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Detailed review -Millennium 1-14 thru 1/21


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Millennium Cruise, Jan 14 - 21


Some history folks I am 38 my wife is 36, we were cruising virgins from Canada. We joined cruisecritics to get some information and it was wonderful. Things that I found above and beyond will be bolded.


Arriving in FLL:

Flight arrived at about 10:30 and we actually came in flying right over the port, so all the ships were visible. After a short walk from our terminal to terminal 3 we waited for a bus to come and transfer us to the boat. Waiting time approximately 30 minutes. It was here that we met Irene and her husband Ken plus Carol and Steve. Very nice fellow passengers on the Millennium.


Time for the transfer to the port was approximately 15 minutes, no issues and the driver was very nice. It was noted by the driver that it could be 5 hours from departure until we might receive our luggage so if you needed something this was the time to get it. From there our luggage was taken away and we went in through the entire embarkation process. Once we entered the check in process we never once waited in a line for more then a minute. Not to mention the fellow checking us in had a sense of humour. Once you go up the stairway you see a series of camera stations. We did not realize that some were for security photos, while there was another one for your grand entrance. Unfortunately we were not entirely prepared for our Embarkation photo. These photos are available for purchase on board for 14.95


From there to the security cameras and then across the Gangway. Where we were greeted with our choice of champagne and two other drinks. Politely we were escorted up to Deck 10 where we were able to have lunch. Approximate time was 11:45. Food was on display and was prepared very well for a buffet line. By the way you would never know that just 2 hours earlier people were leaving the boat. Being on the boat at this time gave you the perfect opportunity to explore the top 2 floors of the boat, and grab some pictures before people showed up.

At 2:00 we were told that our rooms were ready and we could proceed to them upon our convenience. We were in cabin 8103 mid ship and CC class. On our way down we had the pleasure of running into Nevis and Michel. It was a little scary as these two had smiles on their face for the entire cruise, and somehow knew when to be seen and when to be invisible. Room was as expected, with a great bowl of fruit, lovely flowers on the desk, and a fresh rose in the bathroom. Yes the shower stall had a curtain and the shower was indeed big enough. Our luggage was waiting for us in our room at 2:00 so we had time to put everything away before departure. There was plenty of space for our stuff, and hangers were sufficient.


It was time to see the rest of the boat now. Lounges looked great, Casino had beautiful murals, and the theatre was magnificent. Played some basketball before departure, and were ready to go. We made reservations for the first formal night to have dinner in the Olympic. We also stopped to purchase the cola cards. Take note the collectors glass is nothing, and you are charged 15% gratuity on the stamp, which they affix to your card and you are required to show it every time you want a soft drink. ($5.00 per day)



I believe there was an opportunity to improve this. However, I may have missed it. When the ship cast off from Florida there was no announcement. Before we knew it we were off on our way and rushing to see the sights.

We knew with in moments of departing that the Millennium was in good condition. It did not take her long to get up to full speed, and she was moving. After that we shortly went back to our cabin, and there was our little before dinner treat, some salmon pate and caviar. Due to a fish/seafood allergy we mentioned it to Nevis from that point forward we received crackers and cheese. Never again did we need to remind them.

We also noticed the invite to the cruise critics party the next day. I can not emphasize enough how valuable this was. We had the chance to meet a number of great people that we probably would not have if the party did not happen.


Dinner was in the Metropolitan. We had the pleasure of dinning on the fifth floor with Matheus and Alvan. These two were as professional as any high-class restaurant. We also met our tablemates for the rest of the cruise. We had an amazing table for 4. We were fortunate to be teamed up with both Michele and Mark, little did we know that we would spend a great deal of time with these New Yorkers.

Food was excellent, service was superb, and the company made the evening complete. One note, we did not often order drinks and as a result the wine server was a little difficult to get her attention. Plus the wine was not left at the table so we did have the odd occasion where a glass did end up empty.


After dinner it was on to the first show on the cruise. Introductions were made by the Cruise Director and we were shocked to find out that Derek’s prime resident was the same city that I grew up in. This became a building block to a relationship that we hope we will be able to build on. Please note I will try and remain real about Derek and as such I must note to all that he makes most of the passengers look like slobs, as he is always dressed to the nines. HA HA HA

First day at sea:

My wife woke up advising me that she had just finished having the best sleep she had had in ages. The rocking of the boat was like a babies cradle to her. Unfortunately to me the seas were a little rough and the rocking gave me a bit of a headache.


