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Complaining Couple Banned from RCI

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Frankly, not sure that's a bad thing as another poster said - at least this one seems less anti-RCCL than the original.


It better be less "anti-RCCL"...Gene (the reporter) just got off of the Inaugural sailing of Indy...lol. ;)


He's a stand-up guy. :)

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Once upon a time, I managed a hotel at a beach.


We want a free night". The hotel chain I worked for has hundreds of thousands of professional complainers, all carrying a "preferred status" card. Makes them easier to spot.


I got out of the business.


Good for you. Only a certain type of person can handle the non typical guest.........and on RCCl..........that falls into the lap of the Guest Services Manager. He/she has the direct responsiblitly to make sure that either the guest is satisfactorily taken care of........even if the item needs to be taken to the Hotel Director.


Everything is documented with Miami........every time......every cruise. Every time a complaint cannot be satisfyed.......it goes against the crew of the ship. Department heads on each ship vie for their ships showing better status.........and everyone onboard works hard and in harmony to create the life style that we.......the passengers........have come to know and enjoy. Simple things.......such as every service personel onboard saying........"It's my pleasure".


If someone creates a downfall in points that is not called for.......the name is added to the list in Miami.



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I definitely do not think CC should edit the reviews as it's a passenger's opinion and experience with a cruiseline. I think it benefits a cruiseline to have reviews on CC to encourage others to book cruises with them and to also look into any problems that may be occuring on a ship so they can correct it if it's a legitimate issue. I personally do not have a problem with the review or the person that posted it and I've read worse reviews.

I've read many times on CC of compensation given for a problem for several cruiselines, whether it's a future cruise discount, OBC, etc. Some have named amounts most have not and just stated they were happy with what the cruiseline gave them but it has been said on these boards in the past and I do not see an issue with it. Does it encourage others to complain to get compensation? I really don't think so as obviously a cruiseline is not going to hand out compensation unless there is a legitimate complaint and they must have felt that way with this couple at some point as compensation was given according to the article.

There is probably more to this story then we'll ever know but I see no fault with CC on how they handle reviews or even this particular review. I've personally been very pleased with this cruiseline but I do understand that others have had legitimate complaints from time to time and like with all cruiselines, there is no perfect ship or cruise and passengers should have the right to express thier point of view and experience and yes, if the cruiseline agreed that there was a real problem then I would hope a CC member would say that the cruiseline did care enough and made an effort to address their problem. Again, I see that as a benefit to a cruiseline.

You are always going to find different opinions on a cruise as people are different but I think overall this cruiseline has enjoyed good reviews on CC and that's a benefit to them as I see it.

It's not clear to me why the couple is banned from the cruiseline from reading the article but like I said there is probably more to the story then we know and the cruiseline must have their reasons to do so at this time. We've always known that this cruiseline and I'm sure others also read CC on a regular basis and this cruiseline reps state that fact at our M & M's. If you register for an M & M your CC name is linked with your real name, sail date, ship, etc. so you receive your invite to a M & M when onboard the ship so that is how they know who we are.

This is not the first CC member banned from this cruiseline and some may remember another member about a year ago although we did not get all the details with that either but we did read how that member and the cruiseline did work out their issues and the cruiseline changed their mind about banning that person and that may happen again with this couple especially with all the attention from the media now. JMO

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I didn't read all 12 pages so I apologize if someone else has already made this point. What got the person banned from Royal Caribbean wasn't the negative comments posted on this web site. What got her banned was the fact that she posted the compensation she had received by complaining. Therefore encouraging others to do the same. This in the cruise lines eyes is a BIG no-no. My advice to others is keep any perks or compensation you receive to yourself.

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Seems to me 'banning' gets the folks a lot of publicity & airs 'all' - not good for RCL..!!


Makes it almost look like RCL has something to 'cover' up!

Shame 'cause RCL was generous and did the correct thing and compensated them an extra $500, although that almost seems like a bribe to me 'cause it was not offered originally.


I suggest next time they do not overreact and instead send them, at least initially, a warning letter - that sld suffice..! If it doesn't then ban them..


Just my humble opinion anyway!

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What got the person banned from Royal Caribbean wasn't the negative comments posted on this web site. What got her banned was the fact that she posted the compensation she had received by complaining.

Hi Anthony. Hope you are well. Whilst that may be part of the story, it isn't all of it. As I posted on the Celebrity board, this is like an iceberg. Only one tenth is visible. There is a LOT more to this than there first appears and all I will say is that Royal Caribbean did the right thing in my view. I am actually surprised that they allowed the relationship to continue as long as it did after issues with another of their cruise lines.


What is particularly saddening is that Mrs Moran decided to stir things up again by writing to the press so long after her last cruise on RCCL. Her account serves no purpose except to present something in a very one sided way and worry people unnecessarily that they can't express their views about a company on a public message board. It also paints a very damning picture of a corporate, wholly unjustified as far as I am concerned.



