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$14.95 for STEAK???


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No petesweet, you won't see a copy of any letter from me because I don't care enough about this particular issue to write one. In fact, I'm still on the fence and haven't decided what I think about it. We don't even use the main dining room any longer. I don't like all the noise and rushing around. I was stating a general generic point that if we do not agree with something that a company does we have every right to let them know about it.


Let me know if you have a problem with that concept as I think that I detected some sarcasm in your post.


Make that LOTS of sarcasm. When I have a problem that I feel so strongly about (as some here do), I approach someone who can (whether or not he will) do something about it. I don't just rant and rave and call people names if they don't agree with me.


It's one thing to discuss; but if a person is going to accuse RCCL's leadership of all sorts of crimes and accuse those of us who don't care one way or the other of all sorts of character flaws, that's a sign he cares strongly. Then WRITE A LETTER!!!

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What are you protesting? RCL's right to test a concept on a ship THEY OWN? You are the customer -- not their R & D department! If you aware of something so terrible it would keep from cruising with them, just don't go but protest? This isn't a war! It's a vacation...or at least it supposed to be. Hey, maybe that is what all of you stomping your feet and throwing your hands in the air claiming dooms day, predicting the start of charging for everything in the MDR (instead of the simple NEW choice being TESTED)! That this is a vacation. Lighten up. Don't worry about "Fain" (whoever that is) or the "Koolaid Krowd" (we know who that is) or calling anyone names -- enjoy your cruise!


You may have understood my sarcastic remark. I have nothing to protest. I'm just wondering if any of these protesters have put some teeth into their protests. (I need to use more smiley faces.:) ) I agree with you, except I would write a letter to management if I felt so strongly. This is an experiment. RCCL is entitled to try new things.

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You seem to be dodging a key semantic issue.


Let me ask you to follow this hypothetical:


You are ordering from the MDR's menu.

All meals served in the MDR are free.

A "Chops" steak entree is listed on the menu for $14.95

You order the "Chops" steak entree and eat it.


Now some questions to answer from the hypothetical:


Was the "Chops" steak part of your meal?

Explain how it wasn't if you choose to say "No."


The key term being "PART of the meal."


And thanks, guys, for answering in my defense. Some things are just not worth responding to.

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And, as had been said many times on ealier, you can still get the sirloin steak! Just ask the waiter and he/she will bring it to you. No extra charge!


Not so! Whether or not you choose to believe it, the sirloin steak is NOT available in the MDR on Freedom. How many times and by how many people does that have to be confirmed to you before you accept that fact? Talk about a horse with blinders - get real.

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What are you protesting? RCL's right to test a concept on a ship THEY OWN? You are the customer -- not their R & D department! If you aware of something so terrible it would keep from cruising with them, just don't go but protest? This isn't a war! It's a vacation...or at least it supposed to be. Hey, maybe that is what all of you stomping your feet and throwing your hands in the air claiming dooms day, predicting the start of charging for everything in the MDR (instead of the simple NEW choice being TESTED)! That this is a vacation. Lighten up. Don't worry about "Fain" (whoever that is) or the "Koolaid Krowd" (we know who that is) or calling anyone names -- enjoy your cruise!


First of your posts in this thread that actually makes sense - and to boot, doesn't ignore the facts. Congrats!

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Make that LOTS of sarcasm. When I have a problem that I feel so strongly about (as some here do), I approach someone who can (whether or not he will) do something about it. I don't just rant and rave and call people names if they don't agree with me.


It's one thing to discuss; but if a person is going to accuse RCCL's leadership of all sorts of crimes and accuse those of us who don't care one way or the other of all sorts of character flaws, that's a sign he cares strongly. Then WRITE A LETTER!!!


And is there some place on this thread where I ranted and raved about anything? Is there some place where I called someone names? Did I call someone in RCI's leadership names or point out someones character flaws? Please point these out to me. Since you quoted me when you said to write a letter I take it all of your remarks are directed at me. At least it came across that way. The fact is no where on this thread have I even written an opinion on this dining room charge, made no mention of RCI's management, or commented on anyone else's opinion of this subject.


As for myself, I have written letters to RCI a number of times both to let them know when I have been displeased about something and well as to let them know what has made my experiences with them great.


