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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Gathina, I'm glad to see you're getting out and taking those chances.

I do feel for you that you are so involved with dogboy's family. That makes breaking up with him harder. If you didn't have such a good relationship with them it would be easier.


I'm worried about Brenda too. I hope everything is ok.


It's kind of weird we meet people on here that chances are we may never meet in person but you still build relationships and care about them.


Enjoy that warm weather! Sometimes it's tempting to move south!


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Kelly, was thinking the same thing today..how we've all never met, the odds are none of us will ever meet yet we all care about each other!


Yes, the family thing concerns me..we did break up once a long time ago and the family hounded him for days for it and that was when we broke up over something stupid. Now this is for real! What was bad the last time is that HE got mad at his family because they wouldn't take "his side" of things and then he got even more mad at ME because of it.


I hope Brenda is ok...where is everyone else hiding??





Gathina, I'm glad to see you're getting out and taking those chances.

I do feel for you that you are so involved with dogboy's family. That makes breaking up with him harder. If you didn't have such a good relationship with them it would be easier.


I'm worried about Brenda too. I hope everything is ok.


It's kind of weird we meet people on here that chances are we may never meet in person but you still build relationships and care about them.


Enjoy that warm weather! Sometimes it's tempting to move south!


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I know from the meno thread that Smooth is really busy with work/dance. And I think I Leslie said something awhile back about going somewhere for work, maybe London? Happy, I don't know but I hope she's happy!

I haven't been spending as much time on the boards. I check in with the meno's because they are all so wonderful and I'm pre so they are a wonderful support. And then I'm doing the push up challenge. Since I don't have a cruise booked and no chance of booking one anytime soon it's kind of depressing to come on.


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I'm here. I leave for England on Friday. I've been spending my spare time on Facebook! I've reconnected with a college boyfriend that lives in Chicago and is single:). Trying to not get too excited about it. We had a great relationship, the timing of things was just really bad. I've also been working a lot. Little stressed in that arena. We're going through layoffs, and while I've been told I don't have anything to worry about, it's still an uneasy time. And on top of that, it's my busiest time of year!


I do hope Brenda is OK.

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FACEBOOK...that's where I caught Dogboy cheating!!!


Have a lovely time in England..I am planning to go this summer and onto Germany.


Why is the timing bad?? If he's meant to be he'll go with the flow!


Brenda, where are you?? I do hope she is ok.



I'm here. I leave for England on Friday. I've been spending my spare time on Facebook! I've reconnected with a college boyfriend that lives in Chicago and is single:). Trying to not get too excited about it. We had a great relationship, the timing of things was just really bad. I've also been working a lot. Little stressed in that arena. We're going through layoffs, and while I've been told I don't have anything to worry about, it's still an uneasy time. And on top of that, it's my busiest time of year!


I do hope Brenda is OK.

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I'm here. I leave for England on Friday. I've been spending my spare time on Facebook! I've reconnected with a college boyfriend that lives in Chicago and is single:). Trying to not get too excited about it. We had a great relationship, the timing of things was just really bad. I've also been working a lot. Little stressed in that arena. We're going through layoffs, and while I've been told I don't have anything to worry about, it's still an uneasy time. And on top of that, it's my busiest time of year!


I do hope Brenda is OK.


I hope you have a nice time in London!

That's cool that you've reconnected with this guy. Like you said, before was bad timing. Maybe now will be right!


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Leslie - LONDON!! Woo hoo! Wish I was going with you...I love it there. (My son is dying to go back!) Hope you have a smashing time!! :D

I've been very active on FB too the last few months - but not with any guys...I have a ton of family/friends/coworkers on there...so it's a lot of fun for me. Sounds like you may have dug up a good friend!



Menina - You caught him on Facebook? Man, he really is an idiot. Of course, a cheat is a cheat...doesn't matter how they do it, they'll find a way. I know how you feel about the family...hopefully some ties there can be retained. Germany sounds like fun...it's been many many years since I was there, but it was so pretty and the people were SO nice.


I also am wondering about Brenda...sure hope she is okay. I know it's easy to get overwhelmed and not have time to check in here...shoot I've done that myself. I will try to do better - I really do enjoy hearing about everyone's "adventures" and getting feedback on things. :)


Also...I went to see Slumdog Millionaire last weekend. If you haven't seen it - GO!! It's fantastic!!