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I didn't read all 12 pages so I apologize if someone else has already made this point. What got the person banned from Royal Caribbean wasn't the negative comments posted on this web site. What got her banned was the fact that she posted the compensation she had received by complaining. Therefore encouraging others to do the same. This in the cruise lines eyes is a BIG no-no. My advice to others is keep any perks or compensation you receive to yourself.


While maybe a factor.........this isn't the reason. When you file complaint after complaint and there is absolutely NO resolution, the cruiseline has not choice but to move on. Don't think this person was banned just because she posted compensation........there is much more to it than just that.

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Hi Anthony. Hope you are well. Whilst that may be part of the story, it isn't all of it. As I posted on the Celebrity board, this is like an iceberg. Only one tenth is visible. There is a LOT more to this than there first appears and all I will say is that Royal Caribbean did the right thing in my view. I am actually surprised that they allowed the relationship to continue as long as it did after issues with another of their cruise lines.


What is particularly saddening is that Mrs Moran decided to stir things up again by writing to the press so long after her last cruise on RCCL. Her account serves no purpose except to present something in a very one sided way and worry people unnecessarily that they can't express their views about a company on a public message board. It also paints a very damning picture of a corporate, wholly unjustified as far as I am concerned.




Phil you make an excellant point.........

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If the question is whether a cruise line has the right to ban someone, I think the obvious answer is yes -- if the person violates the cruise contract or some other agreement. Does it make any sense to ban someone over something they write about the company on the internet? I don't think it does. And this article wouldn't stop me from posting my opinion on this forum.



I'll do my best to stay within guidelines with my response. Admittedly, I'm a junkie when it comes to reading this site. I have read many of the posts written by the individual who is the subject of the MSNBC story. I can tell you that some of the comments about incidents that occurred during cruises grew and were modified with each re-telling, one example of which involved a supposed injury that occurred during a cruise. What started as a minor injury morphed into a major accident that required corrective surgery...and of course, the response by the staff on board was portrayed as cold and unfeeling.


Believe it or don't, the things that are posted on the internet can be considered published materials, just as if it were in the newspaper or a magazine. I think this person systematically attempted to damage the reputation of the corporation and grossly exaggerated the severity of some of the incidents. While this is a fashionable exercise in today's political environment, it is far from truthful and at some point a line was crossed.


Consider an analogy - you invite someone to your home, who later begins spreading terrible stories about you - would you really want this person to come back?

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No need to ask. As others have pointed out the complainant identified herself by posting her stateroom number in her review. However, it is also obvious that there were other factors that apparently played a larger role in her banishment, namely the constant complaints and demands for some sort of compensation for real or imagined problems, leading to the cruiseline's realization that nothing could be done that would satisfy the complainant and that asking them to take their business elsewhere was not only the best, but possibly, the only solution.


Their names are now plastered all over the Internet. Their cruising days are over.




The story isn't available for viewing on MSNBC anymore - I wonder why.

Try again






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Host Karen...


Do you think that it would be appropriate for CC to edit posts that spell out specific compensation details and replace it with "<note: company resolved issues to customers' satisfaction>"?


Just an idea....


No, I don't think that CC should selectively remove information from posts unless it's information that violates the Guidelines (such as a travel agency name) but the rest of the post contains valuable information or an important question.



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Good for RCCL.


If you post a reveiw do it Anonymously. I have a feeling these people probably notified RCCL in the past that they would posting there experiences on CC and probably even went so far as to tell them their screen name in hopes of RCCL reading it and compensating them for their troubles.


Everything in the world is not perfect. It's raining here today......Maybe Mother Nature will compensate me for my troubles.

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And if this woman now comes on CC or any other board and starts a 'woe is me' thread about how badly treated she has been etc, I truly truly hope that Laura or one of the other staff removes it. Not censorship but down to plain and simple she got what she has been asking for.


I completely disagree. If the person wants to come back here and post about her experience she should certainly be allowed to. Then let the cards fall where they may as far as the responses on the thread go.

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Its my view no member should disclose what compo they get from any cruise company and CC should consider tightening the rules on this !!


If thats the case no-one should feel threatened by posting a bad review and i hope CC take this up with Royal Caribbean !! we should feel under no pressure when posting a cruise review.




If a passenger complains about an incident affecting him, then I would agree that disclosing any specific compensation is not a good idea. However, if it's an incident that affects many passengers, then other passengers have the right to know how the situation was handled -- and it should be shared on CC so others know what to expect or request (i.e., a refund for a bad shore excursion).


No one should worry about posting a review on Cruise Critic. As Laura has stated, no one from Royal Caribbean asked that the review be removed and she wouldn't consider that request even had it been made.


1. If RCCL didn't require a Notice of Confidentiality (about the settlement) to be signed, then this person has every legal right to say whatever they want to say. If CC doesn't want to let it post, that's another matter, but unless she signed away her rights, she can tell whomever she wants about what she got.


Unless the post violates the Community Guidelines, there is no reason to remove a post in which a member states he received compensation from a cruise line. I've seen those posts frequently on the boards with regard to poor service, cabin problems, bad shore excursions, etc.


