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A Question of Consideration


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This is a lot like saying that because one child in the school has a violent reaction to peanuts, that no child should be able to bring peanutbutter to school.


Also you can add:







It is not up to 'everyone' to take care of that person(s). That person(s)needs to learn to care for themselves (and yes, I have allergies like the aforementioned).


You sure you really want to "go there"? I have two children with life threatening allergies (peanut/treenuts) as well as non life threatening allergies to other foods. How dare you tell me my just turned 5 year old daughters need to learn to care for themselves. Oh how I wish it was that easy! For adults and older children, yes, they can care for themselves but younger children absolutely NOT. It is the schools responsibility to keep them safe, not you as a parents "right" to preach that you know best. If the school decides to do away w/ peanuts/treenut (or any other foods) that is the schools choice and not one that will kill your child.

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Oh, stop flaming the OP. Different strokes....


I enjoy the signatures etc perhaps a bit too much. Among other things, they give some perspective to newbies like me when I see that a response comes from somebody with, say, 32 cruise under their belts on a wide variety of cruise lines. It adds so much more to the actual response.


A classic CC signature has a live action snippet of 2 penguins at the edge of an ice floe. I'm chuckling just thinking about what happens next in the clip.


Happy Cruising,



I am not sure I would use the signiture line as a guage as to the validity of a reply. There are many people who have a lot of good information to share that don't feel the need to "document" every cruise they have ever taken. Plus there is no guarantee that a list of cruises is even truthful. ;)


I am one who has signatures turned off - because I all I ever did before was scroll past it all anyway. I loved it when I found out that I could turn them all off. I base my opinion of a post on its own merits, I don't use either cruise list or post count numbers as adding strength to anyone's actual post......:)

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You sure you really want to "go there"? I have two children with life threatening allergies (peanut/treenuts) as well as non life threatening allergies to other foods. How dare you tell me my just turned 5 year old daughters need to learn to care for themselves. Oh how I wish it was that easy! For adults and older children, yes, they can care for themselves but younger children absolutely NOT. It is the schools responsibility to keep them safe, not you as a parents "right" to preach that you know best. If the school decides to do away w/ peanuts/treenut (or any other foods) that is the schools choice and not one that will kill your child.



I'm really confused about this issue... this wasn't a problem when I was in school...


Are you really saying that simply because your child has certain allergies, that other children should have to change their eating habits to accommodate them??? That sounds an awful lot like Me-centered thinking which is EXACTLY what is wrong with kids today... Too many parents teaching their kids that they are "entitled" to things or that their needs are more important that others...


I can understand the school providing a peanut free lunch area for those high-maintenance kids... that sounds reasonable... Expecting other children to give up peanut butter for the sake of your child sounds unreasonable to me...


But as someone who loves peanut butter and took it to school everyday for lunch (because that was what Mom could afford)... I would have told you to go take a flying leap if you tried to take my PB&J away from me...:p YOu, in turn, could have then informed your child to stay away from me... since you would then know that I am into peanut butter....


Sorry, but as the parent, it is your responsibility to teach your children to care for themselves, not that everyone should do backflips to accommodate them...


The primary goal of schools is to educate... unfortunately, they can't seem to do that because they are too busy dealing with stuff like this...

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Expecting other children to give up peanut butter for the sake of your child sounds unreasonable to me...


I agree whole heartedly.


I am not unsympathetic to persons' disorders. But to expect everyone and everything around you to change because of your or your kids' disorder is extremely selfish.


The hard truth is that it is up to the individual to find a way to cope.

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I happen to like my signature as it was made especially for me by a friend. If it offends you, please feel free to have signatures removed by using the CP as instructed above.


Thank you.


Hey Katie ,

Love the logo , youve got a Celtic thing going on there :)


Personally these things do not bother me. You can as alot of people do just turn them off. I like to see different colours and logos. Its makes a certain member unique. I also like to see their previous or up coming cruises in case they can give me info I might need. I have put up links to my reviews and pics and have had people ask my advice on things .


I think its great that people can share their experiences and give advice and tipps to others.

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This has been quite an amusing discussion. I'm not altogether sure what it has to do with RCL at all, but it's amusing.


"MeCentric" thinking tends to encourage mass stupidity about some really dumb things if you think about it. "Why don't we ban cars because I get horrible motion sickness and can't drive?" Eh, yeah... right.... I'll get right on that...


Not so much.


