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Beware of non-sponcered ship excursions


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Your going to hear many folks on cc say it's ok to do whatever you want. This is a critics website and keep that in mind if you can catch my drift. Neverhteless go with your gut and stick to you 1st instincts. We use Princess Exclusively for all excursions. The crew has arranged a personal contact with all shore excursion vendors and this is in your best interest even if it has no bearing on safety it is good for the simple logistics of the important matters like what time the passengers need to be back for sailing. I certainly don't like any pertinenet info to be lost in translation.

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they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm


this sounds like a tourist, not a traveler

A traveler has already researched the safety concerns and their options before they set foot in a foreign land

we've never just flagged down a taxi at any airport overseas or in port...

nor do we travel with any jewelry except our plain wedding bands


and we're never carrying that kind of cash on us....that's crazy!


that doesn't mean that we are far from always being safe, but it just means I've done A LOT of research so I'm not a easy target

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Again it is strange to me that,Americans won't go to area's in the good old U.S.A like west side of Chicago,south central L.A run down area's of Miami,and New York city,but they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm



I'm sorry, but your initial post and additional "travel advice" just rings shallow, and I'm not sure you are in a position of authority on the subject. There are hundreds and hundreds of private excursions from cruise ships EVERY DAY that folks on these boards rave about. Sooo... no need to "warn the uniformed masses" of dire consequences that may never occur should they book a private tour! That is a disservice to folks looking for advice on these boards.


I would say that most people are very aware of their surroundings when traveling, so no need to bash private excursions unless you can site specific vendors.

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For those of you that like to go on non princess sponcered excursions.BE CAREFUL they are tons of things that happens to Americans in places like Aruba,Jamaica,and even in Europe. one must always exercise caution.Even taking a taxi cab in a foreign country you are at their mercy.I am not trying to be paraniod(even though experts says some paranoia is good for ones life)just be careful.I have even read on CC that some people have had problem's with non ship sponcered excursions.missing the ship,taxi's breaking down,and one couple I read about got robbed.I personally rather pay the extra few dollars and let the cruise line be incontroll, than some other indivisial,or company(thats just me)no I am not employed by princess or any other cruise line. I am just a cc member concered about my fellow cruisers.AGAIN BE CAREFUL AND ASK YOUSELF IS IT REALLY WORTH THE $20 OR $30 I AM SAVING by doing it on my own.


I am not saying it is right for everyone, but I am a firm believer in doing your own shore excursions. Aside from the cost savings, there is often a time savings and better quality.


I discuss this issue a bit in the review I did of our cruise.




For example, booking with Captain Marvin's in Grand Cayman for a Stingray City tour was the best money we spent on our Western Carib cruise on the Star. The tour was excellent, their location is right near one of the docks and the price was very reasonable.

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We are by no means world travelers... but with a little research and some ahrd work you can SAVE some $$$'s and have a great time and be SAFE.


There are times where my wife and I will go with the ship, there are other times where we go our own way.


A few rules of thumb we follow. If you are doing a land based (shopping or beach) tour on a small island, we feel safer taking a private Shore Ex. Even if the car/bus breaks down you should have no problem getting back to the ship either waiting for a replacement or flagging something down. Example Cozumel or Roatan. There are cabs on the major roads every few munites as the Islands are so small.


If we are doing a boat tour (snorkeling in belize) we tend to go with the crusie ship. The reason for this.


March of 06 - we were in Belize doing there Sahrk ray Alley tour with NCL. We went to the snokeling site, was great. WE went to Ambergers Caye for a meal and shopping... great. We got back on our boat to go back to belieze city to thender th the NCL Dream. 1 of 2 engies on the boat DIES. We are 45 minutes from the Ship if we had 2 engiens and we are 1 HR until the Ship leaves.... Well the NCL rep calls the ship, instead of going into Belize we head directly for the Ship. We get there 30 minutes late, the ancor is up and ships engines are running, and after we get onboard they closed the door and were on their way. When there is a chance like this where it is a 1 of chance to get back to the ship, we book with the cruise line.