Here is what I said previously....."I was stating a general generic point that if we do not agree with something that a company does we have every right to let them know about it."


Seems to me from what you just wrote that you actually agree with me.

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And, as had been said many times on ealier, you can still get the sirloin steak! Just ask the waiter and he/she will bring it to you. No extra charge!


We did this! My DH wanted fruit punch in the MDR on the Mariner, was told it is not available with your Cruise Fare Anymore in the MDR, but would see what he could do! The waiter brought a glass of fruit punch, and we were CHARGED $4.24 for the glass from the bar.


After assuming the waiter was trying to honor our request with no Charge!

I spoke with the Matre D about the charge and was told this change has been made fleetwide. Spoke with the pursor's desk and was told the same!


Don't assume you can get an alternative for something that use to be INCLUDED in your Cruise fare for NO CHARGE!

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Food is obviously a SERIOUS topic!! :p


Clue #1 is: CHARGES!!!!!!!!!!!!


If the trend continues with FOOD items (drinks included), it could affect other items included in you Cruise fare, that are not FOOD items!


Maybe you don't mind paying for shows, pool chairs, towels, rock climbing walls, etc. This could be the way for Future Cruise's!


This may be a trial that RC is trying to see how it goes! When a Business has success in something that was a trial, they will go to another trial item to try to succeed!


Airlines have done it! Did you stop flying because you don't receive a meal, or because you pay for baggage? I know I haven't!


To write to RC and try to tell them you are unsatisified with their New Trial changes, won't do anything! The Compnay has their way of doing Business. I have written several times in regards to issues, and received the Dear John letter....This is a change ( Fuel Surcharge) that has been implemented due to costs..blah blah blah. and if it wasn't for the AG getting involved, the pax who were initially being charged who had cruise's booked prior to the date of announcement, would of NEVER had their FS excused from that booking!


This was due to the findings from the AG..Not from the Letter I wrote to RC!


It's a Business Decision for RC and in favor of RC Not for the PAX! Maybe you think they are listening to Pax requesting a Steak for a Charge on the menu of higher Quality.....Think Again!

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We did this! My DH wanted fruit punch in the MDR on the Mariner, was told it is not available with your Cruise Fare Anymore in the MDR, but would see what he could do! The waiter brought a glass of fruit punch, and we were CHARGED $4.24 for the glass from the bar.


After assuming the waiter was trying to honor our request with no Charge!

I spoke with the Matre D about the charge and was told this change has been made fleetwide. Spoke with the pursor's desk and was told the same!


Don't assume you can get an alternative for something that use to be INCLUDED in your Cruise fare for NO CHARGE!



Thanks for presenting firsthand facts & dispelling the outright nonsense and misinformation that others have tried to post here, pmshirl. Your experience illustrates exactly what this thread is really about ... the spread of upselling through the main dining room, and the threat that RCL will expand this trend to other ships and other menu items. :eek:



End the RCL pay-per-entree scam!


Say "No" to Fain

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Thanks for presenting firsthand facts & dispelling the outright nonsense and misinformation that others have tried to post here, pmshirl. Your experience illustrates exactly what this thread is really about ... the spread of upselling through the main dining room, and the threat that RCL will expand this trend to other ships and other menu items. :eek:



End the RCL pay-per-entree scam!


Say "No" to Fain


Some folks just don't get. They'd much rather dispute confirmed facts, disseminate nonsense and misinformation and, in short, close their eyes to the obvious and pretend things are as they want them to be, not as they are. While I don't necessarily accept your premise of a "scam" being put over on the RCCL cruising public (there would be efforts to hide a scam; this is being done boldly in the clear light of day!) , I certainly think the suits in Miami are digging deeper (and in some cases, hitting bottom) to find new sources of onboard revenue. IMHO, upcharges in the MDR to get what used to be included clearly portends of some serious changes to cruising in the not-so-distant future. Sad, but true.

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Food is obviously a SERIOUS topic!! :p



Yes, food is part of it, Glassrobinson, but the principle extends far beyond that. Let's see why that is.

