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Disrespectful Guests.........


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Hi Bishop; where's ManBehindtheCurtain when you need him?;)


I wasn't aware HAL officer uniforms were changing in early 2009


Sadly, I've heard tales of no more 'whites'. Won't say where I heard it', so we shall see.


I love those white uniforms with the gold HAL buttons. I hope I've heard wrong.

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On our cruise to Hawaii last March,there was a very angry man in the Lido,he was so rude,chewed one of the chefs out,I told the passenger to calm down and he got upset with me.Told me to shut up. I went to the Hotel manager and reported what I had witnessed,the hotel manager thanked me for telling him. he was happy to hear the "other side". The chef did not know how to thank me.


Something similar happened to me the last time I served as a Protestant Chaplain. It was a Sunday late morning at sea, and I was in the Lido getting a late breakfast after the morning Interdenominational service. A guy three people in front of me at the Omelet bar was cursing, loudly, throwing the F, S, and GD words at the cook. Three Children were standing between us, overhearing the exchange. I was in line behind them.


I spoke up and said, "Sir, perhaps you should keep your voice down and watch your language?"


The man tossed the F word over his shoulder at me, so I said: "You're making a spectacle of yourself in front of children, sir." The man then turn around, glaring at me furiously, and started to curse me out but then stuttered to a stop when he saw: (1) the three young ladies in line between myself and him, and (2) my clerical collar. Instead of saying anything else, he turn red and stomped off.


Later that afternoon I told the HM about it, and he said that he had received word about it from the parents of the young ladies and that the man had been identified and a letter sent to his cabin, advising him to exercise self control. He didn't tell me how the man was identified. I heard nothing else about the incident, but I also never saw the man again.

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That's too bad! The whites have a classic look about them


While I agree that I like the Uniform Whites, I also like their cold weather uniform too (the blacks). I'm sure the whites are more comfortable in warm/humid weather.

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Sail--thanks for initiating a great thread! It is a very interesting discussion.

I've witnessed just a few incidents involving rude passengers on HAL cruises. But having owned a business and having to deal with the public, I sense a growing lack of civility in our population and a proliferation of the use of foul language in everday conversations. I think it is a sad trend. I admire the HAL crews and staff who have to deal with rude and insensitive guests.

I also agree that the teaching of manners, civility and what is inappropriate language begins in the home.


Copper 10-8: do you have any pics of the medical staff and shoulder boards?

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Not exactly sure how we got from disrespecting crew members to carrying trays in the buffet line, however I have been reading this thread for 2 days, and must pipe up. I have been on 15 cruises, and do not really pay attention how many stripes an officer has on his uniform, so I am not going to do anything more than a smile as I pass by. I am assuming you are not expecting anyone to salute an office. As far as the use of sir or madam, in many areas of the country people have definitely dropped the use of sir or madam, and that does not necessarily mean that they are being disrespectful not to address the captain in this way. As far as other things that are common courtesy, such as people getting in and out of an elevator, holding doors open, etc., I am a woman, and if I am going out at the same time as an older woman or man, I will hold the door. Probably one of the funniest signs of showing respect was when my son was no more than 10 years old, we were at the pool and he turned to the older woman sitting on the edge and said, "I am going to jump in now, so I might splash you, is that OK?" I have never specifically taught my children manners like this, but oer time, they just learn by example.

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Many years ago I when I had to fly wearing my military uniform, I can't begin to tell you how many times people used to think I was part of a flight crew and would be stopped in the airports by people asking for flight related information. Many people just do not recognize what the uniform represents or whatever rank, etc. it means. If I knew the answer I would tell them and be on my way. I do agree that there is no excuse for rudeness no matter who that person is. In my work I see people every day and rudeness is in every sector.

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... Probably one of the funniest signs of showing respect was when my son was no more than 10 years old, we were at the pool and he turned to the older woman sitting on the edge and said, "I am going to jump in now, so I might splash you, is that OK?" I have never specifically taught my children manners like this, but oer time, they just learn by example.


Now THAT is one great kid... who obviously has a super Mom!