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when I started this thread I wanted people to think about what they are doing I think I have accomplished that. now one has it in their mind to be careful.It does not matter if you are a tourist or traveler.you are still going someplace that you may not be familiar with.from now on you would hopefully think before you jump in a cab or go to walking alone somewhere to save money.when you cruise if you don't have the money to do it right you maybe should alter your plains.someone once told me' if have to ask how much you something is you can't afford it"

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I research this site and find companies that are recommended and that have web sites and tours we are interested in and book them for ourselves and for roll call group. If we save some money all well and good. We don't jump off the ship and take the first taxi and hope we won't be ripped off. I book these months in advance. any times the ship doesn't offer the tour we want at the time we want to depart.

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Again it is strange to me that,Americans won't go to area's in the good old U.S.A like west side of Chicago,south central L.A run down area's of Miami,and New York city,but they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm


I agree with others here, the highlighted portion makes up a small difference between a tourist and a world traverler. A tourist might think wearing expensive jewelry in a port is perfectly fine, where a world traveler would never even consider it. :eek:


Also, going ashore and jumping in a taxi is also something we have never done. Common sense prevails here, and there really needs to be more of that when traveling. ;)

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There are a lot of wonderful private tour directors, in all parts of the world, who are honest and earnest and take great pride in their reputations. I have used many of them in the past, without a problem. But I always research ahead for those with a proven track record and good recommendations-- the Ports of Call boards here are a great resource. But I think you run a MUCH greater risk negotiating a tour at the dock with someone you know nothing about, and we all know they are there, anxious for business, whenever a ship docks. Two different scenarios, in my opinion, anyway.

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Again it is strange to me that,Americans won't go to area's in the good old U.S.A like west side of Chicago,south central L.A run down area's of Miami,and New York city,but they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm


I'm not sure if you realize it, but the rates of violent crime are MUCH higher in the areas of the US you mention than in MOST foreign countries visited by cruise ships (with the possible exceptions of Jamaica and a few ports in Central and South America). Most of my travel/cruising is in Europe, and I assure you that crime rates are much lower there than here.


Also, as others mention, there is no way I'd be carrying more cash on me than I absolutely need for the day, and I never wear expensive jewelry.

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Again it is strange to me that,Americans won't go to area's in the good old U.S.A like west side of Chicago,south central L.A run down area's of Miami,and New York city,but they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm


I will share with you what I have seen Americans do that drives me nuts and caused me to ask wth (it's worse really). You mentioned Jamaica in your original post. There are many who are afraid of the island and locals for good reasons (pushy, pushy pushy), as those who flock to it like bees to honey. Many Americans take lots of money to the island for 2 things, drugs and sex. Herb is a Bud that grows like Weed. Many also go with jungle fever, looking for jungle love. They are not the same because jungle fever is simple an attraction to someone of another race. Jungle love is what happens when someone with jungle fever hits the shores/port. Some toursits go knowing Jamaican men love women of larger size. Many Jamaican men think real men like meat, bones are for dog. A size 8 is nothing more that the spoils of a size 18, why bother. A lot of American women of size go knowing these guys don't have jobs but a lot of energy and a true appreciation for size. Based on what I know, that $200 is not going for the excursions you have in mind. Some guys read and believe the 'thing' they say about Caribbean women. While on vacation this tourist offered me 2000 for a get away. I thought 2000, US$ or JA$, that's less than $25JA. I said save it for tipping on the ship, however if you believe the rumor, then you must have a death wish. He said to go to heaven one has to die. He was an old fart with a sense a humor. As a culture, Jamaicans see size as a measure of wealth and good living. That's one reason they think so many Americans are very, very, very rich:D


I am Jamaican, born bred and proud. I have traveled back to the island for 30 years but the last 15 primarily as a tourist. For the 20 years I have worked with other locals to stem the flow of cruise passengers and building of more ports. The money end up benefiting the few rich and often corrupt government but not helping the ones who need it the most.

Vacationers by land are much different but some still come not for waterfall, Reggae or landscape. I would rather die than spend a day within a shot of a port on cruise day while there.


If you ever wish to see the true beauty of the place without the offers to buy anything or do anything, let me know. As for what you will smell, can't help it. In the meantime you can view the Jamaica I know that few passengers on ships ever see. It's amazing beauty laced with heart breaking poverty. Dirty kids with white bright smiles. White clothes hanging above red clay dirt and me enjoying it all. The palce is one contridiction after another, which is why it either loved or hated. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/559644941UvHHOC


I am kooljamming as in roots and culture.

