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Infant fare question..

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But RCL charged full fare?


Yes, they charge full fare - if the infant is the third or fourth person in a cabin, they are charged at whatever that rate is. Here is the reason - the ship can only hold so many "souls" - an infant counts as a "soul" just the same as an adult.


I agree with the previous poster - some lines like Disney might charge little or nothing for infants, but you'll pay way more for the adults.

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Not only will you pay the 3rd or 4th person fare, but check under gifts and gear and you will find what they charge for "food" for the baby if you don't bring your own. I checked at babies r us last week (my grandaughter will be 7 mos. when we sail) and they had the same food for one fourth of the price quoted by RCL. Granted it was on sale, or it would have been between one third and one fourth of the price. Bad enough that we have to pay the same price for her as an adult (or child or teen-ager) eating the onboard food, but to have to pay such a huge mark-up for baby food is unreal.

We'll probably buy it in port before we sail. Can't take it aboard the plane as a carry on and don't want to think about what would happen to our clothes if it was packed inside our luggage.:(

I like that they are offering baby food now, just wish the prices were more in line with what a retail store charges for it. Would be even happier if they had it in the MDR for dinner at no charge.

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I took my daughter on 2 NCL cruises when she was 5 months and 1 year (this was 4 years ago) and she was "free" plus port charges and taxes. And obviously we also paid her tips. We also took her on a RCCL when she was 2 and paid full 3rd passenger rate and the above posters are correct that it was almost the same cost as our 1st and 2nd passenger rates. I have 2 kids now and will get 2 connecting rooms next time we cruise as a family since it costs the same as all being in the same cabin:)


I have not sailed on NCL again so I am not sure if their policy is still the same for infants? If so go ahead and give it a try - NCL is not bad. We had lots of fun but I have to say that I still like RCCL the best, mainly because of their service and activities on their ships.

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I'm a mother of a small child too and IMHO I don't think that it's right that children under three who can't take part in Adventure Ocean or go into a kiddie pool because they aren't potty trained (yes, yes, I understand about hygene but if they wanted to, they could provide a small place that had a little splash zone on EVERY ship, not just the huge ones that leave out of FL or the other large ports so that the little ones could enjoy splashing around) have to pay the same price as any other third or fourth passenger. Yes, they are a soul and I know they won't be spending a ton of extra money on liquor, bingo, in the casino or in the shops - but neither will I. I'm not a drinker, don't like to gamble and other than a few souvenirs, I'm not a big shopper. There's no rule that says if you are a passenger you have to spend a certain amount on board so I see no reason why you have to punish a family with an infant by charging them huge fares when the baby will not really consume anything of the ship's but maybe some milk- if they are off of formula! I'm not saying this to get blasted and if you think it's fair, I respect that and I'm not putting you down. I'm just saying that I sypathize with the OP and do not think that it is right. Because of this, we've spent our vacation dollars elsewhere for the last few years. I'm sure they didn't miss me much and others were there to take the cabin that I didn't book, but that's how it had to be. We're ready to try it again with our toddler this October. I hear that the staff is wonderful with small children and make them feel special. I'm happy to hear that. I think we'll have a wonderful time and I'm sure he'll love it too. In my mind is it right that he pays the same even though he's 2.5 years old? NO! But, hopefully we can afford to keep on cruising and later on when he's 15 and 16, I'll think back to the days that he ate only a bowl of cheerios, some yogurt and mac and cheese and think, "Wow, I'm getting my money's worth now!" LOL I just can't stay away! We love to cruise!

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I wonder if they are actually trying to discourage people bringing small infants on their cruises by charging the full equivalent of an adult price (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.), and also charging so much for the baby food?

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I wonder if they are actually trying to discourage people bringing small infants on their cruises by charging the full equivalent of an adult price (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.), and also charging so much for the baby food?


They sure aren't encouraging it!

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IMHO I don't think that it's right that children under three ..... have to pay the same price as any other third or fourth passenger. I see no reason why you have to punish a family with an infant by charging them huge fares when the baby will not really consume anything of the ship's but maybe some milk- if they are off of formula!


