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Maasdam NEVER Disappoints Us....... And Didn't This Time!!


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If reader is looking for discussion of tours and ports, please be warned you won't find it in this review. We have done this cruise so many times that for us the ship is our destination. We cruise Maasdam so much, we know many crew. For us, HAL and Maasdam are about what happens on the ship. So, for those who aren't interested, I understand. ;)


Our repeat of one of our favorite cruises was Maasdam on August 16 and August 23 sailing from Boston to Montreal to Boston. We do this cruise at least once each summer and have already booked to do it again next year.


We live near Boston so it was an easy car company ride to Black Falcon Cruise Terminal. We arrived about 10:45 or so. Stevedore took our luggage and by the time we entered the Terminal, it was around 11:00. Disembarkation had gone rapidly and smoothly so they were just about ready to begin Embarkation. Because of our perfect timing, we were the first to board (how neat is that??!!). Checked in quickly as I had done the On Line Registration, which I customarily do not do. The moment we were aboard we saw friends and it was a joy to know we were at our Maasdam home with crew and friends we treasure.


Our cabin happened to be ready so off we went. Our cabin door was open and we were chatting with some crew friends. Apparently Captain happend to be passing by, heard voices and stopped to say hello. We were delighted to meet newly promoted and just arrived on Maasdam Captain Andre van Schoonhoven. We were immediately impressed with such a fine gentleman. How nice of him to chat with all of us a few moments. He gives off a sense of confidence and competence and we knew Maasdam and we were in very good hands. We saw him again at Suite Welcome Aboard Party that night and enjoyed another pleasant conversation.


Some here probably know Captain van Schoonhoven from Prinsendam where he was Chief Officer. He then went to Venice to work on the take out team for Eurodam. Perhaps the CC Inaugural group met him there?


The Suite Welcome was great and it was fun to see Guest Relations Manager Christianne who we have known from previous Maasdam cruises and think so highly of. Lovely lady and always so eager to help in any way. We also met Chef Jock Barelmann. We probably have sailed with him in the past but never actually met him. Really fun, nice man who is working magic in his galley.


Hotel Manager Firmin van Walle is one of our very favorite in the fleet. You can always tell when Firmin is aboard...... one of the best Hotel Managers the ships have. He doesn't miss a thing!@!! When Firmin is aboard, things all run smoothly. He is out and about and visible and approachable. No reason anyone cannot voice a concern they have or request help with an issue on Firmin's ship!


It was fun to be able to chat with all these people at the party and it was possible because few suite guests attended. I have no idea why but that was their loss!


Maasdam is going on 15 (?) years old and you would not know it to look at her. Sure she can use some freshening and she will get it at the brief dry dock upcoming. But she is sparkling clean and constantly being polished and shined etc We never once passed a steward who was polishing or dusting or vacuuming that we didn't get a big smile and pleasant good morning, good evening. IMO, Maasdam's crew just cannot be beat. Without doubt, we have sailed with other excellent HAL crews but Maasdam's is special.


We were appreciative to have been assigned our usual dining table and had fabulous stewards. And then were delighted Agus (I know - fairly common name) was Dining Supervisor for our section. We have known him for years and he took such good care of us. We also had a top notch wine steward, Maurice. Wonderful. He took excellent care of us and always found time for a bit of a chat.


Chef Barelmann and his Chefs are doing a great job on Maasdam. The plates all come from the kitchen beautifully set, very tasty and hot and cold as appropriate. The food is good. The food is great IMO considering the constraints budget seems to be placing on available ingredients. There is variety and plenty of choices but perhaps 'less luxurious' choices. There still was plenty of prime rib for those who want it, osso bucco was great DH said, escargot was still on menu as were the traditional lobster tails. [As an aside..... DH and I rarely order the tails and did not this cruise but they were the best looking ones we have seen served for a very long time. They were large and plump and looked very tender as we watched folks cut them.]

