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Brunosr - all I meant, again, was that you were generalizing wayyyyyy too much and if I offended you by saying I thought you were naive, then I apologize.




No need to apologize, you have not done anything or said anything wrong and you certainly have not offended me.


Happy cruising!!

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It's a parent responsilbility to raise responsible children...it all starts at home.

And if your child was acting like those kids in the video who's to blame.... your parenting skills or Princess Cruiselines...think about it


I could not agree more with you. Unfortunately, these days people's excuses for their actions is that they are the victim, will blame someone else for the consequences of their behavior and refuse to take responsibility for their actions.


If you do not believe me, simply look at what happened this week at the UN (without getting into politics) and near the UN.

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This certainly sounds more like a marketing reply than anything serious being done, sorry, JMHO.


I'm sure if you decided to, you could stage another brownie riot on the Crown's next sailing with about the same response.





Peter....you are certainly entitled to your opinion. However what I quoted was two sentences of a full 8-1/2 by 11 page letter. Therefore...don't judge what you deem a marketing ploy by those two sentences.....jmo

I have no interest in staging a brownie riot......I don't like brownies:rolleyes:

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As a ex employee of a cruise company, i cant believe how lax Princess were with this.

Our responce would have been clear. Ship whould have diverted to next nearest port and those involved and any family travelling with them would have been handed over to local authorities. We would then have charged the cost (including any compensation we paid to remaining passengers) to the individuals concerned.

I am only aware of one incident that caused a ship to do this action, involving a family who would get very drunk and abusive. I belive they faced a bill from us of £20,000 ($40,000).


.........and how would you go about "rounding up" all involved to hand them over to the local authorities???

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I just watched the video and all I have to say is WOWOWOW


I can't believe Princess didnt get a better handle on the crowd situation. And yes, these were young adults not kids. I will say that if I saw this video afterwards and realized that my kids were involved I would prob be in jail for beating them...


And was I wrong - but it looked like the grand piano was moved out of place. I could be wrong thats why I am asking...


BTW - where did this cruise originate from?

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I guess I live in a vacuum. I had no idea that this debacle occurred till I read this thread today. I watched part of that video, and all I could see was young people (who appeared to be late teens-early 20s) totally out of control.


I have to wonder why Princess allowed it to get to the chaos point. Why didn't the crew and security intervene sooner? They could have closed the bars, to shut off access to more booze. If they had intervened early into it, they might have had a chance to break it up before it became a mob. It's amazing that no one fell overboard or was otherwise injured. Whatever their ages, it was very inappropriate of Princess to allow it to get to that point.


Since many these people did not appear to be of an age that they had to cruise with parents / guardians, I'm thinking this might have been spring break time. I knew I didn't ever want to cruise during spring break and preferably not during the summer either. This just cements my thinking. Somehow I would think this type of thing might happen on "the party cruiseline", not on Princess.


And, just think of the proud stories they went back to school and told, about being drunken fools creating havoc on a cruise ship and getting away with it!

Truly disgusting.

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I still don't get it, or am missing a portion of the video.


OK, they were loud and obnoxious,

They did NOT take Over the ship, cmon!


Brownies were thrown, immature.


Except for the loud nature of what went on , in the public place at 3AM while the great majority of passengers were a sleep and never woke up (If they were running through the halls and making the noise (maybe a part I'm missing), they were partying hard. Princess should have broken it up earlier and gotten them outside (they were never going to break the whole thing up).


OK, several of them were MUCH louder than others, MOST hung around watching.


I'm so glad so many of you have such well behaved children, but the majority did not look like children. They looked over 18 and many over 21.

They or their parents paid there fare and it was 3AM. The few underage kids did not appear to be the ones making the noise (I saw 4 or 5 loud mouths who might/should have been singled out). I'm sure a few of those parents who think their kids would never do anything like this are looking through rose colored glasses.


(not trying to make an excuse for Princess)

but if earlier in the night and passengers still around, I think Princess would have put it down. But I think they knew it was 3AM and if they got them outside things would subside. Princess made a decision and to some the wrong one (I to agree they should have got the group outside earlier).


