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Solstice Lawns?


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Just got the new literature and viewed the online video of the new solstice, and not to sound cynical, but what is up with this lawn they are adding to the top deck. It sounds as if they will encourage folks to sit on it and have picnics? Will it be an area like the "enclaves" on the Princess ships in which they will charge a fee to enjoy sitting on the "lawn". Sounds kind of hokey to me. If I wanted expanses of green lawns I would stay at a resort, at sea I want to enjoy the ocean, not imagine I am on land. Also, seems like they are trying to suggest an experience of tranquility where it will seem like you have the whole ship to yourself. Not sure they will be able to do that on a 120,000 ton ship with 2,500+ passengers, but boy does it look like it is going to be a beautiful and classy ship! Just surprises me that the marketing suggests these solitary experiences that just do not seem possible on ships of this size.

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In my opinion, it's one of the stupidest ideas I have heard in a long time. If I wanted to hang out on grass I'd stay home and sit on my own lawn and save $10K.


The glass blowing "experience" doesn't impress me either. :(

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someone is really into this idea--the new Royal ships will also have some Central Park type feature--do the decision makers ever really take any cruises & speak to the consumers... like I really need a hot glass show at sea...


still we have booked two trips on Solstice & will just ignore the features we have no interest in as well as the ones that cost extra to enjoy...gazing at the sea & stars from one's balcony is still free, I hope!

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While I would agree that the lawn will be more crowded than they picture it, I also believe that by the second or third year that Solstice is in service, you will be able to have a solitary experience there just like you can on many of the upper decks on M class ships. I have never seen anyone on a basketball court on any M Class ship and very few on the front, top deck except on the day we traversed the Panama Canal. I think it will be very popular to start and then not such a big thing once all four ships are out.


As to why you might want lawn at sea, why not? To lay in the sun (I'm not a major fan after a melanoma scare) you need to lay on something. I don't like sand (gets in your clothes and other places :p ), you can never find a chaise (chair hogs :p ) and laying on a beautiful lawn sure beats the heck out of laying on a hard deck.


As to the glass blowing, if you have never seen glass blown in a commercial setting, it is incredible. We live in Seattle and enjoy the Glass museum in Tacoma where they have constant demos. Plus, there can never be too many things to do on a sea day.

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I think the Lawn Club will be pretty nice to take a few pictures of and sit on for 15 minutes, but than after that it'll just sort of be there.


Also, can anybody else see the lawn always being roped off and closed because to many people tromped accross it and the grass started to die or they are spraying chemicals?:rolleyes:


I really wouldn't be suprised if they decide to charge for access to both the Lawn Club and the Solstice Deck.

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I have booked the Equinox in 2009 -- will check out the lawn when we are in port. We are not that impressed with the lawn, aqua spa cabins, or glassblowing. We booked the cruise for the price and itineraries. Each new ship/line seems to come up with something different as a marketing tool. Some work and some don't. For exampe, RCCL ice skating rinks doesn't cut for me either. The "central park" theme doesn't either. It would be better if they would stick to the basics and took them better.

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we have had glass blowing at Corning glass works in NY for yrs & saw it in the tourist trap in Gibraltar where you can then buy the overpriced wares-I expect it will be the same on board--good luck getting it home with the way luggage rules are going!


I can't see the connection between cruising & glassblowing...an observatory, yes, an aquarium, yes, marine charts yes,, museuins with art & artifacts from old ships yes-- but glass blowing is not related to the sea or ship building in any way that I know of --just another space I won't use--but I am sure there will be many spots for me...so I do not begrudge anyone their glass blowing show--


we are looking forward to the new ships & if areas do not work out I am sure they will be phased out like the Cirque partnership..I am wondering if they are also going to upgrade the Conservatory areas on M class ships with better plants & flowers along with this same green theme?

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While I would agree that the lawn will be more crowded than they picture it, I also believe that by the second or third year that Solstice is in service, you will be able to have a solitary experience there just like you can on many of the upper decks on M class ships. I have never seen anyone on a basketball court on any M Class ship and very few on the front, top deck except on the day we traversed the Panama Canal. I think it will be very popular to start and then not such a big thing once all four ships are out.


I have played hoops with my son on the Infinity. I like the fact that I had no problem getting a court:)


BTW my DW grew up in Kirkland.

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In my opinion, it's one of the stupidest ideas I have heard in a long time. If I wanted to hang out on grass I'd stay home and sit on my own lawn and save $10K.


The glass blowing "experience" doesn't impress me either. :(



I don't get the appeal of the lawn either, mostly because I'm allergic to most grass. But in my humble and completely subjective opinion, I think the Idea of the White Night Cirque de Solie experience at an extra charge was pretty dumb. I think most people, though some enjoyed it, thought it was weird.


I really wish the Celebrity would figure out a way to really sell what I think they do best... a fantastic traditional cruising experience with great dining included along with many many wonderful touches!!!

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I don't get the appeal of the lawn either, mostly because I'm allergic to most grass. But in my humble and completely subjective opinion, I think the Idea of the White Night Cirque de Solie experience at an extra charge was pretty dumb. I think most people, though some enjoyed it, thought it was weird.


