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As You Wish Dining - Opinions, Comments and Discussions


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Thanks for your update on AYWD. Sounds like you made reservations for a later seating, did you have a chance to witness what the waits if any were like at earlier times like between 6:30 and 7:30? What comments do you observe from other AYWD participants on your cruise?:confused:


Terry -


We did not witness any wait times... though in all honesty, we weren't hanging out by the D/R entrance either.


We did not hear any negative comments about it and what we did hear was that those wishing earlier accomodations were seated promptly.


I was so afraid it was going to be a nightmare - in the end (last two cruises) it has been a non-issue for us. :)

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Terry -


We did not witness any wait times... though in all honesty, we weren't hanging out by the D/R entrance either.


We did not hear any negative comments about it and what we did hear was that those wishing earlier accomodations were seated promptly.


I was so afraid it was going to be a nightmare - in the end (last two cruises) it has been a non-issue for us. :)


Ekerr19, thanks for the update, we are really looking forward to the AYWD next month on the Volendam. I have noticed, now that HAL has gotten more into the AYWD change over, there is less and less activity on this forum about the anticipated horrors of open dining that we saw 4 or 5 months ago. A few complaints but not many about the predicted long lines and waits for tables and the lack of availability of traditional seating once aboard for those who desire it. For the most part the comments from actual participants have been more positive than negative.;)

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Heather -


I think you got it totally spot-on.


Cruiselines make decisions all the time that we must follow...this is just another one.


Please will either book earlier to get assigned traditional or will try to get AYWD to work as close to traditional as possible. The others who like AYWD are all cool with the concept.


Adaptability is the name of the game.


Happy Cruising! :)

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But I don't consider the lack of posts about the subject necessarily acceptance by one and all.
Similarly, don't consider the previous abundance of negative posts about the subject as any indication that there was an generally negative feeling about the offering. Generally, people complain an order of magnitude more than they praise.


However, one of Terry's points is well-taken: It did appear to me that the comments from people who haven't yet were more often than not negative, and the comments from people who have were more often than not positive.

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Me, too, jc. I started a reply and then thought ...................... no.:)


Me three, but it would have served no purpose ... it's argue-bait, nothing more, and I'm in too-good of mood to get into such right now.


After all ... I'm getting ready to leave on what will almost certainly be my very last cruise with all-Traditional Dining and I, for one, intend to enjoy it. Now ... in case someone tries to spin my words into something else, I'm not anticipating anything less than enjoyment on the Rotterdam in Jan/Feb or the Eurodam in July ... indeed, I ALWAYS intend to enjoy my cruises, no matter what happens with the dining schedule, and I'll be doing the same thing even if I can't get the "Traditional" option after the transition to AYWD is completed.

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However, one of Terry's points is well-taken: It did appear to me that the comments from people who haven't yet were more often than not negative, and the comments from people who have were more often than not positive.


It's fear of the unknown. It's make us human.


I am fond of heather's signature, "easier to ride a horse if we are going in the same direction....."


(Or some can choose to walk, instead.:D )

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Rev, I think I am with you on the happiness scale, in less than 48 hours we will be flying to Chicago, then Dublin to London Heathrow. Then a couple of nights in Londonium at the Marriott Park Lane. A night at the theatre to see if the London version of Wicked is as good as the Broadway version. Then a train ride to Southampton from Waterloo Station. Then a 13 night transatlantic on the Navigator of the Seas. Woohoo. :cool: :)



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Rev, I think I am with you on the happiness scale, in less than 48 hours we will be flying to Chicago, then Dublin to London Heathrow. Then a couple of nights in Londonium at the Marriott Park Lane. A night at the theatre to see if the London version of Wicked is as good as the Broadway version. Then a train ride to Southampton from Waterloo Station. Then a 13 night transatlantic on the Navigator of the Seas. Woohoo. :cool: :)




jc ... have a safe flight, enjoy London -- I always do -- and then have a great crossing!

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jc, been missing you!!!!:) Have an amazing trip!


Greg, Bon Voyage to you, too. I'm with you ... We're also looking forward to our last cruise with all Traditional dining on HAL. I'm so glad we lucked out with that! It seems there are other problems on our ship, but we'll just hope for the best.


Hammybee, I'm so glad you like that saying. And it certainly applies to a lot, doesn't it? I remembered the aphorism only recently because of a lot of the discussion on this board and remembered how it had served me so well all these years. It's from a little 70's thing called "est training" ... one of the few things I got out of that unusual experience:) .

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After all ... I'm getting ready to leave on what will almost certainly be my very last cruise with all-Traditional Dining and I, for one, intend to enjoy it. ... indeed, I ALWAYS intend to enjoy my cruises, no matter what happens with the dining schedule ...




