through Orchards from Crooners

French Martini from Crooners 

Fellini from Bellini's

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We’re boarding Enchanted when you disembark next Saturday and you’ve really added to our anticipation.  Thank you for all your beautiful photos!   Enjoy the rest of your cruise and we’ll “see” you in a week!

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3 hours ago, JamieLogical said:

We headed over to Ocean Terrace where we were literally the only people for much of our dinner until an officer arrived with his young family. I stuck to my octopus nigiri and spicy salmon roll and my husband mixed it up and ordered the tacos, salmon nigiri, and the spicy tuna roll. The tacos are a $12 upcharge from what is included in the package, but they were delicious and I would highly recommend them.

I know earlier in your review you shared what package you have.  Is it Plus or Premier?  When you have the package do you only get to order the $14.99 package ?  Just trying to figure out how Princess does things.  

Edited by laudergayle
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33 minutes ago, phonejock said:

@JamieLogical Oh, wow. DH and I saw Dan Bennett 21 years ago on our very first cruise. I still think it was one of the best shows we saw at sea.   Thanks for doing this “live” review. 
All the best. 

We also saw him about 20 years ago! We still talk about how good his show was. I’m glad to see he is still performing on the ships. Hopefully we will get to see him again.

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7 hours ago, laudergayle said:

I know earlier in your review you shared what package you have.  Is it Plus or Premier?  When you have the package do you only get to order the $14.99 package ?  Just trying to figure out how Princess does things.  


We have the Premier. At Gigi's and O'Malley's, the package covers one appetizer, one entree, and one dessert. Things are a bit different at Ocean Terrace, since there aren't "courses" like that so they do have a few items that are not includes in the fixed menu a package covers.

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Yesterday was our port stop in Barbados. My husband and I had only been to Barbados once, in December of 2019. It was our last cruise before COVID (our next cruise was supposed to be on March 15, 2020). When we were there in 2019, we were docked on a Sunday and most of the roads were closed for a Marathon. We still had a great time walking into town and exploring, though I did get one of the worst sunburns of my life. Anyway, we were very much looking forward to returning.


Since I didn’t have to work and we weren’t trying to get off the ship right away, we had ordered our room service breakfast for 7:30-8:00, which ended up being a mistake for two reasons. First, we were both awake by 6:45. Second, apparently 7:30 is a MUCH more popular time to order room service breakfast and we didn’t receive it until 8:09. Plus, when it came, they had left off my pizza muffin so the delivery person told me just to call down to room service and they would send someone else with that. Fortunately, that process did go very quickly.


My husband had given up and gotten in the shower so he could just go down to the International Cafe for some coffee, so he was in the shower when the delivery arrived. Once he was done, I hopped in the shower and while *I* was in the shower someone came to fix our phone (the light was flashing even though we had no messages), but thankfully my husband was there to turn him away.


Finally, we were showered, dressed, and caffeinated. We headed down to Good Spirits to play some Codenames Duet. We had only tried a couple of rounds of this game on a past cruise and the two rounds we played yesterday morning will likely be enough for this cruise. Despite both loving the regular, multi-player Codenames, I don’t think either of us is very good at this version.


We had agreed that we would go back to the room around 10:30 to start getting ready to go ashore, so that is exactly what we did. While we were back in the room putting on our sunscreen, the maintenance guy showed up again to try to fix our phone and we let him actually do it this time. It only took a minute.


Onshore it was HOT but breezy, so the initial part of our walk wasn’t too bad. Also, where the Enchanted docked was a bit closer to the actual terminal building than where we had docked on the Bliss. The walk along the water’s edge towards town was exactly what I remembered, but with more traffic along the road, since it wasn’t closed. Not too far in, we went over a little footbridge over a culvert and we saw an army of crabs (not actually sure what you call a group of crabs and a little blue heron trying to catch some little tiny fish that were swimming upstream (and not making much/any progress) in the culvert, due to the waves rolling in and out. We watched this little nature documentary unfold for quite a while. The heron was being much too patient and cautious when he basically had fish in a barrel right in front of his beak.


My husband finally prodded me to move on and we continued our walk into town. We didn’t really have much of a plan other than finding the big department store we had gone to the last time we were here. It had been one of the few places open at that time. We also thought we might try to get food for lunch, but hadn’t done much research into the options.


One thing that became very evident as we got closer to town was that it was MUCH busier than it had been the last time we were here. There were people everywhere. Apparently, Saturday is THE shopping day in Bridgetown. We actually walked through a couple of little indoor/outdoor malls. All of them were packed with locals and we didn’t see a ton of tourists in the crowds, which was surprising, but I assume almost everyone from our ship went to the beaches instead of the town.