That's why the choice is totally optional.


There's only a certain about of berths a ship can sell, based on the amount of spaces on the lifeboats (so I've read). This is regardless of how many available beds there are. The child is taking one of those sellable slots.


Is the fare worth it to have the child with "you"? We chose NOT to, and missed her dearly. When she turned 4, she became part of our cruising family.


And we haven't looked back.

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I'm a mother of a small child too and IMHO I don't think that it's right that children under three who can't take part in Adventure Ocean or go into a kiddie pool because they aren't potty trained (yes, yes, I understand about hygene but if they wanted to, they could provide a small place that had a little splash zone on EVERY ship, not just the huge ones that leave out of FL or the other large ports so that the little ones could enjoy splashing around) have to pay the same price as any other third or fourth passenger. Yes, they are a soul and I know they won't be spending a ton of extra money on liquor, bingo, in the casino or in the shops - but neither will I. I'm not a drinker, don't like to gamble and other than a few souvenirs, I'm not a big shopper. There's no rule that says if you are a passenger you have to spend a certain amount on board so I see no reason why you have to punish a family with an infant by charging them huge fares when the baby will not really consume anything of the ship's but maybe some milk- if they are off of formula! I'm not saying this to get blasted and if you think it's fair, I respect that and I'm not putting you down. I'm just saying that I sypathize with the OP and do not think that it is right. Because of this, we've spent our vacation dollars elsewhere for the last few years. I'm sure they didn't miss me much and others were there to take the cabin that I didn't book, but that's how it had to be. We're ready to try it again with our toddler this October. I hear that the staff is wonderful with small children and make them feel special. I'm happy to hear that. I think we'll have a wonderful time and I'm sure he'll love it too. In my mind is it right that he pays the same even though he's 2.5 years old? NO! But, hopefully we can afford to keep on cruising and later on when he's 15 and 16, I'll think back to the days that he ate only a bowl of cheerios, some yogurt and mac and cheese and think, "Wow, I'm getting my money's worth now!" LOL I just can't stay away! We love to cruise!



I have to disagree here. I think it´s the right thing to do for them. They are charging reduced 3rd/4th passenger rates already and it really doesn´t matter if it´s a 1 year old or 50 year old using that 3rd/4th berth.


A soul is a soul onboard and they need to operate profitable sailings. If they would reduce the infants/childrens rates everybody elses rates would have to compensate for that. Not eating food onboard is not an issue as the amount for food out of your cruise fare is very very minimal.

I don´t mind kids onboard, though on my cruises there have been only very few so far, probably because time and itinerary wasn´t too attractive to families. However and I might get flamed for this, I´m not up for compensating reduced kids rates with my cruise fare - let the parents pay for their kids not me.

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I wonder if they are actually trying to discourage people bringing small infants on their cruises by charging the full equivalent of an adult price (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.), and also charging so much for the baby food?



They are offering a service with the baby food and it cost them money to provide that service (more than just the retail price) and on top of that they are in the business to make money, so there needs to be some profit out of this service.

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They are offering a service with the baby food and it cost them money to provide that service (more than just the retail price) and on top of that they are in the business to make money, so there needs to be some profit out of this service.


A robber is in a business too. He has to make money so he must rob people. Does that make it ok? NO.

That said, those are the rules. You know them up front. You can choose to take your infant or leave them with a care giver on land.

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That's why the choice is totally optional.

Is the fare worth it to have the child with "you"? We chose NOT to, and missed her dearly. When she turned 4, she became part of our cruising family.


And we haven't looked back.


I agree- I couldn't even consider leaving my little one for a week. I barely make it through the day while I'm at work and he's at the sitter. I'd be wandering what he was doing new and different and if he was sad that we left him. He's just going to have to learn that he's a cruiser! I have no doubt that he'll love it though! :o)


And again, everyone has their own opinions. I'm sure I won't change anyone's mind that thinks it's the right thing - the same way they won't convince me it's fair. And, yes, they aren't twisting my arm to go. The lines just need to realize that most people are families and have children and when the family feels that it's treated fairly and has more money to spend on board they will. To me they set a tone that I already have to be guarded because not only are there cutbacks and more nickel and diming, but in my mind, the fare issue is really not right. Restaurants, amusement parks, entertainment centers, countless places in our area charge child prices for their services and they are all in it to make a profit.