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Ah yes, the safety of ship sponsored excursions.







In the interest of full disclosure, I feel I should amend my earlier post to say that, although I have traveled extensively around the world, the last time we took a Caribbean cruise that stopped in Jamaica, we stayed on board the ship. I'm an intrepid traveler, but I'm not foolhardy.

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I will share with you what I have seen Americans do that drives me nuts and caused me to ask wth (it's worse really). You mentioned Jamaica in your original post. There are many who are afraid of the island and locals for good reasons (pushy, pushy pushy), as those who flock to it like bees to honey. Many Americans take lots of money to the island for 2 things, drugs and sex. Herb is a Bud that grows like Weed. Many also go with jungle fever, looking for jungle love. They are not the same because jungle fever is simple an attraction to someone of another race. Jungle love is what happens when someone with jungle fever hits the shores/port. Some toursits go knowing Jamaican men love women of larger size. Many Jamaican men think real men like meat, bones are for dog. A size 8 is nothing more that the spoils of a size 18, why bother. A lot of American women of size go knowing these guys don't have jobs but a lot of energy and a true appreciation for size. Based on what I know, that $200 is not going for the excursions you have in mind. Some guys read and believe the 'thing' they say about Caribbean women. While on vacation this tourist offered me 2000 for a get away. I thought 2000, US$ or JA$, that's less than $25JA. I said save it for tipping on the ship, however if you believe the rumor, then you must have a death wish. He said to go to heaven one has to die. He was an old fart with a sense a humor. As a culture, Jamaicans see size as a measure of wealth and good living. That's one reason they think so many Americans are very, very, very rich:D


I am Jamaican, born bred and proud. I have traveled back to the island for 30 years but the last 15 primarily as a tourist. For the 20 years I have worked with other locals to stem the flow of cruise passengers and building of more ports. The money end up benefiting the few rich and often corrupt government but not helping the ones who need it the most.

Vacationers by land are much different but some still come not for waterfall, Reggae or landscape. I would rather die than spend a day within a shot of a port on cruise day while there.


If you ever wish to see the true beauty of the place without the offers to buy anything or do anything, let me know. As for what you will smell, can't help it. In the meantime you can view the Jamaica I know that few passengers on ships ever see. It's amazing beauty laced with heart breaking poverty. Dirty kids with white bright smiles. White clothes hanging above red clay dirt and me enjoying it all. The palce is one contridiction after another, which is why it either loved or hated. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/559644941UvHHOC


I am kooljamming as in roots and culture.



If I am reading this correctly (not sure as it is a bit hard to understand in parts). Are you saying that women of size are not safe visiting Jamaica? If so, you are talking about 60-75% of female cruisers now adays. Again, if that is what I am understanding, many will now be questioning their choice of visiting Jamaica either by cruise ship, or any other means. If you were trying to make members feel better about Jamacia, I think you just did the opposite. :(

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If I am reading this correctly (not sure as it is a bit hard to understand in parts). Are you saying that women of size are not safe visiting Jamaica? If so, you are talking about 60-75% of female cruisers now adays. Again, if that is what I am understanding, many will now be questioning their choice of visiting Jamaica either by cruise ship, or any other means. If you were trying to make members feel better about Jamacia, I think you just did the opposite. :(


"Some" women of size go to Jamaica for sex. Jamaican men like women with meat on the bones and they know it! If you are of size and wish to be with some who won't judge you for it, then Jamaica would be first on my list, if you can get pass the other cr@p.


No, I am not trying to say go or don't go unless you are with ME. :-)

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Again it is strange to me that,Americans won't go to area's in the good old U.S.A like west side of Chicago,south central L.A run down area's of Miami,and New York city,but they will go to a foreign land and flag down a taxi and get in the Taxi with anywhere from $200.00 to thousands of dollars in their pocket,exspensive jewelry,and trust the person to take them to some historic church or land mark.this just do not makes sense to me its one of those things that make you go mmmmmmm
DUH don't take Thousand of dollars:eek:., Don't take any jewelry.:eek: You certainly don't need it. What you do need is common sense.
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There are some areas on the planet Earth that are dangerous to people. In some, folks have been killing etc each other for hundreds of years without much logic. In others, poverty and/ or corruption create a similar environment. For a cruise ship corp to go to those areas seems to place profits over safety. For cruisers to leave a ship to visit those areas at all seems foolhardy.