I often order the 'always available' salmon and it was delicious. That is what I want so I was happy. But, I might not have been as happy if I were looking for more five star entree choices. For DH and me, dinner was excellent but I can understand if some others weren't as happy. It IS NOT Chef's cooking. ;) It is bean counters IMO and we applaud the Chefs.


We had Room Service breakfast most mornings and it could not have been more perfect. Everything was exactly as we wanted it and delivered attractively, flowers on the cart and on time. Perfect.

We actually went to Lido several times this cruise which we do not often do. We went at quiet time so it wasn't chaos and we enjoyed it.



Interesting...... On the last night of our first cruise, we received the customary letter with our new ID card and dining hours etc but were surprised to read we did not have to attend a second life boat drill. We spoke about it and were told the official language but the bottom line is if you are on seven day back to backs on Maasdam (and I assume all HAL ships) you do not have to attend the second drill.


Weather was fabulous our first week. Only drizzle and damp in Charlottetown. Every other port was beautiful and particularly so in Quebec and Montreal. Our second week was great in Quebec, not so great in Charlottetown and overcast other ports. Not a ton of rain during the day (except for Halifax) but not a lot of sun either. Bar Harbor and Charlottetown were fine for walking. Not great in Sydney and Halifax.


Grrr...... I just hit a 'mystery' key and lost about 10 paragraphs. Groan.


I think I'll end for now and come back with more of my 'dribble' later. Sorry for droning on and on but sometimes I like to share these random comments.


Happy to answer any questions.











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Thanks for your wonderful comments, Sail. Maasdam is next up for us, and since we've never sailed her we're soaking up everything we can. The things you mentioned make us ever that much more anxious - we've a long and slow 66 days to wait. We've always been impressed by the HAL crews, but can hardly wait to experience the best. :)

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We were blessed to have amazingly calm seas. I never heard one person comment about mal de mer and we barely saw a bit of white on the ocean.


Fun...... About thirty minutes out of Halifax en route to Bar Harbor, Captain came on loud speaker to tell us the bridge had sighted whales. We were port side and grabbed our binoculars and ran to our veranda to see them. Always fun to see whales.


Also, another thing we noticed and liked was we received newspapers several days in our Suites. We love getting a paper. It isn't that we wouldn't buy one but we don't always pass a store selling newspapers, forget when we are ashore or whatever and while some don't care, we like to see a newspaper. Had USA Today several times and even a local paper from (I think) Halifax. Thank you, HAL, for doing that again. There was a period of time when that feature stopped.


We went ashore in most ports but not for extended periods or tours.

In Charlottetown, we enjoyed a long walk and lunch at the Wharf Restaurant. Last year we loved our lunch there, but this year less so. The whole experience was less enjoyable and the food very mediocre at best. To those I previously recommended lunch there, I take back the recommendation.


It is nice the pier and terminal is completed here and some vendors have opened little stands selling handcrafts and the like.


It is a short and pleasant walk to downtown and we enjoyed it. We had in mind to stop in a lovely handknit shop we have visited before as I wanted to find a gift for a friend. Most of the shopping in these ports is typical touristy things and I wanted something of more quality. I was delighted to find a handknit throw for her sofa that had just been set out for sale. It was not inexpensive but fine handwork is worth the extra IMO It was exactly what I was seeking.


Our first visit to Halifax was a bright, gorgeous day and we walked the entire length of the boardwalk before turning back and meeting a friend for lobster lunch at Captain John's. There is an indoor sort of food court with outdoor patio seating that we like. There are choices to have seafood from Captain John's, Mediterranean/Greek food from another area, pizza or whatever. You order the size lobster you want and it is steamed fresh for you and ready in short order. We had a wonderful time feasting out in the fresh air.


In Quebec.......oh, lovely Old Quebec. We always walk up to the top but take our time doing so. :) I love to poke in the various shops, stop and read restaurant menus, admire the gorgeous flower boxes..... Old Quebec is VERY floral and charming. Everything is so beautiful IMO We had a wonderful lunch at a well known French Restaurant. I had onion soup and then a large bowl of mussels steamed in white wine and herbs. Absolutely fabulous. I don't recall what DH or our friend had but they enjoyed it whatever it was. :D A few glasses of wine made it perfect.