Breakfast was room service, they called 2 minutes before delivery and unlike other people complained about in the past it was on time. Food was warm and very tasty. The lady who served the breakfast even brought a table cloth for our outside balcony table.

We took the time to check out the pools, the pool in the aqua spa was very warm and the pools out front enjoyed some wave action. There were plenty of seats to be found, you just had to look for them. Also it was nice to see that one side of the boat was non smoking. We went to the Metropolitan for lunch only to realize that it was a sit down lunch. We had a 1:00 commitment so we skipped out and went to the buffet. Plenty of options and food.


1:00 was the cruise critics party, and this was great as we had Michael’s lounge to about 25 of us. The Cruise Director showed up. Of course when we introduced ourselves I had to make note of the Burlington connection, only to find out that Derek was engaged and would soon be moving, ironically to the same town my wife and I have decided to raise our children in.


Derek answered all the questions posed by the people at the party, and I was shocked about how honest and upfront he was in discussing some of the problems they had with the boat in the last few weeks. Making it very clear that there was the ball bearing issue in early December, and the electrical issue just after that. Also he alleviated our fears that this would be a problem on our trip.


Dinner tonight was in the Olympic: FABULOUS

I won’t go into the menu at all. Just leave it as above. Some people have said that it is not worth the money. If money is tight then pass on it, you won’t know what you missed. However, if you have the $60.00 to spend then you are getting a $300 + experience at a fraction of the cost.


We later enjoyed touring the boat, playing in the Casino, some time in our room, we even attended an art show. If you like art then talk to Stephanie. She is not only one of the nicest young people you can run into, but she will give you the time of day and help you feel like you belong. We attended the show again, and I have to echo some words that I heard on the boat, “if you are even thinking of taking tonight off from the show, this is not the night to miss.” This was repeated after every show for the next evening, and I found it to be very accurate.


Day 2

The Dominican Republic. We were booked on the catamaran sail. As far as excursions go I would rate this as fair. The team on the catamaran were excellent, the company was superb, the snorkelling was disappointing. You were in the water on your own and you had to wear a life vest. I

understand the reasoning for the life vest, but this limited the experience.

You also gained a new appreciation for the environment. When you are looking and pointing at colourful things only to get closer and find it was a pair of shorts, plastic bags and even shoes. I now understand why many stay on the boat, and in the future I would avoid this port of call.

Dinner was back in the Metropolitan, and than a comedy/magic show. Very well done and enjoyable.


Unlike some others we were up in the Casino, and yes you could win, talk to the dealers at the card tables and they will show you a good time.


Day 3

San Juan,

You need to get to the upper decks when pulling into this port, and bring your cameras. This was incredible with the sights.

Unfortunately at this port our excursion was cancelled. We missed out on the horse back riding. This was replaced by taking a day with Michele and Mark and catching a quick portside tour. If you are looking for Jewellery there are a number of shops right by the port, but we found better deals in St Thomas. Our guide was from New York and he was great. Introduced us to a beach almost directly across from the port and it was completely empty, we enjoyed this for an hour or two.


Back on board I went to the Casino again this night and asked to take money out against the room in the amount of $2000.00. I forget the name of the Pitt Boss, but this was the only person on the entire boat that treated me in a manner I did not appreciate. She questioned my intentions for the money and challenged me that I had not been playing prior to that night. I advised her that she was quite wrong, and only once the dealer confirmed this to her was she willing to give me the credits. I know it is part of her job, but this ladies attitude was in stark contrast to all others.

This evening we had the buffet on the pool deck with deserts and fruit. The carvings were out of this world and the staff again went miles to make you happy. The Coco Loco my wife had took no time at all to go to her head, so they were not skimping on the alcohol.

Day 4

St Thomas

For us this was our best day in a port. We decided to pass on the ship board excursions and we went with an independent day sail. For $115.00 per person we hooked up with Pat on her boat the Independence. Let me tell you this lady knew how to treat a group of people. Her boat allows for 8 people in total. So with her and Ray, probably one of the most knowledgeable surfer dudes you will ever come across, we joined 2 other couples for a day of sailing.


