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Ok Celebrity...it's been nice.


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the WHOLE world can hear you!

man goes into a bar, orders a drink.

4 girls walk in, all on cell phones, order drinks, never say a word to one another, then leave.

man wonders, why did they bother to get together?

true, cant make this stuff up. :confused:

going on NCL Sun next week where cell phone usage at sea is already a reality, will report back

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We are fairly new cruisers (since 2001) and don't know about the "good old days" at X before that. We are very happy with our X experiences.

However, I do know they keep building new and larger ships. Unfortunately, they don't sink the old cruise ships off the coast to provide better fishing. Therefore, I suspect they are trying to attract more passengers since they have more and more capacity. Where do the extra passengers come from? Bingo, from the cell phone toting, jeans wearing crowd!

The large-market cruise lines, including RCI and X, must attract these new customers or else perish. Publicly owned companies must provide returns to the stockholders or they will be gone.

I had my first taste of ice wine a few weeks ago. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Possibly, you could take more of it with you on future cruises. Open the first bottle of the day around 11:30 am and by mid-afternoon, you won't notice cell phones, blue jeans, crying babies, chair hogs, walkie talkies, etc., etc., etc. I know this isn't a cure but it might help.

Les :rolleyes:

PS Your decision won't have any impact on Newt taking future cruises, will it???

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Since the pro and con of the argument were already hashed out in a huge thread last week, I only have a question for Danno:


What are you going to do with your free time? If you are refusing to take a vacation where cell phones are permitted or useable, your possible vacation locations have already dwindled to a rare few spots in any civilized nation, and these are getting smaller every day. Even the deep woods cabins are getting in range (since 5 years ago, my North Carolina mountain winter getaway spot never had reception...until last year).


I can understand taking a stand for something you believe in, or against. I can understand trying to make a change. But once you've lost the battle, I can't understand destroying a part of your own life in a protest which affects only you.


I hope you can still enjoy yourself...but I personally don't think I could live a happy life without vacations, travel, and getaways. I may not like rude people or public talking on cellphones (remember, I argued on the side of the benefit, but against the rude and improper use), but I'm not going to avoid all places with cellphones - mainly because I know there really aren't places without cellphones...and if there are, someone will be putting an antenna within range very soon.


As for Celebrity's decision - I don't know why you want to hold it against them - I will guarantee you that within the next 5 years, the service will be available aboard all ships of all lines - even the premiums like Silversea and Crystal. They may have been the first to make the move...but if they didn't, someone else would have, and the industry would have inevitably followed.


Anyway...hope for your sake you change your mind, or at least realize the futility the first time you try to figure out where to go without cellphones!

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I run and own a small business. I do not want to use my cellphone. Instead I check the internet every other day while away....but this is almost 2005? What was the typo by the way? Own or run?


Lois, Toni and I have wondered why you have not responded to the Century sanitation thing. We are on our first X cruise on the Century as you know and we do believe that X will fix the problem.


Danno, I hope you would think that same thing about them when it comes to the cellphone issue. If not, then I guess you need to turn it all in and move on.



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You know, I've got to agree with Danno on this one.


In the long run, a cruise is all about the experience -- and having the social boors who think they're indispensable running around trying to look important yacking on their cell phones negates the overall experience.


I am sorry -- no one who is not a senior crew member on a cruise vessel needs a working portable phone on said vessel. When I took my first cruise, I was one of two people in a very large corporation with extraordinary responsibilities and authority. It was unheard of for either of us to even take a day off, more-less a vacation, and you were expected to always be within cellular range and within 10 minutes of a PC. I told my boss I was taking off two weeks, would have no access to computers, the Internet (ok, lied a little), or a cell phone or any other phone, and she'd simply have to live with it. This was largely due to watching someone else in the company literally crack up from working 24/7/52.


You know what? They lived without me. If any of us were to die tonight, the world would keep spinning, folks would adjust and life would go on without us. I think if the world can handle that, it can handle not being able to call any of us on a cell phone for 12 days.