OK, I'm not trying to prove a right or wrong, I just think several are blowing this out of proportion. I've seen adult drunks being more or as obnoxious after getting blitzed.


Can someone let me know (except for the loud ones and brownie incident) what all the damage to the ship, passengers complaining, and where were they taking over the ship? (I didn't see it) I don't think more then a handful of passengers knew any of this was going without the video. For all we know this can happen on many ships, who'd know.


This is not a Princess exclusive...sorry. I know many will not agree but I'm not trying to condone or make excuses for the kids. Just making an observation from what I see on the video and the responses I'm reading on this thread. I've stated before it should have been broken up earlier.........................if only they all would have gone to the bible class ...........

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She assured me that measures have been taken....I quote "Please be assured that the safety and security of our passengers remains our first priority.


  1. Obviously it is not. Otherwise this would not have happened.
  2. To a company supposedly experienced and trained in risk management, as any Cruise Line should be, this type of incident would obviously be on any risk manager's "what if" list of scenarios.
  3. My questions of Princess would be "how have you planned to manage such a situation?" ... "why didn't it work?" ... "how do you intend to make it work in the future?"

Some people say that "it's only a group of over exhuberent youths letting off some steam and nobody got hurt".


However, add in the facts that you are at sea, in a confined space, a long way from outside help, nothing seems to be being done, the other 2000 passengers are not able to get away from the rucus ... and you now have the potential for a fair bit of fear and panic throughout the ship. Now perhaps a small fire might start(or is started) ... which often happens during these out of control things ...


All things considered, I think Princess got out of this quiet lightly ... and if I was their Insurance Company, I would be asking them some interesting questions

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It's a parent responsilbility to raise responsible children...it all starts at home.

And if your child was acting like those kids in the video who's to blame.... your parenting skills or Princess Cruiselines...think about it


So bad parenting validates Princesses inability to control the situation???

I don't think so. Lets get real here, they owe it to passengers to control situations like this...

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It's a parent responsilbility to raise responsible children...it all starts at home.

And if your child was acting like those kids in the video who's to blame.... your parenting skills or Princess Cruiselines...think about it:rolleyes:


I think that's why I avoided joining a sorority in college...I went to a couple of frat parties and just didn't see the point of getting drunk and acting stupid. Same thing for pot. Was next door to the official suppliers for my dorm and never got the urge to try it even for free (they readily gave samples).


Now I'm raising a daughter -- she's nine years old and her new teacher just told me she's acting responsibly (not talking out of turn -- which is so hard for her to do as she's pretty social) and she was selected to the student council. She's trying hard to be a good example to the younger kids. When she's on a cruise, we make sure she's not bothering others (she will get reminders not to talk loudly in the hall) and to behave when she's in the fun zone. When she's not there, she's with us. She probably behaves better than some adults. Now if I can just get her to stop whining...

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I have to wonder why Princess allowed it to get to the chaos point. Why didn't the crew and security intervene sooner? They could have closed the bars, to shut off access to more booze. If they had intervened early into it, they might have had a chance to break it up before it became a mob. It's amazing that no one fell overboard or was otherwise injured. Whatever their ages, it was very inappropriate of Princess to allow it to get to that point....And, just think of the proud stories they went back to school and told, about being drunken fools creating havoc on a cruise ship and getting away with it!

Truly disgusting.


See, that's logic. If there's people acting in a drunken manner, cut them off. Maybe Princess is more interested in collecting the booze money?:rolleyes:


And apparently many of them are already boasting about it. From what I understand, before some of the threads were poofed, one kid was boasting here. And someone made the video available on the 'net. They're proud. I wonder if their parents found out about it and what their reaction would be. Unfortunately, I'm guessing many wouldn't see a problem with it. Reminds me of the recent Saturday Night Live sketch that showed some girls in an airport waiting to start their spring break and talking about all the trouble they're going to get into (like Girls Gone Wild type). When their flight was called, one girl turned to a couple and said her goodbyes (to her parents).