We left Red Hook at 9:00 on a beautiful sail boat and headed for St John. Once we reached our dive site we hit (heaven) the coral was beautiful, the fish were plentiful, the water was perfect and we had plenty of snorkelling time. Only three rules. Don’t touch the coral. Don’t swim off on your own. And don’t touch the coral. From there we had the most delightful and satisfying lunch, washed down by some of the smoothest rum punch possible. Pat prepared it all while we were in the water. We then had some rum cake, emphasis on the rum. From there we went to another inlet where we were off to find a sea turtle. Half the team found one, while the other half spotted a nice size sting ray.

For more info check my posting under excursions, or http://www.independence44.us, or write to Pat at independence44@pocketmail.com and let her know I sent you.


We were back to the port in plenty of time to shop, and my wife took full advantage of it. The best prices for gold were found in St Thomas. Once we were broke, we went back for dinner, and the Casino, had to find a way to pay for some of the gold.


Day 5

Sea day,

We went to an art auction on the boat. We enjoyed the pools, and spent more time in the Casino. Listened to some music, and took a little R&R time in the cabin.


This was the night of the Captains dinner. Great meal, but more importantly was the Baked Alaska parade. Or as I like to refer to it the first time the wait staff gets to have our attention and applause. What a job. At this point in the cruise Matheus was placing 2/3 of my order for me and for our table mates as he had picked up on our personal preferences. Alvan knew exactly how quickly we were going through water and who liked what salad dressings.


This was also the last night of the Celebrity singers and dancers with special acrobatic guests. The performance of FANTASEA was fantastic. These shows I rate at 4 - 4.5 stars out of 5. And the theatre was perfect for them.

Day 6


10:15 Disembarkation speech. This prepared us well for the unfortunate end to come less then 24 hours from now. The best part of this was when they brought the behind the scenes staff out to give there appreciation. These people are genuinely happy to have taken care of you. It was so nice to see how the people appreciated them.

Unfortunately this time our swim with the sting rays was cancelled. So 2 of the 3 excursions we booked were cancelled this was a shame in our minds. The other issue was that we did not have much time in this port. To all on the vessel it was obvious that we did not travel at the same speed the night before Nassau or the evening we left Nassau. For some of us we would have enjoyed more time on the Island. Please note that we did arrive and depart as scheduled, we just believe there could have been more time scheduled in Nassau and we will pay attention to this in the future.

So we went to Paradise Island where we hooked up with a local named Thorn and rented a Wave Runner. If you ever want to feel like you are 18 years old again, then this is a must. We were able to get away on our own, and for the time we had it we took advantage of it.

Back on the boat and time for the gratuities.

I want to make myself perfectly clear on this one. Value of services for your money and think about what you are paying before you simply sigh the form and call that it.


Every person working on this vessel is there to make this your best trip ever. Many of us will tip 15% when we receive good service. Consider that you are tipping the wait staff $3.75 pp a day and the assistant $2.50 pp a day. This is peanuts for what you receive, and I had no issue tipping each and every one extra for exceptional service. Remember the waiters at night are working in the buffet lines in the morning and at lunch. Entertainers are not only entertaining, but also assisting around the boat. Your housekeeping staff, keeps your room better then some of the nicer hotels. These people are working 7 days a week for 6 months sometimes more then 12 hours a day. For what most of us would just laugh at if offered to us. Flat out they deserve more.


Disembarkation morning.

A quick breakfast and then a final chance to walk the top decks. We were to be in the Rendez Vous lounge for 9:20. Within 10 minutes we were advised to proceed to the Gangway, from there we passed through customs and immediately found our luggage. Out to wait for the next bus.


Total time from meeting in the lounge to waiting for the bus could not have exceeded 25 minutes. Took the bus to the terminal and picked up a rental car until our flight home. Believe it or not as we approached the airport at 4:44 in the afternoon we noticed that our friend the Millennium had already left to let another 1900 or more people enjoy what we just cherished so much.



