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NCL Service Charge - Can this be changed? waved?


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I feel I had to write this in defence of the poster who ‘Dared To Ask about Removing Tips/Service Charge’.The question of tipping will always be an issue between Europeans & Americans & the majority of Posts favour the ‘Auto Tip’ because the majority of posters on this site are American.

I often see references to ‘Europeans don’t or won’t tip’ There is good reason for this, as we abolished the Slave Trade about a hundred years ago & at that point people made the choice to work or not work for the wage on offer, or fight their cause to improve their standard of living. Certainly in the last 50 years in the UK I cannot recall any full time employee being paid such a low wage that ‘Tips’ became their main source of income as they appear to do in certain jobs in the US. Without trying to sound offensive please help me understand why you are prepared accept that some people are paid an ‘insult’ of a wage, & everyone else has to fill their wage packet on behalf of the employer. Whenever I travel to the US I do fall in line with your ‘custom’ & hand out tips like a walking vending machine to every smuck who picks up my bag , puts it on a conveyer, takes it off, puts it on a bus & then reminds me how much an hour he/she earns. Surely the level of pay these people earn is an indictment on your Society & maybe ‘tipping’ them is your way of easing your conscience. The fact is, I’m more than capable of lifting my own bag onto their conveyer, bus etc.


Posters often ask ‘Who & How much should we tip in Europe.


Taxi Drivers, Hairdressers (inc Beauty/Facial/Spa Etc)......... 10%

This is not because they are lowly paid, but more a custom harking back to the days when only the Gentry could afford Taxi’s & Hairdressers & tipped their underlings accordingly.


Wait Staff in a restaurant........... 10%

Yes, if we go back in time Wait Staff tended to be part time/casual employment where tips were the bulk of their wage packet. This I suspect is no longer the case as the need for more professionalism is required.

Some Restaurants are now adding 10% Service Charge to their final bill & where this is the case, people do not normally tip beyond this charge. It’s also worth noting that the Service Charge has no legal standing in law & can be removed by the customer at will, although this would be a rare occurrence


Hotel Bellboy......... £1or £2


Porters at an Airport/Pier/Railway Station......... £1or £2

This is probably the one time people are working for ‘Tips Alone’ as many will be doing it to enhance their Full/Part Time wage packet from another job.

Beyond these the ‘Tourist/Traveller’ would be unlikely to encounter anyone else requiring a tip & would never be ‘reminded’ by anyone to ‘give me a tip’

We now have a ‘Minimum Wage’ in the UK (about $11 an hour) but this is a very recent law that has not made any difference to the way we tip, or whom we tip.



As for NCL’s new policy of adding a Service Charge into the small print of their new contract, this I fear will fall foul of UK law, as hidden charges must be ‘up front’ on advertising in the UK. It will be interesting to see how this pans out and I’m sure it’s only time before all the cruise lines follow suit.





Okay... you won't respond to anyone who hasn't answered your question.


Which question? Above is your original post.... it's a diatribe, not a question. In fact...not a single "?" to be found.



What I find amusing about this thread is that you challenge Americans (I'm Canadian.. so I consider myself superior to Americans by default ;) :rolleyes: ) in that they tip to subsidize substandard wages.


You continue in the same message to explain the situations in which Brits do the exact same thing, for the exact same reasons.


I don't get it.



Later, you say that you weren't REALLY debating the idea of Europeans tipping, but rather wanted a discussion on why those who choose to stiff the taxi driver, or bellboy, or hairdresser, etc. (all those people the Brits pay) are referred to as "cheapskate".


Well most of them are labeled by the category into which they've willfully assigned themselves by declaring their intent to rob a worker of their sustenance, most often in the name of "teaching the cruiseline a lesson".


Why are the reactions on the board so aggressive? Because these people need a wake-up call.


Even if they don't agree with the notion of tipping, it is de facto that these funds comprise the majority of income for the non-officers on the ship, and stiffing them is uncouth.


For those who "prefer to see the gratitude and sucking up" of those who are simply performing their jobs & getting paid (partially through tips), the comments are designed to illustrate to them (i.e. get it through their thick skulls) that the tip pool covers people beyond those who have directly made their cruises enjoyable (IF they could even locate all of THOSE workers).


