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Nautica Impressions HKG to ATH


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I discovered this thread yesterday evening and have be unable to tear myself away! Your writing is beautiful and pulls the reader in; I truly appreciate the description of your journey. The story about your father and his bus trip was especially moving. I have been "lurking" on cruise critic for months, but I feel the need to add my thanks to all the others who have enjoyed your posts.



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Jack, I received my copy of your book yesterday, here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - hockey capital of the world (or so my son thinks).


Thank you.


Wow! It's a real book. Just like the ones in the Nautica library where a few copies should be placed.


My donation to assist learning disabled youth has been made, as promised.


I sailed with Jack on this wonderous trip, took bridge classes with him (excellent!) and observed his interaction with his parents (heart-warming). I sensed then, and I know now, as we all do, that Jack has a kind and giving spirit and a clear understanding of what is truly valuable in life (relationships, demonstrated love and shared experiences -- memories).


Another joy of this cruise was having several meals and conversations with "Seasoned," who edited Jack's book. She, too, is an amazing person. Aside from being a terrific editor, "Seasoned" is an adventurer with a kind heart. For example, she took an independent bicycle tour to a small village in Vietnam to spend time with a family and brought gifts from home for the children. She encouraged and assisted Jack to turn his blog into a book. Why? Simple. "Seasoned" is authentic, forthright and caring. You can feel the sincerity and authority of what she says (no pretension or manipulation) and the caring (without intrusion or overstepping).


For me, travelling is about more than what I see, what I hear, what I taste and what I touch - it is about what touches me.


The overwhelming feeling of peace I felt at the Po Lin Monastery, atop a mountain near Hong Kong while a young Chinese girl performed a tea ceremony. The excitement of watching the laser lights from the office buildings in Hong Kong and Kowloon duel across the Hong Kong harbor from a the tenth deck of the Nautica. The anger, frustration and sense of helpless I felt after meeting a beautiful, intelligent young street girl/vendor selling beaded bags (I bought one) in front of Ghandhi's house in Mumbai, when the tour guide said in a matter-of-fact fashion, "That girl was born on the street, lives on the street and will die on the street."


This trip, shared with my wife of 32 years, who I love more today than when I married her, was magical for us.


My wife and I were surprised at how many amazing people we met on board the Nautica, crew and other guests. We considered ourselves experienced travellers but found that we were newbies compared to most of the other guests. Most guests were very generous is sharing their experiences and insights. I found myself making notes after many meals.


Two of the people we are most grateful for the privilege to meet are Jack and "Seasoned."


Thank you Jack. Thank you "Seasoned."

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Jack - Thanks!!!!!My book finally arrived yesterday and I can't wait to read the whole thing again! My donation will go to the Salvation Army for all the work they do. In our small town they run the food bank as well as a summer camp for inner city kids. The camp's been here for a very long time and a lot of kids have been through it. THANKS so much for getting this in print!!!


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I just found this post yesterday and am only on post 94, but have enjoyed it so much so far that today I booked the Nautica for 2008, Rome to Sydney. Fifty days, can I stand it? You have such a wonderful way of telling a story I almost feel like I have experienced it also.

I especially liked your comparison to Regent which we have cruised on about 5 times. Glad to hear that many things, like the service, are comparable. But, I will miss the walk-in closet and lamb chops for room service breakfast. Yummy!

Again, thank you for taking the time and I am glad to read that you have published it as a book.

Well, I have to get back to reading some more of your wonderful story.

Joanne, the chocoholic

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Jack, thank you for the book. Great job! My mother has requisitioned it so I will have to wait until she finishes! However, I read most of your postings on this thread. My mother and I are booked on the 2009 HKG - ATH. We gave up on the waitlist for 2008. A donation of $100 has been sent on your behalf to the North Shore Animal League in Islip, NY.

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Rarely did I look forward to going to the office to check my mail after returning from hoildays. This book was the exception.


Thank you, Jack, for a wonderful piece of memoir. Another big thank you to Sukey, for her encouragement and involvement in this project. My wife was so happy when I showed her your book, which came as a pleasant surprise , as she always prefers to read from a book than from a computer screen.


This book will need numerous printings in the future, as everyone who has booked this itinerary should read it. I will donate to Canadian Red Cross, and my wife will donate to Osteoporosis Society of Canada, Alberta Chapter.


