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why insurance is good!


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Ok, I recently got off the CB. While the cruise overall was fine, getting there and back was more of a nightmare than I could have ever imagined. The story I'm about to share is true and pretty ridiculous, and proves why buying insurance comes in handy!!!


We were scheduled to fly from Detroit to Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday. A day early because that's what I always do because I'm a little OCD about times and planning and everything related to vacations.


Anyways, we arrive at the Detroit airport, and things are great. Load the plane....and wait. Wait....wait.....still on the plane.....

After about 30 minutes the flight attendent gets on and says they're talking about deicing the plane....blah blah blah, and all connections are fine. Ok, after another 10 minutes she gets on again. "All connections are fine, except the two people flying into FLL." I figured as much because we had an hour to make this connection, and we were sitting for 45 minutes already. (Just so you know, when I booked this flight we had over 2 hours to make the connection. When I checked our reservation, I discovered they moved the times around without notifying us.)


So we get off the plane, and they rebook us for a direct flight to FLL. I asked about our luggage, and they said they can't get it off right now. However, when we land, tell the Northwest Luggage claim people, and they'll take care of it.


So we take a later flight into FLL and land around midnight, at hotel by 1:00 am. By the way, northwest did give us a free t-shirt, toothbrush, and 25 dollar vouncher...yippee! And the rep told us our luggage would probably be on the ship by 10am, but they wouldn't call us to confirm, but she gave me a number I could call after 1:00 to see if it made it....WHAT??? Did I mention the connection in Atlanta was going from Northwest to Delta? That's important to know!


Sunday morning we wake up and begin making phone calls. We have these luggage numbers from Northwest, and after telling them to the baggage people on the phone, they say they have no record of our bags being scanned in at Atlanta! What?! Then where is our luggage?


This is getting long, so I'll try and summarize.....


We don't trust anyone and what they're telling us. So we go back to the airport. After talking to 3 people, a Delta lady sees me crying, and hears us explaining to a Princess rep our predicament, asking what kind of clothes do they sell on the ship. It takes her 45 minutes to figure out that the plane with our luggage didn't even take off Saturday night!!! It landed in Atlanta at 10 am Sunday morning.


Delta did get our luggage on an afternoon flight, and we had it at 1:00!!! There was only one other plane coming in at 3:30 from Atlanta to FLL, so I was a nervous wreck praying it would be on the 1:00 flight. We had already decided if it didn't come on that flight, we were going on a huge/fast shopping spree with the few hours we had!


We had been in contact with the insurance agency we used, and they made it sound so easy to buy new stuff and make a claim. So even though we didn't have to use it for clothes, it did help knowing we were covered up to 500 if we needed to do some fast shopping.


Getting home was another story in itself, but I don't have time to type that one right now.


Moral of the story-even if you fly in a day early, there is no guarantee you or your luggage will make the boat. That 70 dollars I spent on insurance gave me some peace of mind as we waited and waited for luggage.

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Another Northworst out of Detroit saga. Man, I hate that airline at that airport (having lived in that area for the first 27 years of my life, with relatives still back there, I've had lots of bad experiences). I won't go into what they did with my luggage on my trip to Paris, but thanks for sharing, and especially for making the moral of the story so clear.

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While this has not happened to us (I'm knocking on my wooden computer desk as I type), I feel your pain and can understand your experience.


We live in Ohio where traveling anywhere during winter months can be iffy with flights (let alone condition of roads to get to the airport).


In 21 cruises we have only cruised once without travel insurance and I was nervous about the situation from the time we headed to the airport until we picked up our luggage at the baggage return after the cruise.


Good to hear Delta got your luggage to you in time for your cruise.


Relate your ``getting home'' story as soon as you can type more. We would like to hear ``the rest of the story.''



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Another Northworst out of Detroit saga. Man, I hate that airline at that airport (having lived in that area for the first 27 years of my life, with relatives still back there, I've had lots of bad experiences). I won't go into what they did with my luggage on my trip to Paris, but thanks for sharing, and especially for making the moral of the story so clear.


DH & I have flown in and out of Detroit a few times on overseas trips but those flights were on chartered lines. Didn't have problems with luggage on those flights, but we are not exactly in love with the airport in general.



