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Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception - Buy Your Own Drink!!!

Krazy Kruizers

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We are presently on a back-to-back cruise on the Volendam.


A change was made on our 2nd Captain's Reception. The usual warm champagne, tepid white wine, red wine, and orange juice were free. A waiter came over & asked us what we wanted to drink as he noticed that we had declined the other drinks. After we gave our order, he asked for our cabin number. We asked why and were told that the drinks would be charged to our cabin. We asked when this rule came about as we had just completed 10 days on this ship and we didn't have to pay for our drinks at any of the other previous parties. He couldn't give us an answer. A few minutes later we got to talking to another individual who said that the Beverage Manager made the decision to charge for drinks other than those that I mentioned above. Now I do not know if this decision was solely for this ship only, or if this is coming from Seattle, or if this is now fleet wide.


I know that many of you don't mind champagne and wine but we drink them very rarely. If we are lucky (and there have been times as I have reported on this board before that we weren't able to get a drink) we like to have a regular cocktail before dinner.


We noticed several other people look at the waiters in dismay concerning being charged for a regular cocktail. I don't see how having a regular cocktail is going to bankrupt HAL. We don't ask for seconds. All too often on our cruises we have witnessed a few passengers who consume 5 & 6 champagnes. That is certainly more costly than our 1 little drink each.


Would like to hear from everyone out there as to what is going on on the other ships.


From an Internet Cafe in Aruba -- hope to get back to you all in a few days.



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Sheesh Vonnie,


That really stinks? How cheap can they get? I didn't go to either the Captain's Reception or the Mariners' party on board the Zaandam a few days ago but I did go to that party where you are offered either before or after dinner drinks (I still haven't figured out what that one is called). Since I had early seating I ordered a Courvoisier after dinner and wasn't charged a penny for it.


If they are going to start charging then I'm not going to any of their stinking parties. They aren't that much fun anyway.


What's next - are they going to charge you if you dare to take more than one hors d'oeuvre?



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I honestly believe this is a isolated incidences because the word is coming from a waiter that was past down from the Beverage Manager. There might be allot of variables involved in this because first only one waiter is discussed doing this not multiple, Beverage Manager reason for this action not giving, and maybe crossed wires waiter heard wrong.


Also I think how I have worked in this industry before it might be they are getting short of supplies and Manager installed a limit of free drinks available so he does not get hammered by HAL in Seattle for having to buy liquer on an island vs through one of their suppliers at a lower cost.




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I've just returned from the 10/29 Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Westerdam. I was really disappointed to find out that they no longer offer lemonade in the lido or anywhere else for that matter.


I asked someone in the Lido buffet for it and they said that I had to get it from the bar which I did. I was charged $2.25 for the most god-awful "lemonade mix" from a bottle that I had ever tasted. It was like the pre-mixed sour mix with a little extra lemon in it. I ended up sending it back for a diet coke!


Imagine, no lemonade on a Caribbean cruise! I noticed a lot of extra nickel and diming going on from my cruise on the same ship in 2005! :mad:

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Maybe it is just me, but I think some people are making mountains out of mole hills: for years, all we got at the capt party was champagne, then they added wine. No one ever thought about asking for a cocktail. Now, they are going back to those days: no more fresh squeezed OJ, and now the lemonade problems: for me, none of these things will make or break my cruise, not even all of them together. the same thing is happening on the other threads: they are doing this or that. NCL, big complaint: no more fondue in the specialty restaurant and no more filet M, but they have replaced these things with other yummies. Let's just think about all the good stuff we can enjoy and forget about the little things that seem to make a difference to so many. NMNita

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would really like to know more about what happened


did anyone approach an officer at the party for an explanation right then and there?


since it was the Captain's reception, every high ranking officer should have been in the room including the Capt., HM, Culinary Manager, GRM etc.


on the other hand, there are specific drinks offered; you always have the option of accepting or declining


don't think this is a cost cutting measure .. the host has elected to serve wine and champagne at no charge .. I see nothing "wrong" in providing other alternatives for a charge if you're told in advance


if you had ordered a drink and the waiter returned and then told you there was a charge, I believe you would have reason to be angry


I can't agree with the basic premise for a number of reasons:


would be alright to order Dom if you didn't like the champagne being offered? how about scotch .. if you only drank Dewers but you were offered the "house brand", would that be acceptable? what about vodka? you ask for Stoly but only the house is available


IMHO don't believe a criticism is justified here

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Perhaps it's just me, but I always sort of figured if I decided I didn't want the free champagne, or the free wine (white or red), or the OJ, that I would be expected to pay for it. In fact, if I didn't like the champagne on offer and requested a glass of Veuve Clicquot I'd be shocked if they didn't charge me.