And for those who argue they need them for family emergencies, once again, I say that's ludicrous. If there's a dire emergency while you are 12 miles out, calling you on the cell will change nothing. If it's truly so important you think it legitimizes disrupting others' enjoyment of their cruise, then it's important enough to call the ship's satellite phone and pay the $7 a minute. The dog, the kids, the house... all of them can deal without me for a week, or they can bite the bullet and decide to face my wrath if they cost me big bucks by calling the ship and then having me decide it wasn't sensible. I went on one cruise, and a family member was having health problems. I remember my mother telling me afterwards that if things had gone badly, she had already decided she wasn't going to contact me mid-cruise, as it wouldn't help the family member, and wouldn't help me. She was right, but that isn't anything new.


If Celebrity and RCL wants to have their ships become the equivalent of the the local mall's food court, they can do it without my patronage. If cell phones are enabled beyond the current range in any public area of their vessels that I consider an an enjoyable part of my cruising experience, I'll pass on sailing on that vessel. And I guarantee you, some smart businessperson working for some line will see the gold in folks like myself and Danno, and they'll be advertising their "cell-free" cruises within a year.



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I have this immage in my head of a loud person on his cell phone at dinner in his jeans......urgh


...while he is saving a deck chair, no doubt!


I was hoping when I heard that cell service would be available at sea that it would mean there would be cell phone cafes (or "hot spots"), like there are for the internet. I hope that they cannot be used all over the ship.


I am treating myself to my first balcony cabin after years of insides on my next cruise. I guess I'll have to remember to bring ear plugs just in case!




Independence 2000 - Hawaii

Ryndam 2002 - Mexican Riviera

Mercury 2003 - Alaska

Maasdam 2004 - Eastern Caribbean

Infinity 10/05 - Hawaii RT

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This is a very interesting thread and I´ll have to throw in my two cents.


In my eyes Cell phones are a great thing. I´m a nurse and I have to be on call several days a month next to my regular shifts. In the time pre-cell-phone-time I had to stay at home sitting next to the telephone waiting for a call. Today I´m able to to what I want during the on-call time as long as I stay within a 30-minute range of the hospital.

I don´t want to give it away again. The cell phones are also great when on the highway or anywhere else in case of an emergency.

Having said all this you might think I´m one of these persons hanging on the phone all the time. You are wrong. If fact I rarely even use the phone, it´s just good to have it and on the monthly bill there are usually less than five calls. And most of the time I don´t even reach the minimum I have to spend on calls, but it´s still the cheapest contract.


In my eyes you can´t blame the cruise line, the cell phones or available technique for any inconvenience this may cause to you.

You have to blame the user of the technique for this.

On my last cruise I´ve been on a shore ex. and a lady was talking to all of her friends on the cell phone and everybody on the bus had to listen to it. You couldn´t even hear the tour guide. She would have done this the entire trip I think unless her partner had said her to stop it because the people were complaining. She acted like hey what´s wrong, but stoped it.

It was the lady not the cell phone that was annoying.


I´m sorry I have to say this, but if any of you think you could stop the progress by stoping sailing on a special cruise line you seem stupid to me. Even if you are the most loyal customer and have 100+ cruises in the Royal Suite under your belt they will hear your concerns, respond very politely and go on with their business, even if they loose you as a loyal customer. You won´t stop them. As well as you can´t bring them to enforce the rules regarding dress code, chair hogs, ......


The only thing we all can do is to hope that the people using the technique are considerate enough to use it without annoying others.


Just one last remark. I read a few month ago that some airlines are testing the use of

cell phones during the flight. This is something I would fid very annoying, sitting 12 hours next to people talking on the phone. I don´t want to be informed about their entire live.

Will this cause to stop me flying? Probably not. I don´t want to spend my vacation at home just because other people are rude. Same reason whay it wouldn´t stop me cruising and I could have this on any Hotel balcony, at any Hotel pool and in any Hotel Lobby too.

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Quote by pjsugg


"Lois, Toni and I have wondered why you have not responded to the Century sanitation thing. We are on our first X cruise on the Century as you know and we do believe that X will fix the problem."