The only thing that's missing is Jack's autograph, which my wife said she would hope for us to drive across the border to ask for it in person.:D


Thanks again, Jack, and hope to meet you someday. Please send our kindest regards to your mom and dad.


Now I look forward to the sequel: Cruising with Ty.

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Hi Jack:


Reading your report with interest as we are going on same cruise April 9, 2009. Friends from California are as well. We live in Vancouver, Canada and have place near Deming in Washington. We visit Bellingham often. Possibly we could meet some time to discuss your thoughts on this cruise. Our email is molliem@shaw.ca would like to hear from you.

thanks, Elwin

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Dear Jack,


I just stumbled on this thread a few days ago and have been busy reading and savoring your accounting of your wonderful journey with your parents and friends. Your generous sharing of yourself makes your writing very special. Not to mention your powers of observation! You have made me resolve to journal on future journeys like this. I have just rediscovered cruising and was wondering what Oceana might be like, which is how I came across your thread. Went to Alaska with old friends from high school last year and the reconnection was priceless. We had our own little community within the larger community on the Mercury. Looked forward to meeting up with everyone at dinner to share the adventures of the day. We are all Army brats and went to high school in Germany. Have rediscovered one another through the magic of the internet and are having a wonderful time together. I'm also a friend of Bill W. so I appreciated your observations about overcoming addiction and growing and changing.


I was so relieved to hear that Ty was OK. May the two of you and your wonderful pets enjoy much wonderful time together.


Would dearly love to have one of your books if any are available, will send you an e-mail.


Thanks again for sharing yourself and your wonderful experience!

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The following is for general information, it does not affect us personally since we are not able to take this voyage ourselves. A quick search on the internet seems to show that this same voyage for April, 2008 has long been sold out. Oceania has just posted on their website that same voyage again for April, 2009, but the fares have increased substantially, by $1,000 per person for a basic balcony B2, for example, and by $3,000 per person for the owner's suites! This is a reflection of how "hot" this voyage has become, plausibly an unintended byproduct of Jack's extraordinarily successful posting!

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...plausibly an unintended byproduct of Jack's extraordinarily successful posting!

This may be so, but if so, it has affected all of the other cruises as well, as all of the Winter '08/'09 cruises I have checked have seen price increases, variously from about 5% to over 10% depending on the category, with the suites having gone up the most. Gratuities have also increased from $11.50/day pp to $12.50.

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Thanks everyone for so many kind comments. I am glad the books finally arrived to Canada. If I had known how long it took to send them from Bellingham, I would have driven across the border (only fifteen miles away) and dropped them in a mail box. I like shopping at Costco in Canada—they have some different items than their US counterparts—so it would have been easy.


MikeSierra: both Sukey and I have good memories of you on the trip and enjoyed our time with you too. Hope to see you again.


Sukey recently added the Hong Kong to Athens trip to her travel website: http://www.planetsukey.com


Anyone interested in another perspective and some great photos should check out her site. I highly recommend it. Sukey is going on the 2008 Hong Kong to Athens cruise so I wandered over to their roll call board to read her posts and WOW! That board is active. You lucky passengers going in 2008 trip are going to have a great time!


All the books are gone. I have about ten orders that I can’t fill and every day or two a request trickles in, so I ordered more. If you are waiting for a book or need another one I expect to send them out the first or second week of September. Sorry for the delays.


The reaction to the books has been beyond my expectations. A few weeks ago I was at my local bank helping my nephew open an account. I had just set down when Evelyn, the new account person said, “Jack, I am reading your book. Last night I got to the first day in India and I can’t wait to finish it.” With a quick flash of concern she added in a hushed voice, “and how is Ty?”


I assured her Ty is fine, she sees him frequently doing his banking, and we chatted a little about the trip. Since my 16-year old nephew was quickly getting bored I steered the conversation back to his account. Evelyn and I could have talked travel cruising for at least 15 minutes and Pete would have been bored out of his mind.


When we finished opening the account Evelyn asked, “Is there anyway I could get my own copy of your book?” I had given a copy to a friend who works at her branch and that copy had been making the rounds.


“Sure Evelyn, I’ll drop one by in the next couple of days.”


It felt strange knowing an acquaintance read my book and shared some of my intimate thoughts about my parents. With all of you there is an inherent degree of anonymity due to the internet, but Evelyn is someone I see frequently. My parents have started giving copies to some of there friends too, so I am adjusting to realizing once I write something and publish it I give up my privacy. That’s OK; I have just never felt this before and it felt odd.