Special Thanks


  • Our table mates Michele and Mark, you made the trip fun and social, we owe you some pictures.
  • The Cruise Critic Princesses that proved that life at any age can be one big party.
  • NJP from cruise critics. Norm you are a true gentleman, and we appreciated our conversations with you.
  • The Casino staff, for letting us keep some of our cash.
  • Matheus, Alvan and our Maitre D, for proving to us that dinners can be experiences.
  • To Nevis and Michel, your professionalism was only outdone by your smiles
  • Our Cruise Director, Derek Habraken, We hope you will find our home city to be your home city and we can have some more conversations when you are in town. We owe you a home cooked meal with only one condition. You can not come in a suit.
  • My wife, who made this experience one that I have a person to share with forever.
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Robhil ~ thanks so very much for taking the time to write such a comprehensive review. So glad you had a great time. Please be sure to also submit it to our REVIEWS section on Cruise Critic so many others can read it as well.


Also, I loved your final line in your special thanks! How wonderful.


Come sail with us anytime!

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Robhil, another echo...what a well written review:) thank you!


I sailed Millennium last month and your review took me back

to a wonderful time as well.

Derek is terrific:) and I so agree with most everything else

you wrote...Food and Service on my sailing were also



I am glad you and your wife had such a wonderful time!:)

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Robhil: Great Review! And you are so right...it was a wonderful week... and we enjoyed meeting so many of our Cruise Critic pals!


I would like to add a few additional comments on some of our favorite things:

  • Celebrity Singers & Dancers - Excellent!!!
  • Dinner - Wait staff (Jose & Iman), menu, food, presentation, etc. - Excellent!
  • Elegant Tea - Lovely!
  • Hydra Pool - Excellent! Ditto for spa showers & ocean view sauna!
  • Aqua Spa cafe - Excellent! You can believe all of the great reviews!
  • Waffles! Waffles! Waffles! & breakfast on the back deck!


Caso De Campo, Dominican Republic

Our group also did the Catmaran Sail & Snorkel booked through Celebrity. The quality of the snorkeling was indeed disappointing...old sneakers, plastic bags and other miscellaneous trash...what a shame! The DR is so poor and the economy could really benefit from more tourism. However, Celebrity needs to work with the crew to insure that a safer and more positive experience is provided. While the crew was very friendly & courteous (and Lena was especially engaging), we were concerned about several aspects of the excursion:

  • There needs to be some kind of orientation before going in the water.
  • Crew should give instructions on universal signals for "help" or "I'm OK".
  • The bulky styrofoam life vests need to be replaced by inflatable snorkel vests. The vests provided (and required) made it impossble to dive and snorkel under water and they chafed the neck and chin...they were most uncomfortable.
  • Someone from the crew should be positioned in the water with a life preserver.
  • This shore excursion description reads: "You will taste Dominican rum, fruit punch and delicious fruit skewers." We were offered rum & Coke or Sprite, and beer...Fruit punch & fruit skewers were never served.

Because of such a disappointing experience on this excursion, we decided to do our own thing at the other ports of call.


San Juan

We arranged at the dock for a tour to the Bacardi rum factory and Old Town with Pedro. Very informative, fun & a very clean 2005 13 passenger van. $25.00. Afterwards we explored some on our own and did some shopping before returning to the ship...a lot to see & do within walking distance of the ship.


St. Thomas

We arranged a full day tour with Princess Burlie of Virgin Islands Scenic Tours (www.viscenictours.com). What a fun day! She picked us up right at the Millie's security gate in her brand new safari-type bus. Our tour from 9:15 am to 4:00 pm was $25.00 pp and included shopping downtown, narrated tour of the island and 2 hours at Coki Beach. Fortunately I just happened to have an extra tiara in my beach bag, so we held her coronation at one of the scenic stops.



Delightful narrated tour of the island including an extended stop at Atlantis. We booked with Rodney at the docks.


In closing, the staff on the Millie - Excellent! They made this a wonderful and truly memorable week at sea!!! Everything from embarcation to debarcation went smoothly!

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robhil - what a wonderful review! I agree with you about Derek. He was our CD on Constellation 4/06. He was always impecibly dressed and groomed. Derek is a true professional and I rate him the best out of all the CD's I have experienced.

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Robhil, that has to be one of the best reviews that I have ever read on these boards. What a great job. We met Derek last year on the Constellation and look forward to our cruise in 19 more days on the Millennium:D


Your review was so good to hear since we have heard so many bad things about the Millennium in the last few weeks. I can now get rid of my anxiety and go about looking forward to our anniversary cruise.


Again, many thanks for taking the time.:D :D :D Carol

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Thank you very much for the great review. We also had Derek the cruise director on our Constellation last Oct. He is one of the best CD's I have ever sailed with. Again thank you.