Let's try a new approach. Live, let live, and help along the way. If you don't like what I'm doing, ask nice and I'll probably take a break from it. Oh, and let's toss "Politically Correct" overboard. PC usually brings "Morally Wrong" along for company.


Oops.. Got on my soapbox. Sorry about that. ;)

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I happen to like my signature as it was made especially for me by a friend. If it offends you, please feel free to have signatures removed by using the CP as instructed above.


Thank you.


Katie, your flashing name is NOTHING compared to some, yours is cute, some are really obnoxious :)



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You guys have to admit that there are a select few signatures here that are a bit too long... I don't mind it but sometimes they are a little gaudy and over the top. i don't think its necessary to write your name in huge pink/purple/bright green/yellow letters and bold face it... we can read it the exact same way if it was a little smaller with more neutral colors! And to the OP... you should go over to the carnival board and look at half the signatures over there... they have lots of cruise groups that have flashing and moving banners all over the place!


I agree with you 100%!! I like to read the signatures however a few are over the top!! How many times and just how big do some need to see their name in print :eek:



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I agree with you 100%!! I like to read the signatures however a few are over the top!! How many times and just how big do some need to see their name in print :eek:




How about the ones who list land vacations as well?:confused:

I too like to read the signatures, for the most part. Any that I find annoying I can pretty much tune out as I head for the "meat" of the thread.

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Some of you are Really Funny! :D And some are just down right mean! :mad: A couple of you need to take really deep breaths!! :eek:


OK, carry on.....



I think my sig..................is pretty darn plain I feel a little boring........:D

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Hey sagiv66: You're up to 561 posts in a month. Great job if you're into numbers. Not so great if you're trying to share info for cruising!:rolleyes:


Yes I delete my own lists of cruising most of the time but I do enjoy reading some of the info there as it relates to their experiences. The line w/the referral to Roll Calls can be very helpful also. I also make the fonts larger for a reason...some of us old codgers can read it easier! :D

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Hey sagiv66: You're up to 561 posts in a month. Great job if you're into numbers. Not so great if you're trying to share info for cruising!:rolleyes:


Yes I delete my own lists of cruising most of the time but I do enjoy reading some of the info there as it relates to their experiences. The line w/the referral to Roll Calls can be very helpful also. I also make the fonts larger for a reason...some of us old codgers can read it easier! :D


Not a thing wrong with your font and I'm not an old codger.:D



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I'm really confused about this issue... this wasn't a problem when I was in school...


Are you really saying that simply because your child has certain allergies, that other children should have to change their eating habits to accommodate them??? That sounds an awful lot like Me-centered thinking which is EXACTLY what is wrong with kids today... Too many parents teaching their kids that they are "entitled" to things or that their needs are more important that others...


I can understand the school providing a peanut free lunch area for those high-maintenance kids... that sounds reasonable... Expecting other children to give up peanut butter for the sake of your child sounds unreasonable to me...


But as someone who loves peanut butter and took it to school everyday for lunch (because that was what Mom could afford)... I would have told you to go take a flying leap if you tried to take my PB&J away from me...:p YOu, in turn, could have then informed your child to stay away from me... since you would then know that I am into peanut butter....


Sorry, but as the parent, it is your responsibility to teach your children to care for themselves, not that everyone should do backflips to accommodate them...


The primary goal of schools is to educate... unfortunately, they can't seem to do that because they are too busy dealing with stuff like this...


I have four children. Two absolutely LOVE peanut butter (and now equally love SunButter). Two are allergic. Understand that I do know both sides of this arguement as I have lived in both sets of shoes.


Understand as well that I, as a parent, teach my children to the best of my ability, to deal with their allergies. I deal w/ it 24 hours a day 365 days a year. They are awesome at dealing with it and I am proud of them for that. But they are 5. They go to Preschool at a public school and can not read labels. I do not expect things to be handed to them just because they have an allergy but just like we have to accomodate for a child with a handicap, they have to accomodate for a child with a food allergy (a life threatening food allergy is considered a disability). One of my daughters had a reaction to trace amounts of peanut butter back in September. The school was more worked up over it than I was.


I have never had to ask my school to do anything to keep my kids safe. Their peanut tree nut policies have been in place long before we came along. Schools want to keep kids safe. Whether I agree with their entire policy (I don't, I think it is extreme), I actually think anyone who can't follow the simple direction of no peanut/treenuts because of their need to fulfill their self pleasure is a little more self centered than a 5 year old who you feel is looking for "entitlement". Last I checked a child wouldn't die from going without eating a PB&J sandwich for 6 hours.