For example on my last cruise I was up at 5a.m. and walking around the jogging track ( :eek: ). There were workers sanitizing every inch of railing, another vacuuming the water from the track, others cleaning the glass...ensuring that I don't get sick.


Those people impact the quality of my cruise as much as the room steward (not stewart!!!!!), and deserve to partake of the tip pool as well.


Did that answer your question?

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I will not respond to anyone who cannot respond to my question


If your question was on the way we respond, I always respond with my opinion. That does not make me right and the others wrong, it's just what I strongly believe.


Of course, there are differing viewpoints, and that's what keeps these discussions interesting.


I don't think I have belittled anyone for what they believe (if I have, then I apologize) but I think it's OK to implore someone to consider a different viewpoint, especially if it runs counter to the conventional wisdom.

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The post was in response to the way people are treated, almost abused, each time a question about tipping, service charge, &/or the removal of part or all of that charge. The post was not about me, not about the way we tip, not about my views on tipping, It is about the way you respond to people who 'Dare' to ask these questions.

Whether you like it or not people do have right to alter/remove/change the tips as they see fit. Whether you agree with it is a different matter, but that does not give you the right to attack them like a pack of vultures, as I've witnessed on too many occasions, & then start begging & pleading to them Never to Alter the Tips, just to make them feel more uncomfortable. OK! maybe I did go over the top with some of my comments, but that was to grab your attention. Unfortunately as with most of these posts the point was missed & everyone charges off in different directions.

I look forward to your responses, but Please try & stick to the point in question


OK Theres my statement, so I'll turn it into a question.

Are you embarrassed or ashamed at the way you treat people whenever this issue is raised. I think you all understood the context of this but not one of you had the courage to respond to it.

I note this post has been moved to relate to MakinMemories OP #1

Now Do You All Understand

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OK Theres my statement, so I'll turn it into a question.

Are you embarrassed or ashamed at the way you treat people whenever this issue is raised. I think you all understood the context of this but not one of you had the courage to respond to it.

I note this post has been moved to relate to MakinMemories OP #1

Now Do You All Understand

I do not think anyone should be attacked for asking a this question re: the removal of the tips/service charge or any legitimate question. I do not think I have ever personally attacked anyone for asking this specific question (definately not in this post), so I cannot say I am ashamed or embarrassed by my actions, but perhaps others who have responded harshly are, or perhaps, should be depending on what was said.


My specific feelings on this topic are as follows:

1) As a matter of principle, I do not like the idea of forced tips;

2) My personal opinion (or perhaps hope) is that if there were no forced tips, this would all balance out in the end in that if someone under-tips or does not tip, there is generally someone who is going to overtip;

3) That a voluntary tipping policy would leave less people with a bad taste in their mouth on this issue;

4) That I usually overtip when going out to eat (20-25% is my norm, unless very unattentive, poor attitude, etc.), so the forced tipping is cheaper for me in the end (even if I do not like the principle of being told how much is appropriate);

5) That I am less inclinded to recognize those who go above and beyond because they are in fact effectively getting tipped by every passenger on board, whether deserved or not; and

6) That I would not request a removal or reduction of this charge because I have agreed to it upon booking...UNLESS service was consistantly sub-par such that I would seek to direct all tips to specific persons who provided appropriate or above-average service.

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The post was in response to the way people are treated, almost abused, each time a question about tipping, service charge, &/or the removal of part or all of that charge. The post was not about me, not about the way we tip, not about my views on tipping, It is about the way you respond to people who 'Dare' to ask these questions.

Whether you like it or not people do have right to alter/remove/change the tips as they see fit. Whether you agree with it is a different matter, but that does not give you the right to attack them like a pack of vultures, as I've witnessed on too many occasions, & then start begging & pleading to them Never to Alter the Tips, just to make them feel more uncomfortable. OK! maybe I did go over the top with some of my comments, but that was to grab your attention. Unfortunately as with most of these posts the point was missed & everyone charges off in different directions.

I look forward to your responses, but Please try & stick to the point in question


OK Theres my statement, so I'll turn it into a question.

Are you embarrassed or ashamed at the way you treat people whenever this issue is raised. I think you all understood the context of this but not one of you had the courage to respond to it.