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absolutely an accurate overview for many people on the Jan 14 cruise.. a few name changes in our case.. but a more wonderful experience i can't imagine. It was amazing, the crew were excellent. Here's to the next time! (and there will be many "next" times with Celebrity.

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Wow! That review was worth waiting for! Thanks for taking the time to post. Now I am even more excited about leaving this Sunday 1/28! Thanks to reading on this site, we have our two bottles of wine packed for embarkation to drink in our CC room on deck 8, a luggage cart to drag back all the rum, already booked one night in the Olympic, signed up for the CC Connections party, booked 4 excursions (that may or may not happen), and have everything stuffed flat in Space Bags! Here we come Ft. Lauderdale!



:D GatorNoleCruiser


Costa Flavia - 1973

Big Red Boat - Atlantic - 1985

Big Red Boat - Oceanic? - 1992

Celebrity Horizon - 1/31/2005 (honeymoon!)

Celebrity Millennium - 1/28/07 (anniversary)

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OK, GatorNoleCruiser -- which is it?? FSU or UF ?? We are Seminole fans, since our daughter graduated from there in 2000 and 2001 !! Glad to see you are planning to attend the CC party, but you haven't posted on the roll call boards and chatted with the rest of us! I'm bringing an extra rolling suitcase for the St. Thomas liquor, and I've got our two wine bottles wrapped in bubble wrap and in XL ziplock bags I found in Target. Better safe than wearing wine stains all week!! If you are driving down from northern FL, which do you recommend -- I-95 or turnpike?

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let me introduce myself. My wife and myself have been on five cruises before this one. Three on carnival, one each on Princess & RC. So we are not virgins in the cruise area


Day one.


We flew in a day before to make sure no issues with weather. Got a bus ride to the port (at 12:00). the traffic at the port security was the longest que for the whole day. got to the ship and check in was the quickest yet. Smooth without issues. Entered the ship and was escorted to the cabin (9th floor inside) with a glass of champagne. Looked around and the layout was nice and 'not loud'. Room was a little smaller then princess and carnival, but bigger then RCL. Shower worked and shampoo was provided (not the best).


DISTURBING ISSUE NUMBER ONE. During muster station drill i noticed that some of the metal framing for the windows had been eaten through by salt. (where is the ongoing maint? During other cruises (no matter which one) we would see paining/main etcduring port calls and at sea as well. None during this whole voyage. Saw water marks on the wall of the hydro pool, paint peeling, varnish on some wood railing stripped etc.)


late seating. got to the table (5th floor) and met the best group of people we have ever had, as table mates, on any trip. Waiter (zapher and Heron) were also upto par.


DISTURBING ISSUE NUMBER TWO. The food in the main dinning room was disappointing. Most nights it was just good, but not great (remember that the reputation is that the food is one notch above). The fish was very bland. Now i understand the chief must cook to the lowest dominator, but he went to far. The meat was good (except one time i had to return it because it was rubber (the next one was alot better). In the time that the food was good, it was as good as the other cruise lines that i have been on. Hardly a recommendation. HOWEVER the food and service of the Olympic (the speciality rest) was the best bar none. (unfortunately the menu hard changes there, so there is not a lot of choice if you want to go back).


DISTURBING ISSUE NUMBER THREE. This needs a little explanation. the first cruise we did was on a princess. the maitree'd introduced himself and asked if there was anything he can do for us. i told him i was homesick for chestnut puree (a European dessert). Next night the chief came out and showed my two different chestnuts (water and dried) needless to say i did not get any chestnut puree BUT they felt so bad, when they found out that i like soufflés, i got a souffle every night even when it was not on the menu). This time when i asked if it possible to get souffle in the main dinning room, i was told NO. (the only time i saw maitree'd was when he came over to say no. If this was the premier line, why is it that princess (supposedly just a five star) could do this and celebrity could not???


SHows where the cruise director introduced himself. SHows were OK BUT


DISTURBING ISSUE NUMBER FOUR. The shows are dated. In one of the shows we see Joel Grey doing a lead in with one of the shows. He states that chorse line is the longest musical running (may have been but no longer). Unfortanly while Celebrity does sponsor cirque du soliel, there was no show from them. (though their guest performer the last two nights were very good.