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I watched the Video and cannot believe what I saw. On a Princess Ship, that's is unbelieveable. or any cruise line for that matter. What I saw is what I have heard has happened on Carnival Cruise Line years ago

I can't believe that Princess Security and Officers didn't do something about the problems when it first began. (Where was the staff, as the Brownie fight was taking place in the Atrium level near the Reception area??/


The kids were older teenagers and young adults in their twenty's.

Regardless of how some people feel, I definitely feel the group was unruly, loud, disruptive and just didn't care what they did. The Bartenders should have refused to serve them anymore drinks, as some looked as if they were too young to drink.


Yes, I agree with many of you, something needed to be done by Princess in the beginning, so that it wouldn't have gotton so out of control...


These young adults /kids were totally out of control, and it doesn't matter if it was the last night, they had no business acting the way they did.


This is just my feelings, and I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be on that cruise.

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I .......And was I wrong - but it looked like the grand piano was moved out of place. I could be wrong thats why I am asking...


BTW - where did this cruise originate from?


Originated from NYC. And it started out with the "young adults" congregating in the atrium and one of them playing the piano. So it probably was out of place.

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Guest BeckyThane
We all seem to be avoiding the truly important question... are they still serving brownies on the Crown??

And, were they the "special" kind of brownies???:p

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From reading the original 2 threads, and the exerpt from the "videographers" my space account... apparently the under 21 and over 16 contingent on the ship were incredibly irritated with the fact that ship's security would not let them enter the adult clubs in the evenings during the trip. He says that they did manage to 'sneak in' a few times, and that the over 21's were urging them to do so because the clubs were 'dead when we weren't there'... take that with a grain of salt.


Moving to the night of the 'riot' - apparently when the clubs closed down, they weren't quite ready to end their party. They took it to the atrium, where one of their members started to play the piano in the atrium. When told to stop, they proceeded to "pound and kick the piano" - then someone spotted a server with a tray of brownies (my best guess, cooked in the oven in the atrium and on it's way upstairs) which they then "took" from the employee and proceeded to throw at each other and all over the atrium.


I'm still not sure how they got them out of the atrium and up onto the deck, but somehow they did... where "we broke 2 tables and the 'riot' continued". This young man proclaimed this mass destruction to be the highlight of his trip. They were all quite proud of themselves. If you watch to the end, you can see their scoffing reactions to the threats that they could be arrested for their behavior - "yeah, right" and lots of eye rolling.


I'm not quite sure what everyone would have Princess do in this situation. Their security personnel are not the riot police and they aren't prepared to handle this. I know fully armed SWAT members who would think twice about wading in. I think they kept them corralled and let them burn down... and there really wasn't a whole lot more they could do. Short of wading thru and snatching your own up by the short-hairs, I'm not sure what any other parent could have done to defuse the situation either.


I think the part that disgusted me the most about the whole incident was their sense of entitlement... their total glee in being able to 'get away with' this destruction... their feeling that nothing and no one could stop their behavior. I stick to my original thought... it's scary!

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It disturbs me still when I read "we (Princess, but it can be anybody, on land or sea) can only do so much.


There really should be some kind of contigency plan. For the amount of employees on board, you would think that they could have been roused to disburse the situation. Backup security? Who do you turn to?


Can you imagine if something worse was going down? :mad:

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It disturbs me still when I read "we (Princess, but it can be anybody, on land or sea) can only do so much.


There really should be some kind of contigency plan. For the amount of employees on board, you would think that they could have been roused to disburse the situation. Backup security? Who do you turn to?


Can you imagine if something worse was going down?


This is exactly what disturbs me! if Princess cannot control something as relatively minor as this, how would they handle a REAL emergency or security threat? Lets hope none of us ever have to rely on them for that...

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This is exactly what disturbs me! if Princess cannot control something as relatively minor as this, how would they handle a REAL emergency or security threat? Lets hope none of us ever have to rely on them for that...



To tell you the truth...what disturbs you...disturbs me as well. I've thought about it often since viewing the video:(

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