The last few weeks have been very busy. My brother and his wife and two of his kids (ages 13 and 6) arrived two weeks ago. There are temporarily “homeless” until they move to Athens next week. His 16-year old son, Pete, was already staying in Bellingham with Ty and I. The next day my sister and her husband and four kids (ages 13, 9, 6 and 3) arrived. Five days later my other brother arrived with his wife and 7-year old son.


I gave my mom a picture, a family portrait of her husband and four kids for her 70th birthday last month, so the one day we were all together we had our portrait taken. Dinner that night was at a local Greek restaurant and we had 17 people at the table—about half under the age of 14. Next year my parents want to take us all on a cruise for their 50th wedding anniversary. Dinner at the Greek restaurant made it obvious we are going to need at least two large tables.


My sister left the day after the portrait, and one of my brothers went back to LA with his family a few days later. Sever days after that my oldest niece arrived from Maryland (she is starting college at BYU next year) and last Thursday she and my other brother had to return to Maryland. Tonight my 16-year old nephew who has been staying with Ty and I since June is leaving for Greece. Ty likes to call him “Pumpkin” and strangely he doesn’t seem to mind.


Last night Ty and I were sitting in front of the TV just after dark. “It’s going to awfully quite around here without Pumpkin,” Ty said.


“Is that a good thing?” I asked.


“No, I am going to miss him. It’s been kind of fun to have him around.”


I’ll miss Peter too, but I won’t miss running out of Diet Cokes, tortilla chips and salsa. I don’t mind him eating our food, I assumed he would, but I haven’t been able to successfully teach him to tell me when we need to replenish something he finishes. I discover we need more of whatever he consumed when I go to get it, and what I want is long gone. Tolerating Pete’s food plundering is a small price to pay for the life and fun he brought to our home.


Tomorrow night Pete’s mom, and two sisters join Pete and his dad in Maryland. The next day their entire family, less their daughter bound for college, leave for Greece. It will seem quiet here. As hectic and time consuming as it is to have so much family around, I will miss them.


It has been a good summer here. I hope it has been the same for you. Ty and I are trying to plan a cruise. I’ll post here when I do, as I’d love to meet some of you if we find ourselves on the same ship.


Until then.



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Jack: After you have gifted your book to all who have requested it, would you consider publishing it for sale at cost at the bookstores, with an attached form for purchasers' donations to their favourite charities? (Alternatively, print on the book that it is non-profit, selling at $cost plus $donation). This way, more people can get a copy of it, and anonymously at that, not to mention more charity donations.

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  • 3 weeks later...


A fellow Oceania cruiser from your neck of the woods sent me an email to visit your site. Wow! I spent the whole afternoon reading your great journal. It puts mine to shame! I would love to have copy of your book should you get more ordered. I will contribute to the Cancer Society, in honor of my daughter who is a cancer survivor! Prayers are the answer, as they are answered!

We are taking our 5th Oceania cruise in January to Australia and New Zealand and we will have 3 other past-Oceania-cruisemates with us. In fact we have booked a back to back in November, 2008.

John and Connie

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  • 1 month later...

Today I was delighted to have lunch with two fellow Oceania enthusiasts—Elwin and Judie. They live just north of my hometown, Bellingham Washington, in a suburb of Vancouver Canada, had read my posts on Cruise Critic and wanted to meet.


My mom and dad joined us for lunch and we discussed the finer points of Oceania life such as what is your favorite: Toscana or Polo Grill? (Judie and I say Toscana). Besides our special meeting of the Oceania mutual admiration society we found ourselves talking about past cruises on other ships and the escapades and adventures that make cruising so memorable.


“Our worst experience tendering was on Christmas Eve 1962.” My dad said. “We were in Greece with a bunch of young Stanford and Loyola students. We tendered in that morning and took an all day tour. About five the bus brought us back to the dock, dropped us off and drove away. During the day the ocean had gotten very choppy and it was too rough for tenders to transport any passengers. Ann was five months pregnant with Jack and the dock had no shelter and no bathroom. No one was there except the two of us and some fellow passengers. ”


“Having no bathroom was a real problem for me.” My mom added.


