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Noordam - 01/23/09 - Good Nuts!


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Greetings from Fort Lauderdale!

It's time for to depart from the Hotel Courtyard by Marriot (on the beach) and head over to the Cruise Terminal for embarkation aboard the lovely ms Noordam! This has been a nice hotel, with a great location, and I would stay here again if I ever need to do a pre-cruise out of Fort Lauderdale. For now, however, I'm more than ready to transfer to the ship. It's been 6 months since I had my feet on deck and I'm really looking forward to it!


Blessings on everybody staying ashore, or wherever you may be, and you'll "see us" at the Webcam wave!!!!!!!! :D


Looking forward to reading your posts, bon voyage!


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This image was reduced about 30x. Is it you all?




That was us, Doug! At the Sailaway Party in the Penthouse suite. Thanks for doing it for us!!!


Thank you,, Lisa, for the webcam wave on the bow. Thanks, Bev, (Sage) for hosting the Sailaway Party, and thank you, Greg for starting the "Live" Good Nuts thread!


What a great time we're having! This morning we had the Good Nuts M & G. It was fun to put more faces with names.


Thank you, Richard, for your wonderful job with the Roll Call!

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Greetings from the lovely and gracious ms Noordam! We're having a wonderful time aboard, and have just completed two incredibly relaxing sea days! There are times when one wants to just kick back and do NOTHING, and that was precisely what we've been doing! During the day we've been playing trivia, meeting with friends, enjoying breakfasts or lunches with varying groups, and have had 3 excellent evenings aboard ship.


Our first day at sea was lots of fun. A nice group of us began it with breakfast in the main dining room, followed by the Cruise Critic Gathering. Of the 110 CCers aboard ship between 90 and 95 of them were present for the Gathering. The ship hosted us in the Crows Nest with an open bar ... it was very nice. No officers or ship's staff showed up, but given how deep the Line has cut ship's staff in recent months I'm not surprised they couldn't manage to squeeze us in. Still, the crew who were present serving drinks and such were very good to us and we all appreciate the recognition from the Line.


This is a FUN group of diverse and wonderful people. The gathering started at 10:30 am and by noon, when Trivia began in the same location, many of us were still there and grouping ourselves together for Trivia and a little "friendly" competition. That first evening at Sea was a Formal Night and it was truly a stellar affair. It's great when just about everybody is playing along with the Dress Code, and the lounges and cocktail groupings were all a pleasure the eyes. The percentage of Tuxedos was very high, and we saw a great many ladies in lovely dresses and ball gowns.


Age Demographics seems to be pretty well distributed ... and the crew tells me that this is a younger grouping than last cruise. There are quite a few younger people aboard ship, as well as several young children and young adults (but not many children in-between). Night life has been mixed -- last night the Northern Lights was busy until very late (think 2:30) but tonight the place seemed to wind down by about midnight.


We have the Barbie Doll/Teddy Bear Lady aboard ship with us. Yes ... she brings Barbie Dolls and a Teddy Bear to dinner with them every night. The Barbies are dressed in different outfits every night (to code, though ... so we have nothing to complain about), and last night at Formal Night the bear was dressed in dinner jacket and Kilt (i.e., to match the gentleman at the table). I'm not sure what the meaning of the Barbies and the Bear are: they are placed on the table every night, where they stay throughout the meal, and at some point during the meal the lady and her companions take photos of the Barbies and Bear in various poses. I've also noticed that the lady also caries the Barbies around the ship everywhere she goes. I couldn't help myself -- curiosity got the better f me -- and so I asked her if there was some special occasion for these Barbies and the Bear, but it would appear that this is an every-cruise thing for her and her companions. To each their own, I suppose! :D


I was aboard the Noordam for her Inaugural sailing in February 2006, then again in January 2007. 2 years after I was last aboard I've noticed a few signs of wear and tear. Some of the balcony furniture is getting rather worn -- the top of the table on my balcony desperately needs re-varnishing -- there is some serious peeling of paint above the Atrium chandelier, I've noticed a few places where carpet is getting threadbare and some random pieces of lounge furniture need repair. Keeping in mind that she is coming up on her 3rd birthday, I would say that she's standing up well under heavy use, but is in need of a little sprucing up here and there.