I haven't replied because plenty of other folks have.....but since you asked....I am saddened they let it get in such a bad state......but I am hoping they fix things very quickly and keep it at the 90+% the ships usually get.....and yes, I will still be sailing her again in May.

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Want freedom? Buy a raft, paddle, Long/Lat map,& a compass and

set sail for a deserted island. Enjoy a week there.


Sheeesh. Cell phones are a daily item. When you get up in the morning

and get ready to go to work and if you hear a cell phone, do you go

back inside and decide not to go to work? Just because someone goes

on vacation or a cruise doesn't mean that they don't have business that

they may or may not have to take care of. Oh I forgot there isn't

Freedom of Speech.



"Freedom of speech"??? What a stupid connection...one thing I have always found odd about our neighbours to the south...you can frame any annoyance, twist it around and make it a constitutional right.
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I do agree that the cell phones can turn out to be a real pain on the ship.......but there is a time and place for them and I do think that most will be considerate. Remember that I said MOST. The others will be like the chair hogs etc.


As far as our constitutional rights go. I for one am damn proud of them!

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Just MHO...but this is my idea of Cell Hell...


trapped on my verandah in the middle of the ocean with thoughtless passengers on either side with ongoing conversations...


RCI is indeed Carnival in a different suit...well said, Danno

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Wait until a few of them get thier first cell phone bill from a cruise.....that'll slow them down. My son just returned from Italy. He and his girl friend thought it was "neat" they could call home on his cell and give folks updates during the two weeks they were there. He's now struggling with how to pay off a $1,100 bill. By the way, Dad did not come to the rescue. :)

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Want freedom? Buy a raft, paddle, Long/Lat map,& a compass and

set sail for a deserted island. Enjoy a week there.

Sheeesh. Cell phones are a daily item. When you get up in the morning

and get ready to go to work and if you hear a cell phone, do you go

back inside and decide not to go to work? Just because someone goes

on vacation or a cruise doesn't mean that they don't have business that

they may or may not have to take care of. Oh I forgot there isn't

Freedom of Speech.



I think you're totally missing the point here. Just as you think it is your "right" to have a cell phone onboard and use it whenever you please, is it not also our "right" to enjoy a peaceful, quiet cruise experience? I think that cell phones definitely have a place on a cruise ship. However, I also think that using that cell phone carries a responsibility to be considerate of your fellow cruisers. I really don't care to hear your personal cellphone conversations so if you need to make a cell call, please take it to an area where you can have privacy and not disturb the privacy of others.

And if you really want the freedom to use your cellphone whenever and however you want, I suggest you take your own advice and

buy a raft and sail to a deserted island!
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After much reading of this thread, I hope you understand that there are many of us who are considerate of other people, which is again why I use the internet cafe to keep in touch with my employees and only when I want to do so. For the most part, they can deal with problems for 7-10 days without me. I also hope that the charge will be so high that people would only use the cellphones for serious issues!!! They can be annoying.....actually the phone is not.....the user can be annoying.


But, I have heard so much good about Celebrity that maybe you should reconsisder until you find it is really a problem.




Thanks for the reply. I saw you were going on Century again and we can hardly wait for our first on her.



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Danno. I don't like cell phones either, but I would not quit cruising because of them. Take a deep breath and ask yourself,'Is it really the cell phones that make me want to quit, or, is it somthing else, or many small things, such as lack of NHL hockey for one?' We all get upset from time to time, and lash out at the first thing that upsets us. You have no doubt heard of the phrase 'To cut off you nose to spite your face!' Is this what is going on? I think that I have said enough, Danno, do yourself a favour and think about it. All the very best to you, hope to see you somtime on X. john taylor

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As far as our constitutional rights go. I for one am damn proud of them!

You have every right to be proud of them...and you should be offended when someone quotes them to defend something as inane as a cell phone.

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You have every right to be proud of them...and you should be offended when someone quotes them to defend something as inane as a cell phone.


Exactly Danno, especially when they quote them without any knowledge of what they actually mean. Also, might remind them that the ships are usually not in the U.S except for a few port stops and embarkation or debarkation.



