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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. I told my work colleagues on Wednesday that my intermittent coughing was due to the gorgeous fluffy kitty that I have been cat sitting and who has been curled up on my lap every night after dinner. This gorgeous kitty sheds a lot of fur so I assumed it had caused my allergies to flare but I felt worse overnight so did the test on Thursday morning. It wasn’t kitty at all, I have Covid for the first time. So my cruising friends on the Ovation have missed two ports (port authority closed them due to weather) one has developed a chest infection, have not got on with their travelling companions and now their favourite cat sitter is Covid positive…fortunately I had contact details for their friends who are feeding kitty for the next two nights.
  2. Dani - we take from granted in our country how easy it is to book holidays. I am sorry you have to go through so many hurdles. Is there a reason the National airline does not fly on Friday afternoon to Saturday night? - that seems bizarre to me. Last minute bookings due to rescheduling is always difficult & more costly unfortunately. But you certainly don’t need this nightmare right now. I hope you get what you want and can travel now and can report back after your holiday of how good it was.
  3. @Ozark_Kid your beautiful grandchildren always bring a smile to our faces. I am sure they and all your beautiful loving family will be a big support. I am sorry to read of your diagnosis but hope you remain good and stable for quite some time yet.
  4. @resordanis I know you dock back in Sydney on Saturday morning. What ports do you have left to visit?
  5. Sorry to read of the missed ports. I have friends on board but haven’t heard from them re the missed ports. A shame. They were looking forward to seeing Lanarch Castle with a private tour and seeing the Te Papu museum (excuse spelling). Are you getting any OBC in lieu?
  6. @jagsfan I can only imagine the stress. I would have been in tears & DH would have thrown his phone. I am so sorry you lost the voicemail. That is devastating.
  7. Wow. Beautiful photo. And I’ve never been in a helicopter that had more than 2 seats in the front. That’s why I was curious. All of you in the front with the pilot is amazing. No wonder you took such stunning footage. Thanks for sharing with us.
  8. @A&L_Ont superb video and excellent sightseeing experience for you all. How long was the flight time? Was there two passengers plus pilot in the front? Owen was in the front I take it. Did they assign you seating based on your weight or could you choose your seat?
  9. Agree. We were able to see the lobby but it was a busy place with workers so we only popped in and out again and didn’t take any photos.
  10. The beautiful kitty that DD is cat sitting needs to have his meal heated in the microwave for 6 secs before he will eat 🙄 We had a lightning storm the night before last. DD messaged us last night to say the power had been obviously been impacted because she wasn’t able to heat up her dinner leftovers in the microwave (plus half of the power points weren’t working). I said oh no about her dinner but also how will kitty go without his food being heated up. Turns out kitty has no issue eating his dinner unzapped. He was just being a Prince.
  11. @dani negreanu I am so sorry to read it’s taken this long for your DH’s pain issue to be resolved, especially as the resolution was so “simple”. I know you have a lot to deal with right now but will you re-schedule your trip?
  12. I’ve not noticed the similarities before. But you’re right they do. Think I’ve mentioned this before but on our first night in NYC, my DD excitedly posted a photo of the beautiful night view we had of the Empire State Building from our hotel room. We had a view of the Chrysler 🤣
  13. Sunset from Milsons Point Wharf tonight on Easter Saturday evening in Sydney. Watched & heard the Noordam depart from OPT as we left Milsons Point on the ferry to Circular Quay. We are in the city to see a performance tonight at the Sydney Opera House.
  14. @A&L_Ont my friend & her family did the helicopter tour & she complained bitterly about how disappointing it was. I know that won’t be the experience for you. I look forward to your photos (& possibly video).
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