I note this post has been moved to relate to MakinMemories OP #1

Now Do You All Understand


No, I am not ashamed or embarrassed about anything I've said here, and I honestly did not see where you were looking for that response in your OP. Maybe I'm just dumb, but not many others knew what you were asking either.

If everyone treated others the way they want to be treated, they wouldn't have to worry about being ashamed or embarrassed.

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No, I am not ashamed or embarrassed about anything I've said here, and I honestly did not see where you were looking for that response in your OP. Maybe I'm just dumb, but not many others knew what you were asking either.

If everyone treated others the way they want to be treated, they wouldn't have to worry about being ashamed or embarrassed.


Thank You. Not all of you need feel embarrassed but maybe a read of posts 31 46 53 & 60 on this thread alone plus many more on other CL threads might warrant a different approach when a 'new cruiser' asks a question of this nature. I'm only trying to redress the balance.

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UK CHRIS I also thought your comments were well written & before anyone gets wrong idea this is not an attack, merely an observation.

Firstly you, like everyone else went down the for & against tipping route & missed my main point of topic.

My second comment is regarding 'The Brits' removing their autotips. Yes I can believe they did it, but would find it hard to believe that at least the majority didn't tip in the old fashioned envelope way. If you know different then I would be equally as appalled as you. However if this was not the case, your inference, intentional or otherwise, was that they all walked away as a freeloader.

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I feel I had to write this in defence of the poster who ‘Dared To Ask about Removing Tips/Service Charge’.The question of tipping will always be an issue between Europeans & Americans & the majority of Posts favour the ‘Auto Tip’ because the majority of posters on this site are American.

I often see references to ‘Europeans don’t or won’t tip’ There is good reason for this, as we abolished the Slave Trade about a hundred years ago & at that point people made the choice to work or not work for the wage on offer, or fight their cause to improve their standard of living. Certainly in the last 50 years in the UK I cannot recall any full time employee being paid such a low wage that ‘Tips’ became their main source of income as they appear to do in certain jobs in the US. Without trying to sound offensive please help me understand why you are prepared accept that some people are paid an ‘insult’ of a wage, & everyone else has to fill their wage packet on behalf of the employer. Whenever I travel to the US I do fall in line with your ‘custom’ & hand out tips like a walking vending machine to every smuck who picks up my bag , puts it on a conveyer, takes it off, puts it on a bus & then reminds me how much an hour he/she earns. Surely the level of pay these people earn is an indictment on your Society & maybe ‘tipping’ them is your way of easing your conscience. The fact is, I’m more than capable of lifting my own bag onto their conveyer, bus etc.


Posters often ask ‘Who & How much should we tip in Europe.


Taxi Drivers, Hairdressers (inc Beauty/Facial/Spa Etc)......... 10%

This is not because they are lowly paid, but more a custom harking back to the days when only the Gentry could afford Taxi’s & Hairdressers & tipped their underlings accordingly.


Wait Staff in a restaurant........... 10%

Yes, if we go back in time Wait Staff tended to be part time/casual employment where tips were the bulk of their wage packet. This I suspect is no longer the case as the need for more professionalism is required.

Some Restaurants are now adding 10% Service Charge to their final bill & where this is the case, people do not normally tip beyond this charge. It’s also worth noting that the Service Charge has no legal standing in law & can be removed by the customer at will, although this would be a rare occurrence


Hotel Bellboy......... £1or £2


Porters at an Airport/Pier/Railway Station......... £1or £2

This is probably the one time people are working for ‘Tips Alone’ as many will be doing it to enhance their Full/Part Time wage packet from another job.

Beyond these the ‘Tourist/Traveller’ would be unlikely to encounter anyone else requiring a tip & would never be ‘reminded’ by anyone to ‘give me a tip’

We now have a ‘Minimum Wage’ in the UK (about $11 an hour) but this is a very recent law that has not made any difference to the way we tip, or whom we tip.



As for NCL’s new policy of adding a Service Charge into the small print of their new contract, this I fear will fall foul of UK law, as hidden charges must be ‘up front’ on advertising in the UK. It will be interesting to see how this pans out and I’m sure it’s only time before all the cruise lines follow suit.

The post was in response to the way people are treated, almost abused, each time a question about tipping, service charge, &/or the removal of part or all of that charge. The post was not about me, not about the way we tip, not about my views on tipping, It is about the way you respond to people who 'Dare' to ask these questions.