Day Two. at sea


Sea was rough. We had a problem with our state room. sounds inside the ceiling. it took them three days to fix.

breakfast was nice. the waiters on occasion would help you with your tray (with cloth table setting). Waffles were good and pancakes. Lunch was also at the 10th floor buffet, and the food was OK as well. a Pasta bar was available (sauces were the standard ones) Note i took the whole wheat ('low carb' as noted on the sign) and found that it was a little to 'el dante' (whole wheat needs to be cooked a little longer then the other pasta). First formal night. We took formal pictures (they cost 37.95 i believe... a little expensive). Went to casino (larger then most, and was never crowded. In fact never felt crowded anywhere on the ship).


Day Three

Dom Repub. (took the shuttle bus provided to the marina) Problem was no bus driver knew where to let us off. Deserted. Went to the beach with a cab and it was not bad. least favourite port of call.


Day four.

Porto Rico.


Went on the SHip tour of barcadi. Alot of information and interesting. (note no cold towels on either post so far, something that i was told is standard). Went with most of our tables mates to the Olympic. had a Hungarian maitre'd (i speak Hungarian) and the service and food was what i expected in the main dinning room as per reputation). souffle was great.


Day Five


At sea. Second formal (lobster tail). food was good (can't really spoil lobster tail).


Day Six

Bahamas. We took the habour cruise and paradise tour. charged 69 dollars (found out the water taxi costs 6 and tour of atlantis is 29.. we were over charged alot). disappointing because such a short time allowed. This time got cold towels when re-boarding.


NOTE we had a medical emergency that i want to tell you about. Someone slipped in the hydro pool area and started bleeding badly. Now i was a formal EMT so i understand the protocols involved. 15 minutes for medical help to arrive. Instead of placing him on a back board till they could evaluate his condition they placed him in a wheel chair. (he had bleeding from the lower chin/skull area and a potential of neck issues). i was not impressed with the first response.


arrived and this was the easiest dis-embarkation i ever had.


Now you may think i was not happy. let me summurize.

1) The food in the main dinning was disappointing. it was just ok for most nights. i expected more

2) Service was very good (but so was my experiences in both carnival and princess.) so celebrity is the same?

3) main of the ship seems to be lax. at one point in the cafe (croissant was out of this world) there was a door closing and opening because of the sea... the comments i heard. its broken... but no time did anyone was even looking into fixing it. (see note aboves)

4) SHow times were not consistent, some times before supper sometimes after.



Overall my expectation were not met in a number of area and just met in others. i was not wowed.


Now i understand that these are all opinions and everyone has one, But for most part they reflect those of out table mates (two were virgins and two were not).


long review. but would i go on a celebrity again.... they did not win my devotion, but i will go depending on costs but then again i would alos go on a princess (thought some people tell me they have gone down hill from 9/11)

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Thanks for your wonderful review. Your details were great- I remembered our CocoLocos on Zenith last night. I really felt the whole pace of the trip from the excitement of getting on board to the last night's feeling that so much happened in such a short time. It's the heart of winter here in Chicago & I really appreciated your sharing the warmth of your cruise. Thanks & take care. Meg

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Thank you Robhil. I have heard of some dissapointment with the Dom. Rep. and I think my family and I will be happy for a close friend who has a getaway place in Caso. We'll spend a few hours with them. Again, thanks for the great review. barryod.

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Your spirit shines through in this review and I am not surprised that you and your DW enjoyed your trip. My expectation is, that with your outlook, life will be good to you :) .


We will be sailing in the same cabin (8103) on the Millennium from Southampton in April. Is there anything I should know about this stateroom?


Do you know if Derek is scheduled to be on the Millie after the drydock? I have heard great things about him and hope he will be on our cruise also.


Again, many thanks for your review.

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In my conversation with Derek I think he is on the Milli until June.


As for 8103 a couple of things.


There is electrical in the bathroom only for a razor. Other than that it is on your desk by the bed.


Watch the end of the bed. The bed is curved, and I hit my leg a couple of times on the frame as it stuck out.


If you end up with Nevis say hi for us.

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i understand from hrh madonna that some of you signed up for some of the savor extras. please provide feedback as we have signed up for some on the 2-18 sailing, including cooking class on board, bimini road, and the special tour of bacardi rum factory. thanks:)

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