We did eventually find the giant Duty Free department store we were looking for. It was blessedly air-conditioned as we remembered. This is a huge store with pretty much everything you would expect from a normal department store in the US, but also with souvenirs, liquor, and the sort of stuff you would find at a pharmacy. We wandered around and checked everything out, but mostly just soaked up the air conditioning. This store was also packed with locals doing their Saturday shopping.


While we were in the air conditioning, we checked Google Maps for restaurants near us and found one called Rum and Roti that we decided to check out. We went out the back entrance of the store and onto an INCREDIBLY busy street where there was a street market set up. It was just shoulder-to-shoulder people with stalls and umbrellas lining each side. The crowd definitely made it hotter! We eventually found the building that Rum & Roti was in but had a hard time finding the entrance. Ultimately we had to go past the whole ground level of the building to the next building over, through an unlabeled door, and up some steps to get to where the restaurant was located on the second floor.


The restaurant was completely empty except for one person sitting out on the balcony overlooking the street market below. A woman did notice our entrance and came over to talk to us. It was pretty clear that the place was not fully up and running. She said they were doing a limited menu of just fish & chips and chicken roti. I was disinclined to stay as I don’t eat fish & chips, the place was not air-conditioned, and it felt really weird being the only customers in there when the entire street right outside was teeming with people, so I opted to move on.


We tried searching on Google some more and walked to at least one more place that we couldn’t tell from the outside whether it was open or not. It was another place located on the second floor of a building and we would have had to go up some out-of-the-way stairs to get to. Ultimately we decided we would just eat back on the ship.


We had one more important stop to make. On our way into town, we passed a supermarket on the opposite side of the street that my husband wanted to stop at in search of some snacks. He loves trying weird brands and flavors of snacks from different places. There is an “exotic snacks” store in one of our local malls and he always spends way too much money whenever we stop there.


So I had promised him we could stop at the supermarket on our way back to the ship, which we did. We were both VERY hot and sweaty by this point, The breeze off the water improved again as we got away from the buildings and crowds, but the sun was unrelenting. Thankfully, the supermarket was air-conditioned. We ended up grabbing lots of snacks but had a vague concern they might not accept US dollars here. It worked out fine, they just had to give us our change back in Barbados coins, which my husband was happy to collect. Our total for our haul was under $5.


On the way back to the ship, we passed the heron and crabs again. Tide had risen some, so the fish were doing better at swimming upstream and it seemed the heron gave up right as we walked past, as he flew away.


We got back to the cruise terminal and there was a little convenience store in there, which my husband also had to check for snacks. The prices here were definitely much more aimed at the tourists, as a bag of chips that cost $1.50 at the supermarket was $7 here! My husband found some cookies to try and I found a bag of chips I hadn’t seen available at the supermarket, so we bought a few more items.


Back on the ship, we were desperate to shower and change before eating, so we did that right away and then we headed to Gigi’s for lunch, which turned out to be perfect. It wasn’t nearly as hectic as the buffet would have been and the service was still plenty quick. We shared the antipasto, one of the specialty pizzas (it had prosciutto and parmesan), and the tiramisu. It was all delicious. I will definitely order that pizza again since I can get pepperoni anytime up at Slice.


After lunch it was time to do my laundry, so we headed back to the room so I could get that sorted and started. I was hopeful there wouldn’t be too much competition for the machines, since it was the middle of a port day. The laundry room is nearly all the way aft on our deck, so it was a long walk with a lot of laundry to just find out I couldn’t get it done if that were the case. Fortunately, when I got there, there were two washers free and I was able to get both of my loads started. I headed back to the room and set a timer and we watched more of the Batman movie.


When the timer was up, I headed back and only had to wait a little longer for the spin cycle to finish on my two washers. While I was waiting, a woman was there transferring her items from a washer to a dryer, I realized one of the dryers on “my” end of the room was out of order, and another woman walked in with her laundry at the same time. I was a little concerned I might have to consolidate my two loads into one, but it all worked out. The woman who came in just put her stuff into the washer the other woman had just vacated, so there was still a dryer free down at that end. I got my stuff loaded up and headed back to the room to finish the movie.