I am one who gets it. Hammybee posted a portion of my review from Noordam's recent Panama Canal cruise about AYWD, and while I think most of us can adjust, I know that you and Ruth and others will have the hardest time if it ever comes that AYWD is all that is available. DW and I empathize with your situation. I admire your positive attitude, and your resolve to enjoy what comes. As I said once on our recent cruise (to another who had to wait to be served coffee during Code Red): "no worries -- you are on a cruise; nothing has to happen quickly!" Carpe Diem and enjoy!



Fair winds and following seas, (virtual) friend. Perhaps some day we will be able to book the same table together, you and I. I would enjoy that!



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I'm sorry my view of the tenor of comments by folks who had and had not yet had the AYW experience yet upset some people. If anything was "bait" it was the manner in which some folks decided to address the words I wrote, instead of presenting their own opinions about the percentage of people who were positive versus negative against whether they had the real experience or not (or really ignoring the subject rather than just saying they're ignoring it :rolleyes: ). All opinions are welcome in this thread. And if anyone would like to count the users, grade each message for how supportive of AYW they are, and present the findings, I'll be interested in reading that. Until then, my comment stands: Most of the people who posted messages about their real experiences with AYW posted positive messages. Most of the negative comments came from people who had not yet experienced AYW yet.


After all ... I'm getting ready to leave on what will almost certainly be my very last cruise with all-Traditional Dining and I, for one, intend to enjoy it.
Have a great time!
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It's fear of the unknown. It's make us human.
Very true. That's why, regardless of the context or venue, I tend to take criticisms of the concept of things with a grain of salt. First level relevant experience is real experience. Second level is real experience by someone with similar values. And third level is your own personal experience.
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All opinions are welcome in this thread.


Apparently not ... because if we express our concern regarding how HAL is implementing the AYWD system, we are characterized in a negative light, our concerns are minimized and declared invalid or unfounded or meaningless, and in all this we are thereby publicly spanked for being opposed to change and having pre-judged something that we have not yet experienced. Specifically, I'm referencing the reaction to the concerns of solo-cruisers; many people have been very kind and understanding of our concerns (and I think them for this), but others have either labeled us "old fuddies" (unwilling to embrace change), or they have attempted to minimize the reality of our concerns. Solo-cruisers do have a real concern with this new system, and our concerns have not yet been addressed. Time will tell as to how we are treated and what happens aboard ship; for us the only thing that will provide solace is personal experience -- or, perhaps, the experience of other solos. In short, all we can do is just hope that things work out well for us. Further hand-wringing only bring further spankings and, hence, has become pointless; most of us have fallen silent as a result.


Regarding many of the other concerns that have been hashed out on this, and other, threads, it would appear that many of them are in the process of being addressed, or have been addressed, by HAL. For instance, we've figured out why the Traditional Area is being wait-listed even more than a year in advance: it's not because those sections are filling up that fast (as logic would dictate), but because the Line is holding back on confirming reservations in in Traditional until they have an idea of how many people on any given cruise are going to want Traditional. The Line's real intent is to provide, as much as possible, for everyone who wants Traditional and for everyone who wants AYWD. No one is being "forced" into one or the other by wait-listing ... despite how some of HAL's agents are acting. Frankly, I don't think Seattle realized the amount of consternation this practice would produce, otherwise I think they would have gone about this a different way.


In short, many of our other concerns are being answered, or have been answered, hence those with these concerns have fallen silent and are waiting to see when they have their first cruise in AYWD.


And if anyone would like to count the users, grade each message for how supportive of AYW they are, and present the findings, I'll be interested in reading that.


You're kidding, right. Even if this were done, you'd argue with the evaluation of the raw data. It's in your nature (it's also your screen name) to bicker.


Until then, my comment stands: Most of the people who posted messages about their real experiences with AYW posted positive messages. Most of the negative comments came from people who had not yet experienced AYW yet.


I don't think anyone is actually arguing with this assertion as you have qualified it. I sure don't. I agree ... most of those who have directly experienced AYWD (i.e., eaten in it) have a positive report. Yes, there have been a few negative reports, but most have been positive. As the schedule continues to spread throughout the fleet, we'll start hearing more reports and we'll start seeing trends and, then, we'll more data with which to work.


But, this doesn't address most of the issues that have been articulated on this thread. We've not had reports from solo-cruisers (at least, I've not read any). We don't know, until we get there, how all these wait-listed people are going to be assigned. If what happens is what we're being told will happen, things will be fine. But, unless you've got a Time Machine in your garage (i.e., a DeLorean converted with a flux capacitor, or otherwise), we can't know until we get there.



Have a great time!


Thanks! And, I shall! Sadly, for this argument, it's on a sailing PRIOR to the introduction of AYWD. Hence, my great time on the Volendam will not add any data to the matrix on how AYWD is being implemented. My Noordam data, from last January, doesn't really count as it was prior-to the fleet-wide introduction (and I was in Traditional with other CCers), and my Rotterdam data from next Jan/Feb -- while on a sailing with AYWD -- won't help us understand how solo-cruisers are treated because I'll be cruising with other CCer friends with whom we're arranging our dining (and there are other factors as well that will skew the data). So, we'll have to wait a while for more data to come in before we can say regarding solo-cruisers.

