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Beware Of The Quest

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What they need is a Senior Quest game where the nursing home contingent can compete. I can just imagine topless seniors humping, girate-ing, and cross dressing all over the ship. BEWARE!!!!


I really don't think RC is going party line. These ships are so huge, you can always find a quiet refuge. Generally speaking, the hot tub orgies are confined to Carnival's 3-4 day cruises.

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.



I think that all of you who are responding to *merryecho* and urging her to give RC a try are WAY off base.

If this is the sort of thing that puts her off, then she *should* find another line.

There is a suitable cruiseline for everyone, but not every cruiseline is for every cruiser.

If just reading this makes her uncomfortable, she would be happier on another line.

Let her go.



I don't agree.


I've been on 6 RCI cruises and will be on my 7 in just a few days, and I have yet to see even one Quest because I choose not to. This is DEFINATELY something my husband and I do not wish to attend, and would never allow our teen daughters to see, but we have had a FANTASTIC time on each and every cruise so far without the "entertainment" of Quest.


Not seeing Quest is my choice, but there are so many other things to do and see on a RCI ship that I believe everyone can be entertained in his/her own style.


Merryecho - I say to try RCI with an open mind, and you may be so well-pleased that you'll never consider another cruiseline (like me :D ).



BTW, I have also been on Princess, and while I had a good time, my RCI cruises have far excelled in every aspect. So much so that I am content to stay with RCI until I reach Diamond+ - lol!


And I'm going to disagree *right back atcha*. :) It's NOT just about the specifics - it's the general approach and attitude. It sounds to me like she is just not going to enjoy a Royal Caribbean with that (I AM NOT GOING TO CHARACTERIZE IT, THOUGH I COULD. :rolleyes: ) attitude.

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Merryecho- Try RCCL by all means.


My first post here I had people calling me a troll and coming down on me like this. On cruises you get all types and just get out of it what you want you want to get out of it. Like life there are good and bad sorts... just got back from RCCL Explorer last night. We had a great time and we do not approve of toppless dancers or naked lap dances. We have done quest and it was fun - we did not do it this cruise and now I am glad we did not. It is a pretty tame line. Ignore the negative posters - they probably have nothing better to do...Have fun and get out there!:D

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Quest is billed as an ADULT scavanger hunt. It is up to the parents to control the under 18 year olds. We do not blame Becky as she is a great CD. Blame your fellow guests who are willing to do these wild things.

We had Becky as CD a couple of years ago and thought she was great. We always look forward to the Quest and it is a little different every time. On some cruises it was very tame - "G rated" and on others it has gotten a little out of hand - "very R rated." I don't think it is fair to lay the blame on the CD since most of the people who participate are usually very outgoing & spontaneous. It is a given that the men will end up in their underwear, and women will be taking off their bras. If someone spontaneously goes beyond that, there isn't much the CD can do to stop it, short of ending the game right then and there.

As for the under 18 set in attendance, I could go on and on with my opinions about parenting, but that's really a whole other topic.

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I joined YouTube a while back. I have never submitted anything. I am becoming very tempted. Will I be banned from this board or worse yet, shunned, if I decide to submit a video? :D


You KNOW you will be violating the most important rule in the world....the rule of secrecy about The Quest. For that, banning from the board is a minor punishment......your REAL punishment will come from all of society shunning you and all your family forever.........;)

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You KNOW you will be violating the most important rule in the world....the rule of secrecy about The Quest. For that, banning from the board is a minor punishment......your REAL punishment will come from all of society shunning you and all your family forever.........;)


Hmmmm...that's what I was afraid of. Some parts were just so funny that I wanted to share. Oh well, my video will remain private. I couldn't bear to be shunned. :rolleyes: :)

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What they need is a Senior Quest game where the nursing home contingent can compete. I can just imagine topless seniors humping, girate-ing, and cross dressing all over the ship. BEWARE!!!!


I really don't think RC is going party line. These ships are so huge, you can always find a quiet refuge. Generally speaking, the hot tub orgies are confined to Carnival's 3-4 day cruises.


Hey, that's not a bad idea. Some of the items to find:


False teeth

An oxygen tank

A bingo dauber

A tattoo on any part of your body but arm or chest

A piercing on any part of your body but ears

A woman wearing a man's shirt

Male garters

A Polident tablet

A ***** tablet, Cialis is acceptable

A picture of a man or women that shows them at least 40 years ago

A picture of Sophia Loren, Betty Grabel, Marilyn Monroe or Jane Russell.