I really wish the Celebrity would figure out a way to really sell what I think they do best... a fantastic traditional cruising experience with great dining included along with many many wonderful touches!!!



I agree 100%! I just don't get the lawn or glass blowing at all.


The Cirque thing from a couple years back sounded nice, they eliminated the fee before our first one. But the actual Cirque style White Night Parties (saw 2 and skipped one) were just awful. Talk about a boring evening, noise and a headache!


I wish they would put all the time and effort spend on these weird ideas into just improving the quality of the existing product to an even higher level - such as a higher level of talent for the lounge entertainers and/or improved food quality. Now those are two things that would lock me into Celebrity even more. But a lawn? Granted i don't see mine much in mid-winter, but I don't miss it enough to pick a cruise line just because they have one on their ship!

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But I have to say, the idea of grass is appealing to me :) I love to play croquet and bocce and hoping we can do both. And the thought of walking on cool grass and feeling it between my toes . . . well, it is just a delightful idea!


I am allergic to grass too - but we love to enjoy a picnic on grass anyway! Maybe just lie back with a glass of wine in hand and watch the evening stars.


As for the glass blowing, note quite as sure, at first I thought silly but must admit after watching the video, that it does look like quite the show. Kind of glass blowing on steroids!


I applaud =X= for trying new things - the only way to truly see if it will please your passengers is to put it out there. If it doesn't work - try something else. We appreciate the attempt - we would prefer trying to be a trail blazer than just the same old boring thing. I like that they are pushing the envelope a bit - and bringing in partners who know their stuff, even if it doesn't turn out to be my cup of tea.


Very smart of them to focus on the spa atmosphere, healthy food, etc. I recognize it is not for everyone - but after Dec 14, I will let you know what we think after experiencing it first hand!

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I think the idea of a lawn on a ship is a great idea. They have one on the Residensea's The World resident ship. I agree, though, it will not be the solitary stroll they picture in the promos. Glass-blowing shows sound interesting to me; I would not book this ship over others because of it, but the more variety in activities and shows the better.


These features, as well as the floating bar (and the boxing ring, rock-climbing wall, planetarium, ice skating rink, surf pool, etc. on other ships) are more about marketing than enhancing a classic cruise experience. I think the cruise lines want to entice new passengers, not just those who already enjoy cruising. They also give their ships something that the competition doesn't have. I booked the Summit in part because of the Cirque Soleil. Although it was gone by the time of my cruise and I apparently I didn't miss anything great, it was another way to market the ship. The same with the celebrity chefs. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Those lawns sure look nice; time will tell how practical and how popular they are.

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we have had glass blowing at Corning glass works in NY for yrs & saw it in the tourist trap in Gibraltar where you can then buy the overpriced wares-I expect it will be the same on board--good luck getting it home with the way luggage rules are going!

They might handle the sales like the Reidel Crystal wine glasses, you can either take them off the ship or you get a certificate to have them shipped to you at home.

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Guess you could so that--I do not begrudge these attempts to be new & fresh.... but agree that the focus on the original things that made celeb better than the others should be enhanced...great srevice, ambiance and food

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In my opinion, it's one of the stupidest ideas I have heard in a long time. If I wanted to hang out on grass I'd stay home and sit on my own lawn and save $10K.


The glass blowing "experience" doesn't impress me either. :(



Just looking at where you live, I doubt you even have grass. LOL

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Just looking at where you live, I doubt you even have grass. LOL


I guess some people only think of Las Vegas as the Strip. :rolleyes:


We live in a real house with real grass...more than my husband cares to mow anymore, so it's probably xeroscaping in the near future for us. :D


I can appreciate a beautiful, green lawn, but not on a cruise ship. :)

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In my opinion, it's one of the stupidest ideas I have heard in a long time. If I wanted to hang out on grass I'd stay home and sit on my own lawn and save $10K.


The glass blowing "experience" doesn't impress me either. :(


Gee, thanks for the negative opinion, Margie. I'll admit that when I first heard about a lawn, I thought it was kind of weird. Still, why bash an "innovation" that you have yet to experience? That's like saying you don't like broccoli but have never tried it. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. Personally, I'm open-minded about the lawn and the glass blowing, and I'll be among the first people who get to experience these innovations. Looking forward to it and I'll reserve negative criticism until after the cruise. Full report to be posted on 12/22.

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Gee, thanks for the negative opinion, Margie. I'll admit that when I first heard about a lawn, I thought it was kind of weird. Still, why bash an "innovation" that you have yet to experience? That's like saying you don't like broccoli but have never tried it. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. Personally, I'm open-minded about the lawn and the glass blowing, and I'll be among the first people who get to experience these innovations. Looking forward to it and I'll reserve negative criticism until after the cruise. Full report to be posted on 12/22.

Way to look at it Joe and Christine, and I can't wait for your report! :)

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I, too, tend to appluad creative efforts. Yet somehow I've had this vision of the marketing people at X, sitting around a room, running ideas up the flagpole as it were.