I hope everyone has a great weekend...and I hope you are doing well Brenda, wherever you are!!!

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Isn't it funny how we are all strangers...yet one of our little cc "family" is absent and we are all rooting for her! I bet when Brenda finally checks in she'll be so surprised! :)


I am excited about the next trip to Jamaica..even though Dogboy will be out in the open..I'm not concerned about the family stuff. I am thrilled we are going for 2 weeks. The first week at the resort in Ocho Rios then the second week with family in the country.


I'm meeting the other man tonite downtown at 8 for tea at Barnes and Noble. This sounds stupid, but he found a substitute player for his spot in a chess tournment as he is a semi pro player. I am kinda flattered. Most men of Dogboy persuasion don't play chess. He is delightful. Called me last night to confirm..a good sign.


I'm showing up in work clothes..this is who I am..LOL.so I'm not dressing to impress!


Leslie - LONDON!! Woo hoo! Wish I was going with you...I love it there. (My son is dying to go back!) Hope you have a smashing time!! :D

I've been very active on FB too the last few months - but not with any guys...I have a ton of family/friends/coworkers on there...so it's a lot of fun for me. Sounds like you may have dug up a good friend!



Menina - You caught him on Facebook? Man, he really is an idiot. Of course, a cheat is a cheat...doesn't matter how they do it, they'll find a way. I know how you feel about the family...hopefully some ties there can be retained. Germany sounds like fun...it's been many many years since I was there, but it was so pretty and the people were SO nice.


I also am wondering about Brenda...sure hope she is okay. I know it's easy to get overwhelmed and not have time to check in here...shoot I've done that myself. I will try to do better - I really do enjoy hearing about everyone's "adventures" and getting feedback on things. :)


Also...I went to see Slumdog Millionaire last weekend. If you haven't seen it - GO!! It's fantastic!!


I hope everyone has a great weekend...and I hope you are doing well Brenda, wherever you are!!!

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Kelly (and "Mother Smooth" smile):


Tea was delightful. He is French/West Indian descent which I had no idea..we had a lively discussion over tea then schlepped over to Barnes and Noble to research the issue we were debating on..had friendly bantering..and laughter..he said "lets keep in touch"...hugged goodbye, I sent him an email and thanked him for such a thought provoking discussion. My email provider says he read it then deleted it.


Its been so long I've dated..I have no clue how to tell anymore if its going to lead to another date unless they ask you out by the end of the first date. I'd like to see him again but my hunch says there won't be another time.


So, I'm wondering how tea went? I love those big B&N stores. Sometimes I think I'd like to live in a bigger place. But housing is cheap here so it's hard to move.


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Well it sounds as if it went well, but yeah...it really is hard to tell. I went out with one guy I met on match, and he was very clearly taken with me, but me, not so much with him. The conversation lagged at the end of dinner and it was obvious that it was time to leave, and he kept talking...and talking. And then it was another 15 min of talking at my car...and THREE hugs...yeesh. :p But he was a nice man...just no chemistry there for me really. Yet, from the vibes I got from him, I would have expected him to call me within a couple of days. And yanno...I was wrong. He emailed me the next night...said he had a great time and enjoyed the company. I emailed him back the next day, just a very short "me too" kind of reply. I figured he would call, and then I would explain that I did not think we were suited for each other (besides - he lives entirely too far away - 45 min!). But he never called. We had a couple more emails - but nothing else - which of course was exactly what I wanted. Kind of funny how I figured that all wrong though. Ha!! :rolleyes:

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D Day is tomorrow..Dogboy Day, Dooms day, whatever you want to call it. I'm going to call the other woman from a phone when I'm traveling tomorrow, tell her the truth about Dogboy, that I no longer want him and she can decide what to do from there but I'm done.


Then I'm going to sit back, wait, and "let the chips fall where they may"..!:eek:

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D Day is tomorrow..Dogboy Day, Dooms day, whatever you want to call it. I'm going to call the other woman from a phone when I'm traveling tomorrow, tell her the truth about Dogboy, that I no longer want him and she can decide what to do from there but I'm done.


Then I'm going to sit back, wait, and "let the chips fall where they may"..!:eek:


Good luck with that, It seems like there is alot of this going around lately (guys cheating)

I think it's good for you to finally end it. No point in spending anymore emotional energy on a relationship that is not going anywhere.