Most interesting to me, however, are the comparisons between between the Eurodam and the Noordam that I'm finding it impossible to make. While the Eurodam is certainly a lovely ship in her own right, and there are several features that I miss (i.e., the Tamarind and Silk Den), for the most part I must say that I still prefer the Noordam over the Eurodam. I particularly love her decor and the placement of the Explorations Cafe just forward of the shops on Deck 3. All-in-all, I suppose it would be fair for me to simply say that I just prefer the Noordam.


Thus far the food has been excellent. Every night I've noticed new items on the menu, including tonight a Farfale with Chicken in a Poblano Cream sauce that was especially superb. The quality of the food has been superior, the quality of the service has been good to excellent, and the overall condition of the ship is good. What more can one ask?


Tomorrow we arrive in St. Maarten at 8 am. I'm not planning to do much except a little shopping and such while there; we depart at 4:30 pm and set sail for St.Lucia, where I'm scheduled to take a sailing trip. Should be a lot of fun.


I have a few photos to link ... they'll come next, with what explanations I can muster.


;) That's about all. No scandalous news to report ... except that rumor has it that all the S-class ships are all going to be painted pink with green spots, the Main Dining rooms are all being redesigned and re-staffed by Hooters, the next class of 4 Dam-ships will be the size of the Prinsendam and will each play host to 3800 passengers who will be slept and fed in 4 strict 6-hour rotating cycles, Half Moon Cay is being turned into a for-pay-only amusement park complete with Elephant Rides and Kiddie pools filled with sharks, the whole fleet is going to a mandatory-topless policy, smoking seaweed is now encouraged on the poop deck, booze is now to be found on-tap in the bathrooms, the waiters now have to serve all courses backwards, passengers in Inside Cabins have to do their own Dishes, the next Signature of Excellence Upgrade will include the "Davy Jones' Locker Lounge" for those in steerage, the Line is switching to Euros as their operational currency, and RuthC has announced that she's swearing off chocolate. ;)

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Selected Photos from the Good Nuts Cruise:



Firstly, I want to thank InletCam.com for the wonderful photos of us! And, here's my return favor!!!!! :D Thanks!!!! And, in answer to some question, yes we were gathered on the Penthouse Balcony for Sail Away, and of those whom she named Susan got everybody right.



I LOVE the house ... and great location to watch the ships "go out!" This is going to become a favorite website of mine.




Here we are gathered on the Balcony of the Penthouse, enjoying the sail away. Again, thank you Bev & Co for the wonderful welcome!!!!



A shot of CCers at the CC Get Together on our first Sea day.



Another view of CCers ... it was a great gathering, and a wonderful place to have it!

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A CCer couple ... they can identify themselves if they wish, but -- as was true with them all -- I found them delightful!



Ditto the above ... good people



This should be published by HAL ... it's a great shot of one of our youngest CCers ... except for the one Mary (Alohapride) is still baking!



A view down my balcony ... looking down four SS balconies, opened each to the other. You can see Christopher's, Adele's, Em's, Judy's, and Mary Ellen's feet! Ah, yes ... sea days are GREAT!




An example of some of the wear and tear on the ship ... here's some peeling paint just above the Atrium chandelier. And, yes, it looks this bad in person ... though I must admit it took me 2 days to see it and yet I had looked at that spot at least a half dozen times already.

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Scotty and Adele ... do you think anybody would notice if he decided to wear a Martini glass on his head??? Hey ... if Pineapples are ok, why not Martini glasses???????



RuthC, enjoying some "brown stuff" (the chocolate Avalanche Cake) while Em poses with her. Yes, dinner time is fun. :D

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Thanks for the pictures. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves at the meet and greet! What a huge group you have.


I hope you and the rest of the Good Nuts continue to enjoy your trip.




P.S......what interesting rumours that flow on these Good Nut threads...hmm ;)

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Thanks for those great shots, Greg. That's just what I wanted to see.:) Looks like you're all having a wonderful time. I also like the Noordam better than the Eurodam, and am sorry to hear she's showing wear. Have fun on the islands.:D

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Thanks for those great shots, Greg. That's just what I wanted to see.:) Looks like you're all having a wonderful time. I also like the Noordam better than the Eurodam, and am sorry to hear she's showing wear. Have fun on the islands.:D


Thus far what I've seen in just cosmetic and I'm sure that many of these blemishes are slated for repair or replacement. The cracking-peeling paint, for instance, should be easy to fix ... it would just take the right time, and enough of it, to do the job.