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About 25 years ago, tourists were warned to stay in the resort areas and not go wandering around the island of Jamaica.

What I find amazing is the fabulous wealth of the resorts, but you can look out your bathroom window and see shacks made from nailed together wooden pepsi crates. The dichotomy is just too great. :(

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There are some areas on the planet Earth that are dangerous to people. In some, folks have been killing etc each other for hundreds of years without much logic. In others, poverty and/ or corruption create a similar environment. For a cruise ship corp to go to those areas seems to place profits over safety. For cruisers to leave a ship to visit those areas at all seems foolhardy.


The almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Some build ports in places they know the infrastructure can not support.

Forget how the poor passengers are going to get from point A to point B.

I guess more and more are hoping no one gets off the ship and do all the spending on board. So we are back to the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

I never assume a business is doing what's in my best interest because they are about covering A$$ and A$$ets. If they won't get sued and can make money....WHY NOT? Mega resorts and cruise lines, they will put you in the middle on nowhere, as long as they know someone is willing to book the cheap deal. How many people do this time and time again just to have an all you can eat buffet for 7 days? For some people to leave their back yard is scary. They have problems finding their way to Walmart B2B.

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About 25 years ago, tourists were warned to stay in the resort areas and not go wandering around the island of Jamaica.

What I find amazing is the fabulous wealth of the resorts, but you can look out your bathroom window and see shacks made from nailed together wooden pepsi crates. The dichotomy is just too great. :(

Maybe the people are happy in shacks made from nailed together wooden Pepsi crates. I have never had any trouble in Jamaica but maybe I have been lucky!.
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Maybe the people are happy in shacks made from nailed together wooden Pepsi crates. I have never had any trouble in Jamaica but maybe I have been lucky!.

I hope that you are right. I hope that people are happy where-ever they are.:o

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While I can certainly understand doing excursions on your own in some places, and for some types of trips, I had a similar experience to that of Lisa and Neb.


We did Hartley's undersea dive in Nassau (great helmut dive!), and the ship was due to leave at noon. The tour was late coming back. There were just about 6 or 7 of us on the ship -sponsored tour. The tour returned after noon, and the ship's anchor was up, ship ready to go, and as soon as we got on (I was the last one one, huffing and puffing down the dock) the ship doors closed and sailed.


Had this not been a ship-sponsored excursion, there was no way they would have waited!

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About 25 years ago, tourists were warned to stay in the resort areas and not go wandering around the island of Jamaica.

What I find amazing is the fabulous wealth of the resorts, but you can look out your bathroom window and see shacks made from nailed together wooden pepsi crates. The dichotomy is just too great. :(


Can you imagine what it would be like to exist in both worlds on ONE trip.

A week at one of the fancy resorts (Beaches, Sandals, Couples, Sunset properties) then a week at 'yawd' home. Most are happy because you were taught to be grateful. You can't laugh, worry and cry at the same time, so you will meet people with a great sense of humor, especially outside the tourist zone. I became a whiner after watching Oprah and one too many cruise;)

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We are independent travellers. When we cruise, we very seldom take the ship's tour. It has NOTHING to do with cost-it has EVERYTHING to do with quality and personal preference. We just don't want to be stuck on a big bus with a bunch of people and all that goes with it...stopping at Princess paid tourist traps, waiting for everyone to get on ,off, etc. Much prefer a small group and have ALL of our money actually end with the tour guide as opposed to fifty or so cents on the dollar. THe other poster was absolutely correct, if people want to do stupid things like wear expensive jewelry in countries where is average monthly wage is $100. then these people need to really think hard as to why it is they are targetted. And yes, there are lots of 'dangerous' places in the USA-as a tourist I have seen them. To read some of the posters on this board, one would think that the USA is a crime free zone.

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