"What about improving the quality of cuisine onboard?" says one manager. The others laugh.


"How about accentuating service and a refined experience?" asks another, only to draw blank stares.


Finally a junior staffer gets the courage to put in an opinion. "We could offer lawn bowling and glass blowing."


The room is silent, a very awkward pause. The VP of marketing finally stands: "You know, you just might have something with that."


Of course, back in the good ol' days of marketing and advertising, a different kind of 'grass' would have been influencing these folks... maybe it still is. ;)

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Gee, thanks for the negative opinion, Margie. I'll admit that when I first heard about a lawn, I thought it was kind of weird. Still, why bash an "innovation" that you have yet to experience? That's like saying you don't like broccoli but have never tried it. Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. Personally, I'm open-minded about the lawn and the glass blowing, and I'll be among the first people who get to experience these innovations. Looking forward to it and I'll reserve negative criticism until after the cruise. Full report to be posted on 12/22.


Ummmm, I HAVE experienced grass (allergic to it and not so happy about it following me out to sea) and I have experienced the best glass making in the world (Murano, Italy), so I think I am entitled to an opinion.


If you think grass is fun and innovative, then there is little I can say to that.:rolleyes:

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I think the Lawn Club concept is quite appealing. You have an outdoor bar with a plethora of views, not just the pool. You have some lawn games that may or may not appeal to people. You have the option of a picnic - I would bet wine and cheese trays will be quite popular on board. I, for one, look forward to a sunset at this location.

Glassblowing is a little too sedate for me but I've been puzzled why acupuncture is onboard X and RCCL. I figure others must be interested and if glassblowing is a bust, it will be gone and something more appealing will take its place.

I like that X is coming up with concepts that set it apart from RCCL. Since we rotate between the two, I like having distinct experiences with different expectations. I also like that because of this, the lines appeal to different types of clientele. Viva la diference!


I can't WAIT for the 12/14 people to come back and overload me with information the week before I sail! Talk about a Christmas present! :)

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"we are looking forward to the new ships & if areas do not work out I am sure they will be phased out like the Cirque partnership"


Okay, the problem is something like " Bar at the end of the Earth" was that, a bar with a few flashing lights, costumed characters wondering, and weird decor....I'm sure the HGTV show 'Design on a dime " could walk in and give the area a quick makeover.


Installing and then having to uninstall two large glass blowing ovens and all their safety measures ( sprinklers, fire walls, etc ), would not be a simple paint job, but a MAJOR and EXPENSIVE ordeal.


As for the "Lawn Club" I have a really strong feeling that the country club atmosphere they are promoting will come with a country club admission $$$. Not to mention that they will mostlikely have to limit the amount of passengers at any given time. Think about the long waits at the waverider or rock climbing walls on RCCL. As for the upkeep, and I know Desertbelle will agree with me on this.....Grass takes a LOT of water and maintainance in extreme warm weather climates...That is why Las Vegas is basically paying people to lose their lawns and go to desert landscaping to save water. The other thing to think about is the wear and tear on the grass. I have a feeling they will use sod and replace it frequently in port.


Personally both of these ideas go against what I have known as the 'save the seas' conservation efforts. IMHO.


We have no plans to cruise any of the Solstace class ships. We have seen glass blowing and it loses its appeal very quickly, and we have grass and a croquet set at home which we don't have to pay to play.


I have to agree with those who feel these are both stupid ideas, and that X should have concentrated more on improving the problems they are having with food and service instead of creating a 'new' and non-traditional X fleet to avoid fixing the issues that already exist.


Far as I'm concerned its all smoke and mirrors.


That's the reason we are looking into other lines for that more traditional experience we USED to expect and recieve on X, instead of a please everyone, full of gimmicks company.



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Acupuncture on board is just a way to introduce people to a different kind of spa treatment/alternative medicine....and MAKE more money for a trial session.


However The difference is that the proceedure can take place in any of the treatment rooms in the spa that already exist. If X were to nix the acupuncture program, they only have to let the techs contracts expire and not renew them. And the next person will be getting a seaweed wrap or hot stones treatment in that room. Nothing would have changed.



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Dave, gotcha. My point is that just because acu doesn't appeal to me doesn't mean it doesn't belong on a ship. I have no problem with it being there! I think X is putting an emphasis on their cuisine on Solstice. They are devoting a lot of space to dining and snack venues. I think calling the Lawn Club concept "stupid" without it even being experienced is wrong. (Not directed at Dave but whoever called it stupid) I love Cirque du Soleil and thought the concept sounded cool when they introduced it. I never experienced it onboard and evidently the execution of the concept was a failure but I think the "idea" was valid. I also don't think the Lawn Club will be a fee based area. After all, the ice skating/mini golf on RCCL are free and it's the same basic precept - find new forms of "entertainment" for the passenger.

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I am with Wofie on this. I am looking forward to the lawn club. it will be fun to watch sunset up there. unlike Wilfie i will enjoy seeing the glass blowing as i have always enjoyed it.


Princess has added Acupuncture swveral cruises ago. I had it done-not on Princess. I found it worked for me. Each to their own.

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