A coin from the year of your birth


Can anyone add some more?

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I was on the ship B2B on week 1/14 and 1/21. I went to the show each week as we usually do when we are on RCL ships.

We were told it was "Adult Only" prior to show time, during the day prior to the show, and when Becky came out to start the show.


I will say it was much different from all the other Quest shows I had been part of but I understood before going in that it was truly an adult show.


Was it a show for kids?? NO!!!!!!


I saw no topless women, and I don't miss too much at any show that I attend. There were some guys that did get out of control but when you have something like this going on there are just some people that go too far.

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Mommabean, if you do post a pic of it, or a Utube, just let us know so we don't have to see it. I mean I'm curious, but I have never been, and hope it stays a bit of a secret. :D


Let you know....so you don't have to see it......ROFL


:p :D :p Oh you.........

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.
:( Im sorry that :( any one has made you feel this way I dont know which ship you are going on but im a frequent cruiser with RCI and we have been to the quest on every ship and we have always had a blast and we also love becky she is one of the best CD we have had the pleasure to cruise with and I dont beleve that the opinions expressed are that widespread anyway people often ask me which cruise line do you like the best I always say RCI KEEP ON CRUISING!!!! FYI THE CRUISE DATES 1/21/07-1/28/07 IM SORRY ABOUT ANY MISTAKE I MADE ON THE DATE ON EARLER POST :eek:
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I would hope nobody would decide to not take a cruise based on anything that was posted here. (except for the HOGS that were on the Mariner earlier)


There is a lot of great info but also alot of OPINIONS


I have sailed all the mass market lines and consider RCI to be my favorite. Have I seen some inappropriate behavior from time to time...yes but it is the exception not the rule.

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SO I was trying to explain the game to DH over dinner. He...grinned and said "We GOTTA go to THAT!"


Then he asked me if he should wear his "special" underwear...the one's that look like an elephant. Use your imagination...or better yet, DON'T! :eek:



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We were on the 2/4/07 Mariner OTS sailing and our Quest was quite entertaining, but not "R" rated at all. There were 2 kids in the audience and Becky politely scolded the parents and asked them to take them back to their rooms. The parents allowed the children to stay, but all in all it was not too bad for them to experience. I wouldn't want my 5 & 7 year olds to be in attendance, but to each their own. Becky did warn the parents however. I think the grandparents were also there. However, in regards to the Quest described in this post, I know I would not enjoy that kind of behavior and would have been somewhat embarrassed for those performing the acts. There is a place for this kind of behavior and RCCL should have put a stop to it. Oh well, that's just my opinion and after attending the Quest on several other of our cruises, I would not miss it. It is hysterical and everyone can have a great time.


I completely disagree with this. Allowing children to attend adult events affects the event for everyone there. Most adults are quite inclined to "censor" themselves when children are present in ways they wouldn't have to if parents respected the adult events. It creates a completely different feel and vibe. It can be similar to adults who prefer to be seated only with other adults at dinner because they do not want to have to tailor their conversation to youngsters. Did it occur to you that it was not "R" rated as it often can be specifically because the children were allowed to stay, the participants knew that, and so the adults tempered their behavior? And it should not be the responsibility of adults to adjust for children being present at activities like Quest; it's the responsibility of parents to remove their children from such activities. How about parents respecting the "adult event" notations in the first place and not bringing their children to those events?


I believe that RCI should make the age minimum a requirement at Quest and all other adult entertainments--just as they do with the casinos. It is patently unfair to allow parents who are so selfish and disrespectful to diminish the enjoyment for other adults, who rightly expect that adult events will be attended by adults only.


And don't give me any of that "I paid for my kids to cruise and they can go wherever and do whatever they want." I paid for my cruise, but you don't see RCI allowing me into the AO facilities.




p.s. Quest isn't any big deal to us, but I doubt I would have enjoyed the one described. But guess what: I would have left the area instead of complaining later.

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Doesn't anyone get the fact that the OP was simply stating that she thought Quest on her particular cruise was inappropriate. Isn't that what CC is supposed to be all about. Giving information?? I've sat thru many uninformative infomercials on a cruise without getting up and leaving. That dosen't mean that I don't get to say it was a waste of time. Yes, I could have left but I still get to say that it was a waste of time.


