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What Not to Wear- Stacy London

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I got to see the episode last night. It was interesting getting to see the inside of the NCL ship. I really liked some of the clothes that were purchased in the Bahamas. Stacy did a great job on her own. Thanks for starting this thread.

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  • 1 month later...

I usually like Nick's haircuts and Carmindy's makeovers. However, Nick is working with a limited "budget" when he does his own hair, I think; it looks very thin and I can see his scalp much of the time. Carmindy does a lovely job on her own makeup, too, but I hate her clothing choices. She needs to see Stacy and Clinton because her choices look like she's going clubbing and I doubt she's working at 11 pm. JMO

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I usually like Nick's haircuts and Carmindy's makeovers. However, Nick is working with a limited "budget" when he does his own hair, I think; it looks very thin and I can see his scalp much of the time. Carmindy does a lovely job on her own makeup, too, but I hate her clothing choices. She needs to see Stacy and Clinton because her choices look like she's going clubbing and I doubt she's working at 11 pm. JMO


I think Carmindy dresses that way because it's television. That's what people do when in front of the cameras - they glam it up a bit.

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I didn't realize that women aging gracefully (over 40 :-}) weren't part of those made over on the show. If someone has horrible & dried out hair it needs to be cut off. I love having long hair & the flexibility it gives me style wise. I could never give someone permission to do as the pleased with my hair. I did see them in Ann Taylor recently, which made me very happy. I love shopping the sale racks at Ann Taylor.


I thought a couple have been over 40, altogether the majority have been in their 30's, with a few in their 20's. One gal sure looked as though she was in her fifties. She looked older than me and I am about to turn 55. If she was under 40 she must have lived a rough life. Now this show was awhile back, first season, did they change the rule?

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I thought a couple have been over 40, altogether the majority have been in their 30's, with a few in their 20's. One gal sure looked as though she was in her fifties. She looked older than me and I am about to turn 55. If she was under 40 she must have lived a rough life. Now this show was awhile back, first season, did they change the rule?


They've had lots of women in their 40s - some of them still dress like they're 21, but they have stated their ages.


Originally Posted by julesbeara viewpost.gif

I didn't realize that women aging gracefully (over 40 :-}) weren't part of those made over on the show. If someone has horrible & dried out hair it needs to be cut off. I love having long hair & the flexibility it gives me style wise. I could never give someone permission to do as the pleased with my hair. I did see them in Ann Taylor recently, which made me very happy. I love shopping the sale racks at Ann Taylor.


They're pretty clear about the rules when you go on the show. If you don't want your hair cut or you're not going to listen to their advice, then you really should say no. Ninety-five percent of the time, Nick really improves their whole look.


I'd love to go on that show, even though I would not want to think that I look like a "before". A friend is a stylist and once I finish my weight-loss challenge this summer, I'm going to pay her to go through my closet and chuck everything that is wrong for me, then have her put together outfits. Those who have the style and eye for what looks bad/good/best have a real talent that I'm jealous of!



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They've had lots of women in their 40s - some of them still dress like they're 21' date=' but they have stated their ages.




They're pretty clear about the rules when you go on the show. If you don't want your hair cut or you're not going to listen to their advice, then you really should say no. Ninety-five percent of the time, Nick really improves their whole look.


I'd love to go on that show, even though I would not want to think that I look like a "before". A friend is a stylist and once I finish my weight-loss challenge this summer, I'm going to pay her to go through my closet and chuck everything that is wrong for me, then have her put together outfits. Those who have the style and eye for what looks bad/good/best have a real talent that I'm jealous of!




That is what I thought. Julesbeara said they did not have anyone over 40 (why I quoted her asking)but I sure thought I had seen a few. The one gal it seems was 52? It has been several years-but at the time I was about her age.

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I've seen quite a few women in their forties on the show, though most are younger. The oldest I have personally seen was 50.


I'd love it if they'd make-over older women once in a while--50's-60's and up. At 64 (next week) I do have trouble finding age-appropriate clothes that don't look like something my mom would wear. In other words, I want cute clothes but I don't want to look like I'm trying to be 30 again, or younger. I also don't want to look 90!


I understand that Stacy and Clinton would have to have the go-ahead from the producers of the show to do this--and apparently a younger demographic is desired.


I love that they don't always choose slim, pretty women, but have many more average or heavier body types as well as ordinary looking people. So many makeover shows choose someone who is already gorgeous and just needs a few tweaks.


Hey, maybe if I write a really compelling letter to norminate myself.....hmmmm. (leaves to open word document). Ha!