Anything from the tea man? It sounds like the night went well. But like Happy said, sometimes it's hard to tell.


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Teaman: nothing..zip.


The other girl's phone number..let me say this much..Menina can fly under the radar just as good a the USMC can...


The family: I'm going to tell them the truth. I have nothing to hide, no reason to defend myself. He has many reasons to try and defend himself.



Curious, how did you get the other girls telephone number?


I though am also glad that you have made your decision on what to do on both the boyfriend and other girl. Have you made any decision on what if anything you will say to dogboys family that you are so fond of?

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So I'm dying to know how it went M.


I'm exhausted. I had a 6 hour layover in Heathrow followed by the 9 hour flight. Of course I couldn't sleep on the flight. I couldn't decide, so I bought my nephew 3 bears from Harrod's. I had an OK trip. I don't think it's fair for me to judge England on this trip. First, it was for work, so no real time for fun. Second, I was in Birmingham and Manchester. My experience would have been totally different had I actually been in London. So, I have to go back to London some day. Oh, I was surprised that any cruise ship cabin I've had is bigger than the hotel rooms I stayed in!

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EVERYTHING in England is small..you should see the "big" 3 bedroom houses!! That was a big adjustment for my US friends who live there.


I didn't get to call her...was too busy..maybe today or tomorrow. But I will.



So I'm dying to know how it went M.


I'm exhausted. I had a 6 hour layover in Heathrow followed by the 9 hour flight. Of course I couldn't sleep on the flight. I couldn't decide, so I bought my nephew 3 bears from Harrod's. I had an OK trip. I don't think it's fair for me to judge England on this trip. First, it was for work, so no real time for fun. Second, I was in Birmingham and Manchester. My experience would have been totally different had I actually been in London. So, I have to go back to London some day. Oh, I was surprised that any cruise ship cabin I've had is bigger than the hotel rooms I stayed in!

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So I'm dying to know how it went M.


I'm exhausted. I had a 6 hour layover in Heathrow followed by the 9 hour flight. Of course I couldn't sleep on the flight. I couldn't decide, so I bought my nephew 3 bears from Harrod's. I had an OK trip. I don't think it's fair for me to judge England on this trip. First, it was for work, so no real time for fun. Second, I was in Birmingham and Manchester. My experience would have been totally different had I actually been in London. So, I have to go back to London some day. Oh, I was surprised that any cruise ship cabin I've had is bigger than the hotel rooms I stayed in!


Hey were you there for any of the snow?? That was marvelous! Yes the hotel rooms are much smaller than we spoiled Americans are used to! :D Although, I have to say that the hotel where we stayed at was surprisingly adequate for 3 people. We stayed at a Premier Inn right beside St. Pancras station in the heart of London. A terrific hotel for those on a budget - I highly recommend it for your next trip. :D

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Yes, I was there for the snow. It really wasn't that big of deal to this Chicago gal, but when they don't get it very often and don't have the equipment to remove it, it becomes a big deal.


So, I finally got the nerve with the guy...somebody had to bite. I asked if he wanted to do lunch or grab drinks on Sunday thinking that was very casual. He said he'd love to get together, but he's going out of town this weekend. He asked for my number and said he'd call to set up something:)

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Well, I weasled when I got her voice mail. Now I am wondering if I should just suck it up and leave her a message tonite..happy Monday morning!!


I went out with this guy for drinks Friday night. He was nice, but not someone I'd want to hang out with alot..a little too pushy. He called yesterday to ask me out for last night and I made up some lame excuse of helping a cousin hang draperies. Then he told me what he'd wanted me to go to was a private party where the lead premeir pianst form the Jamaican jazz festival last month was going to play!! I felt like such an idiot. Would have been a cool party!



Definitely dying to know how things go...good luck !!!
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Well lets think about this. If you received a voice mail with this inofrmation how much weight would you put into it? Think maybe this was just a crazy lady and not someone who has had a 3 year relationship with the same man she is involved in. If this is what you want to do I think it might require a live converation to make any difference at all, where there can be interaction. Still if it was me I would be quite nervous about starting such a conversation. This is all your decision and you dont have to do this if you dont want to. You really have no obligation to anyone but yourself.

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