I'm happy though- my family will be together on a cruise. Can it get any better? I don't go with a bad attitude. I'm on cloud nine looking forward to it.

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Although I have no objection to families bringing their children onboard cruise ships, I have to wonder what the hurry is. If you don't like the fact you have to keep your kids with you on a cruise ship, or that you have to pay for them....either wait a year or two or have them stay home with relatives while you cruise.


We waited until our youngest was 6 before our first cruise. Before then we went to other vacation spots no more than 2 hours from home. Your kids won't remember if they went to the beach, a hotel, a cabin, camping, to Grandmas or just about anywhere else when they are little.


The older I get, the more I realize that it's futile to try to hurry through life.

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I think that it is a great idea to charge the same amout for children. I do not see why parents expect discounts. If you want to take your children on vaction then expect to pay for them. I never had a problem paying for my daughter.

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I think that it is a great idea to charge the same amout for children. I do not see why parents expect discounts. If you want to take your children on vaction then expect to pay for them. I never had a problem paying for my daughter.


I'm not a parent, so I have no horse in this race so to speak, but I would have expected a discount simply because infants consume practically no goods or services onboard. The only marginal costs I can see for bringing an infant onboard are the processing fees upfront during booking, and probably some per-capita costs under RCI's insurance policies and things of that nature. Paying for children who eat, run around, take up spots at the pool and seats at the theater is different, and I wouldn't expect a discount for them. It's not like I think RCI is committing highway robbery by charging for infants or anything, but I don't think the idea of a discount for a person who is physically incapable of using 99% of the cost-generating activities onboard is that crazy. As evidenced by the fact that other cruiselines offer said discounts.

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I'm not a parent, so I have no horse in this race so to speak, but I would have expected a discount simply because infants consume practically no goods or services onboard. The only marginal costs I can see for bringing an infant onboard are the processing fees upfront during booking, and probably some per-capita costs under RCI's insurance policies and things of that nature. Paying for children who eat, run around, take up spots at the pool and seats at the theater is different, and I wouldn't expect a discount for them. It's not like I think RCI is committing highway robbery by charging for infants or anything, but I don't think the idea of a discount for a person who is physically incapable of using 99% of the cost-generating activities onboard is that crazy. As evidenced by the fact that other cruiselines offer said discounts.


Very few offer child discounts, Disney and NCL come to mind, but Disney is exorbitant for the 1/2 passengers so you are paying WAYYYYYYY more.

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Very few offer child discounts, Disney and NCL come to mind, but Disney is exorbitant for the 1/2 passengers so you are paying WAYYYYYYY more.


I understand those two are the exception rather than the rule, but my point is that cruiselines do offer them, and they can offer them because you can charge next-to-nothing for an infant and still turn a profit off of their booking. It's not difficult to see how a cruiseline could consider all points and come to the conclusion that it's a good strategy to offer the discount. Though they should probably put more effort into publicizing it, if they're going to go with that strategy.

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As evidenced by the fact that other cruiselines offer said discounts.


The other cruise lines are Disney, NCL, Costa and MSC.


Although I love sailing on RCCL, it is a tough pill to swallow when you are paying $899 each for the kids. Even NCL has a $99 (or $199) 3rd/4th rate.


I understand those two are the exception rather than the rule, but my point is that cruiselines do offer them, and they can offer them because you can charge next-to-nothing for an infant and still turn a profit off of their booking. It's not difficult to see how a cruiseline could consider all points and come to the conclusion that it's a good strategy to offer the discount. Though they should probably put more effort into publicizing it, if they're going to go with that strategy.


I agree! I would LOVE to see it happen on RCCL.

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