I can however understand your frustration, KK, at being charged when in the past 10 days you weren't. Thats not good. If it's a policy, it should be a policy from day 1.

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Please, say it isn't so. Slowly, but surely, the style of cruise that I have come to know and love is being chipped away. Going, going, gone are so many of the little touches that have always made me feel that being aboard HAL ship was "coming home".

No more the greeting with the Dutch Girl; no more the white-gloved attendant escorting me to my "stateroom". No more the festive atmosphere every evening! And now you're telling me no more cocktail from the host at the Welcome Aboard party? What's next---no more of the good nuts, either? :eek:

I'm fine drinking champagne, but HAL doesn't serve that. The sparkling wine at the parties is all right---certainly better than the swill served in the dining room as recompense when a port is missed---but it isn't what I want to drink.

I'm starting to miss "HAL".

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Maybe it is just me, but I think some people are making mountains out of mole hills: for years, all we got at the capt party was champagne, then they added wine. No one ever thought about asking for a cocktail. Now, they are going back to those days: no more fresh squeezed OJ, and now the lemonade problems: for me, none of these things will make or break my cruise, not even all of them together. the same thing is happening on the other threads: they are doing this or that. NCL, big complaint: no more fondue in the specialty restaurant and no more filet M, but they have replaced these things with other yummies. Let's just think about all the good stuff we can enjoy and forget about the little things that seem to make a difference to so many. NMNita


So many grains of sand eventually create a mountain. The sand keeps piling higher & higher. One "little thing" after another. You can ignore them individually, but collectively they add up to a diminished cruise experience.


If one does not express their views to those responsible, then more sand will be brought in.

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What's next---no more of the good nuts, either? :eek:

Actually, nuts were hard to come by in the lounges on my recent Amsterdam cruise, yet they were plentiful on the same ship last January. Several times on this last cruise, my friend and I were enjoying a cocktail in the Ocean Bar and asked for some nuts. Several times they were simply not available ... especially during the daytime.


Yes, HAL is cutting costs ... and this new "rule" regarding the Captain's Reception doesn't surprise me. Sounds like it's gonna be you either take the standard drinks that are available (wine, champaign, etc.) or you pay. Wonder if the same will hold true for the Mariner's receptions and even the Captain's VIP party?


Blue skies ...



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no more the white-gloved attendant escorting me to my "stateroom".

I'll be honest ... I only recall being escorted to my stateroom on my very first cruise ... and that was because I boarded two days into the cruise, and I think HAL was trying to "make up" for the problem that occurred when six of us missed the ship in Fort Lauderdale. The front desk summoned the cabin steward to do the escorts and also made sure that he checked back with us to make sure everything was satisfactory and that we had everything we needed.


Other than that one time ... back in March 2004 ... I can't honestly say I've ever been escorted to my stateroom. The announcement was simply made over the PA that staterooms were ready and everyone then found their own way to their digs.


Personally, I don't care about the escort, but it would sure be nice to be offered a glass of wine or champaign upon boarding ... just to get you in the right frame of mind for a cruise holiday.


Blue skies ...



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'Ya know....... I've been thinking.


I wish KK had mentioned exactly what drink it was she ordered at the Captain's Party that she said she would have had to pay for.


IF it was a froo froo (spelling?) frozen blender drink, then I think that would be very much different than a simple scotch on the rocks.


I hope she comes back and lets us know a little more about that incident.


I also hope she tells us about the pretty Volendam. Hope she is enjoying that beautiful ship as much as we did last year for two cruises.


I've been looking for other comments from her but can't find any other posts. Did I miss them?