And to the person who asked what was next....milk, glutin etc. etc. etc.....


Milk is a staple in a "healthy" diet and would be very difficult if not impossible to eliminate from a school system. Peanuts and tree nuts are not staples and therefor are easily eliminated. Most schools in our area do not serve peanut or tree nut products w/ their hot lunches and a handful are peanut/tree nut free schools.


And I'll remember when it is your child/grandchild/family member that needs special accomodations because I can gaurantee you'll be first in line waiting for those back flips. It truely amazes me how a few of you are into this "I'm holier than thou" attitude and passing the buck by saying its the child and the childs family that is being self centered. Talk about calling the kettle black.


And I take offense to many of you looking down on these children and not completely understanding, nor caring to understand, the severity of their food allergies. I also take offense to you preaching as to what my responsibility is. I know what it is. I take it very seriously and if I didn't they would most likely be dead.

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I agree whole heartedly.


I am not unsympathetic to persons' disorders. But to expect everyone and everything around you to change because of your or your kids' disorder is extremely selfish.


The hard truth is that it is up to the individual to find a way to cope.


If we were talking about adults then yes, it may be selfish. If we are talking about adults in a closed area that the person must be in (say a doctors office) than no, its not selfish (our allergist office for example bans various foods an our pediatricians office bans all foods with the exceptions of formula and breast milk).


When we are talking about children in a school where they must be by law than no, it is not selfish. I dare you to go into my daughters school on Monday morning and try to explain to the principal that you would like to bring a peanut butter sandwich into lunch. Your desire vs. potential (no matter how minimal) death. And even if your school "bans" peanut/tree nut products, thats only 1 meal a day.


Did you put up this much of a stink when they started banning smoking in many cities and towns or has it not hit your area yet?

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You state that you put a question on the thread and I replied with philosophy. Surely your question was rhetorical in nature as I must assume that you know that these "large flashing lights" as you call them are certainly not "necessary". You then imply that somehow those who put these "large flshing lights" on threads are somehow limiting the accessibilty of others to ths forum. You didn't ask for help removing these things for yourself; instead you implied they should be removed for other's sake. I thought a philosphical reply was appropriate considering your original statement.;)


When I put the thread on, I didn't know the signatures could be turned off. I even asked our moderators and they didn't give me the info. The only ones who told me how tro do it were fellow passengers in the forum. Now that it's done, why the need for more talk?:mad:

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Hey sagiv66: You're up to 561 posts in a month. Great job if you're into numbers. Not so great if you're trying to share info for cruising!:rolleyes:


Yes I delete my own lists of cruising most of the time but I do enjoy reading some of the info there as it relates to their experiences. The line w/the referral to Roll Calls can be very helpful also. I also make the fonts larger for a reason...some of us old codgers can read it easier! :D


Even old coldgers like you can be affected by flashing letters. What was answered on the thread as how do make the posts acceptable to each one of us has given valuable info to not only me but to you as well. Do what you want, but so will I!:mad:

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Agreed. I had to go back to the orginal post because I didn't think there was a question in there at all. I was about to post something similar to yours... I'm still kind of lost on objecting to emergency lights...and the school bus thing.


Just think how different this thread would have been if there was a question.

"Is there a way to read the posts in a condensed version?" Or "Is there a way to elminate graphics?"


Ask our moderators that. Before I put up the thread, I asked the moderators this same question. Had they answered me and gave me info the way a number of you have, I wouldn't have had to put up this thread.:(

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Hey sagiv66: You're up to 561 posts in a month. Great job if you're into numbers. Not so great if you're trying to share info for cruising!:rolleyes:


Yes I delete my own lists of cruising most of the time but I do enjoy reading some of the info there as it relates to their experiences. The line w/the referral to Roll Calls can be very helpful also. I also make the fonts larger for a reason...some of us old codgers can read it easier! :D


You know, so many of my posts are in response to those who prefer to attack than to give info. I don't care about food cutbacks. So many of you have made me lose my appetite.:mad:

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I'm stopping to reply to my thread because I have the info I need. If all you people who love to shower this forum with your "words of wisdom" want to go on. why not answer the passenger who declared he is cutting the tips of the crew in half (the decisions for fuel surcharges, cutbacks, etc. are made by those that run the line) on the next cruise he has already booked to show his displeasure withall of this. I have set my controls to block flashing signatures, so make your replies as gawdy as you want!:eek:

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