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which is again why I use the internet cafe to keep in touch with my employees and only when I want to do so. For the most part, they can deal with problems for 7-10 days without me. I also hope that the charge will be so high that people would only use the cell phones for serious issues!!!
On my Hawaiian cruise, the internet was down for three days and sporadic at other times. I ran up a $25 internet bill just trying to log onto my email (luckily I had free coupons for the C&A membership and the purser also gave me coupons to cover the cost). Once we neared the islands, it was much easier and free for me to use my cell to call my children.


As I said before, I was being considerate in that I only used the cell in my stateroom. No, it wasn't an emergency that I had to keep in contact with them. It was love and concern of what was going on with my children in their daily lives. We both felt better knowing what was going on with each other and that everyone was safe. This is just a personal issue for my family. Where others may be happy without any outside contacts, we prefer to keep in touch.:)


I can remember when my parents traveled to Europe and various places when I was young. Either my grandparents or a baby sitter would stay with us. How I wished I could have talked with my parents from time to time while they were away. Instead, we didn't hear from them for days at a time! :(

As my husband and I traveled when our children were younger, we had to rely on the operator and long distance calls to keep in touch. Since this was expensive and often inconvenient to catch them at home, we usually called every other evening just before the children's bedtime.


Keeping in touch with loved ones, business partners, etc. is a wonderful convenience that we have not had in the past. Thanks to technology, this can now be done with the cell and I am glad. No more hassles of calling through an operator, credit card calls, etc.



All the arguing in the world will not keep rude and selfish people from using their cells in public, but I have no problem with voicing my displeasure when I see this being done.:rolleyes:


I also realize that a cell on a cruise may not always work and we will have to resort to using the internet, long distance cards or going more than a day without keeping in contact with the outside world. This is going to be hard when we travel to Europe next fall. I can live with that, but it sure is nice when we don't have too. ;)

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Don...my long term plans are to have a 36' sailboat in five years...when I sail to the Caribbean I'll stop by and pick up yourself and then Duck in NYC...then there'll be at least one ship with some common sense and interesting debate. :D

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No hard feelings...I've had 10 great cruises and will miss cruising terribly...however the cruise experience that is being offered is becoming little more than a floating average hotel...food better than average, rooms smaller than average = average.(


As an Elite Founders member, I have to agree with Danno about Celebrity becoming "average". While trying to appeal to a wider demographic, they are getting away from what has set them apart from the other lines. With the pricing policy change and other major changes, we too are exploring other cruise lines.


As for the cell phone situation, I really don't have a problem with them being used on a cruise ship. I will do exactly what I do everywhere else when it comes to a rude cell phone user. I boldly tell the offender to take it outside or hang up! This usually works



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Cell at sea...for the cost of a cruise you can now experience all the rude people you thought you left behind, live and in person throughout your cruise ship...RCI is proud of this innovation and expects it will enhance our cruise. How do people this stupid ever end up in charge of anything...
Because they've figured out that people even more stupid will fall for it - and pay for the privilege. Who'd ever have thought that putting water in plastic bottles would be profitable? Cha-ching!
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On my last cruise in October, while in port at San Juan, DW and I stood in line waiting for the dining room to open. Many people behind us was a man talking business, apparently to his secretary, on his cell phone, loud enough to bother everyone in around him. I excused myself and told DW to stay in line. I walked back and stood in this man's face, smiling, while he continued his conversation. After only a few seconds, he asked me what I wanted. I told him since he was holding a conversation in public, I wanted to make sure I didn't miss a word. He told his secretary he would call her back later and hung up. He told me that I was rude and he had the right to use his phone. I responded by stating that although he had that right, I also had the right to leave the business world behind on my cruise vacation and didn't want to hear his business either. At least 40 people around us applauded. He got the idea.


My son called me yesterday while I was in line at the bank. I told him I would call him back, ensuring the conversation lasted no more than 10 seconds. Not only did I not want my personal business discussed in front of strangers, I think it would have been considered rude by the others around me if I had continued talking. There is a time and place for cell phone usage, but certainly not on a cruise ship, other than for an emergency, and then it should be limited to non public areas.

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