My timer went off and I headed back down to the laundromat and the situation there had gotten pretty nuts! There was a couple there starting one load of laundry in an open washer, the woman who had been putting her clothes in the washer the last time now needed a dryer and the woman who had put her stuff in the dryer earlier was nowhere to be found, but all her stuff was just occupying a dryer that was no longer running. She asked what the etiquette is for someone’s stuff just sitting in a machine and we all told her she could take it out and set it on top, but I did also tell her that the two dryers I was using would be free shortly.


Then another woman came in in search of a washer. She tried to put her stuff in the washer that was being currently vacated by the woman removing the other woman’s stuff from the dryer, but the couple that had been there first and already had one washer was trying to start a second load and got in a huge shouting match. The couple insisted they were there first, but the new woman said they already had a washer and it was unfair for them to hog more than one. I could not get out of there fast enough! I didn’t want to end up on some Princess Brawl YouTube video! I just threw all my laundry back in my basket and made a break for it. Who knows what happened after I left?


Once I was done putting my laundry away, I poked my phone and caught up on a little reading and then we headed down to the Crown Grill Bar to play more Splendor Duel. I lost again! This is getting out of control. On the last cruise, I was kicking butt! I wonder if my husband has been secretly honing his strategy ever since! I had picked up a couple of drinks from Princess Live for us, but once our game was over, were went in search of more. But first, we stopped by the MDR to see the menu that was physically posted outside, because the one in the app had changed from the morning to the afternoon and we weren’t sure what was really going to be on offer. It turned out that the afternoon menu most closely matched the physical menu, but it was still not exactly the same.


We dropped our games off at the room and then headed to Crooners, but found all of the seats at the bar to be occupied, so ended up going up to Bellini’s instead. We hung out there and people-watched the folks in the piazza for a while and then we decided to go to dinner on the early side. Ian Frost was only going to be playing two sets in the Piazza for the day, one at 5:45 and one at 6:45, so we decided we would miss the first one and try to catch the second.


We went back to Capri to the side that we thought Jaysen was stationed on, but when we asked to be seated in his section, everyone acted as though they had never heard of him. They even asked around to various waiters in the area and no one had any idea who we were talking about. Maybe Jaysen is just a figment of our imaginations?


Anyway, we got a table in the circular center area, which was pretty cool. The duck dish that had been on the menu in the morning had disappeared from the afternoon version, but I didn’t starve. I got the Mexican meatball soup, the watermelon salad, and the veal scalopine. My husband decided to be super adventurous and try the borscht, which was served cold, along with the asparagus and the ravioli.


One of the two meatballs in my soup was red/raw in the middle, but the other was fine. The watermelon salad was okay, but they were super heavy on the mascarpone, so I didn’t eat too much of it. My veal was delicious! Especially the sauce and the orzotto. I came dangerously close to overeating because it was just so good. My husband loved his borscht and his ravioli. Despite service being fast up until that point, we waited a very long time in the hopes of at least seeing a dessert menu and eventually gave up on dessert. It was already 6:46 and there was no way we would catch any of Ian Frost’s set if we waited around to see a menu, order, and receive a dessert. So we headed out to the piazza.


We found a table on the raised area by the International Cafe where we could kind of at least see the back of Ian. He had clearly been instructed to play a lively set that people could dance to, which ended up including three early Beatles songs in a row and then Live and Let Die. Once his set was over, we decided to check out the desserts at the International Cafe. I tried the chocolate mouse but it was WAY too sweet and rich for me. We headed up to Crooners where there were some open bar stools and we discovered a display featuring a picture of Bon. Apparently they are running some kind of contest for invented cocktails. Unfortunately, Bon’s entry into the contest is bourbon-based and has peach and jalapeno, all things I hate, so I was unable to vote with my order, even though I love Bon dearly. Instead, I ordered a mint chocolate martini.


I tried to drink it super slowly because we had both agreed not to drink too much this evening because my husband had ended up with a bit of a hangover from the previous night. I wasn’t even going to order another drink at all, but then Bon showed up, overheard my husband talking about Mezcal, and he insisted on making me a drink with Mexcal and St. Germain, which I thought was a really weird combination, but it turned out to be amazing. My husband and I ended up “sharing” the drink, but I am pretty sure I drank the lion’s share of it.


At that point, my husband just wanted to head up to the buffet to grab his cookies and then crash in the room. I went to the casino for a while and actually earned back *some* of the money I had lost so far on this trip. Then I headed up to Slice and off to bed.