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We are now docked at Philipsburg, St. Maarten and it is a LOVELY day. There are nice, light clouds in the sky, but otherwise the weather appears to be very beautiful. I have nothing planned here but shopping, etc., so it's a leasurly morning for me, filled with breakfast on the Verandah and "going ashore" at my leisure. :D


Just a "heads up." St. Maarten is building a new pier parallel to the current pier. It's not finished yet ... looks to be about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way completed. When completed Philipsburg will be able to dock 4 additional ships. Given that, the last 3 times I've been here I've noticed ships at-anchor in the harbor, tendering people in, I'm not sure it's going to make St. Maarten that much more crowded.

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Thanks for the great pix, Greg. I really like the new enhancements HAL is planning! :D You really had me going there for a minute ... then I read the part about Ruth giving up chocolate! :eek: ;)


Continue having a wonderful time with that wonderful group of people.

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Thanks for taking us along! Photos are really great. It is a pleasure to connect faces with screen names!


I am pretty certain that Noordam will be going into drydock upon return to Fort Lauderdale after her March 14th cruise. Hopefully, the items that RevNeal has pointed out that need attention will be fixed at that time.

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A few pictures from a short shopping trip ashore:



Here's a shot of the new pier, currently under construction at St. Maarten. As I said earlier today, it runs parallel to the pier we've been docking at for several years, now. There were three ships docked here this day, and so things were not a zoo (though some people were acting like animals).



Another view of the pier under construction.



And still another view ... this time showing how much further out they have yet to go to complete it.



The lovely Noordam docked at Philipsburg's cruise terminal pier.



The Noordam photographed from the shopping area just off the pier.

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After shopping and re-boarding the ship we had a lovely lunch in the Lido -- Mary Ellen, Judy, Christopher, and myself. Afterwards I wandered around the ship a little bit and I happened to notice something that has had people debating and arguing, off-and-on, on these boards. Is there REALLY a sign near the Aft Pool which stipulates that the aft pool is for Adults only?


The answer is: "Yes." In fact, there are two permanent signs posted on the wall which make this clear.




THERE ... that should start a food fight that will run up the view and post-count and take the thread off-topic! :D ;)


TTFN from the lovely Noordam, where dancing can be found in the Ocean Lounge, the Crows Nest, and the Northern Lights ... but not in the Lido. :D ;)

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TTFN from the lovely Noordam, where dancing can be found in the Ocean Lounge, the Crows Nest, and the Northern Lights ... but not in the Lido. :D ;)


Sure am enjoying your posts. Thanks!


And, if there is no sign prohibiting it... dance to your heart's content in the Lido!

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... a sign near the Aft Pool which stipulates that the aft pool is for Adults only ... there are two permanent signs posted on the wall which make this clear.
Well, that doesn't apply to me and MY kids. They're perfect in every way, and won't be a bother to anyone. :rolleyes:
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Hello! I hope you are all having a wonderful time!


I am one of those posters with kids:D who has been wondering about the sign on the Eurodam seaview pool!


I would never let my kids swim in the pool if it is designated for adults only, but at one time someone posted a sign on the Eurodam that read something about children with adult supervision allowed in the pool. Since then I haven't heard anything else, but have been very curious. I of course understand why some adults would like to enjoy a pool without children. I myself would enjoy the sea view pool more than the lido pool for sunbathing:rolleyes: but I would not let my kids 8,10, and 13 (all close to birthdays) use either pool without my husband or I around. Just because there in a pool designated for everyone doesn't lead me to allow my kids to act wild and splash others who may not want to be splashed.


Therefore if the sea view pool sign said with adult supervision I would allow my kids to use the pool so I could also, if not I'll drag us all to the lido and suffer in silence:D Just kidding. I'm going to be happier than heck just to have my butt on that boat.


So I'm hoping to hear what that sign says now on the Eurodam, but if not I'll let you know after I cruise her Feb 7th.


I hope you all continue to have a load of fun, good health, and wonderful weather.:)



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