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You will have no difficulty identifying Officers (or any crew) on an HAL ship. You certainly will recognize a uniform, with epaulets, that have varying number of stripes in several different colors...

That is not always the case.

Former (or current) air force and navy officers who wear their mess dress uniforms on formal nights are routinely mistaken for ship officers, and apparently they enjoy it. We have heard reports of many such amusing encounters.


By the way, they are graciously very willing to answer questions from passengers about where to find the nearest bathroom, or anything else on the ship, as are most of the real ship officers who would not find such a question to be at all inappropriate.


P.S. Copper, thanks for posting the photo. That's the same guy who treated me the last time I got sick on a ship.

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That is not always the case.

Former (or current) air force and navy officers who wear their mess dress uniforms on formal nights are routinely mistaken for ship officers, and apparently they enjoy it. We have heard reports of many such amusing encounters.


By the way, they are graciously very willing to answer questions from passengers about where to find the nearest bathroom, or anything else on the ship, as are most of the real ship officers who would not find such a question to be at all inappropriate.



P.S. Copper, thanks for posting the photo. That's the same guy who treated me the last time I got sick on a ship.




Aren't there often exceptions to most rules?

I think we all can find an exception to almost everything if we work at it hard enough. It could get absolutely tortuous if one always tries to cover every conceivable exception to every statement we make here on these boards. Generalities office suffice IMO

But,you gave me an excellent idea. In the future I think I'll add to my signature the caveat, "Exceptions can possibly apply."


And, indeed, of course an Officer is more than happy to direct a guest to the closest rest room. :)

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Thanks for all who also didn't think the restroom question was so funny. To me one of the most annoying things on a ship is searching for the nearest restroom. To me it seems like they would be in easy to find places, like right outside the main dining room, but lo and behold, that is often not the case. I would certainly interrupt someone in uniform talking to a passenger to ask. After all, I presume they are there to work, regardless of their job, not to socialize.

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Ok John, I'm back in town!


Couple of comments:

Questions on where a toilet is are just fine, but preferred to start with the phrasing "Excuse me.." when I am in a conversation with someone else. We are staff after all, and are more than willing to help out. Questions for example on the exact content of a certain dish are a bit more complicated for me or a captain, but we can usually find out the information from the chefs.


My favorite rude behaviour: whenever I am being called by my alter ego "hey you!" (with or without the pointed finger)


My favorite gesture to come over: the winking index finger, sometimes followed by the same finger pointing down to the floor in front of them. Makes me feel like a proper pet....

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Ok John, I'm back in town!


Couple of comments:

Questions on where a toilet is are just fine, but preferred to start with the phrasing "Excuse me.." when I am in a conversation with someone else. We are staff after all, and are more than willing to help out. Questions for example on the exact content of a certain dish are a bit more complicated for me or a captain, but we can usually find out the information from the chefs.


My favorite rude behaviour: whenever I am being called by my alter ego "hey you!" (with or without the pointed finger)


My favorite gesture to come over: the winking index finger, sometimes followed by the same finger pointing down to the floor in front of them. Makes me feel like a proper pet....


Years ago I worked in a department store and had a lady give me both your favoite rude behavior AND both of your favorite finger gestures. Only she added a "OH BOY..........BOY" :(

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Ok John, I'm back in town!


Couple of comments:

Questions on where a toilet is are just fine, but preferred to start with the phrasing "Excuse me.." when I am in a conversation with someone else. We are staff after all, and are more than willing to help out. Questions for example on the exact content of a certain dish are a bit more complicated for me or a captain, but we can usually find out the information from the chefs.


My favorite rude behaviour: whenever I am being called by my alter ego "hey you!" (with or without the pointed finger)


My favorite gesture to come over: the winking index finger, sometimes followed by the same finger pointing down to the floor in front of them. Makes me feel like a proper pet....


Years ago I worked in a department store and had a lady give me both your favoite rude behavior AND both of your favorite finger gestures. Only she added a "OH BOY..........BOY" :(

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Ok John, I'm back in town!