I invite you to spend a moment in the shoes of the RCL exec under intense corporate pressure to drive up 1st quarter '09 revenues from onboard purchases. She's pretty well maxxed out the casino, shops, Steiner spa services, bar service, photos, art auction, and specialty restaurants ... the "low-hanging fruit" was long ago harvested.

She's not going to get any more short-term bounce from the new services or options. But what if she goes back to the well to slowly, subtly erode what has traditionally been part of the paid-for cruise experience. Chipping away at first, and - so long as customers don't balk - moving to a fireaxe as she goes. :eek:


1) So she starts with food - hey, this has been under way for a while. They've been charging for soda in the dining room for a while now. With tougher revenue demands in '08, though, she's got to accelerate ... so one month it's charge-for-fresh-o.j. Or charge-for-fruit-drinks.


2. Then comes the big trial: Slap a $15 upsell steak in the middle of the Freedom's and Majesty's dining room menu, and see how many people squawk. Will cruisers gripe about having prices - yech - mar the soothingly "all inclusive" feel of that menu? How many of them complain? How loudly? Vs. how many of these overpriced entrees can RCL's overworked waiters try to hawk to their guests?


Of course, offering a genuine "choice" would require leaving the every-night-alternative steak (at no charge) on the menu. But maybe our RCL manager figures a lot of cruisers during a recession will ask "Hmmm ... free or $15, free or $15. Excuse me, waiter - I'll have the free one, please. Medium well'" :)


3. So they hustle the no-charge steak out the back door. No press releases, no marketing campaign. Just remove a traditional amenity that most of us have been accustomed to seeing for years. :(


4. You can see where this is going: If this trial succeeds with extra revenue and few or no angry customers, then RCL's manager has EVERY INCENTIVE to expand it ... and NO REASON not to. Why not phase in a fee for salmon, or even the chicken alternative? Next year, why not rotate two or three upsell featured entrees through the menus ... while slowly eroding the quality of the remaining, no-charge options. (Simple formula: Look for "More pasta, less veal or lamb. More vegetables, less fish")


5. Next stop: Cover charges for entertainment. A "deckhand surcharge" of $1 for each time you use a deckchair. A "laundry recovery fee" for each pool towel you use.


After more than 640 posts, not one person on this thread has put forward any credible explanation of why that would NOT happen.


And of course the problem is, that the customers lose. Those who've relied on RCL to treat them fairly and provide the best possible cruise experience will gradually see the "special" nature of cruising ground down into just another tired and unimaginative money grab. The nickel and diming will ruin it for us.


Hence, now is a terrific time to:

- boycott that overpriced upsell cow entree.

- complain in the end-of-cruise eval.

- complain (very politely, but firmly) to the maitre d', and even the F&B manager if you find him.

- raise this issue at the "Ask the captain" event, and also at the C&A reception.

- Write RCL directly?" Fine, do that too.

MOST EFFECTIVE: Tell your cruising friends about RCL cheaping out, post the news on other cruise or travel message boards (Trip Advisor and Frommers, anyone?), maybe drop a line to some travel writers in your area.

More about why this "experiment" is a direct assault on the value of your cruise vacation can be found at posts 42, 59, 162 and 165. Enjoy.

End the RCL pay-per-entree scam!


Say "No" to Fain

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Especially when you are wrong.:rolleyes:


Cheers.....have a drink....it'll help get that bitter taste out of your mouth.:p


That one's hit deep and hard ... it's going, going ... gone!!!

The crowd is on its feet cheering: As the ship sails just drove that one out of the ballpark. :D

As the ship sails ... I salute ya!! ;)

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Some folks just don't get. They'd much rather dispute confirmed facts, disseminate nonsense and misinformation and, in short, close their eyes to the obvious and pretend things are as they want them to be, not as they are. While I don't necessarily accept your premise of a "scam" being put over on the RCCL cruising public (there would be efforts to hide a scam; this is being done boldly in the clear light of day!) , I certainly think the suits in Miami are digging deeper (and in some cases, hitting bottom) to find new sources of onboard revenue. IMHO, upcharges in the MDR to get what used to be included clearly portends of some serious changes to cruising in the not-so-distant future. Sad, but true.


lysolqn - Good post, and I'm with you almost right down the line.