Day's Drinks:


Mimosa from Good Spirits 

Fellini from Gigi’s

Vodka & Ginger Beer from Princess Live 

Raspberry Romance from Bellini's 

Vodka Sour from Capri MDR

Mint Chocolate Martini from Crooners 

Bon’s Concoction #3 from Crooners

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On 8/17/2024 at 8:56 AM, Lady Arwen said:

We’re boarding Enchanted when you disembark next Saturday and you’ve really added to our anticipation.  Thank you for all your beautiful photos!   Enjoy the rest of your cruise and we’ll “see” you in a week!

Are you on the cruise with the group Air Supply?  I'm very jealous.

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1 hour ago, JamieLogical said:

just threw all my laundry back in my basket and made a break for it


@JamieLogical Um, did you bring your own laundry basket or do they supply them?


1 hour ago, JamieLogical said:

so ended up going up to Bellini’s instead.


Is Stefan still tending bar at Bellinis?  That's my favorite spot.


1 hour ago, JamieLogical said:

even though I love Bon dearly


Very much agree about Bon.  I'm also a huge fan.  Last month, I spent a lot of time talking to him at the Retreat Bar during the days.  I'd ask that you wish him well on my behalf, but I'm assuming you send positive vibes to him regardless.


Hope you continue to enjoy your cruise and thanks again for sharing with us.

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36 minutes ago, EllieinNJ said:

Are you on the cruise with the group Air Supply?  I'm very jealous.

Not that I know of.  It would nice (my kind of music), but I haven’t heard anything about it.

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59 minutes ago, EllieinNJ said:

Are you on the cruise with the group Air Supply?  I'm very jealous.

No, that's the following week, (8/31)  which I am on. It's the Love boat reunion cruise, and they just added the Air Supply performances, which was a nice little surprise!  

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25 minutes ago, Scottdalfonso said:

No, that's the following week, (8/31)  which I am on. It's the Love boat reunion cruise, and they just added the Air Supply performances, which was a nice little surprise!  

Still very jealous 😁

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2 hours ago, JamieLogical said:

After lunch it was time to do my laundry, so we headed back to the room so I could get that sorted and started. I was hopeful there wouldn’t be too much competition for the machines, since it was the middle of a port day. The laundry room is nearly all the way aft on our deck, so it was a long walk with a lot of laundry to just find out I couldn’t get it done if that were the case. Fortunately, when I got there, there were two washers free and I was able to get both of my loads started. I headed back to the room and set a timer and we watched more of the Batman movie.


When the timer was up, I headed back and only had to wait a little longer for the spin cycle to finish on my two washers. While I was waiting, a woman was there transferring her items from a washer to a dryer, I realized one of the dryers on “my” end of the room was out of order, and another woman walked in with her laundry at the same time. I was a little concerned I might have to consolidate my two loads into one, but it all worked out. The woman who came in just put her stuff into the washer the other woman had just vacated, so there was still a dryer free down at that end. I got my stuff loaded up and headed back to the room to finish the movie.


My timer went off and I headed back down to the laundromat and the situation there had gotten pretty nuts! There was a couple there starting one load of laundry in an open washer, the woman who had been putting her clothes in the washer the last time now needed a dryer and the woman who had put her stuff in the dryer earlier was nowhere to be found, but all her stuff was just occupying a dryer that was no longer running. She asked what the etiquette is for someone’s stuff just sitting in a machine and we all told her she could take it out and set it on top, but I did also tell her that the two dryers I was using would be free shortly.


Then another woman came in in search of a washer. She tried to put her stuff in the washer that was being currently vacated by the woman removing the other woman’s stuff from the dryer, but the couple that had been there first and already had one washer was trying to start a second load and got in a huge shouting match. The couple insisted they were there first, but the new woman said they already had a washer and it was unfair for them to hog more than one. I could not get out of there fast enough! I didn’t want to end up on some Princess Brawl YouTube video! I just threw all my laundry back in my basket and made a break for it. Who knows what happened after I left?

Reason #49 why I'm dreading the first time I ever have to deal with self-serve laundromats on cruise ships.  Fortunately, on all my past cruises I've either had enough clothes to not have to deal with them, or I've gotten free laundry, or I've bitten the bullet and paid for the ship to do it for me.


P.S.  Thanks for continuing to share!

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30 minutes ago, Scottdalfonso said:

No, that's the following week, (8/31)  which I am on. It's the Love boat reunion cruise, and they just added the Air Supply performances, which was a nice little surprise!  


4 minutes ago, EllieinNJ said:

Still very jealous 😁

They happened to be on a music-themed charter cruise I was on earlier this year (not on Princess), and they'll be on a different one next year (also not on Princess).