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Our experience with Northwest out of Pgh was a disaster:mad: We were 1hr45min late leaving Pgh going to Memphis. Nobody told us where our connection would be to FLL, nobody!!! Everyone we asked was too busy!! Finally after running around the airport we got a supervisor who typed in the flight to tell us that it was still there!! They actually held the plane miracle in itself. Arrive in FLL missing one bag inlaws missing one also. Northwest rep. tells us it'll be on the ship at 4:30, Princess rep says NO it won't it'll catch up with you in Aruba. She was right!! Two days at sea and finally it arrived. Princess purser was wonderful, she asked if we needed anything, I needed spraynet and makeup. My brother in law had to buy shorts, bathing suit and two tee shirts in the shops. Our insurance just came yesterday to file a claim. Will I do a claim for the makeup why not?? I sent a letter to Northwest telling them to keep the $25 voucher and told them to retrain their customer service people. The ones in Memphis and the flight attendent out of Pgh. had big time attitudes. I can understand flights being delayed but incompetence NEVER. This is one lady who won't fly Northwest again!! Now I see they are merging with Delta big mistake!!


Sorry for being so long, just had to vent again!!

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While I won't go into details of our saga, our luggage was lost ... for the first 8 days of our 10 day cruise. We shopped before we got on the ship as well as at several ports - in N. Europe. Very expensive - Mens Dockers Kahkis were over $100 US!


Luckily we had insurance and got reimbursed for every penny we spent. Knowing this while we were shopping, made spending the money a little less stressful.

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We always fly Northwest out of DTW`to FLL and have never lost a piece of luggage - we always get direct flights. On one instance we were doing a B2B with a day layover in FLL - our son was to meet us for the second cruise also flying NW a day early. One of his pieces of luggage was missing. He notified the NW baggage people and all they wanted was his ship and cabin number and it would be there before sailaway. After checking onto the ship and settling in our room and before going to lunch a knock on the door and it was his missing luggage. We got nthe rest of the luggage about two hours later.


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This is a reason to avoid connecting flights if possible too. Especially 3 flights together. :)


Not sure if this was directed at me or not?...we just had the one connection coming down...and our return was SUPPOSED to be from FLL to Cincinatti to Detroit. We never made that flight either....the story just gets better.... :)


If you want to hear the rest of the story I'll try and keep it short...on the way home we grab a taxi to the FLL airport only to find out Delta had unbooked us for our return flight (remember flying down we were supposed to fly northwest and get on Delta in Atlanta for our connection? But instead Northwest flew us down direct...) Delta had us for a no show, and unbooked us for the return flight. After about 45 minutes, we got it straightened out and they put us on a flight to Atlanta and then to DTW.


In Atlanta, the airport closed for a little while due to weather. So all the flights were delayed leaving about 1.5 hours, except ours! After waiting 2-3 hours to board the plane, they tell us it's been cancelled! I don't know what it is with our luck and cancelled flights?! But we have to be at work Monday or they dock our pay (teachers).


We find 2 seats to Detroit on a flight leaving at midnight after talking to 3 different Delta reps.


So to make a long long story short, we end up flying into Toledo (left at 9:30 instead of midnight), and picked up our bags in Detroit the next day.


I fly a lot and have never had this much trouble ever! I never did hear why the original flight we were on from Detroit didn't take off Saturday (the weather was fine), but that one cancelled flight led us to almost not getting our luggage Sunday, getting unbooked from our flight for the retrun trip, which they booked a different flight and sent us to Atlanta, to another cancelled flight and 10 hours at the airport trying to find another flight to get home! Talk about the ripple effect from that one original flight!!!

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Losing luggage now seems to be more the norm than the exception. It took me a while, but after living in Europe with my military husband and losing my luggage both coming and going regularly, as well as on 2 of the 5 cruises I have been on, I now pack a carry on with all the stuff I really need every time. On my last cruise it took two ports for my luggage to catch up with me, but hey my husbands shorts looked quite fetching!

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I've had my luggage "lost" by Delta a few times but fortunately, always after the cruise on our way home. Each time, they called me the next day to tell me to come to the airport to pick it up and I told them, "No way. You lost it, you deliver it." And they have. Each time.


One trick is to "half-pack," i.e., if there are two of you going, pack half of your clothes in the other person's luggage and vice versa. That way, if one suitcase is delayed, the person isn't completely without clothes.