Couple of comments:

Questions on where a toilet is are just fine, but preferred to start with the phrasing "Excuse me.." when I am in a conversation with someone else. We are staff after all, and are more than willing to help out. Questions for example on the exact content of a certain dish are a bit more complicated for me or a captain, but we can usually find out the information from the chefs.


My favorite rude behaviour: whenever I am being called by my alter ego "hey you!" (with or without the pointed finger)


My favorite gesture to come over: the winking index finger, sometimes followed by the same finger pointing down to the floor in front of them. Makes me feel like a proper pet....



I always like the "I pay your salary":rolleyes:

Quickie: How many bars on their shoulderboards?

Captain: 5 stripes but the bottom 2 are together or 4.5 gold bar?

Chief Officer has 4 or 3 gold bars?

First Officer?

Second Officer has 2 bars?

Third Officer has 1 bar?

Fourth Officer has 1/2 bar?

Cadets have a 1/4 bars? (also known as the spaghetti stripe)

Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar (watch out for the fireworks on New Year's Eve!!;))



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I always like the "I pay your salary":rolleyes:

Quickie: How many bars on their shoulderboards?

Captain: 5 stripes but the bottom 2 are together or 4.5 gold bar?

Chief Officer has 4 or 3 gold bars?

First Officer?

Second Officer has 2 bars?

Third Officer has 1 bar?

Fourth Officer has 1/2 bar?

Cadets have a 1/4 bars? (also known as the spaghetti stripe)

Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar (watch out for the fireworks on New Year's Eve!!;))




5 stripes but the bottom 2 are together or 4.5 gold bar? Actually, it's 4,5 stripes, they look like 4 but the bottom one is thicker than the other 3

Chief Officer has 4 or 3 gold bars? 4 stripes

First Officer? 3 stripes

Second Officer has 2 bars? correct

Third Officer has 1 bar? correct

Fourth Officer has 1/2 bar? correct

Cadets have a 1/4 bars? (also known as the spaghetti stripe) correct


The lower ranks can get an additional 1/2 stripe after 3 years of service in the same position. For higher ranks this doesn't work, or they would end up on the same rank as captain, and he still is the guy where the buck stops...;)




(and I don't mess with fireworks anymore, that was for the kid's years...)

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I have also seen guests being rude to room stewards and other ship's crew and I just cringe. I am director of a public library system which is all about service and I receive calls and visits from angry customers over incidents, which in the grand scheme of things are so inconsequential. "I couldn't find a place to park today" and the person comes through the door raging at the first staff person he sees. We are a very busy place and sometimes all the parking is taken, although there is plenty of parking only a few feet father right across the street. We didn't deliberately fill the parking lot because we knew you were coming here today, but that is the way we are treated. As county employees, the usual raging customer will say "you better give me what I want because I pay your salary". It's difficult to understand people who act like this other than their parents neglected to bring them up to show proper respect to others. I shrug it off as pure ignorance on their part and always silently thank my parents for showing us the right way to act and for being examples of good behavior.

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We didn't deliberately fill the parking lot because we knew you were coming here today, but that is the way we are treated. As county employees, the usual raging customer will say "you better give me what I want because I pay your salary".



Children in adult bodies tend to think only of themselves.


I assume their mom was a crack addict and they cannot help it. :D

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It's difficult to understand people who act like this other than their parents neglected to bring them up to show proper respect to others.


It is also quite common behaviour among those who feel (for some reason) personally inadequate. If they can berate and/or another, they seem to feel it raises their standing in "the pack".


And then there are those who are having significant stress in their lives (illness, death, loss of some sort) and they just snap. Those are the people I feel sorry for -- an episode where they lose control, and express all their anger at someone, when in fact they are angry at circumstances, or the universe. After my DH died, I did not say an angry word to anyone for over 2 years, afraid I'd unload all my anger at the checkout person or the gas station attendant or my mother.

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People seem to forget that in the 50's and 60's there was a creature called "The Ugly American". when Americans started traveling overseas in great numbers after the war, many were extremely rude and uncouth. Rudeness is not new to this generation. With so many people now cruising, people will need to learn how to be resectful. Rude people knows no age, or class, rude is rude.

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