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7 minutes ago, Honolulu Blue said:


They happened to be on a music-themed charter cruise I was on earlier this year (not on Princess), and they'll be on a different one next year (also not on Princess).




We saw them about 6 years ago in the Count Basie theater here in Red Bank, NJ and they were absolutely wonderful. 

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2 hours ago, JGmf said:


@JamieLogical Um, did you bring your own laundry basket or do they supply them?



Is Stefan still tending bar at Bellinis?  That's my favorite spot.



Very much agree about Bon.  I'm also a huge fan.  Last month, I spent a lot of time talking to him at the Retreat Bar during the days.  I'd ask that you wish him well on my behalf, but I'm assuming you send positive vibes to him regardless.


Hope you continue to enjoy your cruise and thanks again for sharing with us.

She brings her own foldable hamper, showed it in the packing section early in the thread.

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2 hours ago, JGmf said:


@JamieLogical Um, did you bring your own laundry basket or do they supply them?


I always travel with a collapsible laundry hamper. It has handles so can be carried if needed, but I have only ever done that on (now) two Princess cruises, since Princess is the online line I have sailed with laundromats. Usually I just use if as a hamper to store my dirty clothes until I pack them up to take home.


The one I have isn't on Amazon anymore, but it's similar to this:




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Thanks @JamieLogical


That hamper looks great.  We're doing a 10-day Med cruise starting next week (plus extra days in Spain), but only traveling with carry-on luggage to ensure nothing gets lost on the international connecting flights.  It'll be a packing challenge, for weight as well as fit.  Every ounce counts, so that hamper would go in the "non-essentials" pile for us!


Geez, not looking forward to the laundry days.  We're similarly on the other side of the ship as the laundry rooms.

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13 minutes ago, JGmf said:

Thanks @JamieLogical


That hamper looks great.  We're doing a 10-day Med cruise starting next week (plus extra days in Spain), but only traveling with carry-on luggage to ensure nothing gets lost on the international connecting flights.  It'll be a packing challenge, for weight as well as fit.  Every ounce counts, so that hamper would go in the "non-essentials" pile for us!


Geez, not looking forward to the laundry days.  We're similarly on the other side of the ship as the laundry rooms.


The hamper folds flat and takes up no space. Which is one of th reasons we live it!

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12 minutes ago, JGmf said:

Thanks @JamieLogical


That hamper looks great.  We're doing a 10-day Med cruise starting next week (plus extra days in Spain), but only traveling with carry-on luggage to ensure nothing gets lost on the international connecting flights.  It'll be a packing challenge, for weight as well as fit.  Every ounce counts, so that hamper would go in the "non-essentials" pile for us!


Geez, not looking forward to the laundry days.  We're similarly on the other side of the ship as the laundry rooms.

On the Island last year we were ALL the way FWD, and laundry was AFT.

Decided we would haul the laundry down, then go to Crooners midship while we waited for it to finish...transferred it...headed back to Crooners b4 getting our dried goods & haul it back.

I just toss it all in the carry on for easier transport each way.

It minimized the distance.

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Jamie, I so appreciate you taking your time to share your experiences, thoughts and all the great pictures.  We've never been to the Caribbean during the summer and not sure I could handle the heat, it sounds like you're having a good time on the cruise.


Going back to the first of your posts and the packing info in particular, I appreciate you sharing the bundle method.  The last several cruises I've been in the packing cube club, didn't know about the bundling concept and have to say I was skeptical (my DH was all in!).  I have just completed my first ever packing bundle and am so proud!  Although we'll be cruising in a much different climate (NE, Canada in a little over a week), the process seems universal.  


Thanks again and have a great rest of your cruise and safe travels home.

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17 hours ago, JGmf said:

Thanks @JamieLogical


That hamper looks great.  We're doing a 10-day Med cruise starting next week (plus extra days in Spain), but only traveling with carry-on luggage to ensure nothing gets lost on the international connecting flights.  It'll be a packing challenge, for weight as well as fit.  Every ounce counts, so that hamper would go in the "non-essentials" pile for us!


Geez, not looking forward to the laundry days.  We're similarly on the other side of the ship as the laundry rooms.

Check decks up and down for laundry rooms.  We are on deck 9 forward odd numbers.  The laundry on 9 is aft even numbers.  About as far away from us as it can get.  Deck 10 has laundry forward in the middle of the ship.  Doors from odd and even numbered cabins.  It is much closer for us to use the Deck 10 laundry.

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