Whether you like it or not people do have right to alter/remove/change the tips as they see fit. Whether you agree with it is a different matter, but that does not give you the right to attack them like a pack of vultures, as I've witnessed on too many occasions, & then start begging & pleading to them Never to Alter the Tips, just to make them feel more uncomfortable. OK! maybe I did go over the top with some of my comments, but that was to grab your attention. Unfortunately as with most of these posts the point was missed & everyone charges off in different directions.

I look forward to your responses, but Please try & stick to the point in question


OK Theres my statement, so I'll turn it into a question.

Are you embarrassed or ashamed at the way you treat people whenever this issue is raised. I think you all understood the context of this but not one of you had the courage to respond to it.

I note this post has been moved to relate to MakinMemories OP #1

Now Do You All Understand

Wilba, I had to go back and refresh my memory as to your original post. I've highlighted what I believe to be the closest thing to a question posed in that post, as well as the question you posed most recently.


I'm still struggling to understand how we got from your original post -- with the thread title "Tipping: Europe Vs The rest Of the World" -- to your new question, highlighted above? It would seem to me that the posters to your thread were attempting to deal with the question you originally posed ("please help me understand why you are prepared accept that some people are paid an ‘insult’ of a wage, & everyone else has to fill their wage packet on behalf of the employer. ")


If you feel like everyone here is consistently failing to get your point, what's the common denominator there? It seems to me that people were doing their best to address the question you posed, to the best of their understanding.


And no, I don't have a problem with any of the posts I've made on this board. However, I am deeply offended at the intimation you made in your original post that the U.S. informally maintains slavery by its customs regarding tipping. Perhaps you might consider expressing some contrition for such an extremely insensitive statement? So far you've said a couple of times that "maybe I went too far" in making that statement, but that's far from an apology. I know that I, for one, am not very inclined to respond positively to someone who accuses me of being complicit in slavery.

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Becky You clearly object to my posts but have never once attempted to answer my complaint about the way people are responded to about the tipping question. The points you have highlighted conveniently skirt round the issue in question. As for an apology you've got no chance as I believe my comments about the slave trade were merely to make a point & if this upsets you then I think you may need help. If your that sensitive to comments like that, then God Help Us All.

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And no, I don't have a problem with any of the posts I've made on this board.


Becky You clearly object to my posts but have never once attempted to answer my complaint about the way people are responded to about the tipping question. The points you have highlighted conveniently skirt round the issue in question. As for an apology you've got no chance as I believe my comments about the slave trade were merely to make a point & if this upsets you then I think you may need help. If your that sensitive to comments like that, then God Help Us All.

There's my answer. I cannot address how I feel about how others post -- that's an issue regarding board administration, and as clearly stated at the top of the thread index page, issues relating to board administration are to be addressed directly to the board administrators.


As to your comments regarding the slave trade, that was an extremely poor choice of illustration. You have not appreciated many people here painting all you Brits with the same broad brush -- why would you expect us Yanks to respond any better.


And yes, God help us all. On that point, at least, you and I are in agreement.

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Ok, this is just my opinion. I'm English, live in the UK 6 months a year and work in the States 6 months a year. Personally, i tip in the UK for good service, when in the States, i tip regardless because i know it's part of the culture and it makes up the wages.

The cost of living is a lot higher in the UK, a gallon of petrol (gas) is over $10 here, a pack of cigarettes, again, over $10, the average wage is higher to help compensate for this. The British go to the States for vacations, always have, always will but right now they have never had it so good, the increasingly weak dollar makes going to the States even more appealing as we are getting more for our money. So it is a bit annoying when i see people (Brits) asking for their service charge, auto gratuity, tip, whatever you want to call it to be refunded. NCL has the $10 per day per person auto gratuity in place for several reasons. 1) It makes it more convienient for the guest in that they dont have to go round tipping individually. 2) Crew members who are not front of house and dealing directly with the passengers are part of the tipping pool so benefit financially from providing a good service. 3) It helps to subsidise the lower wages paid in the industry.