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We used to always be escorted to our cabin when we boarded but that pretty much stopped when they started with the early embarkation. Seeing as early boarders are not going to their cabin but rather are going to either Neptune Lounge or Lido or other public area........the stewards can't escort us.


Still though, we have had them ask if we would like to be escorted to Neptune Lounge. We always say No, Thank You. We always go to Lido for lunch.


If you arrive at the ship after the cabins are ready to be occupied, it is possible they might still escort guests but we're always there early so I don't know.


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Imagine, no lemonade on a Caribbean cruise! I noticed a lot of extra nickel and diming going on from my cruise on the same ship in 2005! :mad:


I love lemonade and it makes no sense not to have it on a Caribbean cruise.


This nickel and diming nonsense will get them nowhere. I am now very happy we didn't spend the money for the Penthouse. We thought about it, but decided since we've not been on this line, we stick with the SA cabin and see what the experience is like.


I know there are a lot of wonderful things about HAL, but they should be very careful with what they are doing.

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So many grains of sand eventually create a mountain. The sand keeps piling higher & higher. One "little thing" after another. You can ignore them individually, but collectively they add up to a diminished cruise experience.


If one does not express their views to those responsible, then more sand will be brought in.



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On Westerdam last week, we boarded early and stopped at the Neptune first, then went to the Lido. Because of a Coast Guard Inspection the cabins were ready to be occupied a little later than normal. The announcement came about 1:20p that the staterooms were ready and that if any assistance was needed, the white gloved stewards would be in the atrium to escort you to your cabin.


We boarded a little before the staterooms were ready on the Noordam and were met at the gangway and were escorted to an elevator. We were met at the elevator by another white gloved steward who offered to escort us to the Neptune. We were offered assistance on the Prinsendam as we got off of the elevator, but since the stateroom was only a half dozen steps away and the cabin was ready we declined.


So our experience is that the white gloved stewards are there, but they can't be finishing their cabin cleaning chores and escorting early arrival passengers at the same time. Until the cabins are ready, there will be fewer of them and will probably be close to the midship elevators to point you in the right direction.


(and we had the "good nuts" at every reception, too)

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I totally agree with Duckman and twinkltoes, This nickle and dime attitude really needs to stop, I have always loved what set HAL apart from the other mass market lines. As for a past Mariner wanting a different drink other than what is offered, whether or not its a "foo foo" drink, Hal should cater to their repeat Mariners. Thats what makes them repeat mariners,and made HAL what it is.

I certainly hope this is an isolated incedent, and not fleet wide.

I am sailing Nov. 15th on the Noordam and will give an extensive review.

Please stand by.


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A Lady as yourself too should ALWAYS be escorted aboard any Ship Maam.


Besides good ediquite Maam, it I thought as well was Policy on HAL.:D

A Lady is just that and due all respect.


Also I so agree with the sparkling wine, spumante and/or Champagne.. as it is also a wonderful Marketing tool giving cruise guest a choice and something tangible and wet.

Yes I do understand why they do not serve real champagne but an orphan from a Washington State Vineyard...;)




Welcome aboard should always have the true meaning shown/given.



I'll be honest ... I only recall being escorted to my stateroom on my very first cruise ... and that was because I boarded two days into the cruise, and I think HAL was trying to "make up" for the problem that occurred when six of us missed the ship in Fort Lauderdale. The front desk summoned the cabin steward to do the escorts and also made sure that he checked back with us to make sure everything was satisfactory and that we had everything we needed.


Other than that one time ... back in March 2004 ... I can't honestly say I've ever been escorted to my stateroom. The announcement was simply made over the PA that staterooms were ready and everyone then found their own way to their digs.


Personally, I don't care about the escort, but it would sure be nice to be offered a glass of wine or champaign upon boarding ... just to get you in the right frame of mind for a cruise holiday.


Blue skies ...



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Sounds like the treatment we received on the Zuiderdam is becoming the SOP systemwide.


As I've said..."HAL you nickle and dimed this repeat passenger to another line." They want to become what the owners are. Carnival...the Greyhound Line of the seven seas.


Hello Oceania!

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