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Nebr.cruiser, yes, I've thought of that too, but then the thought of them throwing away/donating ALL of my things gives me pause. I am certain I have some things that look good on me and I should keep. Do you remember the book from the 70's or early 80's about color dressing, Color Me Beautiful, or some such? Well, in there it said if you got a lot of compliments from people on a certain outfit or color, you should pay attention because that is the right thing for you to wear, so I try to do that and I would be heartbroken to have some of those things go away fooorrreeeevvveeeerrrr.

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Last April, I was on the NCL Gem when What Not to Wear surprised a passenger and filmed an episode on the ship. I met Stacy London and she's more beautiful in person than on TV. And as pax, we were able to attend the filming of the final reveal for the last couple minutes of the show.


I'm just curious if anyone else on these boards was on that same sailing? Anyone? If so, did you run into Stacy on the ship as well? :)


I was on the ship that day, too. I didn't sail out on the cruise but was there as a guest for a ship tour and lunch. I saw her when she was boarding the ship - she had a cute sailor hat on. Then I ran into her at the spa and had my photo taken with her. Very pretty girl and very friendly and open, too. It made me love her more!! You're lucky you got to sail a couple of days with her! I didn't know they were filming an episode -- did you ever see it on TV? I'd attach the photo, but I don't know how to do that here.

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I've seen quite a few women in their forties on the show, though most are younger. The oldest I have personally seen was 50.


I'd love it if they'd make-over older women once in a while--50's-60's and up. At 64 (next week) I do have trouble finding age-appropriate clothes that don't look like something my mom would wear. In other words, I want cute clothes but I don't want to look like I'm trying to be 30 again, or younger. I also don't want to look 90!


I understand that Stacy and Clinton would have to have the go-ahead from the producers of the show to do this--and apparently a younger demographic is desired.


I love that they don't always choose slim, pretty women, but have many more average or heavier body types as well as ordinary looking people. So many makeover shows choose someone who is already gorgeous and just needs a few tweaks.


Hey, maybe if I write a really compelling letter to norminate myself.....hmmmm. (leaves to open word document). Ha!


As a "woman of a certain age", I agree about the difficulty of finding fashionable clothes that don't make one look like "mutton dressed as lamb". I have always loved fashion. I don't like to dress like an old lady even if I am one. The last things I want to wear are pull-on pants with overblouses. That being said I am buying a few of them for our 35 day cruise from Hong Kong to Istanbul. Reason - most of my clothes are "high maintenance". The weather is going to be hot. I intend to use the ship's laundry as I do not want to spend my time in the laundry room. When we return from the trip, I plan to donate them to a thrift shop.


For women who love Ann Taylor, what do you think about their decision to minimize their business suits and shorten the hems of their dresses?

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Nebr.cruiser, yes, I've thought of that too, but then the thought of them throwing away/donating ALL of my things gives me pause. I am certain I have some things that look good on me and I should keep. Do you remember the book from the 70's or early 80's about color dressing, Color Me Beautiful, or some such? Well, in there it said if you got a lot of compliments from people on a certain outfit or color, you should pay attention because that is the right thing for you to wear, so I try to do that and I would be heartbroken to have some of those things go away fooorrreeeevvveeeerrrr.


Yeah, I think it might be hard to give over control of my wardrobe to someone else; even though I do need their advice, I still like some of my clothes! And some, I'm sorry to say, I keep only because they are super-comfortable (a word Stacy and Clinton hate) or have nostalgic value, or I'm saving them because they used to fit, and I fondly, or unrealistically, think I'll lose those extra pounds. I have been purging my wardrobe, though I've got a long way to go.


Also, the hair makeover would be tough for me (though probably much needed) because I'd be afraid they'd cut my hair way too short--even at 64 I don't look good in short hair! I'd love makeup help though--Carmindy does such a beautiful job. I usually like her clothes, too.

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When I was in the audience for the filming of the show, Stacy spent quite a bit of time answering questions on fashion, trends and the show. She said she would LOVE to do an episode for women in the age groups of 50s, 60s, etc. She hopes one day that it will be a reality. She didn't specify why the show did not include women of those ages, but I imagine the producers aren't convinced that there's a large enough market for that age bracket.


Maybe the producers feels that 50-70's who are fashion-concious enough to watch the show have already learned their fashion lessons and aren't likely to be in need of a fashion makeover.

The biggest challenge for us is that we tend to get stuck in a fashion time-warp, wearing styles that reflect either an earlier version of ourselves or earlier times. It would be interesting to have some shows focusing on these issues.