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Please note the title of this thread: "Opinions, Comments and Discussions".


Possibly some missed the fact there is another thread about actual experiences! This remains the discussion and opinion thread which can be expressed whether we have tried AYW or have not.


Altough I always appreciate jc's humor and he knows that:D, the fact is this thread doesn't get to have a winner even though some may struggle for that honor.


My post, which Bicker chose to quote for some reason, was not combative. I never said more people disliked than liked AYW dining. It was never a poll, was it? I said, and I stand by that statement, that just because people stop expressing their worries, concerns, issues with AYW vs. Traditional does not mean they have changed their minds.


It means they've accepted that it is what it is and they will either live with it or move on. I'm moving on. We have one more cruise on HAL on a ship apparently with big A/C and plumbing issues, but at least it is an all Traditional dining cruise:) . We'll go on that and than we're probably done.


You don't have to be single to enjoy Traditional. We like Traditional for one specific reason ... we get to know people we might not otherwise encounter. We've met many friends this way over a very long time. First night out I might think .... hmmmm, don't know about these people. Second night out I think .... hey! these are terrific people. It can take a couple of nights to know you get along with someone. Without Traditional dining we wouldn't get that chance; we would have moved on. It's not for everyone, but it is for us. We just like it.


So some can continue to bicker away, but it's really not a fight. There is no right and wrong! I stick with what I tried to say earlier. Go with the flow, ease up on the reins and just enjoy the ride.:D


Happy cruising to everyone ...

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Hence, my great time on the Volendam will not add any data to the matrix on how AYWD is being implemented. My Noordam data, from last January, doesn't really count as it was prior-to the fleet-wide introduction (and I was in Traditional with other CCers),

To be absolutely accurate, Greg, the Noordam cruise last January was neither Traditional nor AYW---we were under the short-lived "Leisure Dining" test. Everyone had a set table/table-mates (a la traditional), but there was a "window" for arrival. That "window" was as short as 1/2 hour at early dinner, and as long as 1 hour at main.


We all arranged to arrive at the same time (with one or two exceptions), but I don't recall any of us paying attention to the other tables. At out table the late-arrival was caught up with the rest of us, but there was a short delay. I don't know if there were any tables with a spread closer to the hour. As you recall, most people arrived within a few minutes of the doors opening.

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My, my this thread has gotten terribly long. Too much to read!


So......if this request/suggestion has already been voiced on behalf of us Solos, I apologize. And would be grateful to hear from you that it has.


I'm an older married person who by necessity must often travel Solo if I'm ever to see the distant places I long to go. DH & I have cruised together.......both with "anywho" and "trad" dining with an eye on cruising's potential as a safe mode of travel for me alone to get to the farther desitinations he is unable to do.


I view this whole discussion of dining from my solo perspective. For me, being able to be in traditional dining comes down to two main issues: First & foremost priority is SAFETY. 2nd, a pretty close 2nd, is SOCIAL.


SAFETY: It is very important/comforting to me to be "assigned" to a set table/tablemates each evening. I'd like to know that someone will "raise the alarm" shortly after a port if I'm not at dinner, rather than wait for the cabin steward to miss me mid-morning the following day.


SOCIAL: While I love to meet people & find it easy to do so, I have found that DH & I, or I alone, have been enriched by getting to REALLY know some fellow passengers that a consistent dining experience provides, not just a mere "drive by" relationship via fun day on a bus trip or at the buffet table.


My first SOLO cruise was this summer on Princess. An 8 top with ALL Solo cruisers as it happened....could as easily been couples. The result was they were from all over the world, each different, each interesting & 2 I'm keeping contact with. If any of us knew for sure we were dining elsewhere the next night....I had dinner with some CC Roll Call folks one night...we mentioned it. There was NO need to share our privacy or our cabin numbers; if anyone had gone "missing" the maitre d' would have that info and dealt with it.


Several months ago, when the "anywho" dining came up for HAL, I called and voiced my safety concerns for myself, spoke to a supervisor (who knows for sure? :) ) and was assured I would get assigned seating on Prinsendam next June on their 2nd voyage with the "anywho" dining. I'm hopeful, but if NOT, I plan to double-check & press the issue, if need be, when I board. My alternative plan, should I find communications broke down & I don't get traditional, would be to ask, again from a safety standpoint, that I at least be guaranteed a set dining time, set table in "anywho" so at the VERY least I'd have some comfort in a consistent wait-staff that might notice I'm not there. Not my first preference, but it could allow me to continue to comfortably cruise should traditional go "by way of the dinasaurs!"


Soooo...my request is pretty simple. Whatever your dining preference is, would you be so kind as to express on your cruise comment card that you would certainly hope that the cruiseline you choose to sail on is one that actively accommodates the particular safety/social/dining needs of its Solo travellers?


They read those cards!



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