On our second visit to Quebec, we had an incredible lunch in an Italian Restaurant where I had about the best pasta puttenesca I have ever eaten. A carafe of house white vino was just the thing and oh the sin of the chocolate mousse torte I had for dessert. I'm still wearing it on my hips but it's worth it.


We did a great deal of walking and it was a pleasure.

A large group signed up for On Deck for the Cure. We signed up and got our t-shirts but did not actually do the walk. It was difficult as we only had one sea day and everything had to be done in the one day. It was too much for me to race around that way. I'm happy we made our contribution but do miss we didn't actually walk.


Pinnacle Grill........ This is, IMO, about the best Pinnacle in which we have dined. We had dinner on our Anniversary with a friend and our meal was amazing. So delicious and special and a GREAT celebration. We also dined there both Master Chef evenings and our meal was excellent. Chef John is outstanding. His food is really, really good! :)


We dined in Pinnacle our last night with 'ekerr' and her DH. What a nice evening that was. They boarded in Montreal and my DH and I very much enjoyed cocktails in Ocean Bar with them, dinner in Pinnacle and other visits and hope to sail again with them. Great couple and lots of fun.


I am going to suggest HAL think about a change in the itinerary. We are enjoying Bar Harbor less and less. We are getting 'tude' in many of the shops and restaurants and visitors are not 'valued guests' here IMO If HAL were to consider eliminating Bar Harbor and substituting Portland, there would be no tendering required for the whole itinerary. Portland is a wonderful port and the times we do the Boston to Boston itinerary, we love it there. Maybe others have an opinion about making this switch?


I'll have (even) more later but really want to stress how much we loved being on Maasdam. She is such a special ship with an awesome crew and I'm always afraid to return lest we find her changed but happily, she is still as wonderful as ever.


If you have an upcoming cruise on Maasdam, LUCKY YOU. Look forward to it eagerly.


More later....




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More later....





Sail, I'm enjoying every word. Sorry to hear that Bar Harbor isn't what it used to be. I have such fond memories of it but have been back since the 70s.


I do have one question for you since you sail the Maasdam so much - I know you are a SA gal, but do you book the same cabin for each Maasdam cruise if you can?

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:D Yes...... we always try to get a particular cabin but sometimes someone else gets there first. :eek: Can you imagine?!!! What nerve. :D


We are almost always in one of the about 3 or 4 favorite cabins. But this time was our very favorite and we are booked into it for December, 2008; June, 2009 back-to-back and August, 2009.



- - - - - -



Thanks everyone who made nice comments. :)




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Sail - do you remember the name of the hand-knit shop in Charlottetown?

I'd like to go there - if we get to go on the cruise. We are not sure if we cans till go as DH has a medical problem that may require surgery - alas.


Bar Harbor has had a lot of discussion amongst the town government about being over run with too many cruise ship passengers. A couple of mega- ships that send 3,000 plus people out into the streets which aren't made to accomodate them just overwhelm the townspeople. They have actually passed an ordinance limiting the number of passengers that come come ashore on a given day and are thus limiting the ships that can stop there. I think that's where the attitude problem is coming from. Not sure when the new rule goes into effect.


Portland could handle more of the large ships and take some of the pressure off Bar Harbor. Portland is a great place to visit, also. :)


So glad you enjoyed your Maasdam. Hope I get to sail on it - sometime in the future, hopefully. :o

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Sail - do you remember the name of the hand-knit shop in Charlottetown?

I'd like to go there - if we get to go on the cruise. We are not sure if we cans till go as DH has a medical problem that may require surgery - alas.


Bar Harbor has had a lot of discussion amongst the town government about being over run with too many cruise ship passengers. A couple of mega- ships that send 3,000 plus people out into the streets which aren't made to accomodate them just overwhelm the townspeople. They have actually passed an ordinance limiting the number of passengers that come come ashore on a given day and are thus limiting the ships that can stop there. I think that's where the attitude problem is coming from. Not sure when the new rule goes into effect.