“The ship couldn’t communicate with us. We could see it bobbing up and down out there but there was no phone or any way to find out what was going on. We later learned that arrangements had been made to get buses to take us across Greece to Athens, but we had no way of knowing that. It was a pretty miserable Christmas Eve. By 8 o’clock it was cold and dark and we had nowhere to go. Finally about 10:00 p.m. the seas calmed down enough for the ship to send a tender. I’ve never been so happy to be back onboard in my life. The Captain ordered free Champagne for everyone and he opened the dining room so we could all have dinner. All in all it turned out OK, but that was the worst experience Ann and I ever had tendering."


Since none of us had a worse tendering story our conversation drifted to future cruises—Elwin and Judie are going from Istanbul to Barcelona on Regatta on November 5th and are going on Hong Kong to Athens in 2009—memorable meals from Executive Chef Wolfgang Maier and new itineraries we’d like to take.


Visiting today was like enjoying lunch with new friends in the Grand Dining Room (expect the service and cuisine at Applebees wasn’t even in the same universe as any of our dining experiences on Nautica). Our new friends Judie and Elwin insisted on buying us lunch (not paying for the meal did add to the cruise like ambience), I gave them a few copies of my book, shared a few tips on the tours for the Hong Kong to Athens itinerary and we made plans to visit again sometime. Things have been a little slow in the book “sales” department—I have shipped 10 the last month and still have about 75 on hand—so I was glad to pass a few more on to people who will enjoy them.


Talking about Oceania really made we want to be back on board. Ty and I have so much going on in our lives that we may not get back as quickly as we’d like but lunch today certainly whetted my appetite.


Hope you all are well and look forward to meeting more of you onboard Oceania some day.



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Elwin told me he was going to meet you ( didn't say when ), it's amzing that I actually read about it here!


I will be on the same cruise with him next month ( my first O ) and have also booked two more after that, including HKG April 2009. It will be a great opportunity to talk about, and plan, our HKG cruise in person with a CC friend, instead of just through Roll Call. Your book shall be my number one reference. Thanks again.

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Glad to see you back on the BOARDS and reminiscing about Oceania.


It seems to me that you are not only quite a stortyteller, but also pretty well informed about various topics.


That being said, I'm wondering if you would ever be interested in being one of our onboard lecturers?


I think our guests would really enjoy learning and listening about a particular topic from another fellow guest and someone who is as eloquent as you.


Think about it and let me know.

This would be a win/win for everyone.


You get to go on an Oceania cruise (with TY, if you'd like) for FREE and Oceania gets a heck of a lecturer.


Let me know.


All the best



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I think our guests would really enjoy learning and listening about a particular topic from another fellow guest and someone who is as eloquent as you...... and Oceania gets a heck of a lecturer.





How do we know which cruise he'll be a lecturer on? Perhaps inaugural cruise of new ship? I suppose Jack will want to be back onboard way before then.


I look forward to that.

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Glad to see you back on the BOARDS and reminiscing about Oceania.


It seems to me that you are not only quite a stortyteller, but also pretty well informed about various topics.


That being said, I'm wondering if you would ever be interested in being one of our onboard lecturers?


I think our guests would really enjoy learning and listening about a particular topic from another fellow guest and someone who is as eloquent as you.


Think about it and let me know.

This would be a win/win for everyone.


You get to go on an Oceania cruise (with TY, if you'd like) for FREE and Oceania gets a heck of a lecturer.


Let me know.


All the best





I am speechless! Both posts from FDR have been better than Santa Clause. First he gave me free Internet so I could post to all of you live from Nautica and now the chance to meet more Oceania passengers as a lecturer and cruise FREE. WOW!!


Walt Disney has always been a hero of mine, and reading Frank’s post today felt like Walt had just leapt from the grave and personally asked me if I’d like to come to Disneyland FREE and give a few guided tours around the park. Of course I am saying yes—talk about a dream opportunity, this is it.


The only cloud in the horizon is it feels intimidating to know what to say to such an intelligent, well-traveled group as is found on Regatta, Nautica or Insignia. FDR may make it easier on me and assign a topic, but I am really interested in what all of you think would be the best subject for me to talk about.


A theme of my posts and subsequent book was having fun creating life-time memories with my mom and dad and how extended time at sea gave me valuable perspective on what’s really important. I don’t know if that or a similar topic or something completely different would be the best subject, so I would appreciate your suggestions.


Ultimately, of course, I’ll talk about whatever Oceania tells me to but I hope that hearing from you will give me some direction and advice useful to any topic that they assign me.

When Oceania gives me a ship and date I’ll post it here.


Thanks in advance for your suggestions!



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