Before all the Brits jump down my throat, on a recent cruise where approximately 35% of the passengers were Brits, virtually all of them got their auto gratuity back totalling over $30,000 refunded. Their excuses were on the whole laughable, one day the restaraunt AC was too cold, they didn't get towel animals every day, they couldn't find a seat quick enough in the garden cafe one day, their travel agent never told them about the auto gratuity, the list goes on. Basically they saw a way of saving a few bucks and took it. Virtually none of the excuses were for bad service so really not valid but they were still refunded.

The British in the past did not complain, just got on with it, stiff upper lip and all that but then, as is always the case, we started to follow the American lead and complaining (along with suing anyone and everyone) has been embraced wholeheartedly especially if we can see a financial gain from it.

In my opinion, NCL should make it more difficult to get the auto gratutiy refunded and anything that isn't deemed a valid complaint should be rejected but then quite often, it's just easier just to give the whinging whining sods their money back.:D


This one post was worth the effort to read the other predictable 200 posts! Thank you.



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Becky You clearly object to my posts but have never once attempted to answer my complaint about the way people are responded to about the tipping question. The points you have highlighted conveniently skirt round the issue in question. As for an apology you've got no chance as I believe my comments about the slave trade were merely to make a point & if this upsets you then I think you may need help. If your that sensitive to comments like that, then God Help Us All.

BTW, Wilba, I just have to point out that I find it ironic... if you were as insensitive to what other people post as you would like me to be, this whole topic would be a non-starter for you. So, if you're that sensitive to comments that other people make, then God Help Us All.

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I think the cruise lines should include in their pricing adequate wages for all of their staff such eliminate the need for auto tipping.

I cannot buy into statements like:

If there were no tipping, do you think they would work as hard to satisfy the customer?

Why should these employees be treated differently than employees in any other profession?? Does that mean in general anyone receiving a fixed salary is not working hard since one is not relying on ‘hand outs’ to make a living?

How would any of you that belief in withholding auto tip/wages for service that is perceived as not ok feel if your wages /salaries were to be cut every time you have a ‘bad’ day at work and don’t perform 100%?? I for sure would not have put up with it in my 40 years of employment.

In our daily lives when we receive services or goods below our expectations we complain about it and try to get it rectified. We most likely cannot just turn around and cancel payment for it. I cannot see why it should be different with services received on a cruise. At least when someone complains about poor service it more likely would be perceived as a legit complaint rather than maybe a reason to save some money.

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OK I’ve re-read my OP & yes I did miss out the point I set out to make due to the fact it was written in anger & haste.

Before I attempt to redeem myself could I ask everyone of you to read posts 1 16 & 27


Have you all read them? Then I’ll Begin.


I wrote this OP in retaliation to the treatment given out to Post #1. Yes it was controversial, hard hitting, cynical & hopefully informative as to whom & why we tip in Britain. I knew I was in for a ‘kicking’ from the outset, the reasoning that it might ruffle a few feathers & provoke a robust discussion/debate /argument call it what you will. Yes, due to my anger, I completely missed out why it was written in the first place, but even when I later clearly stated my intentions no one was prepared to bite the bullet & respond to my comments about the drubbing that was handed out to MakinMemories & many other people on different threads. Instead of responding to the issue, posters went off down every avenue they could find, rather than deal with the issue.

If the level of controversy this board is allowed to reach is about ‘how to fill in a luggage label’ ‘what time does the spa open’ or ‘what’s on the Pearl Menu on a Thursday’ then I’m brave enough to accept I’m out of order.

If on the other hand your game for ‘a bit of agro’, yelling & screaming at your PC screen, to make for more a more interesting post, then I’m your man. Regards to all whoever you are.

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Cruznut suggested:


Might I provide a suggestion for those who are not trying to ignore tipping, but just want to punish those who provide poor service? Decide before you leave home what the amount you would give to the phenomenal server. Then, when you find you have been stuck with a really bad one, you do this:


Fill out the TIP form in advance for the amount you pre-determined was fair. Leave the recipient blank. And then for crummy service you select "add to crew fund." You take the portion of the form that is for recipient and add to it a note "If you had not been such a poor service provider, this would been your personal tip."


By doing this you have accomplished a few things. 1- You have shown your integrity and personal generosity and sense of fair play. 2- You have given an immediate sense of loss to the offender. 3- You have eliminated all their excuses on how you would never have given a fair tip ' no matter how hard they tried.' 4- You have rewarded those who have been picking up the slack for the less than hard working employees. 5- You have helped make all employees harder working for the rest of us.