Portland could handle more of the large ships and take some of the pressure off Bar Harbor. Portland is a great place to visit, also. :)


So glad you enjoyed your Maasdam. Hope I get to sail on it - sometime in the future, hopefully. :o




Very sorry to hear your DH may require surgery and wish you and him the very best.


I think the name of the shop in Charlottetown is Northern Watters Knitwear...... (though I often make typos, the Watters is spelled the way they do :) )


There are ladies knitting in the shop and it's fun to watch as they work away.


We have found them very pleasant to deal with previously and on this visit as well.

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Thank you for the wonderful review. Hard to wait for next springs Repo on the Maasdam from FL to Montreal after reading about your cruise. I'm sure our ten days on the Noordam in October will help shorten the days before our next one on the Maasdam.



We'd like to do that repo cruise one of these days. Sounds great.

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Very sorry to hear your DH may require surgery and wish you and him the very best.


I think the name of the shop in Charlottetown is Northern Watters Knitwear...... (though I often make typos, the Watters is spelled the way they do :) )


There are ladies knitting in the shop and it's fun to watch as they work away.


We have found them very pleasant to deal with previously and on this visit as well.


Thanks for the name of the shop. Would love to visit it! :)

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How in the world did I not mention this was Maasdam's 600th VOYAGE??


It was and it was fun.


They posted a banner outside the ship when we were in port each day announcing it was Maasdam's 600th. We were thrilled to be aboard for that and it was coincidental as we did not know in advance.


The City of Sydney ran the crew a barbeque for celebration. That was very generous and kind of them. The crew that were able to go seemed to enjoy it.


Of course, for Dining Room/Lido workers, they couldn't go as they were working.


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I am surprised that the Wharf Restaurant in Charlettottown has gone downhill.


Are the rude store owners /workers in Bar Harbor just happening this year? We never encountered anyone last year that was rude there.


Bar Harbor -- more to offer there than Portland -- don't think HAL will drop that port.


That's too bad that many of the crew were unable to enjoy the BBQ that Sydney had.


Thanks for your report.

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I'm enjoying your review, sail, as I, too, see the ship as the destination. I'm looking forward to your remaining posts.

You mentioned in a previous thread (from aboard, possibly?) that there were things about the entertainment that were different? Or that didn't appeal to you? Would you please elaborate?

Thanks for all your thoughts on this cruise.

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Ooooh - Jonathon? Did our favorite bartender really get his transfer to the Maasdam's Ocean Bar? We're dying to find out! :)



Yes, Donna. Jonathan was at Ocean Bar both weeks and we very much enjoyed chatting with him. He took very good care of us. We know him from previous cruises and as you know, it's always fun to meet up again with favorite crew.

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Hi Sail,


I enjoyed reading your review because it reminded me of the perfect cruise we had on the Maasdam last September. It's nice to hear that the hotel manager and the guest relations manager are both still there. They had a great deal to do with why our cruise was so perfect.


Hopefully, we'll get to sail on her again before she gets "revitalized" - a good term for making more cabins so HAL can make more money.


Warm regards,



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We just returned from our cruise on the Maasdam and Bar Harbor was our least favorite stop! The locals gave Americans a bad rep. I was made to feel like they were doing us a favor by taking our tourist dollars.


Oli's trolley was fun and our driver Santo gave us an informative tour of the countryside. He is a recent transplant to Bar Harbor and I hope the 'tude doesn't sour him.


I would second the previous recommendation to seek out a different port of call. This way the folks in Bar Harbor wouldn't have to be bothered.

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Portbook...... You must have been on our second week, Montreal to Boston. Wish we had met.


Hope you enjoyed Maasdam as much as we did.



I enjoyed reading your review because it reminded me of the perfect cruise we had on the Maasdam last September. It's nice to hear that the hotel manager and the guest relations manager are both still there. They had a great deal to do with why our cruise was so perfect.


They are a great team, aren't they?




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