As for "scam," - well, rational people can disagree on whether this term applies here. :)

* Certainly, RCL isn't directly violating any law whatsoever. I believe what they're doing is nearly fraudulent, but that's in the colloquial sense of the word - not the legal definition.

* And, RCL's actions at least appear to be out in the open.

But I give more weight to other factors:

- The RCL army of megamillionaire execs, MBAs and marketing psychologists originally came up with a concept to make a profit: They'd offer us pretty much all-inclusive, carefree cruises in exchange for a fare and the opportunity to market a clearly defined, universally known list of upsells to us: pricy shore excursions, a casino, art auctions, cigar and cognac hours, bar drinks, items from the stores, etc.

I emphasize "carefree" here because such a huge appeal of cruising is that we can tone down our "fraud radar."

We board knowing which of those upsells we might want, and which to stay away from. After that, we can count on "no surprises" on the rest of the ship -- no new fees for the library, chairs on the promenade, the midnight comedy show, use of the sauna, the captain's party, the shopping lecture, etc. etc. etc. etc.

RCL's new ploy breaks down all of that trust. When we board, we're never going to be quite so sure whether the deck will be covered with signs in front of the pool chairs, the pool towels, or even the buffet saying: "Available at a surcharge. Inquire with staff." :rolleyes:

The really deceptive part here is that they've built in this "trust, relax, kick back" atmosphere .... and then silently swapped out a benefit for a crass upsell. I argue that's taking advantage of the cruisers' trust. And it's a dishonorable thing to do. :(

RCL is doing this with:

- no public acknowledgement of any kind. No hype like the flowriders or skating rinks got.

(RCL is withdrawing one of the two most expensive and valuable items on the alternative menu, but you'll have to ask onboard if you want to know this. Surely there's nothing on the website. This change is being sneaked in)

- no written notice to the cruisers on Freedom Did any of those Freedom guests get advance warning: "Your cruise comes with fewer dining options than on any other ship in the RCL fleet this week. But you're paying the same!")

So, I might prefer Don Imus' "weasel deal" as a description ... or maybe even deceit, ripoff, short-change or "hornswaggle" ... but for now, scam seems suitable.


End the RCL pay-per-entree scam!


Say "No" to Fain

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And is there some place on this thread where I ranted and raved about anything? Is there some place where I called someone names? Did I call someone in RCI's leadership names or point out someones character flaws? Please point these out to me. Since you quoted me when you said to write a letter I take it all of your remarks are directed at me. At least it came across that way. The fact is no where on this thread have I even written an opinion on this dining room charge, made no mention of RCI's management, or commented on anyone else's opinion of this subject.


As for myself, I have written letters to RCI a number of times both to let them know when I have been displeased about something and well as to let them know what has made my experiences with them great.


Here is what I said previously....."I was stating a general generic point that if we do not agree with something that a company does we have every right to let them know about it."


Seems to me from what you just wrote that you actually agree with me.


I DO agree with you, and I'm sorry if I didn't make my comment clear. I was just quoting you because you seemed to misunderstand my sarcastic remark. We are on the SAME SIDE.:D The ranting and raving and name-calling and accusations are from someone who lives in the northeastern part of our country (or who has escaped from there:) ).

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...no public acknowledgement of any kind. No hype like the flowriders or skating rinks got[/u][/center][/i][/b][/color]


I guess from their corporate perspective, why advertise bad news; it has a habit of spreading all by itself. Until the news trickles down, there's plenty of time to play dumb, make it seem like you're giving something (a marketing strategy that clearly worked, per the perception of many who posted here) rather than taking something away, and reap the rewards. IMHO, not a scam...but then again, certainly not something to which you'd be anxious to call attention!

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I agree with you in that I am not wild about putting surcharge items in the MDR.


For it to be a scam, they would have to be telling you that the extra charge steak is a top quality cut........and then they give you a Tad's special.:eek:


This is exactly what one reported, same steak only now $14.95. No Chops steak in sight.

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The following is from the 'Live from the Majesty' thread posted today by Merion_Mom.


Our dining companions have ordered the "regular" alternative steak several times, and have pronounced it "delicious". Yes, the $14.95 "Chops" steak is on the menu, but no one pushes it.


In my opinion...that makes it an option. They have not replaced the "regular" steak with the "Chops" steak.

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