We were on a b/b/b/ on the Mariner in Dec. Even though so many enjoy Quest, scavenger hunts on a cruise is just not our thing. Yet here are people saying that if you don't enjoy a raunchy Quest, maybe RCL is not for you. WHAT???? We had a fabulous cruise and Quest never came up because we ignored. Is it really a sign of RCL that if we don't want to watch men in bras that we are not appropriate to sail RCL. Personnaly I think it should go just a little the other way.

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Yet here are people saying that if you don't enjoy a raunchy Quest, maybe RCL is not for you.


No, that's not what we are saying. We are putting forth our OWN opinion that children should not be present at events that are labeled as "adult" events, and that it is the responsibility of the parent to make sure their offspring aren't forced on those adults who are attending the "adult" event.

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It sounds totally classless and lacking any taste at all. I would have been offended if I had been at the Quest. There are some things that are funny - and some that are just crude.


I can't imagine why anyone would think the OP is making this up. To what end?

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I completely disagree with this. Allowing children to attend adult events affects the event for everyone there. Most adults are quite inclined to "censor" themselves when children are present in ways they wouldn't have to if parents respected the adult events. It creates a completely different feel and vibe. It can be similar to adults who prefer to be seated only with other adults at dinner because they do not want to have to tailor their conversation to youngsters. Did it occur to you that it was not "R" rated as it often can be specifically because the children were allowed to stay, the participants knew that, and so the adults tempered their behavior? And it should not be the responsibility of adults to adjust for children being present at activities like Quest; it's the responsibility of parents to remove their children from such activities. How about parents respecting the "adult event" notations in the first place and not bringing their children to those events?


I believe that RCI should make the age minimum a requirement at Quest and all other adult entertainments--just as they do with the casinos. It is patently unfair to allow parents who are so selfish and disrespectful to diminish the enjoyment for other adults, who rightly expect that adult events will be attended by adults only.


And don't give me any of that "I paid for my kids to cruise and they can go wherever and do whatever they want." I paid for my cruise, but you don't see RCI allowing me into the AO facilities.




p.s. Quest isn't any big deal to us, but I doubt I would have enjoyed the one described. But guess what: I would have left the area instead of complaining later.


Amen, Sister......:D A place and a time for everything...I'm tired of kicking teens out of the Solariums... and trust me,I do.




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Just type in "The Quest" on Youtube...you will see people have already posted their videos of other Quest Games.


It seems to me this particular Quest got out of hand. I agree with the posters that have said Becky is a great Cruise Director but when the game goes "too far" it should be stopped or the people involved should be asked to leave. Just my opinion. I have been to the Quest several times and it can be fun or gross, depending on the crowd. When I have not enjoyed it I usually just leave...the ship has too much other stuff going on to waste my time at something not appealing to me.


As for children...I agree, they have their place and the Quest is not one of them! Come on parents, to heck with your parenting skills...you are ruining MY VACATION when you bring your kids to adult activities...it does change the "vibe" of games like this if kids are around and that is not fair to the other cruisers. It is just like bringing your kids to an adult dinner party where they were not invited...it just makes you a very bad guest and spoils the evening for everyone.

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Doesn't anyone get the fact that the OP was simply stating that she thought Quest on her particular cruise was inappropriate. Isn't that what CC is supposed to be all about. Giving information?? I've sat thru many uninformative infomercials on a cruise without getting up and leaving. That dosen't mean that I don't get to say it was a waste of time. Yes, I could have left but I still get to say that it was a waste of time.


We were on a b/b/b/ on the Mariner in Dec. Even though so many enjoy Quest, scavenger hunts on a cruise is just not our thing. Yet here are people saying that if you don't enjoy a raunchy Quest, maybe RCL is not for you. WHAT???? We had a fabulous cruise and Quest never came up because we ignored. Is it really a sign of RCL that if we don't want to watch men in bras that we are not appropriate to sail RCL. Personnaly I think it should go just a little the other way.

Brigitte, that's really not *it*. A poster was stating that if there are "people like that" on her cruise, she doesn't want to be on that cruise.


I say that if that is her attitude, she is right. She shouldn't be on that cruise.

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Just type in "The Quest" on Youtube...you will see people have already posted their videos of other Quest Games.


Oh no, I never even thought to try that. Did any of them use their screen name from here? If we knew who they are, they could be the first to be shunned. :)

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Oh no, I never even thought to try that. Did any of them use their screen name from here? If we knew who they are, they could be the first to be shunned. :)

Maybe they will form a "shunned group" and then book a shunned group cruise. What if they book it on RCI and get Quest banned from the cruise??:confused:

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