I tend to be a little incredulous about articles of this nature, so I have two serious questions:


1. If you post a review like this, can you come back later and change what you wrote? If so, it seems rather likely to me that the original review was genuinely scathing and the author changed it later to be reasonable so other people'd take her side. After all, the original post said that the review seemed to be instruction on how to scam the cruiseline into giving you free stuff . . . and that's certainly not in the current review.



I think it's been mentioned that the review that appears now is the original.



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Clarification: RCI is an advertiser; as are many other cruise lines from time to time.


I know it costs dinero to have this board, but allowing the cruise companies to advertise is a tremendous conflict of interest wherein the Admins and owners would get pressure to NOT allow reviews and comments that are perhaps too 'truthful.' Any advertiser will not want bad reviews of their product - and it is contrary to human nature to suggest that it would not happen. We all like to think we are not influenced but the connection is pretty clear . . .


The question is what information would you disclose to an advertiser upon request?

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Going thru 218 posts in just a few hours........WOW!!


Laura..........Thanks for keeping this thread alive.


I was with the person in question on the Jewel Atlantic Crossing a couple of years ago. She...at that tiem gave a very good review of the ship.


She started cruising with Celebrity. After 3 cruises.......she had many complaints against Celebity.........including one that she almost broke her toe while the ship was at dock but a swell allowed the ship to move and she go run over by a plank roller. She hated Celebrity.....since they did nothing to compensate her for her foot. (this is all documented in the CC journal)


So then she moves over to Royal Caribbean. She has had 3 cruises with Celebrity......but somehow convinces RCCL.......that she should be Diamond.......to get into the conceirge lounge. So they let her. She had a D1 cabin on the stern of the ship.


How do I know this and more that I'm reluctant to talk about. She wanted a tea cozy, and I volunteered one.........and after giving it to her, she told me some stories.............that I'm not even going to tell here.


I feel sorry for Brenda. I wish her the best with cruising with other companies. I think that RCCL.........made an excellent choice in not inviting her to cruise with them in the future.


I'm sorry that a part of the story has become public..........and let's thank God that they whole story is not told.




Rick, next time we cruise together, I am buying the drinks til I hear the whole story! :D I can only imagine!:D



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True, I see your point that it could be a benefit. Although it does feel like someone is watching LOL:D We are kind of anonymous on these boards (unless we meet up with our fellow CC's). But that is our choice to be known or not.


If I worked at RCI (i do not) and it was my job to know who was complaining or anything else where I had access to passenger manifests, I am SURE I could find out who you were based on your 1 single post here.


You give me cruise history as well as two upcoming cruisings. At least 3 or more are on RCI. How many people do you think were on your exact sailings?


Its not 100% sure but as I hope you and all can see, its not hard to put things together when there's a will to do so.

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I don't know what the legal ruling would be, but it seems to me -- from a moral standpoint -- that if you accept the "settlement", you've agreed that everything is now okay between you and the other party, and you're satisfied. That seems to imply that you wouldn't continue to complain about the wrongdoing.


It's not really censorship so much as accepting that things go wrong sometimes, and the company has tried to "make it right" for you. If you genuinely agree that they've done their best, then it's in poor taste to continue to whine. If you think they haven't done enough, then you shouldn't accept the "apology offer".


It is not always whining or complaining to talk about it. Its sharing information.


Now I agree there are people who use this information to get over on the system. Be it cruises, airlines, hotels, cell phones, banks whomever. But that is NOT a reason to ban the rest of us from discussing these things.


I understand you feel it should be between you and the company once its made right. To me, as long as you state that I am happy with how they ended up handling it, its more than fine to discuss.


My expectations of RCI are seriously lowered right now just before my first cruise with them. So all this discussion has made it more likely i'll just take whatever happens on my cruise as the way it is and not bother telling anyone else about anything (meaning rci) other than it met my expectations.


YAY for lower standards....

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It is not always whining or complaining to talk about it. Its sharing information.


Now I agree there are people who use this information to get over on the system. Be it cruises, airlines, hotels, cell phones, banks whomever. But that is NOT a reason to ban the rest of us from discussing these things.


I understand you feel it should be between you and the company once its made right. To me, as long as you state that I am happy with how they ended up handling it, its more than fine to discuss.


My expectations of RCI are seriously lowered right now just before my first cruise with them. So all this discussion has made it more likely i'll just take whatever happens on my cruise as the way it is and not bother telling anyone else about anything (meaning rci) other than it met my expectations.


YAY for lower standards....

I don't think you should lower your standards or expect less because of this incident. The reason this is being discussed is because there is a history well documented on these boards of certain people going out of their way to find problems so that they can get comps...in a word fraud! You will have a great cruise and should expect so!!!

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It sounds like RCI got tired of continuously having to deal with these particular constant complainers known as the Morans. Nothing RCI ever did was good enough and it seems like they finally threw in their hat and said "okay we'll never be up to your crazy standards, you'll always find something to complain about and then try to get $$ out of us yet continue to cruise with us and this vicious cycle needs to stop". Good for RCI.


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