The quotation above certainly lists the accomplishments some of us wish to achieve, but if I understand his proposal, it's all on the top of the service charge, which leaves us still rewarding the deficient staff member with a reward (his share of the fund) for service deficiently performed. What we need is a way to re-direct the reward (his portion of the service charge) from the deficient one to the others. No money saved for the donor, which frees him from any suspicion of selfishness, but none of that passenger's money to the offender.

Those who suggested that we just follow the rules with regard to tips, smuggling booze, etc. haven't explained the tipping rules clearly enough for those like me to understand. I still don't know whether or not the service charge is fixed and immutable. I wonder if it was an intentional ambiguity to discourage deductions as much as possible, but allow some flexibility when dealing with formidable passengers

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UK CHRIS I also thought your comments were well written & before anyone gets wrong idea this is not an attack, merely an observation.

Firstly you, like everyone else went down the for & against tipping route & missed my main point of topic.

My second comment is regarding 'The Brits' removing their autotips. Yes I can believe they did it, but would find it hard to believe that at least the majority didn't tip in the old fashioned envelope way. If you know different then I would be equally as appalled as you. However if this was not the case, your inference, intentional or otherwise, was that they all walked away as a freeloader.

Thanks for the comment about my post. Let me assure you my comments about the Brits tipping is completely accurate, i cannot say how i know, lets just say i am in a position to know. The crew know that the tipping pool will be short when there is a higher than average amount of Brits onboard. Believe me, there was very few envelopes at the end of the cruise. That said, it's not all bad, the bar revenue goes through the roof when the Brits are onboard:D .

I dont think i went down the for and against route, i just stated what i personally did with regards to tipping. I believe it's up to the individual to make their own mind up about tipping. I do know though that the excuses given were just a reason to save a few bucks at the expense of people who don't deserve to be penalised.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



A tip (or gratuity) is a payment to certain service sector workers beyond the advertised price. The amount of a tip is typically computed as a percent of the transaction minus taxes.[1] These payments and their size are a matter of social custom. Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. Though by definition a tip is never legally required, and its amount is at the discretion of the person being served, in some circumstances failing to give an adequate tip when one is expected would be considered very miserly, a violation of etiquette, or unethical. In some other cultures or situations, giving a tip is not expected and offering one would be considered condescending or demeaning. In some circumstances (such as tipping government workers), tipping is illegal and considered a bribe.


I understand that NCL's charges are not considered "tips" by their definition..... so I don't want a barrage of comments that these charges are not exactly tips.


What I've learned from you all..... none of us think alike.....

I hope everyone enjoys their cruises.... do what each of you thinks best according to your individual God's and consciences.


This debate will go around forever. It's unfortunate, however, that with all these comments and views... no-one has still directly answered my original question.

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As you have probably read I have been aware of the drubbing you received as a result of your OP.

As I understand the wording of NCL's new small print , A Service Charge will replace the AutoTip & this Service Charge is non refundable.

They then go on to say that in the event of a dispute over service or any other complaint this charge may be modified or removed at their discretion.I hope this covers your question.

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UK CHRIS Thanks for your measured response & I am genuinely sad at the lack of envelopes, although not entirely surprised. I too am guilty as charged when it comes to lining up to remove ‘Grats’ & have openly admitted this on previous occasions.

Unfortunately, as you are aware, The Brits are very set in their ways in these matters & the only way this issue will ever be resolved is very simple in my opinion.


All Cruise Companies Take Note:


Dissolve or hide $10 a day into the original price.


Do not mention a Service Charge


Do not add any additional charge onto the Shipboard Account.


Do not add any of these charges onto the final bill


In fact don’t even mention any of these additions just suffice to say Tipping Not Required


If people then want to give extra to individuals, they still have that option


By doing this they will be guaranteed a full tip pool



Now I know some will say ‘how churlish’ your paying the same price however its broken down. Believe me this is the only way you will get the Brits to comply.

I have campaigned for this since the start of auto tipping & have made it known on every comment card I fill in. As for my Non Surprise at your comments that very few envelopes were left, I am aware that as I cruise with a wider family group these days,8-12 people, I know in my heart that most of that group would walk away without tipping at all if I were not there to lead the way.


Time for bed here so Night Night

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