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Nebr.cruiser, yes, I've thought of that too, but then the thought of them throwing away/donating ALL of my things gives me pause. I am certain I have some things that look good on me and I should keep. Do you remember the book from the 70's or early 80's about color dressing, Color Me Beautiful, or some such? Well, in there it said if you got a lot of compliments from people on a certain outfit or color, you should pay attention because that is the right thing for you to wear, so I try to do that and I would be heartbroken to have some of those things go away fooorrreeeevvveeeerrrr.

I think for the average woman, it is not necessary to get rid of everything, just to do an honest purge.

The people on the show are hard-core fashion violators and the session is an intervention for them. Still, I wonder what they do in real life when thay have nothing ot war but the limited outfits bought on the show.

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I think for the average woman, it is not necessary to get rid of everything, just to do an honest purge.

The people on the show are hard-core fashion violators and the session is an intervention for them. Still, I wonder what they do in real life when thay have nothing ot war but the limited outfits bought on the show.


Exactly. I do usually love the clothing picked out on the show, but, really, it's only part of what a normal person would wear on a day-to-day basis. Surely these people need some really casual clothes too, such as you wear around the house?


Also, there are a lot of us who do not live in a big city environment and who would honestly look silly and out of place wearing the great, but still quite dressy, 'casual' outfits on the show.


Here where I live, in rural America, what they call casual-go-to-the-supermarket clothing is what we wear to church, or work. Not that many of us don't dress too casually--we do--but that's the way it is. I'd look out of place, say, if I wore a nice blazer, heels and dark jeans to my grandson's baseball game, as well as roasting from the heat.


Ok, I know this is a silly analogy, but sometimes clothes have to fit the environment; Stacy and Clinton do try to take into account the person's lifestyle, though, which I appreciate. I'm just sometimes not sure that they really realize what works outside of the city.

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You got that right, simplelife! In Nov. '08 I got my very long hair cut off for the 1st time in 30 yrs - major melt down from DH. But now we're both used to it and if I get a bad haircut now, I just say, "Oh well, its just hair; it'll grow back and be trimmed off in 3 weeks." I have super thick hair and get it thinned as well. the point is, i was on hold as far as moving forward on hairstyle all that time.

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Exactly. I do usually love the clothing picked out on the show, but, really, it's only part of what a normal person would wear on a day-to-day basis. Surely these people need some really casual clothes too, such as you wear around the house?


Also, there are a lot of us who do not live in a big city environment and who would honestly look silly and out of place wearing the great, but still quite dressy, 'casual' outfits on the show.


Here where I live, in rural America, what they call casual-go-to-the-supermarket clothing is what we wear to church, or work. Not that many of us don't dress too casually--we do--but that's the way it is. I'd look out of place, say, if I wore a nice blazer, heels and dark jeans to my grandson's baseball game, as well as roasting from the heat.


I agree that some of their "casual" clothes are a little too dressy for the lives that most of us live. Further, if they get rid of all of the grungy clothes, what do you have left to wear to scrub floors or garden?


I do wonder sometimes if the people that they makeover own full length mirrors?? If they did, I don't understand how they could dress the way they do. The top "what was she thinking" (in my opinion) was the woman who wore a strapless leopard print minidress to a luncheon with teachers.

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I do wonder sometimes if the people that they makeover own full length mirrors?? If they did, I don't understand how they could dress the way they do. The top "what was she thinking" (in my opinion) was the woman who wore a strapless leopard print minidress to a luncheon with teachers.

I remember that episode!! I had the same reaction as you


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Fashion ideas for older women that do not involve elastic waist pants: I don't really love the quality of the clothing from Spiegel, BUT, their paper catalogs (haven't checked if the website does this or not) has a great feature--they pick women from 5 decades (20s through 60s) and show the same articles of clothing worn different styles for each age of women. I think it's a great feature - I don't always love the styling but at least it gives me new ideas on age appropriate models!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Last April, I was on the NCL Gem when What Not to Wear surprised a passenger and filmed an episode on the ship. I met Stacy London and she's more beautiful in person than on TV. And as pax, we were able to attend the filming of the final reveal for the last couple minutes of the show.


I'm just curious if anyone else on these boards was on that same sailing? Anyone? If so, did you run into Stacy on the ship as well? :)


We were also on that cruise and got to sit in the front row at the filming. I have a bunch of pics if you want to check them out. It will bring you right back. :D

Funny thing is we didn't have a clue who she was and had never seen or heard of the show until then. We started watching it after the cruise, but haven't seen it in a long time now.

I love her gold shoes!




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