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I would be so worried about everything! Sorry that happened. I'm hearing a lot of horror stories involving planes and luggage being left behind. Would everyone invest in travel insurance if they were not flying to the port, but driving? I'm still not sure whether I should or not.

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The insurance was a comfort to have but it was your persistance that got your luggage....so good going.


We recently went on a cruise in Europe and since we were doing a connection in Chicago with an hour 20m I packed enough clothes for both of us in our carry-ons for 3 days.....also we do the half and half like Pam mentioned with our checked luggage.

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I would be so worried about everything! Sorry that happened. I'm hearing a lot of horror stories involving planes and luggage being left behind. Would everyone invest in travel insurance if they were not flying to the port, but driving? I'm still not sure whether I should or not.


When we drive I am less likey to invest in it because the cost and effort I have invested in my trip is far less. Also my DH company has wonderful health insurance so I am not worried about air lifts.


But my reason for buying it is not for loss luggage because my CC company will cover that, I do it for trip interuption or cancellation due to death or illness.



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I agree with the packing tips. Our lost luggage situation has definately changed the way we pack/travel after two incidents of delayed luggage. We, too, do the split packing - half of each of my items and half of his in each of the two pieces. That way, if one piece is lost or delayed, we each have enough for part of the trip. We also both bring a small carryon with a change of underwear and other essentials, which vary with the type of trip.


We also wear shoes to the airport that are very comfy and versatile in case we get stuck wearing them for most of the trip.


Of course, now that we're so well prepared for our luggage to be delayed, it hasn't happened! (Now knocking on my wooden table!) :)


We too buy insurance for trip cancellation/interuption, not for lost luggage, but it sure came in handy when we needed it!

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I have always purchased insurance for my trips, begrudgingly so I must admit. And last year I decided to buy an annual worldwide insurance the cheapest I could find on the web, about £40 ($80). I booked Sea Princess last year to travel between christmas and new year to the caribbean. The day before flying out I bent over and my back went, I was in agony. I had never had back trouble before. I was pumped full of pills by the doctor, but was told I was unfit to travel. It was a worrying couple of days not knowing if the insurance would pay out. But the Insurance company was brilliant and paid out for whole trip except for excess of £65. With this money I rebooked and intend to travel out this saturday, same ship, same destination. I hasten to say, tomorrow the suitcase will be packed downstairs and not lifted at all. I will never moan about paying insurance again.


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I've had my luggage "lost" by Delta a few times but fortunately, always after the cruise on our way home. Each time, they called me the next day to tell me to come to the airport to pick it up and I told them, "No way. You lost it, you deliver it." And they have. Each time.


One trick is to "half-pack," i.e., if there are two of you going, pack half of your clothes in the other person's luggage and vice versa. That way, if one suitcase is delayed, the person isn't completely without clothes.


I always pack that way. I even go one better. I put formal, casual, daytime, a swimsuit and underwear for each of us in each piece of luggage. Its kind of a pain to unpack but the peace of mind that we could survive with just one piece is worth it. All the make-up, toiletries and such are in a small carry on piece with extra underwear and an outfit for each of us til our luggage arrives at our cabin. So far so good. Nothing lost...........yet!!

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Also my DH company has wonderful health insurance so I am not worried about air lift.


Keep in mind that if you are outside the US your health insurance may not provide coverage. Check with your carrier to find out what kind of international coverage, if any, they provide. They might cover the air lift but not the bill for the foreign hospital you end up in before the evacuation. The travel insurance is a nice backup and will cover any part your primary health carrier doesn't pick up. Its relatively inexpensive for the peace of mind it provides.

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Recommend to always, always, always, buy insurance. We recently had to cancel a long awaited cruise just five days before departure because husband had a medical emergency situation and need immediate surgery. We are so thankful to have been at home when this situation happened and not traveling, but also thankful that we had independent cruise insurance. We were reimbursed 100% for the air, cruise etc. within a week after forms were submitted.

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Flying NW out of Traverse City to DTW and then on to FLL in May. Honestly, I've never had a problem with NW...and we don't have a choice in our airlines as NW is practically the only east coast airline we can fly. Otherwise, we have to fly through ORD, which is WAY worse than DTW.


So sorry about your bad experience! Glad I bought insurance!

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